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Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp.

618 – 631, 2004

Copyright D 2004 Elsevier Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0891-5849/$-see front matter


Original Contribution


Department of Environmental Health and Center for Environmental Genetics, University of Cincinnati Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH, USA

(Received 26 August 2003; Revised 10 November 2003; Accepted 20 November 2003)

Abstract—Studying liver microsomes from 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-induced or vehicle-treated

(noninduced) mice, we evaluated the in vitro effects of added chemicals on the production of reactive oxygen due to
substrate/P450-mediated uncoupling. The catalase-inhibited NADPH-dependent H2O2 production (luminol assay) was
lower in induced than noninduced microsomes. The effects of adding chemicals (2.5 AM) in vitro could be divided into
three categories: Group 1, highly halogenated and coplanar compounds that increased H2O2 production at least 5-fold in
induced, but not in noninduced, microsomes; Group 2, non-coplanar halogenated biphenyls that did not affect H2O2
production; Group 3, minimally halogenated biphenyls and benzo[a]pyrene that decreased H2O2 production. Molar
consumption of NADPH and O2 and molar H2O2 production (o-dianisidine oxidation) revealed that Group 1 compounds
mostly increased, Group 2 had no effect, and Group 3 decreased the H2O2/O2 and H2O2/NADPH ratios. Microsomal
lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances) was proportional to H2O2 production. Although TCDD
induction decreased microsomal production of H2O2, addition of Group 1 compounds to TCDD-induced microsomes in
vitro stimulated the second-electron reduction of cytochrome P450 and subsequent release of H2O2 production. This
pathway is likely to contribute to the oxidative stress response and associated toxicity produced by many of these
environmental chemicals. D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords—Cytochrome P450, Free radicals, Hydrogen peroxide, Polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, Superoxide,

intervention, as well as prevention, of some of these
Formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been disorders.
implicated in susceptibility to numerous complex dis- Many polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons
eases (including neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, (PHAHs), including dibenzodioxins, dibenzofurans and
type II diabetes, cataracts, and AIDS) and aging, as biphenyls, are toxic and carcinogenic in laboratory ani-
well as toxicity of many environmental chemicals and mals and humans [5 –8]. Highly halogenated compounds,
certain heavy metal ions [1– 4]. Greater understanding such as TCDD (dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-
of the mechanisms underlying the oxidative stress re- dioxin) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), are persis-
sponse at the molecular level should provide insight into tent in the environment, bioconcentrate, and bioaccumu-
late, and have been categorized as dangerous pollutants,
especially in waterways such as the Great Lakes [9].
Because many such compounds are poorly metabolized
Address correspondence to: Dr. H. G. Shertzer, Department of
Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 3223
and do not react directly with macromolecules such as
Eden Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056, USA. Fax: (513) 558-0522; DNA and protein, they are believed to act via signal
E-mail: transduction pathways, often involving cellular oxidative

