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Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already
been to?


I always love to try new restaurants because some friends recommend some meals of a
new restaurant or when I had seen a review from Facebook or Instagram about some
restaurant. But sometimes When I have whim to eat sushi or eat salmon i go to my
favorite Sea restaurants of Barranquilla: Varadero. I love to go there and ask for my
favorite meal.

2.Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care

The cleanliness of the place is combined with a good seasoning are very important for
me so I prefer to go to a good restaurant whose have both good food and clean place,
Because who like to go and see a flee or a cockroach walking on the floor or in your
table? Well .. Nobody

3.What is your favorite appetizer? Main Course? Dessert?

My favorite appetizer well it depends of what kind of restaurant I go. If I go to Arab

Restaurant my favorite appetizer is Arabic bread with Garlic sauce. Or if I go to sea
restaurant I love when the waiter brings to me a fish soup. My favorite Course a good
Chicken Rice with Salad and fry’s potatoes or a good and fresh salmon with garlic
sauce. And finally my favorite dessert is chocolate cake or vanilla ice cream.

4.Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages when you eat out?

No I never drink alcoholic beverages when I eat food. Only if I am in a restaurant

with my bf I can order red wine but in other occasions no.

5.Do you prefer fresh ingredients prepared by a chef as you order or do you prefer
pre-cooked food?

I prefer always fresh ingredients cooked by a chef because the seasoning and the
cooked ingredients by him makes a good combination for my taste.

6.What's the worst experience you ever had at a restaurant?

Well my worst experience was in a Korean restaurant. I ordered a half bowl of spicy
wings. I tolerate some spicy food so i continued with my order. When i ate my last
wing, my mouth had irritated and into of my mouth i felt a bad sensation so i throw
up a part of my meal. i felt so terrible than since that i will never eat nothing spicy.

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