Roject: This Report Is Submitted by Students For Evaluation at NTNU Ålesund

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[The summary here will be identical to the SUMMARY section of the report]

This report is submitted by students for evaluation at NTNU Ålesund.

Postal adress: Visit adress Telephone Fax Bank

NTNU Ålesund Larsgårdsvegen 2
6025 Ålesund Internett E-mail Enterprise no.
Norway 974 767 880


[Foreword should be a personal introduction to the main project; why and how the project
has been implemented. One should mention key partners to the project. (it is not
necessary to preface)]

Table of contents


1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................6

2 BACKGROUND AND TEORETICAL BASIS.......................................................................................................6

3 METHODS..................................................................................................................................................................6
3.1 APPLIED THEORIES................................................................................................................................................7
3.2 TEST SETUP AND PLAN..........................................................................................................................................7
3.3 COMPUTER ANALYSIS PROGRAMS.........................................................................................................................7
3.4 ……......................................................................................................................................................................7
4 RESULTS....................................................................................................................................................................7
4.1 THERORETICAL ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................................8
4.2 EXPERIMATAL RESULTS........................................................................................................................................8
4.3 DESIGN ALTERNATIVES.........................................................................................................................................8
4.3.1 Mechanical...................................................................................................................................................8
4.3.2 Hydraulic.....................................................................................................................................................8
4.3.3 Control system..............................................................................................................................................8
5 DISCUSSION..............................................................................................................................................................8

6 CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................................................9

7 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................................9


[This report contains predefined styles that you can use for the most common sections. The following styles
are defined:

Heading 1 Heading for level 1 (hotkey Alt-1)

Heading 2 Heading for level 2 (hotkey Alt-2)
Heading 3 Heading at level 3 (hotkey Alt-3)
Body Standard text in a paragraph. Use this for all "normal" text (Shortcut Alt-A)
Definition used mainly in the section entitled "TERMINOLOGY"
References used in the Reference section.
AppendixList used in APPENDIX section.
Comment in blue text. Remove all the text of this type of report.]

[NB! This template provides a suggested structure of the main report. The main structure shall be followed..
However, the report must be structured by creating sub-chapters under main shapters. To some extent uou
are free to decide how many sub-chaøpters and levels you want. Try anyway to avoid too many levels –
normally 3 levels are enough. The level is meant the number of under-the chapter, for example, chapter
4.3.4 is on level 3, while section 3.2 is on level 2]


[A brief summary (abstract) of the report; about purpose, mission, scope, methodology, results and

Comment: A summary is usually best to write in the end. Give a brief summary of what the report
contents. Should be max ½ page.
The text here will be identical to the text on the front page. Write the summary here first, and then
copy the text to the front page.]


Oscillator Et feedback system som bevarer energi med resonans

Q Heat flow

∏ 3.14

UML Unified Modeling Language
ME Main engine

[Concepts, notations, symbols and abbreviations that may be unknown to the reader. (Use the style
"definition", as shown above). Omit this section if you do not use concepts and symbols that are
needed to define.]

[This is the first chapter in the scientific report. It should treat the background for the project,
the contractor, the problem / problem history and / or task to be solved. Here you should also
say something about the scope or boundaries of the project.

Finally, you should briefly describe what the report further includes, amongst other things,
what can the reader expect to find in the report.

Comment: This is where you will provide an introduction or a kind of presentation of the
whole assignment. And it is also where you are going to present the issue to be resolved and
any refinements made.

If the task has been dealt a specification of requirements, the main features from the
requirements should be outlined here, with reference to the full requirements.]


[This section shall show that the author has an overview of applied theories to analyze / solve the
problem, meaning that one is familiar with earlier results and other suggestion or attempt solutions.
There shall be provided an academic basis for one's own work, or a description of the theoretical
assumptions, with reference to literature and other sources to support one.

The main purpose of this section is to demonstrate and document that your project / your response is
supported by science, and not just something you have invented even without anchoring in the
existing theories / recommendations.

General: It may be natural to introduce the theories that are relevant to the reviews that will provide a
solution to the problem The key here is to reveal the theoretical basis you will later use to evaluate
and advocate for a proposed solution. Any reviews you do later in the answer should have reference
to this chapter. It is extremely important to have clear references to the sources you use when you are
writing this chapter. All theory you describe here should thus have a reference, and this should be
written into the text

In typical product and system development projects, the focus in addition to fulfilling a set of
functional requirements, often is to develop the system in accordance with the recommendations and
good principles and theories.

