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Risk Assessment i engineering


Assessment Team : Elias Geagea/Issam Farah/Atilla Selcuk/Carlos Borja/Shiva Dhar Date (dd/mm/yyyy) : Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Head of Department Approval : Salah Medawar Revision number : 1

QHSE Representative Approval : Rodolf Hanna

Risk Rating
Type of Risk Type of Change Department Process Activity Source Potential Impact / Hazard Potential Cause Severity Probability Risk Impact Recommended Controls Implemented Y/N? Date of Implementation New Severity New Probability New Risk Rating New Risk Impact
(S x P)

Maintain Tenders & Loss of data of tenders received for internal servers not Cloub facility being used
Quality Sales Tendering Internal 4 4 16 Extreme Yes January 1 2017 1 2 2 Low
Quotations Logbook future assessment functioning or crashed alongside the internal servers

Review and assess missing of critical client info thereby

Quality Sales Tendering Internal oversight 4 3 12 High Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 2 4 Medium
critical tender elements misquoting

Analyze project
requirements and
Quality Sales Tendering Internal Submission of unrealistic quote oversight 4 4 16 Extreme Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 2 4 Medium
determine relevant

Obtain RM approval On Vacation and cant be

Quality Sales Tendering Internal Missing of project target margin 3 3 9 Medium Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 1 3 3 Low
for quote reached

Submit tender within

Quality Sales Tendering Internal Disqualification oversight 4 3 12 High Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 3 1 3 Low

Sales procedures/ regularly

Follow-up tender with
Quality Sales Tendering Internal Quote could be ignored by the client oversight 4 3 12 High following up with client on the Yes January 1 2017 2 2 4 Medium
status of submitted tenders

Analyze client Not updating the RM for new

Contract Negotiation
Quality Sales requirements with Internal information from the client means oversight 4 3 12 High Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 2 4 Medium
and Signature
RM/BDM avoiding guidance

Submit amended
Contract Negotiation
Quality Sales tender Internal Disqualification/misquoting oversight 4 3 12 High Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 3 1 3 Low
and Signature

Review received
Contract Negotiation signing contract with terms that were
Quality Sales contract doc for Internal oversight 3 3 9 Medium Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 1 2 Low
and Signature not negotiated for

Contract Negotiation
Quality Sales Sign the contract Internal No signature no contract oversight 5 3 15 High Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 1 2 Low
and Signature

failure on the part of

Clients Complaints
Quality Sales Assess complaints Internal Dissatisfied client client to escalate 4 4 16 Extreme Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 1 2 Low
complaints properly

Discuss and assess Inablilty to reach the

Clients Complaints
Quality Sales complaints with Internal professing of inefficient solution concerend parties due to 3 3 9 Medium Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 1 2 Low
concerned parties workload

Inablilty to reach the

Clients Complaints Develop and Agree on
Quality Sales Internal Not meeting the requirement of client concerend parties due to 4 3 12 High Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 1 2 Low
Handling solution/action plan

Lack of resources to
Clients Complaints
Quality Sales Implement solution Internal Dissatisfied client implement the agreed 4 3 12 High Bank facility obtained Yes January 1 2017 2 2 4 Medium

Clients Complaints
Quality Sales Evaluate efficiency Internal Not meeting the requirement of client oversight 3 4 12 High Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 2 4 Medium

Ref: IENG/TEM/IMS/001/19 Version: 3.0 1

This document is the property of i engineering. It cannot be copied or transferred without prior authorization.
Risk Assessment i engineering

Lack of proper
Clients Complaints Implement preventive
Quality Sales Internal Dissatisfied client & loss of business supervision by the 4 4 16 Extreme Sales procedures Yes January 1 2017 2 1 2 Low
Handling actions
assigned controller

Annual company Lack of funds to pay for

Quality Sales Tendering Internal Loss of business 4 4 16 Extreme Bank facility obtained Yes January 1 2017 2 2 4 Medium
business renewal renewal

Poor preparation and

exaggeration of
Maintain the Company Profiles
company potential
and Presentations all the time
Timely Non availability
Quality Sales Communication Marketing Activity Internal Negative image of Company 3 3 9 Medium keep the records updated matching Yes Wednesday, March 13, 2019 2 2 4 Medium
of Marketing documents
with contents in Company Profile
to meet customer

0 0

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0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Ref: IENG/TEM/IMS/001/19 Version: 3.0 2

This document is the property of i engineering. It cannot be copied or transferred without prior authorization.
Risk Assessment i engineering

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0 0

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0 0

Ref: IENG/TEM/IMS/001/19 Version: 3.0 3

This document is the property of i engineering. It cannot be copied or transferred without prior authorization.
Risk Assessment i engineering

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0 0

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0 0

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0 0

Ref: IENG/TEM/IMS/001/19 Version: 3.0 4

This document is the property of i engineering. It cannot be copied or transferred without prior authorization.
Risk Assessment i engineering

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0 0

Ref: IENG/TEM/IMS/001/19 Version: 3.0 5

This document is the property of i engineering. It cannot be copied or transferred without prior authorization.
Risk Assessment i engineering

0 0

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0 0

Ref: IENG/TEM/IMS/001/19 Version: 3.0 6

This document is the property of i engineering. It cannot be copied or transferred without prior authorization.
Severity & Probability
Probability Section Severity Section Risk

All Departments - Environmental - Health & Safety -

Probability EPC - Probability O&M - Probability Severity Quality - Description Between 1 and 3
Probability Description Description

Not happened before and Not happened before and

Detected in one Internal detected by ieng and not detected by ieng and not No impact at all with no No impact at all with no No impact at all with no
1 Slight = 1 Between 4 and 9
Audit each other year affecting the Project's affecting the Network financial loss financial loss financial loss / No injuries
deadline Availability

Negligible Impact on
Detected by ieng during
Detected in only one Detected by ieng not in Environment (If the aspects
the Preventive First aid or Medical Treatment
Internal Audit during the every Project within one Beyond i engineering target contain biodegradable
2 Maintenance and not Minor = 2 requiring rest for less than 3 Between 10 and 15
year and not affecting the year and not affecting the but within the customer's target constituents) EX: Discarded
affecting the Network days
client Project's deadline food - Paper - Urine - Feces -
Cutting 1 Tree

Detected in 2 or more Detected by ieng once in Detected by ieng NOC Moderate Impact on
Beyond i engineering's and
Internal Audits during the each other Project and not and corrected during Environment. Example: Injury requiring rest of more
3 Moderate = 3 customer's target, with no Between 16 and 25
year and not affecting the affecting the Project's Corrective Maintenance Cutting 5 or more trees, than 3 days
financial loss
client deadline while abiding by SLA Chemical spill of 1 to 10 Liters

Hospitalization required for

Detected in only one
Detected by ieng and Detected by ieng and not High Impact on environment. more than 2 weeks. EX:
Internal Audit during the Financial loss - Penalty and
4 affecting the Project's respecting SLA & High Major = 4 Example: A spill 10 to 100 Permanent severe health effect,
year and affecting the Loss of reputation
deadline CPH Liters of Fuel Surgery - Broken Leg/hand

Detected in 2 or more
Very High Impact on the
Inetrnal Audits during the Each time it is reported by Each time it is reported by Accident leading to Death or a
5 Catastrophic = 5 Project Withdrawal environment. Example: Above
year and affecting the the client the client continuous disability
100 Liters of Chemical Spills
Risk Rating

Between 1 and 3 Low

Between 4 and 9 Medium

Between 10 and 15 High

Between 16 and 25 Extreme

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