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.. . Dedication ...

State College
Lebanon Lodge BS
No. 226 Temple University






l/ David J. Emerich

We, the Class of 1971, dedicate this yearbook to Mr. David J.

Emerich, a most talented person in both the Math and Science fields.
He was always there to help us and tried to make us think.
Mr. Emerich came to Patton in our sophomore year, from his home
in Hershey. He graduated from Millersville State College with his B.S.
degree, and received his M.S. degree from Temple University. Mr.
Emerich is a member of the Lebanon Lodge No. 226 of Free and
Accepted Masons.
Mr. Emerich married Irene Mellinger, who is also a teacher. They
have three sons. David J. Emerich Jr., the oldest, is a Chief Warrant
Officer in the U.S. Army; Richard H. Emerich works for General
Motors and is the Supervisor at the Wilmington, Del. Branch, and
George W. Emerich, the youngest, is a teacher and coach at the
Central Dauphin High School in Harrisburg.
We, the Class of 1971, would like to wish Mr. Emerich a long and
prosperous future, and thank him for all that he has taught us.


.. . Founder
Thomas Ranken Patton

The Thomas Ranken Patton Masonic Institution for Boys was estab­
lished in 1925. It was made possible by the will of Thomas Ranken
Patton who directed that, as a memorial to his only son Thomas
Graham Patton, a portion of his estate should be used for the "estab­
lishment and maintenance of an institution for the support and educa­
tion of male orphan children of Master Masons, who were at the time
of their decease members in good standing in some subordinate Lodge
under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania." If there
are any vacancies, the Trustees may admit any other male orphan whose
father or mother is deceased if he is deemed worthy.

The purpose of the school is to give each boy a thorough high school
course, either academic or vocational. Thcre are three vocational
courses, namely carpentry, electronics, and machine shop.

The school year parallels that of the public high school in that boys
I are in attendance for a 190 day school year. The boys live at the
school which has dormitory and dining room facilities.

The moral, academic, and vocational training are all given adequate
emphasis. Each boy, when admitted, designates the religious denomi·
nation of his choice and is, thereafter, expected to attend services
regularly at a nearby church during his stay at the school.

Mr. Patton's will states that all the boys must be regularly and
faithfully taught the sacred truths of the Bible.

· . . The Superintendent

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Kopp


Dr. and Mrs. Kapp have been with the Patton School for five years.
They are a splendid influence for good upon the Patton Program. Dr.
Kopp will always be remembered for the excellent work he did for the
evaluation and approval of the Patton School by the Middle States
Association. Our school has developed and improved under his

Dr. and Mrs. Kapp have two children. John, a graduate of Albright
College, is employed by the Carpenter Steel Company in Reading, and
Sandra is employed by the Western Electric Company in Reading.
Mrs. Kopp is a graduate of Kutztown College and was an elementary ,.
teacher prior to coming to Patton.

We, the Class of 1971, wish to thank Dr. and Mrs. Kopp for being
so he1pul and understanding with us. We express our sincere apprecia­
tion to them for the marked influence they have made upon us.

The Faculty ...

David T. Emerich
BS Millersville
MS Temple University
• Math-Science
Lebanon Lodge No. 226 ~•
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AB Franklin & Marshall College
History-Physical Ed. Coach
Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682

Ralph R. Hunt
Penna, State University
Machine Shop-Drafting-Coach
Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682

Bruce Lee
BA West Chester State College

, 't- ,)~ ~.\y'1) yMrs. Wm. G. Roth

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\lA, \ rJ AB Dickinson C.'ollege. \
'\)J French-English

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· .. The Faculty

Paul Treon
Penna. State University

Robert K. Todd
Penna. State University /

Thomas M. Davies
BS West Virginia University
History-English-Physical Education
Biological Science-Guidance
Lodge No.4, Morgantown, W. Va

Rev. Raymond L. Fetter

AB Muhlenberg College
BD Theological Seminary, Phila.
Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682

Mary N. Achorn
BA Millersville State College
M.Ed. Temple University

The Faculty ...
John Peifer
BS Franklin and Marshall College
Instrumental Music
Charles M. Howell Lodge No. 496


Joseph Prokopchak

BS Elizabethtown College ..

M.A. Temple University


Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682


Theresa E. Fetter
BS Temple University
MM Philadelphia Music Academy

William Jones
Elizabethtown College
String Instruments

Henri A. Eberly
BA Franklin and Marshall College
ED Gettysburg Seminary

The Faculty at Odd Moments


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· . . Service Personnel

Senior Class 1971 ...

First row, left to right, Mr. Hunt. Brecht, Clark, Pipke, and K. Miller. Second
row, Dubee, Evans, Peters, Ranck, Dawson, and Edye.



