Hell Vice Merciless

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They're inside! They have weapons! So do you! Paint the walls! Kill!
Everyone has a +2,+1,0,-1 to assign. The stats are MURDER, GO!, SHOOT, COOL. MURDER is hurting people.
GO! gets you places. SHOOT is aiming and firing. COOL is keeping your head. You have a mask. Describe
it. Write your name and stats and shit in the margins, messily. Sketch yourself. You are a badass
psycho. Tell everyone why. Are you a former boxer? An ex-cop? Bionic legs? Murdered your family? That's
your HOOK. It makes you special. Next pick one reason you like to kill. CIRCLE IT.
1. You are a professional. You can use 2 weapons at a time and can start with GUNS.
2. You're on drugs or something. You get a +1 to all FUCK ROLLS and failing gives -2 kills, not -4.
3. There are voices in your head. Friendly kills don't hurt your total and you can kill barehanded.
4. You're a vigilante. Scream an insult or taunt in Move Phase and get +1 to 1 roll in Roll Phase.
Pick your weapon to start. Nothing fancy; a fire axe, a knife, a bat or something. It's not a gun
unless you're a professional. Guns have different magazine sizes, usually six to twelve. They fire as
fast as you can say “Bang”, but you have to say who you aim at. For automatic weapons you can go
“Brrrrrrrrrrt” and empty the clip. That counts as 5 shots resolved at random and gives a +2 to SHOOT
for ALL of them. Make sure your friends aren't in the way. There is no way to reload. Find a new gun.
Your KILLERS are driving to work, playing cards, something. This is the last moment of calm. Get in
character. Play some oldies on the radio. You all know each other, or are at least familiar. Have a
conversation before the job. Talk about anything except work. Foot massages; tipping; family life.
BOSS—Play something loud and thumping while you set the scene. Make us a killhouse with a few dozen
mooks. Drench it in blood and neon. When it comes time to act, stop the music abruptly.
KILLERS-When the BOSS stops the music, slap the table. Whoever slaps first gives out initiative to
their killer friends. This slap repeats every new breached room.
There are 2 combat phases: Move and Roll. In Move Phase, your turn is 5 seconds in real time. The BOSS
says “((Your name)) GO” and turns the music back on. He times you. You can do as many things as you
have time to say during your turn. Choke and hesitate and your character does too so stay in it. Here
are the kinds of things you can do with your stats:
--MURDER: Slice, Hack, Mutilate, Use the environment to kill
--GO!: Haul ass, Quickdraw, Take cover, Do a sick stunt, Hide, Sneak, Avoid pain
--SHOOT: Aim, Throw, Shoot, Accurate killing
--COOL: Resist SUPPRESS, Find a weapon, Use your brain, Look around, Take a hit, Lie
If you want to talk to them, you're a pussy, but use +COOL. Also it takes up real time, so be fast.
After the move phase is the untimed Roll Phase; the BOSS tells you what to roll and the DC. Use d6. Add
your stat to the roll. Every action gets its own roll. Once per job you can use your HOOK creatively to
turn a FAILURE into a SUCCESS, as long as you justify it. You're a vet and the coke is flashing you
back. This guy looks like the guy who murdered your wife.
SUCCEED your roll and you do what you wanted to do. If you killed, keep track of it.
FAIL and something goes wrong. BOSS decides. Maybe you flop over the table you wanted to vault, maybe
you lose a weapon, maybe you get shot. Maybe they SUPPRESS you. That means you can't leave cover, or
move if you're in melee, and on your turn everyone goes “BANGBANGBANGBANG” while you're trying to talk.
If you're hurt bad, roll +COOL. This is called the FUCK ROLL. The first time it's against a 2, then it
goes up by 1 every time. Fail and you can't act for the rest of the room and you get -4 kills and the
FUCK ROLL doesn't reset and you take -1 to everything next room. Fail 3 FUCK ROLLS and you are DEAD.
JUMP OUT THE WINDOW TURN AROUND AIM AT HIM BANGBANGBANG” or even if you're right in front of a bunch of
people with a machete “KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL”. Just remember: Use a little caution and use
your team, if you can trust them. That guy who goes KILL KILL KILL KILL better have good MURDER because
he needs to roll for ALL of them and take ALL the penalties if he fails.
BOSS- The roll phase is your kingdom. Bad guys get no turn. They move when a Killer fucks up, chokes,
or when it makes sense to. Then you get to raise the stakes, present a new challenge, or use what
Vincent Baker calls a Hard Move, which means you just straight up hurt them and demand a FUCK ROLL.
Ever play Apocalypse World? PLAY APOCALYPSE WORLD. If a killer does something awesome with COOL or GO!,
give out +1 or a +2 bonuses on MURDER or SHOOT. Make the bodycount ridiculous. When calling the DCs, be
fast and use this guide:A 1 anyone could do so don't even call it unless they have a -1 to the stat.
Maybe not even then. A 2 takes a little skill. Vault a desk. A 3 is something you have to train to do.
Kill someone. A 4 is something cool. Shoot an enemy in cover. A 5 is badass. Kill a lot of guys with
one swing. Sprint through a hail of bullets. A 6 is superhuman. Break cuffs, spinning backflip kick
someone's head off. You can call for things above 6 at your discretion if it's really nuts.
Sometimes there are people you're not supposed to kill. We call them Friendlies. If you kill them,
everyone gets -2 kills, unless you've got voices in your head. Then you don't but everyone ELSE does.
Some BOSSES will give more kills at their discretion for fancy executions. These BOSSES are SICK. Bad
guys don't have stats, but make them memorable. You may want to plan rooms ahead of time. BE QUICK.
The Killer with the most kills is ok. Everyone else gets The Interview in The Dark Room. The BOSS asks
questions like: What happened in there? What did you do? Do you like hurting other people? Did you pull
your weight? Why should we keep you around? Roll +COOL to lie. If the BOSS says you flunk, they take
you out back and shoot you in the head. The guy with the least kills is looking at a TOUGH INTERVIEW.
Anyone who killed a fellow Killer is going to have to talk very fast not to die in the doorway.
Everyone who lives goes into the next mission with a new, extra HOOK. So now you have 2.

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