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“My guiding principle is that

prosperity can be shared we can

create wealth together. The global

economy is not a zero-sum game.”
-Julia Gillard, Prime minister of
Hurry up! And
In globalization, we can attain be a globally
prosperity at the same time we can
help other countries develop their

Your Life Behind it!

What makes globalization
What can we get from
Globalization is a way for 1. It gives us a chance to explore
all of us to be connected the world.
2. It gives us an opportunity to
to each other. It can also 1. We can be a globally competitive.
2. We can have an access to foreign adapt in different cultures.
be a way of developing countries. 3. It helps us to be aware from the
3. We can earn extra income. changes happening in the world.
one’s life amidst 4. We can develop our skills and 4. It gives us a way on how we,
diversity. 5. We can be a technology-advanced.
people do what is right and how
we become more responsible in
our deeds.
5. Lastly it helps us to build strong
connections and to share more
great ideas for us to grow better.

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