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Japan’s unknow indigenous cuisene


1.- Crisp autumm: Otoño fresco

“On a crisp autumn morning in Hokkaido”

2.- Apron: Delantal

“Immaculately styled in a cheery yellow apron”

3.- Crockery: Vajilla

“She ensured that the long tables in front of her had the right selection of crockery”

4.- Chopsticks: Palillos

“Chopsticks and mixing bowls”

5.- Counter: Mostrador

“Carrots and spring onions on the counter of the small kitchen”

6.- Surveyed: Inspeccionar

“She surveyed the scene and stood back behind the counter”

7.- Hugely: Enormemente

“A hugely popular TV cooking show”

8.- Wealth: Riqueza

“While Japanese cuisine offers a wealth of gastronomic delights”

9.- Endless: Sin fin

“With an endless variety of regional dishes”

10.- Let alone: Sin hablar

“Let alone their food”

11.- Unlike: Diferente a

“With the land. Unlike the Japanese”

12.- Lasting: Duradera

“And had a distinct and lasting impact on Japanese cuisine”

13.-Forested: Fomentaron

“They created and fostered the food culture of Japan”

14.- Broth: Caldo / Cornerstones: Piedras angulares

“A simple broth that forms one of the culinary cornerstones of Japanese cooking”

15.-Slew: Monton

“It’s also used in a slew of other Japanese dishes”

16.- Meant: Significaba

“That meant we didn’t have fat and oil”

17-. Grind: Moler / Sprinkled: Espolvorear

“Deep fry it and grind it into a powder to be sprinkled on deer meat”

18.- Shape: Forma

“This trade shaped the food culture of Japan”

19.- Milestone: Hito

“A major milestone in a country known for its homogeneity”

20.- Eagerly: Ansiosamente

“Our cooking class group eagerly”

21.- Wealth: Riqueza

“There is a wealth of other ingredients and techniques that make up Ainu cuisine”

22.- Increasingly: Cada vez mas

“Which are becoming increasingly popular and trendy in Japan and throughout Asia”

23.- Purported: Supuesta

“Are purported to be high in vitamins and minerals”

24.- Further afield: Mas lejos

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