Microsomal reactive oxygen production 619

stress [10 –20]. We have previously described one such were purchased from AccuStandard, Inc. (New Haven,
oxidative stress pathway that involves the TCDD-induc- CT, USA) and used without further purification. 4-Mono-
ible succinate-dependent mitochondrial production of chlorobiphenyl (MCB, PCB 3), 2,4,4V-trichlorobiphenyl
reactive oxygen [21,22]. Other studies have shown that (TriCB, PCB 28) and 4,4V-dichlorobiphenyl (DCB, PCB
PHAHs may contribute to a cytochrome P450 (CYP)- 15) [33], and 2,4,6,2V,4V,6V-hexabromobiphenyl and
dependent microsomal generation of reactive oxygen, by 3,4,5,3V,4V,5V-hexabromobiphenyl [34] were synthesized
binding to the CYP active site but not being metabolized, and purified as described. All other chemicals and reagents
hence allowing electrons to leak into the subcellular were obtained from Sigma –Aldrich Chemical Company
milieu; this process is termed uncoupling [23,24]. (St. Louis, MO, USA) as the highest available grades.
The toxicity and carcinogenicity of TCDD are related
primarily to its ability to alter the expression of genes that Animals and treatment
are under the control of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor
All experiments involving mice were conducted in
(AHR) [25,26]. These genes encode many proteins, some
accordance with the National Institutes of Health stand-
of which are upregulated, such as those in the Ahr gene
ards for care and use of experimental animals and the
battery, including CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and CYP1B1 [27].
University of Cincinnati Institutional Animal Care and
Other genes are downregulated, and there appears to be
Use Committee (IACUC). Five-week-old male mice of
hundreds of genes controlled by the activated AHR [28].
the inbred strain C57BL/6J were purchased from The
Although TCDD itself is typically a minor component of
Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA) and allowed
environmental PHAHs, its high affinity for the AHR,
to acclimate to the animal facility for 1 week before
coupled with its environmental and biological persistence,
experiments. Animals were group-housed and main-
cause it to be a prototype for the capacity of other PHAHs
tained on a 12-h light/dark cycle, and had access to
to bind to the AHR and exert toxicity [29].
standard rodent chow and water ad libitum.
The pathways leading to TCDD-induced oxidative
For the current study, mice were administered TCDD
stress are beginning to be understood. The well-estab-
(15 Ag/kg body wt) in corn oil by intraperitoneal injection;
lished pathway of NADPH-dependent production of
control mice were given equivalent volumes of corn oil.
ROS in liver microsomes [30] is now known to involve
One week after treatment, the mice were killed by carbon
CYPs [31]. Although CYP-catalyzed reduction and acti-
dioxide asphyxiation, followed by cervical dislocation.
vation of O2 are required for CYP monooxygenase
The liver was excised and washed in ice-cold 0.9% NaCl.
reactions, certain CYPs, including CYP1A1, CYP2E1,
A 10% whole homogenate was prepared in 70 mM
CYP2B4, and CYP3A, can release reactive oxygen in the
sucrose, 220 mM mannitol, 2 mM EDTA, 2 mM EGTA,
process known as uncoupling. CYP1A1 uncoupling and
2 mM Hepes (pH 7.4), using a motor-driven (1000 rpm)
microsomal oxidative stress are enhanced in vivo and in
Potter – Elvehjem homogenizer. The homogenate was
vitro by highly chlorinated PCBs [23,24,32].
centrifuged for 10 min at 1000g, and the supernatant
In the present study, we examined the capacity of a
fraction was centrifuged again for 15 min at 10,000g.
series of coplanar and non-coplanar PHAHs (mostly
The resulting supernatant fraction was centrifuged at
polyhalogenated biphenyls) to generate ROS in liver
105,000g for 60 min, and the resulting microsomal pellet
microsomes from vehicle-treated (noninduced) and
was washed and then suspended in 0.1 M potassium
TCDD-treated (induced) mice. It was expected that
phosphate (KPi) buffer (pH 7.4).
PHAHs might alter the balance of the flow of electrons,
either in favor of or against pro-oxidant CYPs, depending
Microsomal oxygen and NADPH consumption
on their capacity to bind and/or be metabolized by CYPs.
We found a distinct pattern for the PHAH-stimulated Microsomal oxygen consumption was measured po-
production of hepatic microsomal oxidative stress, which larographically with a Clark-type oxygen electrode
was dependent on TCDD induction and the structure of the (Hansatech Instruments; Norfolk, England). Briefly sum-
specific PHAH. marized, 0.6 ml of 0.1 M KPi (pH 7.4) and 200 Ag of
microsomal protein were equilibrated at 37jC with stir-
ring. Following the in vitro addition of DMSO or 2.5 AM
MATERIALS AND METHODS test compound, an NADPH-regenerating system was
added (NADPH-RS, with final concentrations of 240
AM NADP, 5 mM glucose 6-phosphate, 1 mM MgCl2,
TCDD, 2,4,6,2V,4V,6V-hexachlorobiphenyl (246-HCB, and 1 U/ml glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). O2
PCB 155), 3,4,5,3V,4V,5V-hexachlorobiphenyl (345-HCB, consumption was monitored for 10 min, during which
PCB 169), 3,4,3V,4V-tetrachlorobiphenyl (34-TCB, PCB time it remained linear. NADPH consumption was fol-
77), and 3,5,3V,5V-tetrachlorobiphenyl (34-TCB, PCB 80) lowed spectrophotometrically at 340 nm at 37jC, in a
620 H. G. SHERTZER et al.

