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seeds and nuts to ‘finish’ a meal:

Grated seeds and nuts and nutriPonal yeast

add a delicious and nutriPous crunch to
soups, stocks and stews

affects They contain lots of B vitamins, fiber and
zinc as well as phyPc acid that helps acPvate
& them

Your A dash of flavoured oil or low kcal sauce can
health also be used as a finishing touch, remember
anyone can cook!
MY    REWARDS   My weekly reward this week is: My daily reward is:



I ate a healthy breakfast with

some lean protein

I ate a healthy lunch with at

least 1 portion of veg

I ate my dinner with at least 3

portions of veg

I ate some healthy fruit or had

a recommended supplement
AND had 30ml/kg BW of fluid
(Click Here for Virtual Supermarket Tour:)


"Remember to brainstorm and replace suggested alternatives to

client specific alternatives relevant to their plan"


Crisps In order of preference:

Home made vegetable crisps/snacks (peas,

carrots, aubergine) made with dehydrator (easy)*
Air popped popcorn (if not on detox plan) 50kcal
or less*, *can flavour with walden farms zero kcal
dips/syrup/sauce (be careful if sensitive to
artificial sweeteners)
Maize 50kcal small crisps
Healthy Alternatives


Sweets/candy (non chocolate) In order of preference:

Home made bell pepper candy made with
dehydrator (easy)* use walden farms zero kcal
sauces or 1 tbsp of honey(if detox plan) per 2
peppers, for sweet candy snack
Air popped popcorn or dehydrated peas (if not on
detox plan) dipped in walden farms sauce/syrup
or other zero kcal syrup



Chocolate In order of preference:

Dark cocoa ground or powder (and melted) onto
pitted olives, coconut meat, rice cracker, seeds
and nuts (size of 1 thumb)

Healthy Alternatives


Fast food Non meat or turkey burger with oven baked fries (*make sure
less than 6% fat), wrap with turkey bacon and Quorn
sausage if appropriate to plan or turkey bacon and turkey
sausage or dehrydrated and peppered aubergine
slices/chips, homemade bean burger patty with sweet potato
oven chips*
Home made sweet and sour or curry meals on a small plate
(less than (5-6 inch diameter), use fat free greek style yogurt
as an alternative to cream in curries but cook only on low
heat - check if appropriate to plan, may need to use coconut
cream based alts but check less than 6% fat
1/2 a cup of garlic mushrooms can be replaced with basil oil
mushrooms for the detox plan
"Add portion guide for each food group"

E.g. Pasta (wholegrain/brown) Chicken (any cut without skin) Half a cup of cooked veg or 1 cup of salad 3 plus cups of lean dairy (skimmed milk) is
Rice (wild/brown) Turkey & turkey mince leaves or half a cup of sliced/diced fruit or the general recommendation, whole fat milk
Bread/toast (multi-grain/wholewheat or Turkey bacon or sausage about 1 medium fruit in combination with an otherwise lower
seeded alts) Lean beef and mince Aim for a variety of colours with at least 3 fat/healthy fat diet may have a slight benefit
Potatoes/yams (sweet potatoes or other Lamb or duck that is grilled or stewed different colours a day for gut health in non lactose intolerant
yams are slightly better in vitamin and minus juices Colours chosen should be the most vibrant individuals, sometimes people become
mineral content than white potatoes but Pork shoulder or other cut with fat trimmed examples e.g. dark green kale, bright temporarily lactose intolerance following
theres not much in it) and grilled/stewed orange carrots, yellow bell peppers infections or trauma to the gut this is
At least half your intake of this Non vegan Quorn meat alts Aim for a minimum of 5 servings a day because lactose is broken down there and
group should be whole-grains Processed meat with nitrites/nitrates in the preferably 7-9 the majority of which should the lactase enzyme that breaks it down is
If struggling to stay over a pan to stir then ingredient list should be limited to less than be veg produced less in these conditions due to
you can always cook in a pressure cooker half a serving a day Veg can be cooked any way, as per inflammation
or rice cooker any grains with enough water Choose lean varieties, when using alts 3 packet instructions the fact many nutrients Full fat sauces such as cream sauces or
half cups (each half cup is around 3 are lost in boiling is built into daily non healthy oils should be limited to no
heaped tbsp) is equal to 1 serving of meat recommendations more than a couple of days a week max
when using beans, other pulses, peas and Steaming and microwaving veg loses the Healthy oils or unhydrogenated olive oil,
lentils as a meat alternative this also fewest nutrients for a boost rapeseed/canola oil, sunflower oil, seed &
applies for vegan Quorn replacements Throw in unusual choices to spice up a nut oils and avocado oil, check the label
meal, e.g. berries with kale, onion & steak Several tbsp of healthy oil or non high fat
sauce can be added to the top of any meal
in a spiral drizzle, get a sauce pourer and
measure the sauce you put in before using

