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What if for the last 500 years mainstream science thought

that the earth was a globe and then in the mid 20th century,
when they finally had the necessary technology, they found
out it was a flat stationary plane under a dome. Do you think
they would tell the public and admit that they were wrong
all these years? Or would they continue the status quo,
making treaties and setting up organizations like NASA in
an attempt to hide the truth from the public, and profit from
our ignorance?

If you think you live on a globe then you haven't looked into it!
In reality the earth is a flat stationary plane, set on pillars,
under a dome (firmament), within which the heavenly
luminaries (sun, moon, and stars) rotate daily around
Polaris. There is no "outer space". The centre of the earth
plane is the north pole and the Rupes Nigra or Mount
Meru; and outer edge is Antarctica and the ice wall. There
is no south pole. The sun and moon are the same size,
each about 32 miles in diameter, and less than 3,000 miles
above the earth. The sun is not a star and the 'planets' are
not physical (rocky or gaseous) bodies but wandering
stars. We have night and day because sunlight is localized and does not travel indefinitely. It has a range of
approximately 6,000 miles before it is no longer visible due to refraction, perspective, convergence, atmospheric
density, and travelling beyond the vanishing point. The moon is self-luminescent and it gives off a cooling light - a
fact that is easily proven by the moonlight vs. moonshade temperature test. Lunar eclipses are not caused by the
shadow of the earth on the moon but by dark astronomical bodies (research Rahu and Ketu) crossing in front of the
moon. The seasons are caused by the sun altering its circuit above the earth over the course of the year. On the
equinoxes the sun rotates above the equator. As the northern summer progresses the sun slows down as it spirals
north, reaching the Tropic of Cancer on June 21st. It then begins to speed up its circuit, spiralling south until reaching
the Tropic of Capricorn on December 21st. To circumnavigate the flat earth you travel either east (counter-clockwise)
or west (clockwise) around the north pole. Gravity is NOT a force, it is merely the effect of density, buoyancy and
temperature. The FACT that over 70% of the earth is water-covered and that water ALWAYS finds its level is a proof
of flat earth! Ships in the distance that appear to disappear "over the curve" are simply travelling past your vanishing
point, a fact that is proven by using a telescope or camera to bring them back into view. If the earth was a globe
orbiting around a sun 93 million miles away then the stars you see tonight would be 100% completely different from
the stars you would see on a night six months from now as you would be facing the opposite side of the universe!
If the world is a globe why is it that the United Nations, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, World
Meteorological Organization, and International Civil Aviation Organization all use the Flat Earth map in their logos?


Multiple US government documents refer to the earth being flat. “NASA Reference Publication 1207 – August 1988″,
on page 30 references "a stationary atmosphere over a flat, nonrotating earth" (
dryden/pdf/88104main_H-1391.pdf). The FAA's "The Engineering Analysis and Design of the Aircraft Dynamics Model
For the FAA Target Generation Facility - October 2012" states "the aircraft equations of motion were calculated
assuming a flat Earth and that we here assume the development frame was the North-East-Down frame. This implies
necessarily that earth rotation and the variation of the gravity vector with position over the earth were ignored in
developing the aircraft equations of motion." (
offices/tc/about/campus/faa_host/labs/tgf/media/AircraftDynamicsModel.pdf). And "PUB.200 SAILING DIRECTIONS
MSISiteContent/StaticFiles/NAV_PUBS/SD/Pub200/Pub200bk.pdf) claims on page 55 that Antarctic mountains "have
been sighted at 300 miles” away which would be totally impossible if we lived on a globe with a circumference of
24,901 miles as these base of the mountain would be more than 56,000 feet below the "curve" and according to
mainstream science the world tallest mountain is less than 30,000 feet high.

You have been indoctrinated since birth to believe you live on a globe. Don't be a slave to your ignorance any
longer. Stop believing what you're told to believe and do some research to uncover the truth for yourself!

RESEARCH: Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Airy's Failure, Alexander Gleason map, analema, Ancient Hebrew Conception of
Universe, Antarctic ice wall, Antarctic Treaty, Auguste Piccard, azimuthal equidistant north polar projection map,
Book of Enoch, Challenger astronauts still alive, clouds behind the moon, clouds behind the sun, crepuscular rays, fake
space walks, Georges Lemaître, gravity is density and buoyancy, high altitude balloons, ISS hoax, Jesuits and the globe
earth, Lucifer telescope, Mars Rover Hoax Devon Island, Meteor craters are plasma discharge scars, Michelson–Gale
experiment, Michelson–Morley experiment, Moon Landing hoax, NASA Disney connection, NASA Freemasons, NASA
NAZI connection, Operation Deep Freeze, Operation Dominic, Operation Fish Bowl, Operation High Jump, Operation
Paperclip, Non-CGI photographs of satellites in space, Polaris, Project Blue Beam, Project Echo, Project MK-ULTRA,
Non-CGI photographs of earth from space, Rupes Nigra Mount Meru, Sagnac and Gale experiment, Samuel Birley
Rowbotham, Satelloons, Space Shuttle Challenger hoax, Sun dogs and halos, Van Allen Radiation Belt, Water bubbles
in space, Wernher von Braun. Or scan the QR code to visit the "Flat Earth For Beginners" web page. - Peace!

For More Information: “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for
experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." -Nikola Tesla

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