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41.1.28A C.

AOAC Official Method 996.06 (a) Pyrogallic acid.
Fat (Total, Saturated, and Unsaturated) (b) Hydrochloric acid.—12 and 8.3M. To make 8.3M HCl, add
in Foods 250 mL 12M HCl to 110 mL H2O. Mix well. Store at room
Hydrolytic Extraction Gas Chromatographic Method temperature (20°–25°C).
First Action 1996 (c) Ammonium hydroxide.—58% (w/w).
Revised 2001
(d) Diethyl ether.—Purity appropriate for fat extraction.
(Applicable to determination of fat in foods.) (e) Petroleum ether.—Anhydrous.
Caution: Boron trifluoride may be fatal if inhaled. (f) Ethanol.—95% (v/v).
(g) Toluene.—Nanograde.
See Tables 996.06A–C for the results of the interlaboratory study (h) Chloroform.
supporting acceptance of the method. (i) Sodium sulfate.—Anhydrous.
A. Principle (j) Boron trifluoride reagent.—7% BF3 (w/w) in methanol, made
Fat and fatty acids are extracted from food by hydrolytic methods from commercially available 14% BF3 solution. Prepare in the hood.
(acidic hydrolysis for most products, alkaline hydrolysis for dairy (k) Diethyl ether–petroleum ether mixture.—1 + 1 (v/v).
products, and combination for cheese). Pyrogallic acid is added to (l) Triglyceride internal standard solution.—C11:0-triundecanoin;
minimize oxidative degradation of fatty acids during analysis. 5.00 mg/mL in CHCl3. Accurately weigh 2.50 g C11:0-triundecanoin
Triglyceride, triundecanoin (C11:0), is added as internal standard. Fat into 500 mL volumetric flask. Add ca 400 mL CHCl3 and mix until
is extracted into ether, then methylated to fatty acid methyl esters dissolved. Dilute to volume with CHCl3. Invert flask at least
(FAMEs) using BF3 in methanol. FAMEs are quantitatively measured 10 additional times. Triglyceride internal standard solution is
by capillary gas chromatography (GC) against C11:0 internal standard. stable up to 1 month when stored in refrigerator (2°–8°C).
Total fat is calculated as sum of individual fatty acids expressed as ( m ) F a t t y a c i d m e t h y l e s t e r s ( FA M E s ) s t a n d a rd
triglyceride equivalents. Saturated and monounsaturated fats are solutions.—(1) Mixed FAMEs standard solution.—Reference
calculated as sum of respective fatty acids. Monounsaturated fat mixture containing series of FAMEs, including C18:1 cis and trans
includes only cis form. (available as GLC-85 from Nu Chek Prep, Elysian, MN 56028,
B. Apparatus
USA, or equivalent). To prepare mixed FAMEs standard solution,
break top of glass vial, open, and carefully transfer contents to
(a) Gas chromatograph.—With hy drogen flame ionization 3-dram glass vial. Wash original vial with hexane to ensure
detector, capillary column, split mode injector, oven temperature complete transfer and add washings to 3-dram glass vial. Dilute to ca
programming sufficient to implement a hold-ramp-hold sequence. 3 mL with hexane.
Operating conditions: temperature (°C): injector, 225; detector, 285; (2) C11:0 FAME standard solution.—C11:0-Undecanoic methyl
initial temp, 100 (hold 4 min); ramp, 3°C/min; final temp 240; hold ester in hexane. Use only in preparation of individual FAME
15 min; carrier gas, helium; flow rate, 0.75 mL/min; linear velocity, standard solutions, (3). To prepare C11:0 FAME standard solution,
18 cm/s; split ratio, 200:1. break top of glass vial open and carefully transfer contents to 50 mL
(b) Capillary column.—Separating the FAME pair of adjacent volumetric flask. Wash original vial with hexane to ensure complete
peaks of C18:3 and C20:1 and the FAME trio of adjacent peaks of C22:1, transfer and add washings to 50 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to
C20:3, and C20:4 with a resolution of 1.0 or greater. SP2560 100 m ´ volume with hexane. C11:0 FAME standard solution is stable up to
0.25 mm with 0.20 mm film is suitable. 1 week when stored at 0°C.
