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My name is Amiable Amara Okoye Maduka and i want to present in the most succinct form the
various ways social media has enhanced humanity .

EMANCIPATION : the advent of social media gave rise to emancipation from social and cultural
degradation of the human person. It has given a voice to the voiceless especially the women who are
now speaking up when the society would have wanted them to do the opposite. There are various
groups and pages in social media which offers women in abusive marriages, victims of rape and
other women subjected to many forms of societal degradation and mental slavery the ability to heal,
get their self esteem back intact and leave in order to live.

I cannot help but grieve on the various cases of child abuse recorded just in the past few months.
Social media made it possible for people to be able to share videos of such abuses in order for the
right authority to take immediate action in rescuing the victims and also make sure that the
perpetrators are brought to book

The movement championed by my able Mummy Gozie Udemezue have also opened a fresh page
for many widows as they are being made to understand that being widowed is never a death
sentence. She redefined widowhood to save women who due to unfavourable cultural stigma made
them feel like outcast in the society.

Following the likes of Gozie Udemezue on facebook have encouraged many poor widows who had
paused their lives and even stop living all because they lost their beloved husband to start LIVING
AGAIN and work towards achieving their dreams.

TALENT DISCOVERY : We live in a highly corrupt world where to get to the top who you know
matters a lot. Lots of talent remained undiscovered because they never have access to those that
matters. The advent of social media have put an end to all that. Through Facebook, Instagram, tiktok
and twitter a lot talents are being discovered and followed by just clicking the SHARE and LIKE

CONNECTION: Should one call it divine connection?. Through social media a lot of us are opportuned
to connect with people all over the world. Many couples met their spouses on Facebook, lots of
people got fantastic job opportunities through Twitter and LinkedIn. In many cases a lot of people
with chronic health conditions with no hope of footing medical bills got rescued by just appealing for
help on different social media platforms.

Yes I will definitely call it divine connection.

With all that is going on in our world today especially since the outbreak of covid 19, Social media
has remained the safe heaven that is keeping everybody sane. It has not only served as a variable
tool for increasing social awareness on the dreaded epidemic but has also subtly provided a sense of
togetherness between individuals, states and countries.

Social media is the only medium that enabled us to interact with each other despite the lockdown
and also get entertained while we all await the end of the epidemic. Imagine a nation wide lockdown
without Facebook, tiktok Instagram and Snapchat; more people will probably die of loneliness , fear,
boredom and depression before the feared virus will even get to them.

GIVEAWAYS : a lot of people have received gifts and presents ranging from edible to non- edible
things from persons they met in social media platforms. The world is indeed in need of such act of
benevolence especially now that there is as nationwide lockdown to curtail the spread of the virus. A
lot of families are starving and needed food to survive and through social media many of these
families benefited immensely from lots of giveaways done in my social media platforms.

The love people are receiving through social media is mind blowing and it shows that together we
shall all see the end of covid 19.

So come Sunday, we shall all be singing “ Up from the grave he arose ...”

Taking part in the services being streamed live on the various social media platforms and of course
have our rice and chicken to enjoy afterwards.

Happy Easter in advance

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