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Brazil’s Biggest Brands

on Instagram
Table of Contents
1 Introduction   

2 Analysis


10 Posts

14 Interactions

19 Summary

20 Data Information
There are approximately 2.6 billion social media users worldwide,
where Brazil’s inhabitants are collectively the largest user of social
media networks in Latin America.

Social media has totally changed the internet universe and the behavior of people and
businesses in the online environment. Brazilians actively participate in this virtual
community, as Brazil is one of the most engaged countries. They’re avid social media
users spending over 3 hours and 40 minutes a day scrolling through their timeline.

Although Facebook is more popular in Brazil with 129 million users, Instagram is
catching up. The social media network currently has 64 million users, which is more
than 30% of the Brazil’s population of 211 million inhabitants.

As Instagram keeps growing its user count, it’s important for companies to start
focusing their marketing strategies on that particular network as well.

These developments encouraged us to take a closer look at Brazil’s biggest

companies and their Instagram use. With the help of social media analytics metrics,
we will paint a picture of what the general Brazilian market looks like and the areas
certain brands are performing better in than others. 1
For this analysis, data has been aggregated for 10 brands that were
active on Instagram over a specific period time, from September 20 to
October 18, 2018.

The brands in this report were carefully selected from Brandirectory’s Best Global
Brands list, Brazil 50 2018.

The following analysis provides you with all the relevant numbers and graphs while
highlighting and examining the most noteworthy results.

Please note that companies follow different international strategies on social

networks. For example, some Brazilian brands may choose to run their Instagram in
English to make it more approachable for international customers, while other brands
will post in Portuguese only.

Brands included in this report:

• Banco Bradesco • Lojas Americanas

• Banco de Brasil • Lojas Renner
• Brahma • Natura
• Havaianas • Petrobas
• Itaú • Porto Seguro 2
When running your Instagram, solely looking at your follower growth is
not sufficient to assess the full extent of your success.

In the same way, the number of likes on your posts won’t tell you everything you need
to know.

Looking at follower metrics is seen as an outdated way to measure your

performance. This is true to a certain extent. Looking at the number of followers you
have does not give valuable insights into how you can improve in the future. But when
you track the increases and decreases in followers very closely, you will get a clear
overview of when exactly people joined or left your page. This can then, in turn, be
traced back to what you posted on that day, and show which content worked well and
which did not.

People who actively decided to follow your page would have shown at least a certain
interest in your brand. This makes promoting your products and brand on your page a
lot more successful. 3
Number of Followers on Instagram


Lojas Renner 4,200,000

Lojas Americanas 3,100,000

Havaianas 1,400,000

Natura 1,100,000

Itaú 248,000

Banco Bradesco 141,000

Banco de Brasil 110,000

Brahma 97,000

Petrobas 38,000

Porto Seguro 32,000 4
Follower Distribution
Looking at the follower distribution, four brands clearly stick out.

• Lojas Renner – 39.9%

• Lojas Americanas – 29.9%

• Havaianas – 13.4%

• Natura – 10.5%

What’s notable about these 4 brands is that they’re all involved in the retail business and
regularly post on their Instagram profiles. 5
Followers Change
Looking at when brands win or lose new followers can give you a
good insight into your Instagram performance.

The peaks and drops in the number of followers can be traced back to the content posted
on that specific date. This can help you with creating further content. If there was a big
drop in followers after you posted a certain type of content, you shouldn’t create this type
of content again as you may risk losing fans again.

Focusing on this metric, it clearly shows that Lojas Americanas received the highest
amount of new followers. The company rises high above all the other companies, and on
September 29, even got over 14,000 new followers in one day. 10
For the second image, the 4 brands with the most followers were taken out of the metric,
to give a better overview of the followers change for the brands with a lower number of
followers. When looking at this image, you can tell the increase in followers shows a
similar trend for all of the brands.

There were only 2 brands who lost followers during the measured time period;
Brahma Cerveja and Itau - both of whom lost 34 followers on September 28. Notably,
these companies almost never post content on their Instagram pages.

In fact, on the day that Brahma Cerveja lost those 34 followers, their post was their first in
a long while. This lack of engagement in the past could explain their loss of followers. 10
There were 2 brands whose follower counts peaked during the measured time period.

Bradesco, on October 10 and October 13, and Banco do Brasil, on October 11, both posted
content which might have caused the increase in followers. Interestingly, 2 of these posts
were videos, which has been proven to be the most effective form of content on
Posting quality content that caters to your audience is a near
guaranteed way to get more interactions from them.

Of course, this is easier said than done. By taking a closer look at the content the
brands posted on their Instagram pages, we can see how those posts compare with
one another, how frequently the brands post on their Instagram page and which posts
stand out from the rest.

So let’s dig in, shall we? 10
Own posts
When looking at the own posts on your Instagram account, you get
a good overview of your overall social media marketing output.