(c) Mojonnier flasks. (3) Individual FAME standard solutions.—Standard solutions of
(d) Stoppers.—Synthetic rubber or cork. each of fol low ing FAMEs: C 4 : 0 -tetranoic methyl es ter,
(e) Mojonnier centrifuge basket. C 6 : 0 -hexanoic methyl es ter, C 8 : 0 -octanoic methyl es ter,
(f) Hengar micro boiling granules. C 10:0 -decanoic methyl es ter, C 12:0 -dodecanoic methyl es ter,
(g) Baskets.—Aluminum and plastic. C13:0-tridecanoic methyl ester, C14:0-tetradecanoic methyl ester,
(h) Shaker water bath.—Maintaining 70°–80°C. C14:1-9-tetradecenoic methyl ester, C15:0-pentadecanoic methyl
(i) Steam bath.—Supporting common glassware. ester, C15:1-10-pentadecenoic methyl ester, C16:0-hexadecanoic
(j) Water bath.—With nitrogen stream supply, maintaining 40° ± m e t h y l e s t e r, C 1 6 : 1 - 9 - h e xa d e c e n o i c me t h y l e s t e r,
5°C. C17:0-heptadecanoic methyl ester, C17:1-10-heptadecenoic methyl
ester, C18:0-octadecanoic methyl ester, C18:1-9-octadecenoic methyl
(k) Wrist action shaker.—Designed for Mojonnier centrifuge
e s t e r, C 1 8 : 2 - 9 , 1 2 -o c t a d e c a d i e no i c m e th y l e s t e r,
C18:3-9,12,15-octadecatrienoic methyl ester, C20:0-eicosanoic methyl
(l) Mojonnier motor driven centrifuge.—Optional; maintaining
ester, C20:1-8-eicosenoic methyl ester, C20:2-11,14-eicosadienoic
600 rpm.
methyl ester, C20:3-11,14,17-eicosatrienoic methyl ester, and
(m) Gravity convection oven.—Maintaining 100° ± 2°C. C22:0-docosanoic methyl ester. Prepare individual FAME standard
(n) Vortex mixer. solutions as follows: Break top of glass vial open and carefully
(o) Gas dispersion tubes.—25 mm, porosity “A,” extra coarse, transfer contents to 3-dram glass vial. Wash original vial with hexane
175 mm. to ensure complete transfer and add washings to 3-dram glass vial.
(p) Three-dram vials.—About 11 mL. Add 1.0 mL C11:0 FAME standard solution, (2), dilute to total volume
(q) Phenolic closed top caps.—With polyvinyl liner, to fit vials. of ca 3.0 mL with hexane. Individual FAME standard solutions are
(r) Teflon/silicone septa.—To fit vials. stable up to 1 week when stored in refrigerator (2°–8°C).


Table 996.06A. Interlaboratory study results for determination of total fat in food by hydrolytic extraction—gas chromatography
No. of labs/
a sr sR b c RSDr, % RSDR, %
Product x, % outliers r R HorRat
Wheat-based cereal 1.96 — 0.208 0.260 0.582 0.728 10.6 13.3 3.69
Peanut butter 46.3 10/2 0.86 2.37 2.41 6.64 1.85 5.12 2.28
Fish sticks 11.2 10/2 0.354 0.541 0.991 1.51 3.14 4.80 1.73
Parmesan cheese 26.5 — 0.540 4.17 1.51 11.7 2.04 15.8 6.47
Chocolate cake (baked) 13.3 — 0.929 1.95 2.60 5.46 7.00 14.7 5.43
Fruit snack 3.92 10/1 0.087 0.146 0.244 0.409 2.22 3.74 1.15
Ground beef 21.9 10/1 1.11 1.82 3.11 5.10 5.06 8.32 3.31
Yogurt 1.46 — 0.131 0.222 0.367 0.622 8.98 15.2 4.03
Blind duplicates.
r = 2.8 ´ sr.
R = 2.8 ´ sR.

D. Extraction of Fat (b) Dairy prod ucts.—Ac cu rately weigh ground and
Finely grind and homogenize test samples prior to extraction of fat. homogenized test portion (containing ca 100–200 mg fat) into
labeled Mojonnier flask. Force material into flask as far as possible.
