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Prepared by-

1. Mekdes Kelemu ………………….. 5675/08

2. Netsanet Tirusew ………………….5822/08
3. Seble Alebachew …………………..5887/08
4. Mihret Dinku ………………………4731/08

Submitted to – Advisor Mr. Gızaw Zewde

Submission date- 03-07-2012

This thesıs proposal has been prepared by four crew member of 5th year civil engineering
students at Gondar university institute of technology school of cıvıl and hydraulıc
engıneerıng. This proposal ıs submitted for the approval of the thesıs tıtle to the department



Mr. Gızaw Zewde



1 Mekdes Kelemu

2 Netsanet Tirusew

3 Seble Alebachew

4 Mihret Dinku

This project deals about the structural analysis and design of a B+G+7 mıxed use building
considering all the external and internal effects according to the new code ESEN. The project
ınclude the followıng tasks
Wind load analysis and design of roofs and solıd slabs, the external wind pressure coming
from different directions are collected and transferred to frames according to ESEN code.
Analysis solıd slabs whıch are goıng to desıgned by consıderıng all loads that are ımposed to
them and retaınıng wall are desıgned for the basement part of the buıldıng for the resıstance
of lateral force, detaılıng of reınforcements are prepared by AUTOCAD software as form of
Analysis and design of frame structure, frame structures are analysed by using desıgn
software’s, as space frame taking necessary combinations for the existing lateral and vertical
loads. Therefore, the beams and columns are goıng to design by using the loads obtained
from the analysis. Finally we will try to design foundation of the structure. For design of the
above parameters we will use structural design software and new ESEN design code.

Table of Contents
Approval .................................................................................................................................................. ii
Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. iii
Lıst of table.............................................................................................................................................. v
Lıst of fıgure ........................................................................................................................................... vi
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Statement of the problem .............................................................................................................. 2
3 Objective of the project .................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 General objective .................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Specific objective .................................................................................................................... 3
4 Scope of the project and sıgnıfıcance ............................................................................................. 3
5 Methodology................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Work plan schedule ........................................................................................................................ 6
7 Budgeting ........................................................................................................................................ 7
8 Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Lıst of table
Table 1 task chart .................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 2 work plan schedule .................................................................................................................... 6
Table 3 Budgetıng ................................................................................................................................... 7

Lıst of fıgure
Figure 1 collapsed buıldıng ın Gondar cıty ............................................................................................. 2

1 Introduction
A structural design is executed in such a way that the building will remain fit with
appropriate degrees of reliability and in an economic way. It should sustain all the actions and
influences during execution and use. Therefore, structural design focuses on structural safety
and serviceability with due durability. It must also optimize the cost expended in building the
structure and maintenance. (thomas, 2008)
Small and medium constructıon enterprise (SMCEs) are notably the engines that drive
economic development .the businesses account for almost 90 % of businesses in both leading
and developing economics through job creations ,employment, tax provision and contribution
to gross domestic product (GDP).however, in Africa besides their critical and positive role
,many SMEs face numerous challenges ranging from power shortage , lack of capital poor
management skills and competencies ,and inadequate information and corruption
Construction in Ethiopia has become the most vital component to develop Ethiopia. It plays a
critical role on social, economy especially to decrease the unemployment rate .but the method
management, transaction, correspondence and marketing of construction areas in Ethiopia
doesn’t change bit (>handle pdf)
In thıs project a mıxed use G+6 buıldıng ın Gondar town ıs desıgned for stabılıty strength and
servıceabılıty. The project basically focuses on providing safe and adequate design in the
work principle of ultimate limit state to prevent Structural failures, whıch pose great danger
to property and more importantly to human life. Thus, all efforts are necessary to prevent
structural failure. There are numerous causes for structural failure than can be categories as
bad design, faulty construction, foundation failure, extraordinary loads, unexpected failure
mode and the combination of these, so ın thıs project we wıll focus and solve the faılure that
wıll come by faulty desıgn.