reaction mixture consisting of 0.1 M KPi (pH 7.25) and chemical (2.5 AM final concentration), and 180 Ag micro-
200 Ag of microsomal protein. Following the addition of somal protein, in a 0.9 ml reaction volume. Samples were
DMSO or 2.5 AM test compound, NADPH was added incubated at 37jC for 5 min, and the reaction was started
and NADPH consumption was monitored for 10 min, by the addition of 12.5 Al NADPH-RS. The reaction was
during which time the reaction remained linear. stopped at zero time or at 60 min by the addition of 0.1 ml
50% trichloroacetic acid and centrifuged at 10,000g for 10
Measurement of H2O2 and superoxide min. Butylated hydroxytoluene (10 Al of 0.5 M in DMSO)
was added, and the samples were heated at 100jC for 10
H 2O 2-induced luminol (5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4-
min. After centrifugation, the absorbance of the superna-
phthalazinedione) luminescence and superoxide-induced
tant was determined at 532 nm 600 nm. Using malo-
lucigenin (bis-N-methylacridinium) chemiluminescence
naldehyde diacetal standards, the results are expressed as
were measured as previously described [21,22], using a
nanomoles per minute protein.
Berthold Autolumat Plus luminometer. The in vitro reac-
tion mixture consisted of 50 Ag of mitochondrial protein
Protein and CYP determinations
in a final volume of 1.0 ml 0.1 M KPi (pH 7.25)
containing additions described in the figure legends. We Protein was measured by the bicinchoninic acid
first determined that the vehicle used in adding chemicals method (Pierce Chemical Co., Rockford, IL, USA),
to the luminol reaction mixture did not affect luminol according to details provided by the manufacturer. Total
luminescence; we found that up to 1% DMSO or meth- CYP levels were assayed as the reduced CYP – carbon
anol had no effect on luminescence under any conditions. monoxide binding pigment [35] and NADPH – cyto-
In contrast, acetone, hexane, or acetonitrile stimulated chrome c oxidoreductase was assayed by following the
NADPH-dependent microsomal luminescence, whereas reduction of cytochrome c in the presence of NADPH as
xylene inhibited and tetrahydrofuran greatly inhibited the described [36].
reaction (accompanying article). DMSO was therefore
used as vehicle for the in vitro addition of all test Statistics
compounds. Luminescence was determined in the pres-
Statistical differences between group mean values were
ence of 5 AM luminol plus 2.5 U/ml horseradish perox-
determined by one-way ANOVA, followed by the Stu-
idase, 50 Ag microsomal protein, 2.5 Al DMSO, or 2.5
dent – Newman – Keuls test for pairwise comparison of
Al of 1 mM test chemical (2.5 AM final concentration), in
means. Statistical analysis was performed using SigmaStat
0.1 M KPi buffer (pH 7.25), in a final volume of 1.0 ml.
Statistical Analysis software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
The reaction was initiated by the addition of 12.5
Al NADPH-RS and monitored at 37jC. For lucigenin
chemiluminescence, 20 AM lucigenin replaced luminol
Biohazard precaution
and horseradish peroxidase, with all the other components
remaining the same. TCDD and BaP are highly toxic and likely human
Hydrogen peroxide was quantified using o-dianisidine carcinogens. Other halogenated biphenyls are toxic. All
(3,3V-dimethoxybenzidine). The reaction mixture con- personnel were instructed as to safe handling procedures.
sisted of 100 Ag o-dianisidine, 2.5 U/ml HRP, 1.25 Lab coats, gloves, and masks were worn at all times, and
Al DMSO or 1.25 Al of 1 mM test chemical (2.5 AM final contaminated materials were collected separately for dis-
concentration), and 0.1 M KPi buffer (0.5 ml reaction posal by the Hazardous Waste Unit or by independent
volume at pH 7.25). Samples were incubated at 37jC for contractors. TCDD-treated mice were housed separately,
5 min, and the reaction was started by addition of 12.5 and their carcasses were treated as contaminated biolog-
Al NADPH-RS. The reaction was stopped at zero time or ical materials.
at 60 min by the addition of 0.5 ml ethanol and centri-
fuged at 10,000g for 10 min. The absorbance of the
supernatant was determined at 450 nm 750 nm, and RESULTS
compared against hydrogen peroxide standards. The
Previous studies have used the chemiluminescent
results are expressed as chemiluminescence units / per
probes luminol and lucigenin for the determination of
minute per milligram of protein.
H2O2 and superoxide, respectively [21,22,37,38]. To
determine the suitability of luminol and lucigenin for
Measurement of lipid peroxidation by means of
use in the current study, they were examined for specificity
thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances
in formation of their respective ROS. Figure 1 shows that
The reaction mixture consisted of 0.9 ml 0.1 M KPi each probe was more than 99% specific for the targeted
buffer (pH 7.25), 2.25 Al DMSO or 2.25 Al of 1 mM test ROS. Catalase was specific for inhibiting H2O2-stimulat-
Microsomal reactive oxygen production 621

Fig. 1. Specificity of luminol and lucigenin for H2O2 and superoxide, respectively. Left: H2O2 was generated by addition of increasing
amounts of glucose oxidase, in the presence of 20 mM glucose and 0.1 M KPi buffer (pH 7.25); Closed circles, luminol alone; closed
squares, luminol + SOD; closed triangles, luminol + catalase; open circles, lucigenin. Right: Superoxide was generated by addition of
increasing amounts of xanthine oxidase in the presence of 1 mM hypoxanthine and 0.1 M KPi buffer (pH 7.25); Open circles, lucigenin
alone; open squares, lucigenin + catalase; open triangles, lucigenin + SOD; solid circles, luminol. The activities of SOD and catalase
used were 100 and 500 U/ml, respectively. The results illustrated represent averages of two trials.

