Independent Restaurants Brace For The Unknown

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Independent Restaurants Brace for the



1. - Scrambling: Pelear

“But smaller businesses are scrambling for help from governments”

2. - Odds: Probabilidades

“And the odds that she will reopen anytime soon are against her”

3. - Whom: Quien

“Some of whom had been with her for more than 25 years”

4. - Prognosis: Pronostico / Dire: Terrible

“The prognosis for independent operations like hers seem dire”

5. - Shuttered: Cerrado

“Many have simply shuttered”

6. - Ride out: Aguantar

“He resources to ride out a protracted shutdown”

7. - Landscape: Paisaje, Panorama

“But the independent restaurants that make up about two-thirds of the American dining

8-. Failure rate: Tasa de fracas

“Who believes that the 75 percent failure rate isn’t an exaggeration.”

9.-Groceries: Abarrotes

“From selling groceries”

10.- Loan: Prestamo

“includes loan programs”

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