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College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.

Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela




Name of Proponents

Lee N. Acosta

Monalisa Eda

Camilyn A. Ligmayo

Project Location

College of Business Education Science And Technology,Inc

Burgos St.District 2.Cauayan City,Isabela

Propose Starting Date:December 17-January 27

Project Duration:45 days

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


CHAPTER I Introduction

 Background of the Study

 Statement of the problem

 Objectives of the study

 Significance of the study

 Hyphothesis

 Scope and limitations

 Definition of terms

 Materials

CHAPTER II Review and Related Literature

CHAPTER III Methodology

CHAPTER IV Result and Interpretation

CHAPTER V Summary ,Conclusion & Recommendation


Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


The researchers would like to give their warm heart-felt gratitude to the people wich

give their knowledge regarding this project and helped to conduct this for the success of the

researh. The school Administrator and Co-teacher of the researchers ,which are always there

for them and also contribute ideas and thoughts.

To Mrs. Agnes F. Ramil, for sharing her ideas and knowledge for this research .

Last but not the least, to our dear God, for guiding and protecting the researcher always and for

giving those persons who made this study possible.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


Mosquitoes are one of the major disease carriers to people and many have illness due to its

bites. Dengue is one of the most common and dangerous diseases during the rainy season. This

fatal disease is acquired through mosquito bites Using insect repellent is an effective way to

prevent dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases. There are some easy homemade repellents

that will ensure your safety, not only from mosquitoes, but also from the harmful effects of

chemical insecticides.. Garlic is one of the best mosquito repellent alternatives because of its

strong scent that irritates mosquitoes.

The main objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of lemon grass and garlic

extracts as a mosquito repellant.The study is entitled combine solution of Garlic(Allium

Sativum) Lemon Grass ( Cymbopogon Citratus .Specifically is sought to find out how these

solution ( garlic and lemonngrass) can effectively kill mosquitoes.It iamed at looking for an

organic safe measure in treating the abundant of the light of findings of the

study.It was found out that the solution composing of Garlic(Allium Sativum) Lemon Grass

(Cymbopogon Citratus) can kill mosquitoes in a short span of time.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela



With a high cost of commercial insect repellent, the researchers sought an alternative

and environment friendly product that could give the same benefit. Aside from this reason,

commercially available insect repellent also contains chemical that can be harmful to human

health once inhaled.

We have plants almost anywhere. However, some may not be aware that some plants

merely have hidden abilities such as the ability to repel insects especially mosquitoes.

Sometimes, we experience scratching when we have mosquito bites. Some may not beaware

that scratching too much could also be dangerous which can infect us and also serves as a

distraction and interruption.If we will be using insecticides, pesticides, and the like, it could be

harmful to our health.There are chemicals that may poisonous which could lead to different

sicknesses. Since, thesecan cause problems to us, these just consume and consume more of our

money. But with plants, they are already ubiquitous that can be transformed into more useful

materials like a repellent that can really save us money.

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College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

Background of the study

 Mosquitoes are vector agents that carry a disease causing viruses and parasites that

lead to life -threatening from one persons to person without cathching the diseases themselves.

Not just our whole country,philippines but also the entire world is facing a huge problems in

relation to the abundance of mosquitoes in the community. In fact many alternatives methods

such as different drugs,vaccines,insecticides,nets and repellants are now discovered and created

in order to eradicate mosquitoes,prevent diseases and protect individual.we chose this study to

pursue an alternative organic agent of mosquitoes eradication.

Insecticides, nowadays, are getting a little bit expensive. They contain chemicals and other

toxic substances which are very hazardous to our

health. Nevertheless, with natural plants, they can be changed into natural insecticides as well.

They are affordable. Therefore, it’s profitable. You can just grow your plants and change it to

something more useful. A mosquito repellent is anything that can repel mosquitoes. This may

not kill the mosquito but this can repel them. They usually contain different carcinogens which

may be contagious. Unlike plants and other natural and organic materials, they are much safer

compared to some insecticides and could also be a source of income.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to answer the following questions:

1. Will The Extract Lemon grass and Garlic is an effective way of natural repellent?

2. Can garlic be an effective alternative for commercially available mosquito repellent?

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

3. Will the finished product be able to last a long period of time?

Objectives of the Study

This study was conducted with the following objectives:

1.To determine the effectiveness of Garlic and lemon grass as a natural mosquito reppelant

2. To make an organic mosquito repellent which can be an effective alternative for

commercially available and expensive mosquito repellent.

3. To get the time (minutes) using stop watch to observe the time and duration of the

effectiveness of Garlic and lemon grass.

Significance of the Study

The study will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of lemon grass as natural insect

repellent. Extraction of lemon grass is through Steam Distillation

This study was proposed by the researchers to find for an alternative insect repellent

which is safe to use and will be beneficial to the following:

For students, this can be used to prevent them from scratching due to insect bites while

studying and also prevent them from getting diseases which is the common cause of absences

inschool.For teachers, inside their faculty rooms especially under their tables, they may feel

thatthere are insects present. Due to insect bites, this can make them scratch which also

disturbssome teachers from doing necessary things. For parents, it can be used to minimize

their expenses especially when it comes tomedicine. Moreover, it could also lessen their

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

expenses when it comes on buying insecticides and the like.For other people who will be using

this mosquito repellent, this can be used to reduce the cases of different diseases and illnesses

which is heavy on anyone’s pocket.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only to the effects of the extracted garlic and lemongrass plus the

citronella oil. This is for the purpose to know the quantity of the cloves ofgarlic and

lemongrass is needed to be a successful insect repellent. We do not expect to terminate

mosquitoes but rather repelling them while finishing the said project.