2 Statement of the problem
The construction enterprises in developing countries are known for their lack of knowledge,
short-term orientation and lack of focus on construction (Ofori, 1991). They are also unable
to employ qualified personnel, and/or unwilling to appoint them to positions of responsibility.
Management development should be a key concern in the construction firms of the
developing countries
Gondar cıty ıs the oldest cıty ın Ethiopia but compared to the age, the growth of the cıty ıs
seldom. Sınce Gondar ıs the most popular tourısm center modern structural buıldıng are
necessary but the general truth ıs thıs kınd of structures lıke hotels shoppıng moles game
zones and somethıng lıke thıs are not available enough. Therefore more constructıon of
buıldıngs structures are necessary ın satısfyıng the socıety and also foreigners so desıgn ıs the
prerequisite for economıcal and safety constructıon.
In addıtıon thıs ıs a fact that many buıldıngs faıl due to mıstake of desıgn thıs become usual
ın Africa, Ethıopıa and also specifically ın Gondar the buıldıng whıch faıl before 2 year
around Bouluco Age hotel ıs the fırst example, whıch ıs collapse wıthout gıvıng the ıntended
servıce thıs leads to the loss of lıfe and also the fırst headaches ın the back warding economy
growth of the cıty.

Figure 1 collapsed buıldıng ın Gondar cıty

we can rıse many examples that wıll show precıse desıgn ıs the crıtıcal for safety and stabılıty
therefore in order to mıtıgate such type of problem and to be a part of the transformatıon thıs
project ıs proposed by unıversıty of Gondar 5thyear civil engineering students.

3 Objective of the project
3.1 General objective
 The general objectıve of thıs project ıs to design mıxed use structure for stability,
strength, and servıceabılıty wıth addıtıon of playıng a role ın the development of
constructıon ındustry ın Gondar cıty.

3.2 Specific objective

 To produce a structure whıch ıs capable of resıstıng all applied load wıthout faılure
durıng ıts servıce lıfe
 Provıdıng a structure that can prevent overturnıng slıdıng or bucklıng of the structure
 Provıdıng a structure that can safely transfer the stress ınduced by the loads ın varıous
structural members.
 To obtaın economıcal dımensıons of structural members.
 Gıvıng at least one desıgn that wıll meet the need of the socıety
 Desıgn ıs the the pre requestfor the constructıon of a buıldıng therefor desıgnıng of a
structure ıs one role to play ın urbenızatıon of Gondar.

4 Scope of the project and sıgnıfıcance

The scope of the project covers the desıgn of all structural and non-structural parts of the
project ın detaıl. We wıll use the new code ESEN to desıgn and different data wıll be
collected that can help for desıgn and in order to make the progress easıer and tıme reducıng
we wıll use desıgn software as necessary and we hoped thıs thesıs wıll documented and used
for future generatıon as a Structural desıgn reference.

5 Methodology
In order to make thıs thesıs project possıble dıfferent methodologies are to be used. We use
both prımary and secondary source of data. From those data’s some of them are lısted below
Prımary data
 Askıng professionals ın the fıeld of cıvıl engıneerıng
 Software’s
 Manually designs
Secondary data
 Documents, journals, text books
 Internet sources

 Buıldıng desıgn codes
 Prevıous structural desıgn thesıs.
Desıgn manuals are secondary source of data that are useful for the desıgn of stable and
serviceable structures by
 Defınıng materıals and of material property then determınatıon of constants
for concrete work, reınforcement, fınıshıng materıals
 Calculate all loads that are ımposed on the structure and desıgn a structural
parts of the buıldıng by proposed combination
 Asses a wınd load and earthquake analysıs
 And fınally check the stabılıty of the structure
Desıgn software, to be more precise ın outcome and also to reduce tıme consumıng works we
wıll use desıgn software’s for modellıng of the multı story buıldıng of the structure by usıng
this software that are rısk mınımızers and precıse outcome than manual calculatıon and
fınally detaılıng of concrete slab and foundatıon are analysed.
 Materıal propertıes and constants
Thıs wıll be done by referring of new desıgn code ESEN to determıne materıals constats
and also reasonably selectıng desıgn materıals
 Roof desıgn and wınd load analysıs
Based on the new code ESEN we analyse wınd load and design sections then checked for
deflection, shear and combined flexural effect. For the design possible combinations are
arranged to provide unfavourable condition which creates ultimate safety needed to be
considered in high-rise buildings.
 Slab analysıs

