Adverb Clauses

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01. You will have to pay higher annual tax _______ you buy a mansion.

Take your
time to think about purchasing it.
(A) although
(B) because of
(C) if
(D) so that
02. _________ city cars are cheap, they last a long time.
(A) after
(B) because
(C) although
(D) in order that
03. You need to get the right suit to go scuba diving _________ the seawater
temperature is low.
(A) even though
(B) since
(C) so that
(D) after
04. You should not drive _________ you drink alcohol.
(A) unless
(B) after
(C) before
(D) until
05. __________ a whale lives in the sea, it is not a fish - it’s a mammal.
(A) because
(B) although
(C) so that
(D) whether or not
06. I have never seen any computers without Windows Operating System. ________
there are computers, there is Windows Operating System.
(A) Wherever
(B) After
(C) As soon as
(D) Because
07. ___________ Janice Blue is a doctor, she smokes a lot.
(A) Because
(B) Now that
(C) Though
(D) If
08. ___________ Joni always did well on his test, his parents were not surprised that
he got an A.
(A) When
(B) While
(C) Until
(D) Because
09. I’ll call you __________ I come back to Jakarta.
(A) after
(B) although
(C) until
(D) even though
10. ___________ I’ve done my homework, can sleep until the morning.
(A) Now that
(B) Even though
(C) While
(D) Unless
11. ___________ I have the key to my house, I will have to stay outside until my
mother comes home.
(A) If
(B) Unless
(C) When
(D) Because
12. If I am sick tomorrow, I will go to school. If I am not sick tomorrow, I will still go to
school.” The sentences above are similar in meaning to ….
(A) Because I am sick or not tomorrow, I will go to school.
(B) Although I am sick or not tomorrow, I will go to school.
(C) I will still go to school whether I am sick or not.
(D) After I am sick or not, I will go to school.
13. “We stayed in the hotel until we finished the homework.” The sentence above
has similar meaning as ….
(A) After we finished the homework, we stayed in the hotel.
(B) We didn’t get out of the hotel before we finished the homework.
(C) Because we didn’t finished the homework, we couldn’t get out of the hotel. (D)
Although we finished the homework, we stayed in the hotel.
14. Anne: “Even if anything happens, I am still buying a car.” What does Anne mean
to say?
(A) Anne has decided to buy a car and nothing can change her decision.
(B) Anne has decided to purchase a motorbike instead.
(C) Anne will cancel her car purchase if she doesn’t have any money.
(D) Anne is not sure about the car.
15. “Whenever I imagine scary clowns, I turn on the tv.” The sentence above has
similar meaning as ….
(A) Every time I imagine scary clowns, I turn on the tv.
(B) Until I imagine scary clowns, I turn on the tv.
(C) I turn the tv whether I imagine scary clowns or not.
(D) Even if I imagine scary clowns, I turn on the tv.
16. The bomb will explode only if we call the police.” The sentence means below ….
(A) If we call the ambulance, the bomb will explode.
(B) If we call the firefighters, the bomb will explode.
(C) If we call the police, the bomb will explode.
(D) If we call our parents, the bomb will explode.
17. While __________ to the toilet, I saw a strange man.
(A) I walk
(B) walking
(C) walked
(D) walks
18. After __________ a shower, Peter brushes his teeth.
(A) take
(B) taken
(C) taking
(D) took
19. __________ a car, Patricia borrowed it from a friend.
(A) Need
(B) Needs
(C) Needed
(D) Needing
20.__________ single, I can freely go out.
(A) Be
(B) Am
(C) Being
(D) Been
21. __________ the game before, I don’t want to play it again.
(A) Having played
(B) Has
(C) Had
(D) Have played
22. “After you woke up, you should call your mother.” Change the adverb clause
above into adverbial phrase!
(A) After wake up, you should call your mother.
(B) After waking up, you should call your mother.
(C) Waking up, you should call your mother.
(D) no change.
23. “When Tina came home, the door was locked.” Change the adverb clause above
into adverbial phrase!
(A) When wake up, the door was locked.
(B) When coming home, the door was locked.
(C) Coming home, the door was locked.
(D) no change
24. “Because Tania is a vegetarian, she does not eat meat.” Change the adverb
clause above into adverbial phrase!
(A) Because be a vegetarian, Tania does not eat meat.
(B) Because being a vegetarian, Tania does not eat meat.
(C) Being a vegetarian, Tania does not eat meat.
(D) no change
25. ___________ to the sounds of nature, we lost track of time.