[Note: With matrixes of unknown composition, it may be
Add ca 100 mg pyrogallic acid, C(a), and 2.00 mL triglyceride
necessary to analyze test portion without addition of internal
internal standard solution, C(l). Add a few boiling granules to flask.
standard to ensure against interferences. Should interfering peak be
Add 2.0 mL ethanol and mix well until entire test portion is in
found, the area of C11 internal standard peak must be corrected
solution. Add 4.0 mL H2O and mix well. Add 2.0 mL NH4OH, C(c),
before performing calculations. Use 2.0 mL chloroform instead of
and mix well. Place flask into basket in shaking water bath at
internal standard solution.]
70°–80°C set at moderate agitation speed. Maintain 10 min. Mix
(a) Foods excluding dairy products and cheese.—Accurately contents of flask on Vortex mixer every 5 min to incorporate
weigh ground and ho mogenized test portion (con tain ing ca particulates adhering to sides of flask into solution. After digestion,
100–200 mg fat) into labeled Mojonnier flask. Force material into re move flask from wa ter bath and add a few drops of
flask as far as possible. Add ca 100 mg pyrogallic acid, C(a), and phenolphthalein. Keep solution basic (pink) with addition of
2.00 mL triglyceride internal standard solution, C(l). Add a few ammonium hydroxide. Add enough ethanol to fill bottom reservoir
boiling granules to flask. Add 2.0 mL ethanol and mix well until of flask and mix gently.
entire test portion is in solution. Add 10.0 mL 8.3M HCl and mix (c) Cheese.—Accurately weigh ground and homogenized test
well. Place flask into basket in shaking water bath at 70°–80°C set at portion (containing ca 100–200 mg fat) into labeled Mojonnier
moderate agitation speed. Maintain 40 min. Mix contents of flask on flask. Force material into flask as far as possible. Add ca 100 mg
Vortex mixer every 10 min to incorporate particulates adhering to pyrogallic acid, C(a), and 2.00 mL triglyceride internal standard
sides of flask into solution. After digestion, remove flask from bath solution, C(l). Add a few boiling granules to flask. Add 2.0 mL
and allow to cool to room temperature (20°–25°C). Add enough ethanol and mix well until entire test portion is in solution. Add
ethanol to fill bottom reservoir of flask and mix gently. 4.0 mL H2O and mix well. Add 2.0 mL NH4OH, C(c), and mix well.

Table 996.06B. Interlaboratory study results for determination of saturated fat in food stuffs by hydrolytic extraction—
gas chromatography
No. of labs/
a sr sR b c RSDr, % RSDR, %
Product x, % outliers r R HorRat
Wheat-based cereal 0.493 10/0 0.0391 0.0522 0.109 0.146 7.92 10.6 2.39
Peanut butter 8.72 10/1 0.257 1.81 0.720 5.07 2.95 20.7 7.18
Fish sticks 3.00 10/1 0.223 0.572 0.624 1.60 7.44 19.1 5.64
Parmesan cheese 17.4 — 0.311 2.46 0.871 6.89 1.79 14.1 5.42
Chocolate cake (baked) 3.56 — 0.171 0.304 0.479 0.851 4.81 8.55 2.59
Fruit snack 1.27 10/2 0.0242 0.0362 0.0678 0.101 1.90 2.83 0.74
Ground beef 9.98 10/1 0.636 1.39 1.78 3.89 6.38 13.9 4.92
Yogurt 0.986 — 0.119 0.170 0.333 0.476 12.1 17.2 4.30
Blind duplicates.
r = 2.8 ´ sr.
R = 2.8 ´ sR.


Table 996.06C. Interlaboratory study results for determination of monounsaturated fat in food stuffs by hydrolytic extraction—
gas chromatography
No. of labs/
a sr sR b c RSDr, % RSDR, %
Product x, % outliers r R HorRat
Wheat-based cereal 0.280 — 0.0320 0.0560 0.0896 0.157 11.4 20.0 4.14
Peanut butter 22.3 10/2 0.411 1.11 1.15 3.11 1.84 4.96 1.98
Fish sticks 1.83 — 0.165 0.313 0.462 0.876 9.02 17.1 4.69
Parmesan cheese 6.43 10/1 0.271 1.09 0.759 3.05 4.20 17.0 5.63
Chocolate cake (baked) 3.79 — 0.413 1.27 1.16 3.56 10.9 33.5 10.25
Fruit snack 1.08 10/2 0.0453 0.734 0.127 2.06 4.17 67.7 17.16
Ground beef 8.88 — 0.930 1.96 2.60 5.49 10.5 22.0 7.65
Yogurt 0.345 10/1 0.0222 0.0542 0.0621 0.152 6.42 15.1 3.23
Blind duplicates.
r = 2.8 ´ sr.