ed luminol luminescence, whereas SOD was specific for A group of PHAHs plus the polycyclic hydrocarbon
inhibiting superoxide-stimulated lucigenin chemilumines- BaP—potent substrate for CYP1A1 and CYP1B1, much
cence. At 20 AM lucigenin there was no apparent redox less so for CYP1A2—were used in this study (Fig. 2).
cycling-induced chemiluminescence, as was shown to These chemicals were mostly chlorinated and brominated
occur at higher concentrations of this probe [37]. biphenyls, with which we compared compounds (1)

Fig. 2. Structures and abbreviations used for the compounds used in this study. TCDD, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; 34-TCB,
3,4,3V, 4V-tetrachlorobiphenyl; 3,5,3V, 5V, -tetrachlorobiphenyl; 345-HCB, 3,4,5,3V,4V,5V-hexachlorobiphenyl; 345-HBB, 3,4,5,3V,4V,5V-
hexabromobiphenyl; TriCB, 2,4,4V-trichlorobiphenyl; DFCH, dodecafluorocyclohexane; 246-HCB, 2,4,6,2V,4V,6V-hexachlorobiphenyl;
246-HBB, 2,4,6,2V, 4V, 6V-hexabromobiphenyl; DCB, 4,4V-dichlorobiphenyl; MCB, 4-monochlorobiphenyl; BaP, benzo[a]pyrene.
622 H. G. SHERTZER et al.

Luminescence units  10 Ratio (induced/noninduced)
Noninduced Induced
DMSO 112 F 4 35 F 1 0.31
TCDD 107 F 2 122 F 3 1.13
34-TCB 106 F 2 145 F 5 1.36
35-TCB 107 F 4 141 F 2 1.32
345-HCB 107 F 2 128 F 3 1.20
345-HBB 104 F 2 127 F 3 1.22
TriCB 110 F 3 103 F 5 0.94
DFCH 98 F 3 123 F 4 1.26
246-HCB 112 F 2 45 F 2 0.40
246-HBB 99 F 3 35 F 1 0.36
DCB 103 F 3 8 F 3 0.07
MCB 46 F 2 18 F 2 0.38
BaP 82 F 3 12 F 1 0.15
Microsomal reactive oxygen production 623

Fig. 3. (A) Effects of test compounds on NADPH-dependent luminol chemiluminescence. In the presence of 2.5 AM test compound, the
reaction was started by injection of an NADPH-regenerating system containing 240 AM NADPH. Liver microsomes from vehicle-
treated (noninduced, open circles) or TCDD-treated (induced, closed circles) C57BL/6J mice were used, as described under Materials
and Methods. Results shown are average values for four experiments. The areas under the curves were integrated over the times shown.
The averages for these integrals F SEM are listed in the table; the ratios of integrated luminescence values for induced/noninduced
microsomes are included. (B) Fold changes elicited by test compounds in NADPH-dependent luminol luminescence relative to DMSO
alone. The average luminescence values at each time point, and under each condition, were divided by the average value obtained in the
presence of DMSO alone (upper most panel of (A)), for vehicle-treated (noninduced, open circles) or TCDD-treated (induced, closed
circles) microsomes.

highly halogenated with compounds minimally haloge- In vitro H2O2 production

nated, (2) coplanar with non-coplanar, and (3) chlorinated
with brominated. Based on the type of ROS generation The compounds were evaluated for their capacity to
and related effects, we could divide the compounds into affect the NADPH-dependent production of H2O2 (Fig.
three functional groups, as described below. 3A). In the absence of NADPH or microsomes, there was
The concentration of 2.5 AM test compound was no luminescence under any condition. Furthermore, the
chosen, following the titration of 34-TCB into the redox-inactive iron chelator deferoxamine mesylate (1
luminol test system for hydrogen peroxide production. mM) had no effect on luminol luminescence, and, for
34-TCB was among the most potent agents for stim- each data set, catalase completely abolished lumines-
ulating hydrogen peroxide, which increased linearly cence (data not shown). For each curve, the lumines-
with 34-TCB concentration to about 1 AM 34-TCB, cence was integrated over time, and the integrated
leveled off to about 6 AM, then decreased about 40% luminescence values are listed (Fig. 3A). In addition,
at 10 AM (data not shown). the ratios of the mean integrated luminescence in induced
624 H. G. SHERTZER et al.

