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Complete the statements with one of the given words.

and but or so because

1.- It was very sunny yesterday, __________________________________we went to the beach.

2.- My father likes soccer,________________________________________he doesn’t like tennis.

3.- We aren’t going to the bank____________________________________it is closed.

4.- It’s cloudy today,_____________________________________________I take my umbrela.

5. You want to watch a movie here _________________________________you like to play video games.

6. I didn’t buy the red shoes________________________________________I didn’t have money.

7. My sister eats a lot of fruits______________________________________she loves them.

8.- Her boyfriend runs in the park everyday___________________________she does aerobics.

9.- We went to their party,________________________________________ we didn’t like it.

10. Frank and Bob played the guitar very good,________________________they won a musical contest last weekend.

11. The teacher explained the grammar, _____________________________we couldn’t understand.

12. I was very hungry last night,_____________________________________I ate two orders of beef taquitos.

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