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Chapter 3 __ Water’s structure and function.

Part 1. Question: Which liquid is most likely water?

Liquid 1 Liquid 2 Liquid 3 Liquid 4

Boiling Point 100℃ 100℃ 200℃ 212℃

Freezing Point 32℃ 0℃ 10℃ 0℃

Liquid 2

Part 2 :FRQ Prompt

A farmer hears a news report regarding a frost advisory for his region. To protect his strawberry plants,
he decides to spray water on the crops prior to the frost that evening and early morning. Using your
knowledge of the structure of water and its properties, justify (AP vocabulary for “make a claim and
provide supporting evidence and reasoning”) the farmer’s reaction to the frost advisory by explaining
how one of the emergent properties of water fit this example.

The farmer sprayed water on the plants because the frost on the water would as a protectant layer for
the plants. Water is less dense as a solid (ice or frost) than it is a liquid. This is because the hydrogen
bonds strengthen when formed to ice, and the molecules create air pockets. Since the ice is less dense
than the water, which means the ice would float on the water acting as insulation to the strawberry
plants so they would not freeze solid, which is why the farmer took this action.

Part 3: Properties of water

Choose 2 Properties

1. Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid.

2. Water can absorb a lot of heat.
4. Water molecules are cohesive/adhesive/capillary action/surface tension; use one.
5. Water is the “Universal Solvent”.

To receive full credit you need to:

1. Use water molecules, orient them the right way with the correct name of the bonds and explain
how this allows for the property to exist. In other words, model the property. Create you own
Model, don’t just copy and paste it from a website.
H+ H+

O- +Na

H+ H+ -Cl O-

Water is called the universal solvent because it is
capable of dissolving many different substances. As
shown above, water dissolves NaCl(salt) because the
Hydrogen atoms are attracted to the negative Chloride
and the Negative oxygens are attracted to the positive
sodium, therefore disrupting the forces holding sodium
chloride together and dispersing it.

Hydrogen Bond
Adhesion allows water to stick to
other substances. As shown in the
example, the water is sticking to
the surface, because the positive
surface H charge of the hydrogen is being
O attracted to a negatively charged
particle on the surface causing a
hydrogen bond. Capillary action
uses cohesion and adhesion to
climb up tubes of small diameter.

Explain living organisms benefit from this property--do not use one already mentioned in the
PowerPoint. Make sure you include a picture to illustrate the concept.

Water is the “universal solvent”: water as a solvent allows cells to transport oxygen to and from each
Adhesion: When we cry, tears move through our tear ducts using capillary action. The water from our
tears is attracted to the sides of our tear ducts which allows it to move up.

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