Noninduced Induced Ratio (I/N-I) N-I/P450 Induced/P450

DMSO 600 F 31 1290 F 39 2.14 769 710
TCDD 555 F 54 1190 F 61 2.14 712 657
34-TCB 583 F 23 1510 F 68 2.58 747 833
35-TCB 578 F 21 1380 F 66 2.38 741 761
345-HCB 602 F 34 1340 F 58 2.22 772 740
345-HBB 601 F 44 1310 F 52 2.17 701 722
TriCB 547 F 31 1340 F 26 2.44 701 739
DCFH 551 F 32 1360 F 69 2.47 706 753
246-HCB 553 F 31 1220 F 31 2.21 709 675
246-HBB 627 F 34 1330 F 78 2.11 804 732
DCB 221 F 14 27 F 2 0.12 283 15
MCB 121 F 7 29 F 3 0.24 155 16
BaP 470 F 14 28 F 1 0.06 603 15
CYP 0.78 F 0.1 1.81 F 0.3 2.32 – –
POR 47.0 F 2.6 65.5 F 4.9 1.39

Fig. 4. Effects of test compounds on NADPH-dependent lucigenin chemiluminescence. In the presence of 2.5 AM test compound, the
reaction was started by injection of a NADPH-regenerating system. The results shown (luminescence units  10 4) are average values
for four experiments. The areas under the curves were integrated over the times shown. The averages for these integrals F SEM are
listed in the table; also listed are total CYP concentrations (nmol/mg protein) and NADPH – cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity (POR,
nmol/min/mg protein). The ratios of integrated luminescence values for induced/noninduced microsomes (I/N-I) are included, as are
luminescence ratios relative to the microsomal content of P450.
Microsomal reactive oxygen production 625

microsomes to that in noninduced microsomes are In vitro superoxide production

In the absence of test compound, TCDD-induced We also used the probe lucigenin in an attempt to
microsomes displayed a 69% decrease in H2O2 produc- assess superoxide generation (Fig. 4). The integrated
tion relative to noninduced microsomes (Fig. 3). This luminescence over time was quantified and tabulated
effect was attributed to the CYP1A2 induction by (Fig. 4 legend). Lucigenin chemiluminescence was
TCDD and the capacity of CYP1A2 to act as an entirely dependent on NADPH and microsomes, and
electron sink for NADPH-dependent pro-oxidant CYPs, was not affected by 1 mM deferoxamine mesylate (data
primarily CYP2E1 (accompanying article). The addition not shown). In the presence of the vehicle DMSO in
of Group 1 compounds, consisting of highly halogenated vitro, induced microsomes produced more than twice
coplanar aromatics (DFCH, 345-HCB, 345-HBB, 34- the luminescence generated by noninduced microsomes.
TCB, 35-TCB, TCDD, and TriCB), increased H2O2 The addition of Group 1 (highly halogenated coplanar)
production in induced microsomes, but not in noninduced or Group 2 (highly halogenated non-coplanar) test
microsomes. Group 2 compounds, consisting of highly compounds did not alter the luminescence produced
halogenated non-coplanar biphenyls (246-HCB and 246- by either induced or noninduced microsomes. In the
HBB), had little effect on H2O2 production. Group 3 presence of Group 3 compounds (minimally halogenat-
compounds, consisting of minimally halogenated biphen- ed and easily metabolized), however, lucigenin lumi-
yls (DCB and MCB) and BaP, decreased NADPH-depen- nescence was largely abolished, especially in the
dent H2O2 production in both noninduced and induced induced microsomes. Most surprisingly, lucigenin lumi-
microsomes, with a greater degree of inhibition in the nescence was not inhibited at all by superoxide dis-
latter group. mutase, at the same superoxide dismutase activity that
The Fig. 3A data are more easily visualized by completely abolished xanthine/xanthine oxidase-stimu-
examining the ratios of luminescence for each in vitro lated superoxide production (Fig. 1, right). If superoxide
compound added, relative to the luminescence obtained is released, then SOD should scavenge, as it does for
when vehicle alone was added (Fig. 3B). It is clear that xanthine/xanthine oxidase-generated superoxide. If su-
Group 1 compounds stimulated H2O2 production in a peroxide is not released, but lucigenin produces chemi-
sustained fashion, but only in induced microsomes. luminescence, the lucigenin would appear to react
Although we did not pursue further the slight rebound between NADPH and the one-electron reduced form
in luminescence with induced microsomes in the pres- of CYP. Since lucigenin does not react with NADPH in
ence of in vitro MCB, we believe that this effect is the absence of microsomal protein, the lack of the effect
likely due to the generation of MCB metabolites. of SOD on lucigenin chemiluminescence suggests that

Table 1. Molar Utilization of O2 and NADPH and the Production of H2O2

O2 (nmol/min/mg) NADPH (nmol/min/mg) H2O2 (nmol/min/mg)

