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American Big Picture Level 1

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ________________________________

Unit 1 | Reading
Read the text. Select True or False.

Tahira is twenty-five years old. She is French, but her family is from Bangladesh. Tahira is
from a small town in the south of France. She is a student. James is from Sydney, Australia. He
is forty-five years old and he lives in Buenos Aires. He's married and has two children. He is a
writer. Jackie is American, but her parents are Italian. She has two passports. She is married
and is thirty-two years old. She's a doctor. Emilio is from a small town in Peru. He's twenty-
three years old. He isn't married. He wants to be a doctor. He is a good student and is studying
English in Albuquerque.
1. James is Austrian.

2. Emilio is married and is a doctor.

3. Tahira and Emilio are students.

4. Jackie is American and Italian.

5. Tahira is from Bangladesh.

Unit 1 | Listening
Listen to the speakers. Select True or False.

1. Paolo is Italian.

2. Elena is from Colombia.

3. Laura is American.

1 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

American Big Picture Level 1

4. Ted is British.

5. Marie is French.

Unit 1 | Writing
Complete the form (task one) and the dialogue (task two). Then complete the final
dialogue with a friend (task three).

2 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

American Big Picture Level 1

Unit 1 | Grammar - Position of adjectives

Read the sentences. Select True if grammatically correct and False if grammatically

1. We're really happy.

2. My bags are very smalls.

3. I'm tired very.

4. It's a big plane.

5. She bored is!

3 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

American Big Picture Level 1

Unit 1 | Grammar - Possessive adjectives

Match the words.

1. I a. our

2. you b. my

3. he c. his

4. she d. her

5. we e. your

Unit 1 | Grammar - Present simple to be

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. I ___________________ from India. (not be)

2. We ___________________ really happy. (be)

3. It ___________________ a big airport. (not be)

4. He ___________________ Brazilian. (be)

5. You ___________________ very nice. (be)

4 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

American Big Picture Level 1

Unit 1 | Grammar - this, that, these, those

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. ... is your bag.

a. This
b. These
c. Those

2. ... is Emily.

a. Those
b. These
c. That

3. ... students are tired.

a. Those
b. That
c. This

4. ... are your books.

a. That
b. These
c. This

5. ... is my money!

a. Those
b. This
c. These

5 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

American Big Picture Level 1

Unit 1 | Vocabulary - Adjectives

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. The plane is...

a. tired.
b. late.
c. happy.

2. Our house is...

a. big.
b. tired.
c. bored.

3. I'm usually... for class.

a. early
b. bored
c. small

4. She's... to be here.

a. beautiful
b. good
c. happy

5. The coffee is...

a. hungry.
b. thirsty.
c. good.

6 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

American Big Picture Level 1

Unit 1 | Vocabulary - Countries and nationalities

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

1. I'm from Australia. I'm ___________________.

2. He's from India. He's ___________________.

3. We're from ___________________. We're French.

4. They're ___________________. They're from Brazil.

5. She's from Japan. She's ___________________.

Unit 1 | Vocabulary - Money and documents

Match the parts of the words.

1. a credit a. ticket

2. an b. receipt

3. a bus c. pass

4. a sales d. ID card

5. a plane e. card

7 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

American Big Picture Level 1

Unit 1 | Vocabulary - Personal possessions

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct and False if not.

1. Hey! That's my iPod!

2. This is her cell camera.

3. Is this your sunglass?

4. That is my wallet.

5. These are his keys.

Score __________________

Teacher’s comments ________________________________________________________________________


Teacher’s signature _______________________________________________________________________

8 The Big Picture Level 1  Richmond, 2018

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