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Project Additional Works Breakdown- Allhome Molino

Subject Breakdown of Quantities
Date January 03, 2020

Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Material Unit Labor Total Amount

1.00 General Requirements 950,000.00

Material Handling - Additional Works lot 1.00 500,000.00
Tools and Equipment lot 1.00 350,000.00
Hauling of debris lot 1.00 100,000.00

2.00 ALLHOME MOLINO- Ground Floor/BPO/BOH 2,024,000.00

Dismantling of Board Up lot 1.00 300,000.00
Column Cladding Zone 1 - Appliances Area lot 1.00 135,000.00
Vinyl Tiles - Appliances Area mtrs 772.98 97.03 75,000.00
Cove Light - Aplliances Area lot 1.00 85,000.00
Column Bricks lot 1.00 210,000.00
Ceiling Adjustment and Repair lot 1.00 135,000.00
Tile Repair lot 1.00 110,000.00
BPO - Form Works lot 1.00 135,000.00
BPO - Concrete Cover lot 1.00 70,000.00
BPO - Column Cladding lot 1.00 94,000.00
Back of House Revision lot 1.00 45,000.00
Back of House CR Revision lot 1.00 45,000.00
MGS Temfacil lot 1.00 50,000.00
Additional Paint Works lot 1.00 400,000.00
Additional Board Up lot 1.00 135,000.00

3.00 ALLHOME MOLINO - Second Floor 1,200,000.00

Dismantling of Board Up lot 1.00 300,000.00
Demolition - Access to BPO lot 1.00 55,000.00
AHU Pad lot 1.00 60,000.00
CHB Laying/ Plastering - Chiller Area lot 1.00 250,000.00
Tile Repair lot 1.00 110,000.00
Additional Paint Works lot 1.00 300,000.00
Additional Board Up lot 1.00 125,000.00


Sub Total AllHome 4,174,000.00

Admin Cost 208,700.00
Vat 500,880.00
Grand Total Amount 4,883,580.00

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