.. . President's Message

A diploma, a cap, and a gown. Symbols of our graduation. Remind­

ers of that very important day of our lives.
As we, the Class of 1971 leave the Patton scene, we take with us
many friendships and memories. To us, these memories seem destined
to never fade. OUf stay at Patton was a new and different experience
for all of us.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Kopp for
all their help during our stay at Patton, and to especially thank the
Board of Trustees, the Faculty and Masonic organizations who have
made Patton what it is today.

Charles Brecht /
Senior Class President

The Alma Mater ...

0, what is this which morning sunlight
Gilds with golden beams?
'Tis our own Patton School for Boys,
Castle of our dreams.

Oh, raise the chorus, keep it ringing.
Loud her praises tell,
All hail to thee, beloved Patton,
Hail to thee, all hail.
Eager faces bright and joyous,
Greet us day by day.
Hastening toward the halls of learning.
We sing this joyous lay-Chorus.


Charles David Brecht
3639 Morell Circle
Philadelphia, Penna.
Sponsored by
Ivanhoe Lodge No. 227

Charlie, better known as "Chas" hails from Philadelphia. He

came to Patton in his Sophomore year. His outstanding ath­
letic ability has proven to be a great asset to the teams. Charlie
is usually found writing letters or in the pool room. Life at 1/

school would be dull without Charlie's good sense of humor.

After graduation Charlie plans to pursue a career in electricity.
We wish Charlie success and happiness.
Activities: Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y
3, 4; DeMoJay 2, 3, 4; Year Book Staff 3, 4; Varsity 3, 4; Library 3, 4;
Panther Review 3, 4.

I "Chas"

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'l Gregory Lee Clark ~ c

710 South Main Street ~ ,

Washington, Penna.

Sponsored by

Sunset Lodge No. 623

Greg Clark, whoha:s shown a lot of promise in all athletic

activities, has shown his ability time and time again on the
gridiron. Gregs wants to go to California State College, Pa.,
and I'm sure he'll do well there.

Activities: Football 1,2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; De­

Malay 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity 2, 3, 4; Panther Review 4.


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p Sponsored by

Athelston Lodge No. 482

Without Drew's witty personality, I think the seniors would

find things quite dry. Drew can always be found near a pool
table. He has a talent for almost all sports. After graduation
he plans on being a French major in college.

Activities: Football 3, 4; Basketball 4; Baseball 3, 4; DeMolay 1,2, 3, 4;

Year Book Staff 4; Intra'murals 1, 2; Library 3, 4.

"Old Drew"

Myron John Dubee, Jr.

112 Middle Street

Taylor, Penna.

Sponsored by
Moosic Lodge No. 664

Myron, better known as "Dube." Myron hails from Taylor.

Dube is the serious type and he shows it in his actions. His
main interests center around T.V. watching, libraries, movies,
writing, listening to Mr. Todd's lectures. His favorite saying is,
"Oh! gee, I don't know." After graduation he plans to attend
college, pursue a career in clerking. He hopes this will help
him attain his goal of becoming an author. God willing.

Activities: Football Manager 3, 4; Baseball Manager 2; Hi·Y 1, 2, 3, 4;

DeMolay 1,2,3,4; Year Book Staff 4; Intra-murals 1,2.



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John Edward Edye

336 E. High Street
Elizabethtown, Penna.
Sponsored by
Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682

fohn, better known as "Omar," hails from Elizabethtown.

Lucky fohn, he is the only senior that is so near home. He has
no trouble taking a week-end. He has an excellent athletic
ability, which was helpful in varsity sports. He is usually
found driving around with his girl friend in his renovated
Chevy. His future plans are to become a mechanic. We all wish
fohn a hopeful and successful future.

Activities: Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3. 4; DeMolay

1,2,3,4; Year Book Staff 4; Varsity 3,4; Intra-murals 1,3,4.

/ "Omar"

Leonard Bartels Evans
704 North 7th Street
Emmaus, Penna.
Sponsored by
New Temple Lodge No. 720

Evans shows a particular interest in art. He enjoys playing the

guitar, and is always listening to music. He wants either to be
an art teacher or a commercial artist. He plans on attending
Philadelphia College of Art. I sure wish him luck.

Activities: Football 3, 4; Basketball Manager 3, 4; Baseball Manager 3,

4; Year Book Staff 4; Archery 4; Art Club 4; Panther Review 3, 4.


