The Transporter: Detailed Business Plan

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Detailed Business Plan

The Transporter

Business Description

1) The Market Need The Company Tries To Meet

Our company is trying to meet the need of being transported quickly and with a low

2) Products And Services

We will be providing the service of transportation but it's going to be in a different
way. Calling a taxi to transport you from a place to another is the usual way and lately
taxis and the means of transportation are becoming expensive.

So our service will be sending a driver to the customer to drive the customer's car, just
a driver that can stay with the client as much as he wants. The driver can travel with
him or stay as much as the journey takes plus dealing with corporations such as
schools and firms. We can also work as an agency that hires drivers to clients and the
client will be responsible for the driver's salary.

The advantage to the customer is not paying the same expenses if a car is sent to him,
and if he has a car and needs only a driver that's our role. Some people are too tired to
drive for a long duration of time or cannot travel by car because of certain
circumstances. All these are advantages to our customers and clients.

There are few disadvantages and weak points in our business. First of all is the full
responsibility for the client's car whatever damage happens to the car we are
responsible for all the costs and charges. The second weak point is related to the
customers which is trust, a lot of people won't trust us in the beginning. No one will
leave his car, life and money between the hands of a stranger.

We have some developments for the future for example having a mobile application
that facilitates for the clients ordering a driver and each driver will be having a
tracking device so the client can know where the driver, where is his car right now and
when will the driver finish the task whatever it is.

3) Long-Term Aim Of The Business


Expanding our business not just in Alexandria our plan is being all over Egypt and
maybe after some years it's going to be in the Middle East and worldwide.
Transporting more than just people we are planning to move crates, objects and so on.
This means buying vans and big vehicles for the objects and crates. Last but not least
having our own cars and drivers to transport people. The possibility of moving more
than one person in a goal which is under consideration.

4) Main Business Objectives

* After five more years we can see our company as follows, being available in more
than just Alexandria at least in the main cities of Egypt.

* Our sales should exceed what we paid for starting the company.

* Having enough staff composed of drivers, call center employees, accountants and
office employees to be capable of dealing and compromising with all the customers
and the transactions that happens in the company specially after expanding outside

5) SWAT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
1) Being the first company to create this kind 1) The difficulty to earn people's trust.
of service in Egypt. 2) People might not understand the main idea
2) The developments in our company related of the business.
to the future.
3) Our long-term goals and objectives.
Opportunities Threats
1) The existence of a lot of labor in Egypt. 1) The establishment of a new company with
2) The market need that the company tries to the same idea.
meet. 2) Copyrights issues.
3) Having the license and the work
authorization from the government.
4) Theft of company's secrets, ideas and
future developments.

6) Management Structure And Areas Of Responsibilities.

The main key to success in any business is it's management. If the management is
successful therefore the company is successful. Our company requires more than just
one manger and very high management skills.

The distribution of the management in our company is listed as follows:

1) CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

2) COO (Chief Operations Officer)

3) Managers (Financial, Marketing, Regional, HR and Customer Service)

4)Employees (Marketers, Drivers, Call Center Employees, Accountants and Office


So there's a relation between all the sections of the management, first thing is
marketing the mean of delivering the idea into the mind of the people. Financial
management is as important as marketing management.

Customer’s service comes after marketing and financing. The most important thing is
attracting new customers and keeping old customers. Call center lies under customer
service, answering calls and switching the orders to head of drivers then the driver
which is the last step.

Expanding in more than one city requires a branch in each city and every branch
should have regional managers to control everything in the branch.

If every management works with full efficiency, sales will increase, faults will
decrease and the goodwill of our company will increase all these factors make our
company much valuable.

The Marketing Plan

1) Profile Of Competitors

Our company doesn’t have direct competitors, like there is no company in the market that has
the same idea and that's somehow an advantage to us, but there are some companies that
provide transportation for people different from the regular cab.

Mostly they are named (Fast Call) the idea of it is you call a cab and then it picks you up from
where ever you are, once you ride the vehicle the meter starts calculating your fare and the
you pay when you arrive. The biggest company in this field and the oldest is Mobinil's fast
call but it's a little expensive but now there are other companies less expensive like Salerno
and Taxi Cab, but there size in the market isn’t that big.

All in all these companies make good money because people are willing to pay for a safe,
clean and a verified transportation. So they target a need that's common between many
people. The disadvantages are you pay a lot, sometimes these companies are on hold due to
the circumstances that happen in the country and you cant travel using fast calls. The last
disadvantage which is the most important one is some people already have their car all what
they need is a drive not a taxi and here comes our opportunity to enter the market with our
new idea and service.

2) Marketing Strategy

The segments that we will be targeting in the market will be the middle and high segments of
the society because these are the main segments that have cars, will be needing drivers, and
can afford paying for a driver.

We don’t have any competitors in the market because no one else provides the same service
we provide, so the difference lies in the service itself.

1. The key benefits are:

Our service will be cheaper that any transportation service.
2. Customers will avoid the stress of being stuck in traffic while driving.
3. You can make use of the time of the journey instead of driving.

We have a wide variety of potential customers; we can target anyone who cannot drive such
as: handicapped people or people who lost their ability or health to drive like old people.

Also, people who can't tolerate the traffic and people who can't drive for long periods of time
are our customers, as well as schools and firms.

The staff will be responsible for the marketing.

3) Sales (Distribution) Strategy

We are going to sell our service using two ways (Directly and Website)

Directly: Selling our service directly isn’t really costly the only expenses will be for the call

Website: There will be a website established with the name of our company to sell the service
where people can order drivers online without contacting the call center.

Fees for the website aren’t expensive, maximum fees will be 1800 EGP.

We didn’t use the other methods (Retail, distributor, agent, sales reps and revenue sharing
partners) because our company provides a service not a product, and we are trying to stick to
a low budget sales strategy due to our limited capital.

4) Pricing

We have two kinds of competitors, regular cab and fast calls companies.

Usually the regular cab driver estimates the price of the journey depending on the traffic, his
mood or the customer's behavior which is a great disadvantage. Fast calls use taxi meter to
calculate the fees of the journey depending on distance the journey took.

When we talk about a regular cab minimum you pay 5 EGP but let's say the journey took like
30 minutes so the fees will be around 30 EGP. Fast calls are more expensive, let's compare
using the same journey the fees will be around 60 EGP. This is too expensive and here comes
our role in providing a transportation service which is cheaper.

In the beginning our main calculation unit will be time, so let's say you needed a driver for:

30 minutes 25 EGP
1 hour 45 EGP
6 hours 200EGP
12 hours 350 EGP
1 day 550 EGP

We can also match our drivers with our regular customers. So, for example if a client wants to
hire a driver for a long period of time, we'll get a commission of 7% from the driver's salary
from this client.
5) Promotion Strategy

Advertising: we will be depending on putting signs and distributing flyers in crowded places
such as cafes, railway stations, clubs, shopping centers, malls and restaurants.

Website and internet marketing: We will take over the Social Medias (Instagram, Facebook
and Twitter) like pop up ads that appear while surfing the internet.

Word of mouth: The most important and the main mean of advertising, nowadays people trust
their friends that have already tried and dealt with everything either a service or a product. So
we will be depending on our former customers that have tried our service to promote it among
the society.

(6) Demand (Sales) Forecasts

As we are service-providers, we don’t have a total of units sold per year. So, we estimated the
years by the hours people rent the driver’s by.

Service Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Hours used by customers 2200 hours 5555 hours 13333 hours

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