R = 2.8 ´ sR.

F. GC Determination
Place flask into basket in shaking water bath at 70°–80°C set at
moderate agitation speed. Maintain 20 min. Mix contents of flask on Relative retention times (vs FAME of triglyceride internal
Vortex mixer every 10 min to incorporate particulates adhering to standard solution) and response factors of individual FAMEs can be
sides of flask into solution. Add 10.0 mL 12M HCl and place flask obtained by GC analysis of individual FAME standard solutions and
into boiling steam bath and maintain 20 min. Mix flask contents mixed FAME standard solution. Inject ca 2 mL each of individual
every 10 min using Vortex mixer. Remove flask from steam bath and FAME standard solutions and 2 mL of mixed FAMEs standard
allow to cool to room temperature (20°–25°C). Add enough ethanol so lu tion. Use mixed FAMEs stan dard so lu tion to op ti mize
to flask to fill bottom reservoir and mix gently. chromatographic response before injecting any test solutions. After
all chromatographic conditions have been optimized, inject test
(d) Extraction.—Add 25 mL diethyl ether to Mojonnier flask solutions from E.
from (a), (b), or (c). Stopper flask and place in centrifuge basket.
Place basket in wrist action shaker, securing flask in shaker with G. Calculations
rubber tubing. Shake flask 5 min. Rinse stopper into flask with Total fat is the sum of fatty acids from all sources, expressed as
di ethyl ether–pe tro leum ether mix ture, C(k). Add 25 mL triglycerides. Expressing measured fatty acids as triglycerides
petroleum ether, stopper flask, and shake 5 min. Centrifuge flask requires mathematical equivalent of condensing each fatty acid
(in basket) 5 min at 600 rpm. (Note: If centrifuge is not available, with glycerol. For every 3 fatty acid molecules, 1 glyc erol
allow contents to set at least 1 h until upper layer is clear.) Rinse (HOCH2CHOHCH2OH) is required. Essentially, 2 methylene
stopper into flask with diethyl ether–petroleum ether mixture. groups and 1 methine group are added to every 3 fatty acids.
Decant ether (top) layer into 150 mL beaker and carefully rinse lip
Calculate retention times for each FAME in individual FAMEs
of flask into beaker with diethyl ether–petroleum ether mixture.
standard solutions, C(m)(3), by subtracting retention time of C11:0
Slowly evaporate ether on steam bath, using nitrogen stream to aid
peak from retention time of fatty acid peak. Use these retention
in evaporation. Residue remaining in beaker contains extracted fat.
times to identify FAMEs in mixed FAMEs standard solution. Use
ad di tional FAME solu tions (from the same sup plier) when
E. Methylation necessary for complete FAME identity verification.
(a) Calculate response factor (Ri) for each fatty acid i as follows:
Dissolve extracted fat residue in 2–3 mL chloroform and 2–3 mL
diethyl ether. Transfer mixture to 3 dram glass vial and then Psi W
evaporate to dryness in 40°C water bath under nitrogen stream. Add Ri = ´ C11:0
PsC11:0 Wi
2.0 mL 7% BF3 reagent, C(j), and 1.0 mL toluene, C(g). Seal vial
with screwcap top containing Teflon/silicone septum. Heat vial in
oven 45 min at 100°C. Gently shake vial ca every 10 min. (Note: where Psi = peak area of individual fatty acid in mixed FAMEs
Evaporation of liquid from vials indicates inadequate seals; if this standard solution; PsC 11:0 = peak area of C11:0 fatty acid in mixed
occurs, discard solution and repeat the entire procedure.) Allow vial FAMEs standard solution; WC11:0 = weight of internal standard in
to cool to room temperature (20°–25°C). Add 5.0 mL H2O, 1.0 mL mixed FAMEs standard solution; and Wi = weight of individual
hexane, and ca 1.0 g Na2SO4, C(i). Cap vial and shake 1 min. Allow FAME in mixed FAMEs standard solution.
layers to separate and then carefully transfer top layer to another vial (Note: Peaks of known identity with known relative retention
containing ca 1.0 g Na2SO4. (Note: Top layer contains FAMEs times are listed in Table 996.06D. When peaks of unknown identity
including FAME of triglyceride internal standard solution.) are observed during the chromatographic run, attempt to identify
such peaks using MS, FTIR, etc. Peaks of unkown identity should
Inject FAMEs onto GC column or transfer to autosampler vial for not be included in the summation when quantifying fat in the test
GC analysis. portion.)