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Kenneth Warren Miller
Maple Hts., Ave. 212
Tower City, R.D. 1, Penna.
Sponsored by
Ashlor Lodge No. 570

Ken, better known as "Milli," hails from Tower City. He has

a brother who is a Sophomore. Ken is usually found working
on engines or automotive parts or machine tools. Ken quickly
established a reputation for his sense of humor. After gradua­
tion he plans to become a racing driver or a tool and die
maker. Best wishes for a successful and profitable future.
Activities: Football 2, 3,4; Hi-Y 4; DeMolay 1, 2,3, 4; Year Book Staff
4; Varsity 3, 4; Archery 1, 2; Intra-Murals 1, 2, 3,4.

I "Milli"


John Allen Peters

2195 - 18th St.
Camp Hill, Pa.
Sponsored by
West Shore Lodge No. 681

Peters, who is a four year student at Patton, has electrical

ideas which are sometimes out of the ordinary, but has shown
that some of these ideas can be made functionable. John wants
to maj or in electronics. I'm sure John will make it big in
this profession.

Activities: Football 4; Hi-Y 4; DeMolay 1, 2, 3, 4; Year Book Staff 4;

Archery 2, 3, 4; Intra-murals J, 2, 3, 4; Library 2, 3, 4; Panther
Review 2, 3, 4.



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Richard Eric Pipke

3754 Schleicher Avenue
Pennsauken, New Jersey
Sponsored by
Keystone Lodge No, 271



Rich came to us his Freshman year, and proved to be a real

great guy. Rich hails from Pennsauken, New Jersey. He is
better known as "Pip" and is usually found listening to his
tapes, taking pictures or building electronic equipment. After
graduation he plans to enter into industrial or house wiring.
The Senior Class wishes him the best of luck in the future. ~

Activities: Football 4; Basketball 4; Hi-Y 3, 4; DeMolay 1, 2, 3, 4; ~

Year Book Staff 4; Art Class 4; Intra-murals 1,2,3.


I "Pip"






"Milt," as he is better known, hails from Refton. His ex­

cellent athletic abilities were important in our varsity sports.
His humorous saying is "Tell-em-all-about-me." He can always
be found making love beads, or reading a book. After gradua­
tion Milt plans to go into carpentry. We, the Class and the
writer of this paragraph, wish him the best luck in the future.

Activities: Football 2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2, 3,4; Hi-Y 4;

Varsity 3,4; Intra-murals 1,4; Year Book Staff 4.



Class History 1971 ...

August 27, 1967, we began a difficult pattern of life at Patton SchooL
We had four long years ahead of us and we all waited for June 5, 1971

to come.

During the first weeks we became acquainted with the faculty. After
getting acquainted, the year passed quickly.

The next two years at Patton went rapidly. Our class members
participated in all the activities they could. Some of the activities con­
sisted of football, baseball, basketball, Hi-Y, DeMolay, and music

Some educational trips we took were to New York City, Washington,

D.C., Carpenter Steel in Reading, Gettysburg Battlefield, United States
Naval Academy at Annapolis, and Harrisburg Capital. They were very
interesting, and we enjoyed them.

Then the year came that we all were waiting for, our senior year.
This brought more responsibilities and more privileges. Now the four
years at Patton are our history. We thank Patton Masonic School for
the education it gave us. We feel that we are ready to face the future.
'f" ~. ,.

Who's Who. . .
Name Is rated Greatest love Where found Wants to be Will probably be

Brecht High Home Playing Cards Electrician Drafted

Dubee Different Watching T .V. T.V. Room Carpenter President

Edye Goofy Elise On the Phone Machinist Farmer

Evans Sped V.W. Hitchhiking Artist Hippie

Clark Neat Baseball Lobby Ackie Playboy

Dawson Nutty Girls Playing Pool A Success Actor

Miller Not all there '56 Ford Playing Cards Race Car Driver Machinist

Peters Normal Rocks Room 19 Millionaire Bum

Ranck Cool Hard Rock Writing Letters Carpenter Vista Volunteer

Vl Pipke Dumb A Girl On Campus Electrician Hard to Say



Can You Fancy? ...

Charles Brecht - not going out for Sports.
Gregory Clark - not reading the sports section and not rooting for

- Drew Dawson - as Charles Atlas.

Myron Dubee - as a Karate Expert.

John Edye - in a Ford.

Len Ev:ans - without his Volkswagon.

Ken Miller - in a Chevy.

John Peters - not scheming.

Richard Pipke - being a mama's boy.

Milton Ranck - enjoying Mozart.