You can then compare your own output to that of your competitors and adjust the amount
you post if necessary. Here, we see Lojas Renner and Lojas Americanas leading with a
significantly higher post rate.

By hiding some of those top posting brands, you start to see more clearly some trends
and spikes in the other remaining companies posting habits.
Profiles with the most posts
Lojas Americanas posted a lot more than the rest of the brands,
which makes sense, considering they use their Instagram as an
online advertising page.

Lojas Renner posted the second-most of all the brands. This may be because they have
the highest number of followers and are a clothing company that wants to get their name
out to potential customers. What is notable is that Lojas Renner posts very consistently –
3 posts per day, with only a few exceptions where they have posted 4 or 5 times in one

Recent studies have shown that posting consistently is more effective than increasing the
frequency of the content you post. 10
Post type distribution
Considering that Instagram is a platform where you can only share
visual content, it’s logical that this is the best type of content to post.

But more important to know is which visual content performs best on Instagram. In a
recent study on the best social media post, we discovered that videos perform the best on
Instagram, followed by carousels (where you can include multiple images in one post).
Normal images perform slightly worse than these two types.

The column graph above shows us that all of the brands make use of videos in their
content, except for Petrobras. This may be because they only post very little and do not
put that much effort into the content. They posted only once during the analyzed time
period, and for it, posted a carousel, which is the second most popular type of content on

When looking at the 4 most popular brands, you can see that they all make sure to post a
mix of all the types of content available on Instagram. 10
If you have a high number of followers and a good stream of quality
content, well then, you’re doing pretty well already.

But the ultimate goal of social media marketing is to engage people. That’s why
interactions are so important, as they are the most important part of the engagement.
In this section, we’ll dive into how users are interacting with these brands in Brazil. 14
Total interactions
To get an idea of which posts got the most interactions, we collected
and compared the number of interactions the 10 brands got within the
measured time period.

By looking at the overall numbers by profile, we can see very quickly which generate the
most interactions by far.

Havaianas’ interactions are not consistent. For some posts, the number of interactions
peak above all the other brands. If the brand sticks to these types of content, they could
get a consistent stream of interactions which are way higher than the interactions the
brand receives on average now. But keep in mind that it’s normal that some posts perform
better overall than other posts.

Their best performing post within the measured time period is this image of a toddler
wearing the brand’s flip-flops, taken in the same way that many influencers would. Two
other posts that peaked very high also included either a toddler or the flip-flops of a
toddler. 10
Interactions distribution
Interactions on Instagram are not only the likes your post receives but
also the comments your audience leaves behind.

Depending on the specific purpose of your strategy, the goal of your post might differ. If
the main goal is to create an exchange or discussion, it’s most vital to see many
comments in the end. Responding to users comments is a great way to show how
engaging your brand is and encourages others to take part in leaving comments. 17
As expected, the metric above shows us that likes are the predominant form of
interaction. This is probably because liking an Instagram post only takes 2 taps on your
screen, which takes just a fraction of a second.

Lojas Renner received 4,062 comments but got 422,956 likes, which means comments
represented just 0.95% of their overall interactions. This is really low, even if their
campaign is not aimed at gaining a lot of interactions. A good approach could be to follow
the tactics of other brands, like asking your audience what they like about the product
you’re displaying in your post or to reply to the comments your audience makes.

Porto Seguro receives a good amount of comments, almost 30% of their total
interactions. Their strategy of combining funny and/or interesting content with
information about the brand's services and products encourages their audience to present
their opinion in the form of a comment. The brand also tries to reply to as many
comments as possible, which users will always enjoy and appreciate. 10
What immediately becomes clear from this report is that all these
brands present themselves on Instagram very differently.

Overall, the brands with the higher number of followers post more often on their Instagram
pages than the smaller brands, as they aim to realize their potential. The positive results of
having an engaged community when posting content were noticeable for nearly every brand
in the analysis.

Needless to say, content that really connects with users builds brand awareness and
fosters a community that can stand behind your brand and champion its cause, building
brand reach and further growth towards more success in the future.

As Brazil is the largest country in Latin America – not to mention the 5th largest in the world
– there’s no doubt that there’s always room for brands to grow and in today’s age, that
means having a solid social media presence as part of your strategy. 19
Data Information

quintly analyzed data for the 10 brands between September 20, 2018 and October 18, 2018.
You can find a full and detailed list of the specific page and profile links on the following page
of this report.

The 10 biggest brands were chosen according to the Brazil 50 2018 list by Brandirectory. As
we focused on researching the Instagram performance of these brands, those brands that do
not have an Instagram page, or do not post often enough, are not included in this top 10. 20
Data Information – Links to Analyzed Profiles

Banco Bradesco Lojas Americanas

Banco do Brasil Lojas Renner

Brahma Natura

Havaianas Petrobas

Itaú Porto Seguro 21

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