(A) Because listening
(B) Because being listening
(C) Listening
(D) Listened
26. I don't know …
(A) where is the post office.
(B) where is the post office?
(C) where the post office is.
(D) where the post office is?
(E) the post office is where.
27. Can you hear …?
(A) what did he say
(B) what he said
(C) did he say
(D) he said
(E) he is said
28. … is not important for me.
(A) How much money you do make
(B) How much money do you make
(C) How much money you make do
(D) How much do you make money
(E) How much money you make
29. They are not responsible for …
(A) what their father did do.
(B) what did their father do.
(C) what father they did.
(D) what their father did.
(E) what their father do.
30. The manager doesn't care about …
(A) when the plane will depart.
(B) when will the plane depart.
(C) when will depart the plane.
(D) when the plane will.
(E) when the plane depart.
31. I wonder … The following can fill the blank space above, except …
(A) if they will come or not.
(B) whether they will come or not.
(C) what they have been thinking.
(D) how long have they been staying in London.
(E) where we should go.
32. I want to know …
(A) who is in front of the door.
(B) who the front of the door is.
(C) who the door is.
(D) who in the front.
(E) who the front door is.
33. A: “No one knows …”
B: “The teacher is Rebecca Hamilton.”
(A) who the teacher.
(B) who the teacher is.
(C) who will. (D) who will not.
(E) who the teacher is not.
34. Please tell us …
(A) what heard you've.
(B) what have you heard.
(C) what have you.
(D) what you have heard.
(E) what have heard you.
35. The teacher is not sure …
(A) which on chapter.
(B) which chapter are we on.
(C) which chapter on.
(D) which are chapter.
(E) which chapter we are on.
36. A bowl of rice is …
(A) what did I order.
(B) what did I ordered.
(C) what I ordered.
(D) what I did ordered.
(E) what ordered I.
37. … won’t be revealed.
(A) How the tragedy happening
(B) How was the tragedy happened
(C) How the tragedy was happened
(D) How the tragedy happened
(E) How did the tragedy happen
38. I invited her, but I don't care about …
(A) not she will come whether.
(B) whether or not she will come.
(C) whether she won't or not come.
(D) whether or not.
(E) whether or she will come.
39. … is commonly known.
(A) The Earth is round
(B) How the Earth
(C) Whether the Earth round
(D) That the Earth is round
(E) When the Earth rounds
40. A: “Do you think Citra will like the book?”
B: “… is Obvious. I am just unsure about whether she has bought it or not."
(A) Citra likes the book
(B) Citra will like the book
(C) That Citra will like the book
(D) That Citra will the book
(E) The fact that Citra
41. I don't trust Petyr. His problem is …
(A) when could he get a lot of money in such a short time.
(B) how could he get a lot of money in such a short time.
(C) when he could get a lot of money in such a short time.
(D) how he could get a lot of money in such a short time.
(E) how to get a lot of money in such a short time by Petyr.
42. Mother : “Are you okay? What’s on your mind?”
Father : “The company us bankrupt. I don’t know ….”
(A) what should I do
(B) whether to do
(C) what to do
(D) where
(E) when should I do
43. The teacher told us …
(A) where sitting.
(B) where should we sit.
(C) where can we sit.
(D) where to sit.
(E) where we should sitting.
44. Teacher: “I will only say this once. You'd better pay careful attention to …”
The following can fill in the space above, except …
(A) this.
(B) this information.
(C) what I am going to say.
(D) how the experiment should be conducted.
(E) when should you finish the assignments.
45. Which one is wrong in structure?
(A) I am thinking about whether I will win it or not.
(B) I agree that smoking should be banned.
(C) I don't know why I can't call you anymore.
(D) I need to know where can I copy this book.
(E) I am still unsure about how to use this machine.