Do You Remember? .
Bozo Hair pie Room - 20
Speed I t's a mad house Chair squeak
Terror Andy Cancerous growth
"Beaver" Wild Man Pee-wee
Brown eyes Further proof Comic book
The moon shot Fag Leaves
Programs Froggy Campus beautiful
Points 71 Great Escape
3rd floor New York trip June 5
Blue Beret Rummy experts Ironing board
Schroll's Cheating yourself Cow
Squirrels Cards Pop
Rubbernecks Walking papers Pack your bags
Groundhogs Animal farm Casper

What Patton Means To Me

As I look back, the last three years of my life seem to have gone
by all too quickly. They are the ones I've spent at Patton, living and

I can remember that during the first few weeks I was at Patton I
thought differently. I couldn't see how I would ever make it through
three years at this new place or what good it would do me. It didn't
take very long for me to find out.

Patton has taught me to get along with other people and to respect
the rights of others. To live in society, you must get along with /
other people.

I also matured scholastically under the superV1SlOn of the school's

faculty. Since the classes were small, there was more individual help
and a better understanding between teacher and student.

Because I was away from home, Patton gave me the chance to

make decisions on my own and to prepare myself for the future. I
think this is very important because, until a person learns to have
confidence in himself, he must always depend on someone else to
help him.

Time will pass and I'll leave Patton, but the memories will always
remain with me. It would be hard to say in how many different ways
Patton has helped me, but most of all it has prepared me for the life
ahead so that I might take my place in society. I'll do the best to make
the most of every opportunity that was given me.

I would like to thank Dr. and Mrs. Kopp for all their help during
my stay, and especially the faculty, the Board of Trustees, and the
Freemasons of Pennsylvania who have given me this wonderful chance
to be a part of Patton.


Class Will ...
To the class of '72 we bequeath the honor of becoming Seniors.

To the Class of '73 we give the honor of becoming Juniors.

To the Class of '74 we wish you luck, because you'll need it!

To the Class of '75 whoever you are, more power to you!

Charles Brecht - gives his football ability to Ray Miller, and his

basketball ability to Skippy, and his baseball ability to Fruity and any­
thing else he has to anybody who wants it.

Gregory Clark - gives his baseball ability to Bruce Weirbach, and

his fullback position to Kim Challenger.

Drew Dawson - gives his nonsense ability to Brian Mentzer.

Myron Dubee - wills his climbing ability to Bob Huhn, and his
writing ability to Mr. Todd, "if it will help any."

John Edye - gives his quietness to Hill, and his slimness to Sam

Leonard Evans - wills his roommate to whoever wants him, and

his guitar ability to his guitar teacher.

Kenneth Miller - wills his ability to cheat at cards to Stanley

Mathna, and the next" two years" at Patton to his little brother!

I John Peters - leaves his integrity and self-discipline to Jeff Bau­

mann and his testing ability to Larry Boone.

Richard Pipke - wills the ironing board to Al Simmons, and his

English book cover to Mr. Lee.

Milton Ranck - gives his height to Peanut, and his "bench sitting
ability" to Baumann.

. . . The Underclassmen

The Junior Class entered Patton in 1968. They now have thirteen
members. Their members have been very active in athletics - football,
basketball, and baseball. Pool and ping pong are also entertaining to

The Sophomores include twelve members. Their activities in intra­
mural sports is well recognized. Their participation in interscholastic
sports is limited to only a few boys. They have been active in Hi-Y.
Eighteen raw recruits entered their first year. Presently there are
seventeen members in the class. Several of this group were quite active
in football and basketball. They entered quickly into the routine of the
Patton program.

. . . Junior Class

First row, left to right, Mr. Lee, Boone, Challenger, Walton, Etzweiler, Dubs.
Second row, Ward, Mathna, G. Miller, R. Bachich, Wiggins, Hill, D. Kinkead.

Sophomore Class ...

First row, left to right, Mr. Todd, Krimmel, Baumann, Klinepeter. Second row,
Koch, Weirbach, Ford, Gilbert, R. Miller, Knight.

Freshman Class ...

First row, left to right, Mr. Treon, Ross, Krause, M. Bachich, and Compton.
Second row, Green, Bradbury, Simmons, Foltz, Murphy, Thomas. Third row,
Huhn, Schmoyer, White, Obert, Alleman, Mentzer. )


