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There are many benefits in using membrane filtration for potable water
production when compared to the conventional treatment method as listed

• The Membrane Filtration system is reliable to consistently produce very high

quality and crystal clear filtered water. This is achievable as the pore size of the
membrane filtration media is very small, in the range of microns instead of
millimetres or centimetres.
• Membrane Filtration is able to remove suspended solids without the need to
use chemicals. With less chemical consumption, the associated health risks that
are always related to chemical use in water treatment process such as
aluminium is eliminated. 
• The chemical-free waste arising from non-useable of chemicals in the treatment
process will not pollute the environment and can be discharged directly to local
water bodies and waterways without further treatment. 
 • Membrane filtration can remove microorganisms in water such as protozoa,  
bacteria and viruses as the pore size of the membrane is very much smaller than
these microorganisms. In fact, it can effectively and completely remove chlorine-
resistant pathogenic protozoan cysts and oocysts of Cryptosporidium and
Giardia. The effective removal of these microorganisms makes the water very
safe for consumption.
• The chemical consumption required for disinfection especially chlorine will be
substantially reduced as most of the microorganism will be removed at the
filtration stage. 
• The membrane filtration water treatment system is of modular design and
compact. Thus, it will require small footprint and does not require large space,
which will lead to cheaper development cost if built in land-starved urban areas.
Furthermore, it can be easily expanded corresponding to the water supply
• The system can be easily integrated into simple automation and remote control
system and makes its operation simple.

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