46. Katrina: “I work in a coffee shop.” She said …
(A) I work in a coffee shop
(B) I worked in a coffee shop
(C) she works in a coffee shop
(D) she worked in a coffee shop
(E) she is working in a coffee shop
47. Bruce: “My mother doesn’t have any biological children.” Bruce said that …
(A) my mother doesn’t have any biological children
(B) my mother didn’t have any biological children
(C) his mother has some biological children
(D) his mother had some biological children
(E) his mother didn’t have any biological children
48. Uncle Tom: “I am cleaning the kitchen.” Uncle Tom told me that …
(A) I am cleaning the kitchen
(B) I was not cleaning the kitchen
(C) he is cleaning the kitchen
(D) he was not cleaning the kitchen
(E) he was cleaning the kitchen
49. Anne: “I am never coming back.” Anne said that …
(A) she is never coming back
(B) she was never coming back
(C) she is ever coming back
(D) she was ever coming back
(E) she were never coming back
50. Father: “Your mother left the party earlier.” Your father said that …
(A) your mother had left the party earlier
(B) your mother left the party earlier
(C) my mother had left the party earlier
(D) my mother left the party earlier
(E) his mother had left the party earlier
51. Sister: “I didn’t like milk as a child.” My sister told me that …
(A) she didn’t like milk as a child
(B) she liked milk as a child
(C) she had liked milk as a child
(D) she had hated milk as a child
(E) he doesn’t like milk as a child
52. Teacher: “Jesse has written six essays so far.” The teacher told me that …
(A) Jesse has written six essays so far
(B) Jesse had written six essays so far
(C) Jesse hasn’t written six essays so far
(D) Jesse hadn’t written six essays so far
(E) Jesse will have written six essays so far
53. Adit: “I won’t be able to afford a car.” Adit told me that …
(A) he would be able to afford a car
(B) I would be able to afford a car
(C) I wouldn’t be able to afford a car
(D) he will be able to afford a car
(E) he wouldn’t be able to afford a car
54. Bertha: “I had danced on stage before 2010.” Bertha said that …
(A) she danced on stage before 2010
(B) she had danced on stage before 2010
(C) she had been dancing on stage before 2010
(D) she didn’t dance on stage before 2010
(E) she hadn’t danced on stage before 2010
55. Yudhis: “You will be kicked from the basketball team.” Yudhis told me that …
(A) I will be kicked from the basketball team
(B) I would be kicked from the basketball team
(C) I will have been kicked from the basketball team
(D) I would have been kicked from the basketball team
(E) I should be kicked from the basketball team
56. The police officer is my neighbor. He is waving at us. Combine these sentences
to make one sentence!
(A) The police officer whom is waving at us is my neighbor.
(B) The police officer my neighbor is waving at us.
(C) The police officer that waving at us is my neighbor.
(D) The police officer who is waving at us is my neighbor.
57. The dress ... the singer is wearing is made of meat.
(A) whom
(B) who
(C) which
(D) where
58. The French language is different from the Latin language. Latin was once spoken
throughout Europe. Combine these sentences to make one sentence!
(A) The French language, which Latin was once spoken throughout Europe, is
different from the Latin language.
(B) The French language, which was once spoken throughout Europe, is different
from the Latin language.
(C) The French language is different from the Latin language, which Latin was once
spoken throughout Europe.
(D) The French language is different from the Latin language, which once spoken
throughout Europe.
59. At the school gathering, I saw a man .... (his costume was an apple)
(A) who his costume was an apple
(B) whose costume was an apple
(C) which costume was an apple
(D) that costume was an apple
60. You put my wallet somewhere. Show me the place. Combine these sentences to
make one sentence!
(A) Show me the place when you put my wallet.
(B) Show me the place which you put my wallet.
(C) Show me the place where you put my wallet.
(D) Show me the place whom you put my wallet. 0
61. The athlete has powerful legs ... he uses to run really fast and jump really high.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) whose
62. Another group of students ... lost the race because of cheating.
(A) whom name was “honesty”
(B) whose name was “honesty”
(C) their name was “honesty”
(D) which name was “honesty”
63. The article was published yesterday. The sources of the article were
questionable. Combine these sentences to make one sentence!
(A) The article the sources of which were questionable was published yesterday.
(B) The article the sources of it were questionable was published yesterday.
(C) The article, the sources of which were questionable, was published yesterday.
(D) The article, the sources of them were questionable, was published yesterday.
64. The woman found and returned my wallet. I invite the woman to my house today.
Combine these sentences to make one sentence!
(A) The woman who I invite to my house today found and returned my wallet.
(B) The woman whom I invite to my house today found and returned my wallet.
(C) The woman to whom I invite my house today found and returned my wallet.
(D) The woman that I invite her to my house today found and returned my wallet.
65. I will always remember the night. We met on that night. Combine these
sentences to make one sentence!
(A) I will always remember the night where we met.
(B) I will always remember the night which we met.
(C) I will always remember the night when we met.
(D) I will always remember the night on we met.
66. Bali has a lot of visitors. Most of the visitors are tourists from Australia. Combine
these sentences to make one sentence!