---.;' --.-;;' . - .- ..-, ~' ~

1970-1971 Organizations Officers • • •

Organization Secretary- Senate

Advisor President Vice President Treasurer Representatives
Student Senate
Dr. Kopp G. Clark K. Challenger J. Baumann
Seniors D. Dawson
Mr. Hunt C. Brecht G. Clark D. Dawson K. Miller
M. Ranck
Juniors K. Challenger
Mr. Lee K. Challenger S. Dubs R. Bachich S. Mathna
D. Wiggins
Sophomores J. Baumann
Mr. Todd J. Baumann B. Weirbach W. Klinepeter J. Gilbert
R. Kinkead
Freshmen M. Bachich
Mr. Treon K. Krause J. Clayton W. Obert A. Simmons
J. White
Hi-Y L. Boone Chaplain
Mr. Todd C. Brecht M. Dubee W. Klinepeter R. Pipke
DeMolay Jr. Counselor Sr. Steward Jr. Steward Fourth Preceptor
Mr. Hunt C. Brecht K. Challenger S. Dubs M. Etzweiler
Panther Review Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Managing Editor
Mr. Davies G. Clark S. Dubs J. Peters
Coaches K. Miller M. Ranck B. Weirbach
Guild Editor Jr. Representative Reporters
Dr. Kopp C. Brecht K. Challenger All Senior
Archery Field Capt. Asst. Field Capt. Class members
Mr. Todd M. Etzweiler G. Miller J. Koch

Student Senate ...
The Student Senate began the new term with the election of officers.
They are elected by the Student Body in the order of their classes.
The President is a representative of the Senior Class, the Vice President
is a representative of the Junior Class, and the Secretary is the repre­
sentative of the Sophomore Class.

First row, left to right, Dr. Kopp, Mathna, Ranck, Dawson, K. Miller, Clark,
Challenger. Second row, Simmons, M. Bachich, Gilbert, Baumann, Wiggins,
White, R. Kinkead.

I The Student Senate trys to iron out any difficulties the students may
have and bring these to the attention of the Superintendent. They also
sponsor many activities in the school year such as tournaments in pool,
ping pong, chess, and checkers. They assist in the intra-mural track
and field meet each spring.


DeMolay has been at Patton for a good many years. They used to
travel to Harrisburg for their meetings. In 1963 Elizabethtown was
granted a charter for a chapter.

All DeMolay chapters are sponsored by a Masonic Lodge. DeMolay's

purpose is based on honor and fidelity.

The graduating class of 1971 wish to thank the Board of Trustees

of Patton for making it possible for us.

The members of DeMolay look forward to a promising future in

this Masonic organization.

First row, left to right, Mr. Hunt, Challenger, Boone, Brecht, Etzweiler, Pipke.
Second row, Klinepeter, Clark, Walton, Peters, K. Miller, Edye. Third row,
Dubee, Koch, G. Miller, Dawson, Mathna, Ward.

· . . Hi-Y

For years the Hi-Y has been an active organization with its purpose,
"To create, maintain and extend throughout the home, school, and
community, high standards of Christian character." This, the motto of
the Patton Hi-Y Club is carried out under the leadership of our ad­
visor, Mr. Robert Todd who supplies us with interesting talks and
discussions on a variety of subjects. Hi-Y is a great way to become
more informed with the world and people around us.

Many of the students have experienced trips with the Hi-Y. The
"Globetrotters" at Hershey was one of the highlights of the year.

First row, left to right, Mr. Todd, Brecht, Boone, Dubee, Pipke, Etzweiler,
Walton. Second row, Thomas, Krimmel, Wiggins, Mathna, Peters, Dubs, K.
Miller, Ward. Third row, Klinepeter, Hill, G. Miller, R. Bachich, Ranck, D.
Kinkead, Krause.

Archery ...
At Patton, students compete by matching one's archery ability
against someone else's.

During the year they compete in tournaments located at one of the

following field ranges: Big Buck, Big Chiques, Columbia Fish and
Game, Ephrata, and Fox Harbor.

Our courageous sponsor Mr. Todd, being the only person who
would dare shoot with us, instructs us on the use of the bow and
supplies us with many pointers. Our thanks to Mr. Todd, for without
his help there would not be an Archery Club.

Several of the club members enjoyed hunting for deer with their
bow and arrows. No report of success in bringing in a deer was

First row, left to right, Etzwciler, Hill, G. Miller, Koch, Peters, Evans. Second
row, Mr. Todd, Knight. R. Miller, Gilbert, Green, Kimmel. Third row, Thomas,
D. Kinkead, Compton, R. Kinkead. •

· . . Library Club

The Library Club, which is sponsored by Mrs. Achorn, is now

ending its third year at Patton. The students, who are the representa­
tives of the school, attend the High School District meetings, which
are held at a variety of high schools. Charles Brecht was elected to
serve as District Treasurer of the Eastern area.


Music ...
Vocal and instrumental classes are in their fourth year at Patton
School. Mrs. Fetter is in charge of the Vocal group, and has been
developing a fine Chorus. The chorus meets twice a week. A variety
of songs are learned from the Patton Pep songs and Broadway hits.
Instrumental groups have been organized and the boys are taking
lessons. Mr. Peifer is instructing the brass and percussion instruments,
and Mr. Prokopchak, the accord ian and Mr. Jones, the string instru­
ments. Mrs. Fetter has a number of boys on piano lessons.