Table 996.06D. Retention time of fatty acids and methyl ester Table 996.06E. Factors (fTG) for conversion of FAMEs to
(FAME) trygliceride equivalents
Relative retention Fatty acid FAi
Tri/FAME (FTgi)
Fatty acid Retention time, min (to 11:0 int. std.) 4:0 Butyric 0.8627 0.9868
4:0 Butyric 10.49 0.46 6:0 Caproic 0.8923 0.9897
6:0 Caproic 12.36 0.54
8:0 Caprylic 0.9114 0.9915
8:0 Caprylic 15.69 0.68
10:0 Capric 20.39 0.89 10:0 Capric 0.9247 0.9928
11:0 Undecanoic 22.99 1.00 11:0 Undecanoic 0.9300 0.9933
12:0 Lauric 25.58 1.11 12:0 Lauric 0.9346 0.9937
13:0 Tridecanoic 28.15 1.22
13:0 Tridecanoic 0.9386 0.9941
14:0 Myristic 30.65 1.33
14:1 Myristoleic 32.63 1.42 14:0 Myristic 0.9421 0.9945
14:1 trans-Myristelaidic 32.01 1.39 14:1 Tetradecenenoic 0.9417 0.9944
15:0 Pentadecanoic 33.04 1.44 15:0 Pentadecanoic 0.9453 0.9948
15:1 Pentadecenoic 34.98 1.52
15:1 Pentadecenoic 0.9449 0.9947
16:0 Palmitic 35.41 1.54
16:1 trans-Palmitelaidic 36.39 1.58 16:0 Palmitic 0.9481 0.9950
16:1 Palmitoleic 36.88 1.60 16:1 Hexadecenoic 0.9477 0.9950
17:0 Margaric 37.54 1.63 17:0 Margaric 0.9507 0.9953
17:1 Margaroleic 38.92 1.69
17:1 Margaroleic 0.9503 0.9952
18:0 Stearic 39.78 1.73
18:1 trans 6-Petroselenic 40.50 1.76 18:0 Stearic 0.9530 0.9955
18:1 trans-Elaidic 40.61 1.77 18:1 Octadecenoic 0.9527 0.9955
18:1 trans 11-Vaccenic 40.72 1.77 18:2 Octadecdieoic 0.9524 0.9954
18:1 Petroselenic 40.90 1.78
18:3 Linolenic 0.9520 0.9954
18:1 Oleic 40.99 1.78
18:1 Vaccenic 41.18 1.79 18:4 Octadectetraenoic 0.9517 0.9954
18:1 Octadecenoic 41.54 1.81 20:0 Arachidic 0.9570 0.9959
18:2 trans-Linolelaidic 41.69 1.81 20:1 Eicosenic 0.9568 0.9959
18:2 trans 9-Linolelaidic 42.11 1.83
20:2 Eicosadienoic 0.9565 0.9958
18:2 trans 12-Linolelaidic 42.53 1.85
18:2 Linoleic 42.87 1.86 20:3 Eicosatrienoic 0.9562 0.9958
20:0 Arachidic 43.75 1.90 20:4 Arachidonic 0.9560 0.9958
18:3 g-Linolenic 44.25 1.92 20:5 Eicosapentaenoic 0.9557 0.9958
20:1 Eicosenic cis 5 44.42 1.93
21:0 Heneicosanoic 0.9588 0.9961
20:1 Eicosenic trans 11 44.45 1.93
20:1 Eicosenic cis 8 44.67 1.94 22:0 Behenic 0.9604 0.9962
20:1 Eicosenic cis 11 44.82 1.95 22:1 Docosaenoic 0.9602 0.9962
20:1 Eicosenic cis 13 44.99 1.96 22:2 Docosadienoic 0.9600 0.9962
18:3 Linolenic 45.02 1.96
22:3 Docosatrienoic 0.9598 0.9961
18:2 Linoleic—conjugated 45.35 1.97
18:2 Linoleic—conjugated 45.40 1.97 22:4 Docosatetraenoic 0.9595 0.9961
21:0 Heneicosanoic 45.69 1.99 22:5 Docosapentaenoic 0.9593 0.9961
18:2 Linoleic—conjugated 46.18 2.01 22:6 Docosahexaenoic 0.9590 0.9961
18:4 Octadectetraenoic 46.39 2.02
23:0 Tricosanoic 0.9620 0.9964
20:2 Eicosadienoic 46.65 2.03
22:0 Behenic 47.46 2.06 24:0 Lignoceric 0.9963 0.9965
20:3 g-Eicosatrienoic 47.94 2.09 24:1 Nervonic 0.9632 0.9965
22:1 Cetoleic 48.27 2.10 FAi is the conversion factor for conversion of FAMEs to corresponding fatty
22:1 Erucic 48.50 2.11 acids.