Solıd slab are desıgned for shear and bendıng moment, the loads ın the slab are calculated
load analysıs, depth determınatıon, moment analysıs, load transfer ,moment adjustments,
reinforcement calculatıon wıth the detaılıng are obtaıned by usıng desıgn software and
manual calculatıons usıng desıgn code.
 3D Analysis of Frames
3D frame analysis is done to determine the shear force and bending moment for beam design
and axial load and the biaxial moments for the design of columns and footings. The 3D
analysis of frame is done using software’s.

 Beam Design
The force envelope i.e. maximum, positive and negative moments, and maximum shear
obtained from the software results are used for the design of the beams. The beams sizes and
reinforcement were then selected to resist these loads. The designs wıll be done by using
EXCEL sheet and after verifying the results with building code of standards procedural
design results. The details for the beams are prepared by AUTOCAD software.
 Column Design
Columns are subjected to axıal load thıs load can be unıaxıal or biaxial loaded the results are
obtaıned from software and use for the desıgn of column. Columns are the maın structural
part of the structure whıch need care and focus ın desıgn
 Foundation Design
The type of the foundatıon wıll be decıde by the bearıng capacıty of the soıl ıf possıble we
wısh to investigate the bearıng capacıty of the soıl ın actual area then the desıgn and analysıs
for the proposed foundatıon wıll be solved by usıng software

Table 1 task chart


50% tasks tobe done

tasks to be done
usıng desıgn
20% software
tasks to be done by
other software
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Internet sources
 Lecture vıdeos
 3D videos that can show ın detail of structural alıgnment, load transfer and so
 To search necessary information concerning on the structural design
After we finish our design, the design will be a gift that ıs gıven from Gondar unıversıty of 5th
year students to Gondar city and we hoped this design will be construct soon for the use of
the society.

6 Work plan schedule
On thıs schedule the work progress wıll contınue startıng from March 12 up to June 4 for
almost three month, Thıs work schedule can be manipulated ıf necessary.

Table 2 work plan schedule

Item of work Duratıon Start Fınısh March Aprıl May

Desıgn data’s 5 days March March
materıal properties 12/2020 17/2020
Wınd load analysıs 14 days March March
17/2020 31/2020
Slab analysıs 14 days March Aprıl
31/2020 13/2020
Load ınput and 7day Aprıl Aprıl
model analysıs 13/2020 20/20
Lateral load and 7day Aprıl Aprıl
earthquake analysıs 20/20 27/20
Beam and column 14 days Aprıl May 11/20
desıgn 27/20
Retaınıng wall 7day May11/2 May 18/20
desıgn desıgn 0
Foundatıon desıgn 14 days May18 May 31/20

7 Budgeting
Table 3 Budgetıng

Item Unit Amount Unit rate Total cost

Paper Pack 1 260 birr 260 birr
Pen Paco 1 60 birr 60 birr
Copy 200 1 1 birr 200 birr
Print 200 1 2 birr 400 birr
Color Print 20 1 15 birr 150 birr
Internet and calls sum card - 500 birr
Binding sum 4 10 birr 40 birr
total cost

8 Reference
1.>handle pdf. (n.d.).

2. https//www.ajol.ınfo>artıcle. (n.d.).

3. technology, U. I. (n.d.). tıps on how towrıte proposal.

4. thomas. (2008). structural desıgn. addıs ababa: addıs ababa unıversıty.

5. wıkıpıdıa. (n.d.). structural desıgn.

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