Noninduced Induced Noninduced Induced Noninduced Induced

No NADPH 0 0 0 0 0 0
a a
DMSO 22.4 F 1.1 35.8 F 2.1 20.6 F 1.4 34.3 F 4.0 0.41 F 0.05 0.29 F 0.04a
TCDD 17.6 F 1.4b 37.1 F 2.0a 21.3 F 0.6 45.7 F 4.1a,b 0.45 F 0.07 1.02 F 0.06a,b
34-TCB 15.3 F 1.0b 36.8 F 1.8a 23.7 F 1.3 52.0 F 4.9a,b 0.38 F 0.03 1.57 F 0.10a,b
35-TCB 15.9 F 0.9b 35.5 F 1.8a 22.8 F 1.0 48.3 F 4.5a,b 0.41 F 0.06 1.53 F 0.20a,b
345-HCB 15.6 F 1.4b 32.6 F 2.6a 21.8 F 1.5 54.3 F 3.8a,b 0.41 F 0.06 1.15 F 0.08a,b
345-HBB 15.6 F 1.5b 35.4 F 3.2a 23.0 F 1.1 59.3 F 6.3a,b 0.44 F 0.06 1.12 F 0.06a,b
TriCB 20.1 F 2.0 28.9 F 1.4a,b 23.8 F 1.4 39.0 F 3.9a 0.55 F 0.11 0.61 F 0.07b
DFCH 19.6 F 1.1b 33.4 F 2.2a 23.0 F 1.6 46.4 F 3.3a,b 0.43 F 0.06 0.79 F 0.05a,b
246-HCB 21.6 F 0.9 30.8 F 1.0a,b 23.2 F 1.3 37.3 F 2.9a 0.46 F 0.08 0.61 F 0.06a,b
246-HBB 20.1 F 1.1 29.4 F 2.4a,b 21.9 F 1.6 34.4 F 3.2a 0.54 F 0.09 0.71 F 0.04a,b
DCB 24.1 F 2.1 82.7 F 5.1a,b 22.8 F 1.4 86.1 F 3.5a,b 0.29 F 0.06b 0.16 F 0.05a,b
MCB 27.0 F 2.0b 80.5 F 5.6a,b 28.8 F 1.3b 77.5 F 9.4a,b 0.22 F 0.07b 0.13 F 0.03a,b
BaP 23.3 F 1.1 74.8 F 3.3a,b 21.9 F 1.3 80.0 F 5.3a,b 0.28 F 0.08 0.55 F 0.08a,b

H2O2 was quantified using o-dianisidine. DMSO (2.5 Al) or 2.5 Al test compound in DMSO (2.5 AM final concentration) was added as indicated. The
reactions were started by addition of an NADPH-regenerating system containing 240 AM NADPH. The results are average values for four experiments F
SEM. Significance at the p < .05 level is indicated.
Significantly different from noninduced microsomes when same compound is added in vitro.
Significantly different from values obtained when DMSO alone is added to microsomes.
626 H. G. SHERTZER et al.

lucigenin is reacting directly either with an iron – oxo CYP in both induced and noninduced microsomes. The
species of CYP or with NADPH – cytochrome P450 increase in lucigenin luminescence that occurred in the
oxidoreductase (POR). induced microsomes (2.1- to 2.6-fold) was proportional
To examine these possibilities, CYP levels and POR to the increase in total microsomal CYP concentrations
activities were quantified in induced and noninduced (2.3-fold), and far exceeded the smaller increase in POR
microsomes (Fig. 4 legend). For Group 1 or Group 2 activity (1.4-fold). These results are consistent with a
compounds, the integrated levels of lucigenin chemilu- pathway whereby lucigenin accepts electrons from
minescence were proportional to the amount of total CYPs, rather than directly from POR.

Fig. 5. Ratios of H2O2 production to O2 and NADPH consumption and of NADPH production to O2 consumption. These ratios were
calculated from the primary data that were used to generate Table 1. Values obtained for H2O2 production and for O2 and NADPH
consumption were paired for each set (induced, noninduced) of microsomes to obtain ratios. The results shown represent noninduced
microsomes (open bars) and induced microsomes (closed bars). The mean ratios for four experimental determinations F SEM are
shown. *Significantly different ( p < .05) from mean value obtained when adding DMSO alone, using corresponding microsomes (non-
induced or induced).
Microsomal reactive oxygen production 627