20:3 Eicosatrienoic 48.68 2.12 FTgi is the conversion factor for conversion of FAMEs to triglycerides for
20:4 Arachidonic 48.94 2.13 individual fatty acids.
23:0 Tricosanoic 49.22 2.14
22:2 Docosadienoic 50.17 2.18
24:0 Lignoceric 50.79 2.21
20:5 Eicosapentaenoic 50.96 2.22
(b) Calculate amount of individual (triglycerides) (WTG) in test
24:1 Nervonic 51.92 2.26 portion as follows:
22:3 Docosatrienoic 51.98 2.26
22:4 Docosatetraenoioc 52.28 2.27 Pt i ´ Wt C11:0 ´ 10067
22:5 Docosapentaenoic 54.75 2.38 Pt C11:0 ´ Ri
22:6 Docosahexaenoic 55.82 2.43
WTGi = WFAMEi ´ fTGi


where Pti = peak area of fatty acid i in test portion; WtC11:0 = weight Saturated fat, % = (åsaturated Wi/Wtest portion) ´ 100%
of C11:0 internal standard added to test portion, g; 1.0067 =
(f) Calculate amount of monounsaturated fat in test sample (w/w;
conversion of internal standard from triglyceride to FAME; PtC11:0 =
expressed as sum of only cis form of monounsaturated fatty acids
peak area of C11:0 internal standard in test portion; and fTGi =
[C16:1, C17:1, C18:1 cis, C20:1, etc.]) as follows:
conversion factor for FAMEs to triglycerides for individual fatty
acids (see Table 996.06E).
(Note: If procedure is followed exactly, WtC11:0 should be Monounsaturated fat, % =
0.010 g.)
(åmonounsaturated Wi/Wtest portion) ´ 100%
(c) Calculate amount of total fat in test portion [sum of all fatty
acids, expressed as triglyceride equivalents (including cis and trans
forms of monounsaturated acids)] as follows: Polyunsaturated fat, % =
(åpolyunsaturated Wi/Wtest portion) ´ 100%
Total fat, % = ( åWTGi ´ 100)/Wtest portion (Note: Test samples containing hydrogenated fat will yield
complicated chromatograms due to large number of isomers
where Wtest portion = weight of test portion, g. formed during hydrogenation process. One general indication of
(d) Calculate weight of each fatty acid (Wi) as follows: hydrogenation is presence of C18:1 trans peak(s). For hydrogenated
fat chromatograms, use the following guidelines to calculate FAME
Wi = WFAMEi ´ fFAi peak areas: trans peaks elute prior to cis, therefore, include all peaks
between C18:1 cis and C18:2 cis,cis in calculation of C18:2 peak area.
where fFAi = conversion factors for conversion of FAMEs to their Often C18:1 trans “peak” consists of broad series of peaks [due to
corresponding fatty acids (see Table 996.06E). positional isomers from hydrogenation]; include all of these in C18:1
(e) Calculate percent of saturated fat in test portion (w/w; trans peak area.)
expressed as saturated fatty acids; sum of C4:0, C6:0, C8:0, etc.) as
follows: References: J. AOAC Int. 80, 555(1997); 82, 1146(1999).


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