First row, left to right, Foltz, R. Kinkead, Bradbury, Huhn, Mathna, Baumann, Challenger, G. Miller, Peters, Gilbert,
Ross, Alleman, Knight, Green, Mentzer. Second row, Sim­ Edye. Fourth row, Thomas, R. Miller, Pipke, Evans,
mons, Weirbach, Wiggins, Walton, Boone, K. Miller, Clark, Schmoyer, Ford, Dawson, M. Bachich, Compton, Obert,
~ Dubs, Dubee, Krimmel. Third row, Krause, Klinepeter, Koch, Murphy, White.


Varsity Club.
This year will be the fourth year the Varsity Club has met since
its organization in 1967.
The requirement for joining this club is earning a varsity letter in
~ one of the three major sports: football, basketball, or baseball.
The officers elected for this year are Ken Miller, President; Milton
Ranck, Vice President; and Bruce Weirbach, Secretary.
A coveted award in the Varsity Club is the "Blue Beret," which is
acquired by earning three varsity letters.

First row, left to right, Mr. Hunt, Ranck, Brecht, Boone, K. Miller, Clark,
Dubs, Dubee. Second row, Weirbach, Wiggins, Baumann, Walton, Challenger,
Edye, M. Bachich. Third row, Evans, Pipke, Schmoyer, R. Bachich, Dawson,
Peters, Obert.

The Blue Beret is an organization of outstanding athletes of the

Patton School. To be eligible for membership a student must earn
three varsity letters, and meet the qualifications of wholesome character.
fine sportsmanship, and unselfish service. The "Varsity Blue Beret"
song tells an unique story of the Patton athletes.
Blue Beret
Fighting boys of the Patton School
Youth who live by the Golden Rule
Boys who mean just what they say
The brave lads of the Blue Beret.
Trained to serve and reach the crest
These are youth, Thomas Patton's best
Many true lads we'll test each day
Not all will earn the Blue Beret.
Trained to live by the Golden Rule
To study and work at the Patton School
Youth who plan for another day
Courage taken from the Blue Beret
Varsity youth who do their best
These are lads, Thomas Patton's best
Letters and awards are earned each day
But only a few earn the Blue Beret.
· · · Activities

. . . Activities



The tournaments this year were quite exciting. There was plenty of
competition and activity. They provided a great deal of excitement for
the boys' leisure time.

The Student Senate sponsored the tournament. They planned the

rules and prepared the schedule of rounds of games. Trophies were
provided for the winner and runner-up in each event.

Winner Runner-up
Pool Singles Dawson M. Bachich
Pool Doubles Dawson-Brecht Gould-White
Ping Pong. Clark Ross
Chess Peters Weirbach




Football 1970 ...

First row, left to right, Dawson, Clark, Edye, Brecht, K. Miller, Peters,
Evans, Pipke, Dubee. Second row, Mr. Treon, Faculty Manager, Coach Gordan,
Coach Wenrich, Mathna, Wiggins, Walton, ChaJlenger, Boone, Schmoyer, Brad­
bury, Mentzer, Ward, Krause, Huhn, Alleman, G. Miller, Third row, Coach
Hunt, White, Clayton, Baumann, Simmons, R. Bachich, Weirbacb. Keesey, Obert,
M. Bachich, Klinepeter, Foltz, Ross, Thomas.

Panthers Score Opponents Score

Patton. "",." 0 Germantown 48
/ Patton, 18 Carson Long 32
Patton ,. 0 Carson Long 16
Patton, 16 Mitchell 46
Patton, ...... 0 Booth 6

.. . Seniors

Chas was one of the smaller men

on the team but he showed that
size was no handicap. He was a
good halfback on offense and a
deadly man on defense.


Greg was the only senior who
had been a starter for four years.
His experience proved to be of
good help. When we needed an
extra yard he was the man to
depend on.


John was a determined lineman

who worked hard and proved
himself to the coaches and team.
He always kept the opponents on
their toes.


Ken was a hard hitting, deter­

mined lineman who could be
counted on to open holes in the
opponent's line, a tough man on


Seniors ...

Drew was a golden toe punter.
When we were in a slump he
would bring us out.


.. ,
Rich came out in his senior year
to stay. He proved to be a good
center and a hard-hitting man.


John was a fast running, sure

handed end. When we wanted to
pass, he was our target.