NADPH and O2 consumption and H2O2 production the H2O2 produced relative to O2 consumption (Fig.
5). H2O2 production, relative to NADPH used and O2
To examine further the pathways for electron transfer,
consumed, was lower in induced microsomes than in
we determined the molar consumption of NADPH and
noninduced microsomes. In the presence of the highly
O2 and the molar production of H2O2 (Table 1). For
halogenated coplanar Group 1 compounds, these ratios
every condition, induced microsomes had greater
were significantly elevated, whereas for Group 1 com-
NADPH and O2 consumption and greater H2O2 produc-
pounds having fewer halogens (TriCB and DFCH) and
tion, relative to noninduced microsomes. With nonin-
for Group 2 compounds (highly halogenated non-
duced microsomes, Group 1 compounds slightly
coplanar), the ratios were the same in the induced as
decreased O2 consumption, but did not affect NADPH
in the noninduced microsomes. All Group 3 compounds
utilization or H2O2 production. Group 2 compounds did
(minimally halogenated plus BaP) significantly de-
not affect any parameter measured in noninduced micro-
creased the percentage of electrons needed to produce
somes, whereas MCB (Group 3) increased O2 and
NADPH consumption and decreased H2O2 generation.
The results were more striking with induced micro-
Lipid peroxidation
somes than noninduced microsomes. For O2 consumption,
Group 1 compounds had no effect, Group 2 compounds To determine whether H2O2 production was capable
were slightly inhibitory, whereas Group 3 compounds of producing an oxidative stress response in micro-
were highly stimulatory. Regarding NADPH utilization, somes, lipid peroxidation was evaluated (Fig. 6). Lipid
Group 1 compounds stimulated, Group 2 compounds had peroxide formation was lower in the induced micro-
no effect, while Group 3 compounds greatly increased this somes than in the noninduced microsomes, and this
parameter. For H2O2 production, Group 1 compounds pattern was essentially unchanged in the presence of
were generally highly stimulatory, Group 2 compounds Group 2 compounds. Group 1 compounds greatly
and BaP (Group 3) stimulated to a lesser extent, whereas stimulated lipid peroxidation in induced microsomes,
DCB and MCB (Group 3) were inhibitory. but had little effect in the noninduced microsomes. For
The Table 1 results can be evaluated better when Group 3 compounds, excluding BaP, lipid peroxide
calculated as ratios that show the percentage of elec- formation was lower in the induced, relative to the
trons from NADPH resulting in H2O2 generation and noninduced, microsomes.

Fig. 6. NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation production. The reaction mixture for determining TBARS was described under Materials
and Methods. The reaction was initiated with an NADPH-regenerating system containing 240 AM NADPH, and incubated at 37jC for
60 min. The results shown represent noninduced microsomes (open bars) and induced microsomes (closed bars). *Significantly different
( p < .05) from mean value obtained using noninduced microsomes.
628 H. G. SHERTZER et al.

DISCUSSION 3-methylcholanthrene- or h-naphthoflavone-induced rat

liver microsomes (CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 induction),
Exposure to PHAHs may produce a variety of dele- whereas non-coplanar PCBs were preferentially active
terious consequences, including neurobehavioral deficits, in phenobarbital-induced microsomes (CYP2B1 induc-
environmental estrogenicity, immunosuppression, and tion) [44]. Thus, the microsomal oxidative stress re-
cancer [5,6,29,39– 41]. Many PHAHs of greatest toxico- sponse observed in this study may be applicable to
logical concern are highly halogenated and relatively PHAH bioaccumulation and exposure conditions that
stable, both environmentally and metabolically. Due to result in activation of the AHR. In this context, the
their inability to be readily metabolized, highly haloge- enzyme induction profile for AHR agonists may pro-
nated PHAHs are thought to exert their toxicity via duce different patterns of CYP expression. Such pat-
receptor-mediated pathways, possibly involving oxida- terns that produce different relative expression ratios of
tive stress. Because of this, we evaluated a representative CYP1A1/CYP2E1/CYP3A to CYP1A2 may determine
group of PHAHs having varying degrees of halogenation the levels of hepatic microsomal oxidative stress (ac-
(both chloro- and bromo- substitutions), and with copla- companying article).
nar versus non-coplanar configurations. Even related PHAH compounds may differentially
alter the expression ratios for hepatic CYP1A1- versus
Three categories of PHAHs defined CYP1A2-mediated monooxygenase activities, as well as
the CYP1A1 activity profiles for different tissues [45], or
We were able to categorize the in vitro effects of these
even regionally within one tissue such as liver [46].
PHAHs into three groups, based on their capacity to
Differential CYP expression profiles for related PHAHs
stimulate NADPH-dependent production of H2O2, in
may be explained in part, by varying affinities for the
induced versus noninduced liver microsomes. Group 1
AHR, as well as differing pharmacokinetics for any
compounds generated a strong oxidative stress response;
particular inducing agent [47,48]. The pharmacokinetic
Group 1 consisted of coplanar (not ortho-substituted)
profile for AHR – ligand PHAHs is mostly a function of
highly halogenated compounds, containing three or more
the compound’s hydrophobicity, coplanarity, rates of
halogens. (Within this group, trichlorobiphenyl was the
metabolism and elimination, and dosing regimen [49].
least active member.) Group 2 had no effect on the
Regardless of the factors controlling AHR-mediated gene
oxidative stress response and consisted of non-coplanar
expression, CYP expression profiles may regulate tissue-
(ortho-substituted) and highly halogenated (six halogens)
specific oxidative stress responses and resulting toxicity.
biphenyls. The electron-deactivating properties of the
For example, subchronic exposure of rats to PCBs and
multiple halogens and the steric hindrance of the hydrat-
TCDD produces a greater oxidative stress response in
ed halogens render both Group 1 and 2 compounds
brain than in liver [12], consistent with the well-estab-
recalcitrant to metabolism. Steric effects due to halogen
lished neurotoxicity of environmental PHAHs.
hydration at the ortho position are also responsible for
Differences in the pharmacokinetic profiles for
torsion of the biphenyl rings, producing the non-coplanar
PHAHs in different tissues, and cell types within tissues,
configuration for ortho-substituted biphenyls. Group 3
are important considerations in evaluating the potency of
compounds, consisting of minimally halogenated
Group 1 compounds used in this study for generating an
PHAHs and BaP, are rapidly metabolized. CYP-cata-
oxidative stress response in vivo. The concentrations of
lyzed oxidation of minimally halogenated PCBs forms
TCDD and other PHAHs in the membranes of isolated
mono- and dihydroxy metabolites, which give rise to
microsomes would be less than the concentrations that
catechols and hydroquinones [42]. These metabolites
occur in hepatic endoplasmic reticulum of the intact
have the potential to generate ROS by redox cycling
animal. Thus, in TCDD-induced microsomes, the addi-
[43]. When tested in rats, however, minimally haloge-
tion of TCDD or other Group 1 compounds in vitro can
nated biphenyls, including MCB, did not produce an
stimulate H2O2 production more than 7-fold. This in-
oxidative stress response [18].
crease should represent an upper limit to the stimulation
of ROS generation in vivo in TCDD-treated mice. In this
Which CYP enzyme is likely involved?
context, a single high dose or multiple sequential smaller
The results obtained in the present study, as well as doses of TCDD are most effective in producing oxidative
any biological and toxicological effects, are dependent stress [16]. Such a dosing regimen would be optimal for
on both the specific CYP enzymes induced by TCDD inducing CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 and for maintaining
and the chemical configurations and exposure levels of high tissue concentrations of TCDD. Similarly, multiple
the PHAH compounds. Using small subsets of PCB sequential small doses of TCDD are required for maximal
congeners, a coplanar configuration appeared to be production of hepatic foci that are positive for glutathione
required for generating an oxidative stress response in S-transferase and hepatocarcinogenesis in rats [50].
Microsomal reactive oxygen production 629