(A) Bali has a lot of visitors, most of them are tourists from Australia.
(B) Bali has a lot of visitors, most of whom are tourists from Australia.
(C) Bali has a lot of visitors, most of which are tourists from Australia.
(D) Bali has a lot of visitors, most of who are tourists form Australia.
67. Mr. Clark is full of lies. You listen to him all the time. Combine these sentences to
make one sentence!
(A) Mr. Clark, whom you listen all the time, is full of lies.
(B) Mr. Clark, who you listen to all the time, is full of lies.
(C) Mr. Clark, to whom you listen all the time, is full of lies.
(D) Mr. Clark, you listen to whom all the time, is full of lies.
68. Bogor ... was sunny on the day of the marathon.
(A) the weather of which is often cloudy
(B) the weather of which is often cloudy,
(C) its weather is often cloudy
(D) its weather is often cloudy,
69. Hyaenas, ... look much like canids, are actually in the sub-order Felimorfia, with
cats and mongooses.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) that
(D) whose
70. Hyaenas, ... lifestyle is similar to canids, are actually related to felines.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) that
(D) whose 16
71. Hyaenas preys, ... lions usually steal, include zebras and wildebeests.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) that
(D) whose
72. Mr. Bruce keeps on teaching the students, almost all of ... are sleeping.
(A) them
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) him
73. Francesca Hayward, ..., has been promoted to principal this year.
(A) is a ballerina at Royal Ballet London
(B) that is a ballerina at Royal Ballet London
(C) who is a ballerina at Royal Ballet London
(D) which is a ballerina at Royal Ballet London
74. Cougars sometimes prey on sheep and goats, ... are usually kept by farmers.
(A) whose
(B) who
(C) which
(D) whom
75. Dania ... is going to return to her homeland soon.
(A) who has been working in Tokyo
(B) , who has been working in Tokyo,
(C) has been working in Tokyo
(D) , that has been working in Tokyo,
76. Children ... will be given extra time during examination week.
(A) have learning disorders
(B) , that have learning disorders,
(C) , who have learning disorders,
(D) who have learning disorders
77. Arthur Conan Doyle ... was born in Edinburgh.
(A) who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories
(B) , who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories,
(C) , that wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories,
(D) that wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories.
78. People ... are wrong. In fact, pigs often roll in mud to keep bugs and ticks away
from their skin.
(A) that think that pigs are dirty
(B) , who think that pigs are dirty,
(C) whom pigs are dirty
(D) whose pigs are dirty
79. Ted saw a woman who was carrying a yellow umbrella. The sentence above has
a similar meaning to ....
(A) Ted saw a woman was carrying a yellow umbrella
(B) Ted saw a woman carrying a yellow umbrella
(C) Ted saw a woman who carrying a yellow umbrella
(D) Ted saw a woman carried a yellow umbrella
80. Students who worked during the holiday will get extra credits at school. The
sentence above has a similar meaning to ....
(A) students worked during the holiday will get extra credits at school
(B) students who working during the holiday will get extra credits at school
(C) students who is working during the holiday will get extra credits at school
(D) students working during the holiday will get extra credits at school
81. They let their child …. in the neighbor’s house.
(A) play
(B) played
(C) playing
(D) plays
(E) be playing
82. I had my car …. a day ago.
(A) to fix
(B) fixed
(C) fixes
(D) fix
(E) fixing
83. She will get her teacher …. the class earlier.
(A) to finish
(B) finished
(C) finishes
(D) finish
(E) finishing
84. I got my hair …. at the salon by the hairdresser.
(A) to dry
(B) dried
(C) dries
(D) dry
(E) drying
85. I have made my mother …. because of my school report card.
(A) to cry
(B) cried
(C) cries
(D) cry
(E) crying 06
86. I feel tired. I will have my body …. by a masseuse at the spa tomorrow.
(A) to massage
(B) massaged
(C) massages
(D) massage
(E) massaging
87. Hannibal Lecter can make someone …. himself or herself.
(A) to kill
(B) killed
(C) kills
(D) kill
(E) killing
88. Can you help me …. my homework?
(A) to doing
(B) did
(C) does
(D) do
(E) doing
89. My father always makes me …. my own breakfast in the morning.
(A) to prepare
(B) prepared
(C) prepares
(D) prepare
(E) preparing
90. We had our landlord …. the broken window.
(A) to fix
(B) fixed
(C) fixes
(D) fix
(E) fixing
Approximately 2,200 years ago, there was a war between the Greeks and the Jews.