Hypothesis of the study

If lemon grass will be extracted its natural components, and observe it by applying the

lemon grass over a subject that can easily approach by insects, then if it repel the insect away,

it is to be an effective natural insect repellent.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela



Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family.It is closely related to onions, shallots and

leeks. Each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. There are about 10–20 cloves in a single

bulb, give or take.Garlic grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in

cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste. However, throughout ancient history, the

main use of garlic was for its health and medicinal properties.


Allicin is a pungent compound C6H10OS2 formed enzymatically in crushed garlic

clovesthat imparts the distinctive smell to garlic and possesses antimicrobial properties.

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary or

can be used to repel a variety of crawling and flying insects, including mosquitoes,” according

to Patrick Parker, SavATree Plant Health Care Program Director. Onetreatment with garlic is

effective for 2 weeks and can repel insects for up to one month.

Moreover, garlic is easy on the environment. Parker states, “It is a natural extract and

does not affect insects that are beneficial to suburban landscapes.” … Garlic bulbs contain an

amino acid that converts to a substance called allicin when crushed, blended or chopped. The

characteristic odor released as a result of this process has powerful properties. “When garlic

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

extract is

absorbed by a plant, biochemical changes take place in its foliage which causes it to actively 

repel insects,” says Parker… (

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) has many positive attributes, but acting as a long-term

mosquito repellent is not one of them. Still, when used properly, it can act as a short-term

repellent. A perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11,

lemon grass is an attractive, easy-to-grow garden plant often used in Southeast Asian cuisine.

Also commonly grown as an annual, the plant contains citronella oil, which repels
mosquitoes. lemon grass plants are excellent container plants, and setting one by your front
door is a lovely way to welcome guests into your home. The plant gives off a slight lemony
fragrance, but that alone will not be enough to keep pesky mosquitoes from entering your
home uninvited. The best and most effective way to repel mosquitoes using the plant is to
crush the leaves, thus releasing the oil, and rub them directly onto your skin. Even so, this
method will only repel mosquitoes for a short time.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela



The procedure was focused on boiling a bulb of garlic in a 1 liter of water. When the water

decreases to half litter, remove from fire then add the remaining ingredients.


Spray bottle

Use cloth

Plastic containers



Lemon grass

Measuring Cup

General Procedure :

Preparation of the solution

Materials were first gathered before the conduct of the experiment. Garlic (Allium Sativum)

and lemon Grass (Cymbopogon Citratus) were extracted by boiling.Then both ingredients were

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

measured to desired amount The set up was composed of 20 ml cymbopogon citratus extract

and 20 ml Allium sativum extract.

Application of the Solution

The solution will be sprayed on areas where there are abundant number of mosquitoes, under

the table, under the bed, under the sink, and even on indoor plants.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


Presentation and Analysis of Data

Table 1.

Respondents Effectivenes Eco-friendly Convenience Cost-


A 5 5 4 5

B 5 5 5 4

C 5 5 5 5

D 5 5 5 5

E 5 5 5 5

F 4 5 5 5

G 4 4 4 4

H 5 4 4 5

I 5 4 5 4

J 5 5 5 5

K 5 5 5 5

L 5 4 4 4

M 5 4 4 4

N 5 5 5 5

O 5 4 4 5
Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela

Mean 4.87 4.60 4.60 4.67

The table shows that all the respondents find the product safe, effective, environment-friendly,

and cost-efficient. Thus, the product is proven to be an effective mosquito repellent.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

The study focused on making an alternative agent of eliminating great number of

mosquitos.,Specifically, it sought to find out the insecticidal effect of Garlic And Lemon

grass.It aimed and looking for an organic and safe measure in treating the abundance of


The Hypothesis was right ,Garlic and lemon grass is effective as a mosquitoes reppelant

and can be alternative way of natural mosquito reppelant. It only takes atleast 3 minutes before

the effects will be observed.

From the investagation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the

students who would pursue the garlic (Allium Sativum) lemon grass (cymbopogon citratus) as

mosquito reppelant to find other insects in which the solution is applicable and conduct further

study on the utilization. Furthermore, future researchers can also find out the shelf life of the


Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela




… (

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


The researcher would like to give their warm heart-felt gratitude to the persons wich

give their knowledge regarding this project and helped to conduct this for the success of

the researher. The school Administrator and Co-teacher of the researcher ,which are

always there for them and also contribute ideas and thoughts.

To Mrs. Agnes F Ramil, for sharing her ideas and knowledge for this research .

Last but not the least, to our dear God, for guiding and protecting the researcher always

and for giving those persons to made this all possible.

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


CHAPTER I Introduction

 Background of the Study

 Statement of the problem

 Objectives of the study

 Significance of the study

 Hyphothesis

 Scope and limitations

 Definition of terms

 Materials

CHAPTER II Review and Related Literature

CHAPTER III Methodology

CHAPTER IV Result and Interpretation

CHAPTER V Summary ,Conclusion & Recommendation

Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015
College of Business Education Science and Technology, Inc.
Burgos St. District 2, Cauayan City, Isabela


Aim High be the BEST! Tel No. (078) 652 0279/ 09179432015

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