The results in Table 1 and Fig. 5 illustrate that the molar somal H2O2 production in the absence of PHAHs, the
ratios of H2O2 production, relative to the consumption of measured amount of PHAH-stimulated H2O2 production
NADPH and O2, increased in the presence of Group 1 in TCDD-induced microsomes must represent an under-
compounds in the induced, but not in the noninduced, estimation of ROS production by TCDD-induced pro-
microsomes. Concomitantly, we observed a slight increase oxidant CYPs. Since TCDD does not induce CYP2E1,
in the ratio of NADPH to O2 utilization. These results CYP1A1 is the most likely candidate for mediating the
suggest that electrons from NADPH are diverted from O2 TCDD-induced and Group 1 compound-stimulated pro-
to H2O2. Because the NADPH utilization-to-O2 consump- duction of H2O2; this is in keeping with previous reports
tion ratios were the same for induced and noninduced showing that CYP1A1 is instrumental for the PHAH-
microsomes—in the presence or absence of any chemicals stimulated production of reactive oxygen [23,24].
added in vitro—it appears that the pathway for electron
flow was the same for each condition. We find (accom-
panying article) that H2O2 in noninduced microsomes is CONCLUSIONS
most likely generated by CYP2E1.
In summary, we have shown that highly halogenated
and coplanar aromatic hydrocarbons increase microsom-
Proposed electron flow pathway
al NADPH-dependent H2O2 production up to more than
Our postulated pathway for electron flow, therefore, is 7-fold in TCDD-induced mouse liver microsomes. Non-
illustrated in Fig. 7. We show (accompanying article) that coplanar (o-substituted) halogenated biphenyls do not
when additional compounds are not added to micro- affect H2O2 production, whereas minimally halogenated
somes, CYP2E1 is the major pro-oxidant CYP, and biphenyls and benzo[a]pyrene decrease H2O2 produc-
CYP1A2 reduces CYP2E1-generated H2O2 production. tion. The one-electron-reduced CYP –iron-oxo complex
The addition of Group 1 PHAHs to uninduced micro- does not appear to release superoxide, whereas the two-
somes did not alter the ROS production, suggesting that electron-reduced CYP –iron-oxo complex does release
PHAH exposure alters the relative production of H2O2 by H2O2, which causes microsomal lipid peroxidation. The
different CYPs. Since TCDD exposure decreases micro- results from this study suggest that the capacity of

Fig. 7. Scheme representing the electron transport pathways under investigation. NML, nonmetabolizable ligand; RH, metabolizable
630 H. G. SHERTZER et al.

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