The Greeks won and forced their culture on the Jews. A group of Jewish people
called the Maccabees revolted and liberated Jerusalem. The Maccabees found their
temple defiled. They sought to rededicate it to God, (1) ... the Greeks had been
worshipping Zeus there. As part of the rededication, they needed to relight the
menorah - a sacred candle, whose source of fuel was olive oil. According to the
Talmud - a collection of texts which are important in Judaism, the Jewish people only
found a single jar of undefiled oil. (2) ..., that oil was only enough to last a single day.
The Jewish people took a leap of faith and relit the menorah. To their surprise, the
menorah stayed lit for eight days, which was seven more days than they expected.
The Jewish people attributed the surprising amount of time that oil lasted to God (a
91. (A) therefore
(B) as
(C) although
(D) but
(E) due to
92. (A) Nevertheless
(B) But
(C) In addition
(E) However
For centuries, it was believed that a great unknown continent encompassed much of
the southern end of the globe. Attempting to locate this land in 1772-75, James
Cook, a British explorer, became the first to cross the Antarctic Circle and to sail
around the continent (although not sighting it). His voyage (3) ... proved nor
disproved the continent’s existence, but did indicate that if there were any such land
its size had been greatly exaggerated. In 1819-21, a similar circumnavigation of
Antarctica was made by Fabian von Bellingshausen, a Russian captain. He
discovered and named Peter I and Alexander I islands, within the Antarctic Circle.
Territorial Claims Seven nations have made formal territorial claims in Antarctica -
Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, and Norway. Some
of the claims overlap; about 15 per cent of the continent is unclaimed. The United
States, Russia, and a number of other countries (4) ... recognize these territorial
claims nor make claims of their own. Under the terms of the Antarctic Treaty of 1959,
all territorial claims are being held in abeyance or in suspension. The treaty was
originally adopted by Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Great Britain,
Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the United States, and
several other nations later became treaty members. The world’s nations as a whole,
(5) ... have yet to agree upon the legal status of the continent. Scientific Studies (6)
Since Antarctica is virtually untouched by civilization and has little animal and plant
life, it serves as an ideal natural laboratory for the geophysical sciences. (7) ... the
International Geophysical Year, 1957-58, 12 nations cooperated in beginning a
thorough investigation of the south polar region. This undertaking contributed to the
creation of the Antarctic Treaty of 1959; (8) ... postponing territorial claims, the 12
signatory nations agreed to use the region jointly for peaceful and scientific purposes
only. Other nations have subsequently joined in the research work. In 1988 the treaty
nations signed an agreement that would govern development of all natural resources
in Antarctica. Exploratory studies of Antarctica’s surface are now largely complete.
And investigations have turned to the natural processes at work in the atmosphere,
the ice, and the sea. (Source: polar-history/history-
93. (A) either
(B) but
(C) not only
(D) both
(E) neither
94. (A) either
(B) but
(C) not only
(D) both
(E) neither
95. (A) consequently
(B) however
(C) furthermore
(D) but
(E) otherwise
96. The word ‘since’ in the sentence above can be replaced by ....
(A) If
(B) Although
(C) Because
(D) Due to
(E) Despite
97. (A) Along
(B) Across (C) During (D)When (E) At the time 08. (A) moreover (B) in addition to (C)
therefore (D) however (E) or else Louis Braille was a French educator and inventor
of a system of reading and writing for use by the blind or visually impaired. His
system remains known worldwide simply as braille. Blinded in both eyes (9) ... an
early childhood accident. Braille mastered his disability while still a boy. He excelled
in his education and received scholarship to France’s Royal Institute for Blind Youth.
(10) ... still a student there, he began developing a system of tactile code that could
allow blind people to read and write quickly and efficiently. Inspired by the military
cryptography of Charles Barbier, Braille constructed a new method built specifically
for the needs of the blind. He presented his work to his peers for the first time in
1824. In adulthood, Braille served as a professor at the Institute and enjoyed a
hobby as a musician, but he largely spent the remainder of his life refining and
extending his system. It went unused by most educators for many years after his
death, (11) ... posterity has recognized Braille as a revolutionary invention, and it has
been adapted for use in languages worldwide. (Source: 09. (A) despite (B) in spite of the fact that
(C) due to the fact that (D) as a result of (E) because 10. (A) Whenever (B) Because
(C) Before (D)If (E) While 11. (A) and (B) or (C) for (D) but (E) so

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