Len came out in his senior year

and proved to be an asset to our


.. . Highlights

Coaches Etzweiler

.. . Seniors


uaWlIsaJ:I I
Basketball 1970-1971

Panthers Score Opponents Score

Patton 27 Phelps 30
Patton 46 Carson Long ... 58
Patton .............. 64 York ... . ........... ,
Patton ................ -. 67 Reading .............
Patton 55 Devereux 24
Patton 46 Church Farm 33
Patton 34 Harrisburg 49
Patton 51 Devereux 33
Patton .... 50 Phelps .......................... 46 /
Patton. 69 Lancaster " .. 37
Patton 73 Lancaster ..... .33
Patton 53 Carson Long 75
Patton ........ " .... 87 Church Farm 46
Patton. 79 York . . . . . . . .. . . ... ...... , ...... ..106

Patton .. 71 Harrisburg 77

First row, left to right, G. Miller, Ranck, Boone, B. Bachich, Brecht, Dawson,
Mathna. Second row, Coach Herr, Wdrbach, M. Bachich, Challenger, Walton,
Clark, Baumann, Dubs.

1 59
Seniors ...

Chas was a real hustler on de­

fense and a good sure-shot on of­
fense. He moved up to Varsity in
his Senior year. He was a great
asset to the team effort as a


Greg was a good ball handling

guard with lots of spirit. He start­
ed Varsity his Senior year, after
/ one year on the J.V. squad. He
was one of the driving forces in
Patton's 1971 season.


.. . Seniors

Milton was the only Senior who

played for the team for four
years. It was his first varsity year
and he was one of the best play­
ers to come off the bench in a
tight situation.


Drew made the Varsity in his

first full year on the team. Even
though he sees limited action, he
is always on hand if needed in
a game.


Basketball ­ Junior Varsity.
~J~ ~,
\~r~(~ ~

.. . Baseball 1970

First row, left to right, Mathna, Clark, George, Bird, Gensemer, Jackson, Cray­

mer, Brecht, G. Miller. Second row, Coach Herr, Weirbach, Baumann, Challenger,

Dawson, Ranck, Boone, Walton, Edye, Evans, Gilbert.

) Panthers Score Opponents Score

,.i Patton 22 Carson Long 3
Patton .. .. ....... 5 Devereux ............................. 4

Patton .... ........ 7 Booth .. ................... , ...... 3

Patton 6 Devereux 1
Patton . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3 Carson Long 0

f Patton 5 Booth ............ ... , ... 4

Seniors ...

• Coach Herr has been the "Skip­

per" for the club for many years.
He has compiled a fine record of
undefeated seasons. Mr. Herr
stresses fundamentals and good

Mr. Herr

His fine baseball ability proved

to be a decisive factor in many
of our toughest games.


We expected great things from

this second baseman, and we
got them.


.. . Seniors


This boy climbed the ladder of

success ·with little difficulty in
this sport as our left fielder.


This being Drew's first year on

the team, he was invited to learn
from the other's errors.



:l This boy, with his ever-develop­

ing abili ty, persis ted and strived
for the goals that were soon his.

" t

Student Roster ...
Charles Brecht, 3639 Morrell Circle, Philadelphia, Penna. 19114

Sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449

Gregory Clark, 710 South Main Street, Washington, Penna. 15301

Sponsored by Sunset Lodge No. 623

Drew Dawson, 2904 Kings Chapel Road, Apt. #13,

Falls Church, Va. 22042

Sponsored by Athenston Lodge No. 482

Myron Dubee, 112 Middle Street, Taylor, Penna. 18517

Sponsored by Moosic Lodge No. 664

John Edye, 336 E. High Street, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022

