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Microsoft Access Exercise 2

1. Create a new database called Recipes.mdb

2. Create the following two tables:

Table One: RecipesList

Field Name Field Type Field Size

Recipe ID Number Integer
Name Text 70
Method Memo
Preparation Time Number Integer

Use Recipe ID as Primary Key.

Table Two: RecipesInfo

Field Name Field Type Field Size

Recipe ID Number Integer
Price Currency Format: Euro €
Calories Number Integer
Expensive Yes/No
Quick Yes/No

Use Recipe ID as Primary Key.

3. Once the tables have been created create a relationship on

the tables RecipesList and RecipesInfo (making sure to
enforce referential integrity).
4. Create a form by choosing all the fields from RecipesList,
and the following fields from RecipesInfo: Price, Calories,
Expensive and Quick. Select Sumi Painting design, and
name the form RecipesForm.
5. Add the header to the form: Recipes Information List.
Make sure that the header text’s size is 12pt.
6. Add the footer to the form: Please enter the required
7. Insert the picture fruit.jpg in the form, in the main body of
the form.
8. By using the newly created form enter the following records:

Recipe Name Method Preparation Price Calories Expensive Quick

ID Time
100 Garlic Bread Chop garlic, 5 0.5 200 No Yes
mix with
butter. Spread
on toasted
101 Pizza Prepare pizza 15 1.50 500 No No
Margerita base. Top with
tomato sauce
102 Simple Cook tomato 20 1.25 350 No No
Spaghetti sauce with
onions. Boil

9. Modify table RecipeList’s field Preparation Time to read

Cooking Time.
10. Create a report using all fields from RecipeList and the
fields Price and Calories from the table RecipesInfo. Group
them by calories. Sort them by Name then by Recipe ID.
Choose the Casual setting and name the report as Food
11. In the Report Footer, add the text Compiled by Your

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