[This section should explain how you planned to solve the task and likely to do the procedures. The
main objective of this section is to describe all aspects of the project that is needed to replicate the
project / experiment at a later date.
This is a 2-divided section. On the one hand, one must here describe how we have organized the
project, how to have planned the project, what procedures they have established for approvals and
any partial deliveries, how to have quality-assured work. In addition, one must here describe how the
contractor has been involved in the project and agreed criteria for the completed task.
There will also be posted here what is expected to be presented by the documentation in the project
(user, system documentation, test reports, acceptance test be considered, etc.).
On the other hand, one should also describe the technical aspects of the project:

3.1 Applied theories

[Here describe the methods used to process the data. It applies to such methods for filtering, signal
analysis, pattern recognition, etc. All formula should be numbered and all the symbols of the methods
should be defined under the notation in the list terminology chapter.

1 (1)
 x(t ) (
t b
Wa ,b (t )  a
) dt
a R

Der a er…….
Senere i rapporten refererer du til nummeret på metoden.]

3.2 Test setup and plan

[Here you describe the practical equipment that is used to reveal the results of the report. There is
here a detailed overview of the equipment used (multi-meter, skop etc.), methods used, as well as a
detailed description of any flow / laboppsett / measure flows. If the equipment is part of the product to
be developed under the project, describes this in chapter Results.]

3.3 Computer analysis programs


3.4 …….

This is the largest part of the report
[ , which contains an objective description of
the findings and results obtained . This can be process data, equipment and software, drawings
May include: litterature reviews, analysis or technical / scientific research, results of a development
process. Test results and analysis results must also include any uncertainties / inaccuracies - without
consideration (these are under the discussion section).

Comment: This is where you are going to adapt the work on the theories and methods that are
mentioned in the two previous chapters, and that can provide a suggested solution to the problem that

is defined in the introduction. Note that when it is necessary to make some references back to these
two chapters for the reader that the report should follow the background for the reviews.

Remember that you never have to do reviews and analysis without this being documented in the
theory chapter. Unfounded guessing is completely worthless. In a task such as this where the actual
learning process is essential, you should be good to formulate the ideas and assessments that are
made in the no arguments, in other words to describe both the process and solution. As a rule, you
must remember that we normally have a tendency not to include enough details.

It is important that the performance of the product is also described as part of a larger

Some examples on how the structure of the main chapter can be composed:]

4.1 Theroretical analysis


4.2 Experimatal results


4.3 Design alternatives

4.3.1 Mechanical

4.3.2 Hydraulic

4.3.3 Control system

[Assessment of the method and the results achieved. Limitations, changes or deviations in the project
in relation to the plan / original issue - the possible sources of error.
Remember this is a subjective assessment.

Comment: Here you can discuss the quality of the work done. Are the sources reliable, is there any
mismatch between the different sources (and, if so, why), other factors making some of the reviews
and choices unreliable? In the small projects, iresults and discussion may be included in the same

Remember that the two main student objectives: One is to arrive at a solution to a given problem.
Secondly is to important what you learn through the process. This must come forward in the
discussion. It may therefore be sensible to divide this section into two, which in one section carries a
discussion of the technical achievements (the system you have developed, for example), and one
section where you discuss the process; how you chose to organize the project, and what experiences

you gained with the selected approach. How do you handled problems that occurred during the project
(activities that were larger and longer in time than initially planned), etc.]

[Here you should present the main results of the work together with the experience you've gained in
the process. Here you will summarize the most important chapter discussions, and arrive at a
conclusion. Did you solve the problem as required or expected with the chosen methods? Was the
result according to the mission stated bye the employer? What did we learn from this project, both
scientifically, and not least in relation to the work process of a project? ]


[Authors, title of book or article, name of journal or publisher / publisher, or no date for the journal, year, place as
referred to in the report. Course lectures can also be referred to, as with the title on the subject and the name of
the presenter. Internet pages must also be included. Even oral discussion partners can be included in the
reference list, when this is a source of important or detailed information used in the report
see example below]

[1] Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation systems – H.K. Woud and D.Stapersma
[2] Matlab. Wavelet Toolbox. Users Guide. The Math Works Inc., 1997
[3] Pugh, D T., Tides, Surges and Mean Sea-Level. John Wiley & Sons. New York, 1996

[Material and data prepared or collected in connection with the project, but not natural to include in the
main part of the report. The reason cam be the level of details, volume or format.

Typical examples are: detailed calculations or analysis, set of design drawings, supporting
information, computer code etc…. ]

Appendix A Test data from engine testbed

Appendix B FEM analysis of cylinder liner
Appendix C Design drawings
Appendix D Material properties
Appendix E etc….etc…..

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