Sponsored by Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682

Leonard Evans, 704 N. 7th Street, Emmaus, Penna. 18049

Sponsored by New Temple Lodge No. 720

Kenneth Miller, 212 Maple Hts. Avenue, Tower City, Penna. 17980

Sponsored by Ashlor Lodge No. 570

John Peters, 2195 -18th Street, Camp Hill, Penna. 17070

Sponsored by West Shore Lodge No. 681

Richard Pipke, 3754 Schleicher Avenue, Pennsauken, N.J. 08105

Sponsored by Keystone Lodge No. 271

I Milton Ranck, R, D. #1, Box 256, New Providence, Penna. 17560

Sponsored by Lodge No, 43


Robert Bachich, 618 Cricket Avenue, Ardsley, Penna. 19038

Sponsored by St. Albans Lodge No. 529

Larry Boone, 230 W. 47th St., Green Tree Acres, Reading, Pa. 19604

Sponsored by Lodge No. 62


Kim Challenger, Box 100, R. D. #2, Schuylkill Haven, Penna. 17972

Sponsored by Lodge No. 426

Sam Dubs, R. D. #4, Mechanicsburg, Penna. 17055

Sponsored by Eureka Lodge No. 302

Michael Etzweiler, 718 Charles Road, Dauphin, Penna. 17018

Sponsored by Robert Burns Lodge No. 464

Norman Foster, Bishop Hollow Road, Newtown Square, Penna. 19073

Sponsored by Lansdowne Lodge No. 711

Robert Hill, R. D. #1, Box 89, Jeannette, Penna. 15644

Sponsored by East Brady Lodge No. 640

Dale Kinkead, 5647 Fairfield Drive, Gibsonia, Penna. 15044

Sponsored by Orient Lodge No. 590

Stanley Mathna, R. D. #3, Shippensburg, Penna. 17257

Sponsored by Orrstown Lodge No. 262

Glenn Miller, 507 Whitestown Road, Butler, Penna. 16001

Sponsored by Victory Lodge No. 694

Donald Walton, 31 Broad Street, Christiana, Penna. 17509

Sponsored by Coatesville Lodge No. 564

Charles Ward, fr., 1104 Kirrsopp Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penna. 15220

Sponsored by Franklin Lodge No. 221

Dennis Wiggins, R. D. #1, New Providence, Penna. 17560

Sponsored by Washington Lodge No. 156


Jeffrey Baumann, 1021 Union Avenue, Brackenridge, Penna. 15014

Sponsored by Pollock Lodge No. 502

Fred Bruder, 2944 Willit Rd., Philadelphia, Penna. 19136

Sponsored by Kensington Lodge No. 211

John Ford, 304 First Avenue, Newtown Square, Penna. 19073

Sponsored by Cassia Lodge No. 273


James Gilbert, 3621 Centerfield Road, Harrisburg, Penna. 17109

Sponsored by Robert Burns Lodge No. 464

Charles Gould, Red Maple Acres, Wescoesville, Penna. 18090

Sponsored by Lehigh Lodge No. 326

Roy Kinkead, 5647 Fairfield Drive, Gibsonia, Penna. 15044

Sponsored by Orient Lodge No. 590

WiJJiam Klinepeter, 2340 N. 6th Street, Harrisburg, Penna. 17105

Sponsored by Robert Burns Lodge No. 464

William Knight, Box 290, R. D. #1, Cheswick, Penna. 15024

Sponsored by Fox Chapel Lodge No. 784

Jeffrey Koch, 654 Highland Avenue, Bethlehem, Penna. 18016

Sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449

David Krimmel, 1446 Bristol Road, ChurchviJJe, Penna. 18966

Sponsored by West Chester Lodge No. 322

Raymond Miller, R. D. #1, Box 64, Tower City, Penna. 17980

Sponsored by Ashlor Lodge No. 570

Bruce Weirbach, 1323 Catasauqua Road, Bethlehem, Penna. 18016

Sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449


John Alleman, 51 S. Poplar Street, Elizabethtown, Penna. 17022

I Sponsored by Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682

Michael Bachich, 618 Cricket Avenue, Ardsley, Penna. 19038

Sponsored by St. Albans Lodge No. 529

William Bradbury, Jr., 2326 Catasauqua Road, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015

Sponsored by Saucon Lodge No. 469

Keith Green, 300 Hatboro Pike L-7, Hatboro, Penna. 19040

Sponsored by Emmaus Lodge No. 792

Bobby Huhn, Honeysuckle Road, Bethlehem, Penna. 18016

Sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449


Kenneth Krause, 7931 Cedarbrook Street, Philadelphia, Penna. 19150

Sponsored by Portland Lodge No. 311

Brian Mentzer, 632 West Broad Street, Bethlehem, Penna. 18016

Sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449

Donald Murphy, 131 Oakley Road, Upper Darby, Penna. 19082

Sponsored by Lodge No. 9

William Obert, 7212 Elmwood Avenue, Philadelphia, Penna. 19120

Sponsored by Eastern Star Lodge No. 186

Kenneth Ross, 326 Second Street, Highspire, Penna. 17034

) Sponsored by Prince Edwin Lodge No. 486
Glenn Schmoyer, 1352 Greenview Drive, Bethlehem, Penna. 18016
Sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449

) Alan Simmons, 103 North 7th Street. Emmaus, Penna. 18049

Sponsored by Emmaus Lodge No. 792

William Thomas, 3558 McClure Avenue, Pittsburgh. Penna. 15212

Sponsored by Stuckrath Lodge No. 430

Jay White, 16 Homekort Avenue, Pittsburgh. Penna. 15229

Sponsored by North Hills Lodge No. 716

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