1.1 Eat more fruits & veggies 3.1 Celebrate

1.2 Eat regular meals

3.2 Keep in touch

1. Diet 3. Social

1.3 Less sugar 3.2 Assistance

How to Lead a
Healthier Life
2.1 Sports 4.1 On Time

2.2 Walking 4.2 6-8 hours

2. Exercise 4. Sleep
2.3 Stretching 4.3 Drink water before & after
The Paleo

An individual's diet is the sum of food eggs
and drink that he or she habitually dairy
consumes. Dieting is the practice of
attempting to achieve or maintain a
certain weight through diet. People's Pescetarian
dietary choices are often affected by Fish
a variety of factors, including ethical
and religious beliefs, clinical need, Omnivore
or a desire to control weight. Plants beef/game
*Regional non-grain, non-legume and non-potato plants.
** Grass-fed and free-range preferred
*** Wild-caught preferred
No 1: the microbiome
Liquid weight loss diet plans

are low in fibre, polyphenols

Why Popular Diets Are and fructo-oligosacharides

Bad High protein despite some being added

Diets that are purely or almost very high fat back in via expensive

entirely liquid based and/or diets supplementation they will

heavily rely on supplements are

increases all probably have a large negative

expensive compared to
cause death impact on gut bacteria

cooking from fresh

and may balance in the long-run

Theres a massive array of no

increase risk Gut bacterial balance and the

cook or 15 minute cook recipes

of heart microbiome has been linked to

out there just check Jamie

disease IBS, diverticular disease and

auto-immune disease like

Oliver's cookbooks

Chron's and Celiac, and

Most either have negative

although not necessarily a

effects over 10 years or haven't

causual factor has a role to

been looked at in the long-run

play in symptom management

and disease progression

Intermittent Fasting and Other Diets:
Intermittent fasting diets result in weight loss, but on 'fasting' days eating as little as
500kcal makes it impossible to get enough vitamins and minerals not to mention fibre
and fructo-oligosacharides for optimal gut health.

Why not supplement?

Vitamins and minerals from conventional supplementation are okay, but nowhere
near a) as well absorbed as fully natural whole-food equivalents and b) are not as
effective when taken as a supplement, it is now thought vitamins and minerals
interact EXTENSIVELY with phyto-nutrient like polyphenols; flavinoids, flavinols and
anthocyanins as well as other non traditionally nutritive compounds like anti-oxidant
phytates in complex and as yet poorly understood ways to boost activity,
effectiveness and absorption

Also encouraging a starve, binge cycle is not good food psychology and may
increase risk of eating disorders in the long run

In short the best diet is a mainly whole-food diet rich in whole-grains, fresh/frozen
relatively unprocessed fruit and vegetables with some healthy fat in the form of nuts,
seeds, avocado and olives/olive oil, rapeseed or canola oil and 2-3 servings of oily
fish (non pregnant adults), limiting red meat and processed foods to a minimum
Appropriate Supplementation: Good, Bad or Toxic?
"There is nothing wrong and potentially a lot to be gained from APPROPRIATE supplementation, the evidence
base for supplementation to support a whole-food diet well never match that of medicine due to severe funding
issues and the fact it is hard to patent supplements and hence the financial incentives to fund the initial
research is weak and relies on university professors doing small scale trials of around 15-30 subjects.

This falls significantly short of the E.U's requirement for nutrition claims, which requires a LOT of small scale
studies plus numerous large scale population studies or a large scale randomised clinical trial (which costs

There is a LOT to be lost from inappropriate supplementation in particular vitamins and minerals well above
often over 10x the RDA, especially calcium and vitamin D supplements and supplements of other fat soluble
vitamins like vitamins A and E. These can lead to toxicity with symptoms like general fatigue, muscle weakness,
dizziness, rashes, poor hair or hair falling out, confusion, pain and ultimately death as well as an increased risk
of cancer, liver and heart disease. Notice that many symptoms of toxicity are similar to symptoms of deficiency
as they affect many of the same systems. Differentiation can be achieved by liver enzyme tests like ALT
enzyme tests spikes and high values showing a liver that is struggling, sometimes bilirubin excess proteins and
glucose that shouldn't be in the urine may also appear with both liver and kidney disease the former due to
overloading the filtering effect of the kidneys with excess products that are normally broken down or controlled
by the liver, the latter from the kidneys not doing their normal job. A simple urinalysis stick test can be done to
screen for these products although careful consideration should be taken to avoid contamination by touching
the end of the stick to be dipped in the reagent or reactive substance with your hand, contamination with
urinalysis is one of the most common reasons for positive results so all positive results should be followed up
appropriately with relevant enzyme tests e.g. ALT"

Many herb and plant based supplements have the potential to react with medications so it is important to check
with the prescribing doctor about interaction effects, ASWELL AS this you can also check established drug
nutrient interactions through the following link:

Medscape drug interaction checker

Meal planners
Some people won't and will NEVER meal plan they are typical food grazers, having
small amounts of food over a longer period. These people often say they find little
time for meal planning or claim they can't cook, when it is quick and easy to knock
up a stir fry, these people often lack confidence in cooking skills and see cooking
as a kind of mystical art. This attitude is created by TV chefs that tailor their
programs to a crowd that want to see complicated delicious looking dishes with
multi-stage cooking processes. Most people don't cook like this the majority of
the time, they may follow a recipe for 1-3 meals a week but do a simple quick
knock up the rest of the time. These people work better with portion based plans
or no plans at all.

The no plan approach involves advice about reading nutrition labels and traffic
light symbols and consuming only foods less than 200kcal for snacks and no red
traffic lights, less than 400kcal if buying pre-made for breakfast, again avoiding
red traffic lights, and 400kcal for lunch and less than 800kcal for dinner, this
combines with portion advice for fruit and veg with 5-7 portions the majority of
which ideally should be veg, when having grains the majority should whole grains,
multi-grains or 'wild' varieties. 

Red traffic lights:

(Greater than 22.5 grams of sugar per 100g), (greater than 5g of saturated fat
per 100g), (greater than 1.5 grams of salt per 100g), (greater than 17.5g of fat
per 100g)

Green traffic lights:

(Less than 5g of sugar per 100g), (less than 1.5g of saturated fat per 100g),
(less than 0.5g of salt per 100g), (less than 3g of fat per 100g)

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