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Index / 435

monasticism in exile/in Tibet, 1, 24, 129, 142, 328 –29, 345n23; poverty,
41, 52, 326; administration, 52, 65– 66, 351n28; PRC repression of,
349n58; examinations, 254, 255, 6; privileges, 43, 54 –55, 390n72;
257, 259; Geshe prestige, 260; gov- punk-monks, 38 –39, 40, 41, 50;
ernment role, 52, 226, 317 –18; relationships with laity, 36 –37, 44,
Great Prayer festival, 259; influx 73, 83, 343n4, 344nn14,18,21; spon-
of newcomers from Tibet to India sors, 51, 52, 59, 247, 249, 351n29,
(1980s–1990s), 328 –29, 349n6; 390n72; traditional schools for, 82;
Jang session, 236, 383n4; Lo-se-ling training centers, 47, 55; typical ca-
relocation, 161– 63; mass monasti- reer, 55; village, 37; work, 43 – 44,
cism, 41– 42; and motivation of 51, 136. See also abbots; discipline,
scholars, 382n53; number of monks monastic; lamas; monasticism;
studying, 253 –54; regional houses, schedules, monastic; scholars; teach-
349 –50n6; respect for elders and ers; titles
authorities, 60 – 61, 256 –57; tantric morality, 240, 242 – 43; in curriculum,
practice, 132, 361n20; Ta-shi Lhun- 115, 116 –17; and debating skill,
po and, 383n3; and teacher ap- 261; Durkheim on, 335n5; from
proachability, 162 – 63; teacher scholastic texts, 158; tantras and,
choices, 59 – 60. See also Dharam- 20, 21
sala; Fourteenth Dalai Lama (in ex- Mūlasarvāstivāda, 28, 34, 39, 345n27
ile); premodern Tibet Muslims, 25, 103. See also Islamic
monastic seats. See central monaster- scholasticism
ies/monastic seats/universities mysticism, 3, 233
Mongolians: monks, 57; Nying-ma myth, 4, 182
targeted by, 147; Prince Godan, 23;
Qoshot tribe, 28; scholars, 48, 266, Nāgārjuna’s Treatise of the Middle
390n65 Way, 100, 238 – 43, 284; Candra-
monks, 3 – 4, 346n33, 400n4; age, 85, kı̄rti’s commentary on, 100, 106 – 8,
353n21; allegiances, 49; becoming, 113, 129, 173, 184 – 87, 238, 286,
54 –75; clothing, 52, 65, 399n17; 357, 357n24; in commentarial hier-
concentration camps, 389n55; con- archy, 106 –7; Dzong-ka-ba’s inter-
servative, 43; difficulties in exile, 41; pretations, 321–22; in lower exo-
disaffection, 115, 360n8; donations teric course, 129; memorization of,
from laity to, 36, 45, 46, 65– 66, 93; Nyi-ma and, 93, 286, 288, 291
351n29; drinking water and alcohol, Na-len-dra monastery, 146, 147
40, 360n8; expelled, 136, 312; expul- Nam-dröl, Ken-po, 204
sion, 136, 312; finances, 36, 39 – 45, Nam-dröl-ling monastery, 128, 181;
57 –58, 65– 66, 247, 351n28, Commentarial School/Ngagyur
390n72; food, 36, 45, 65– 66, 71, Nyingma Institute, 60, 128 –37,
234, 247, 316, 351n28, 387n39; for- 204; daily routine, 133 –37
est, 37, 344n21; friendships, 73 –74; Nam-gyel monastery, 32 –33, 54 –55,
functions, 37, 344n15; influx to In- 70 –72, 79, 349n1, 352n32; abbot
dia from Tibet (1980s–1990s), 328 – (1973), 275; conservatism of monks,
29, 349n6; languages, 57, 70; liter- 43; creation of, 342n2; daily rou-
acy teachers, 83; monastic standards, tine, 54 –55; debate sessions, 195–
38 – 41; ordination, 28, 34, 38, 39, 97, 224 –28; meditation, 169; Nyi-
114; population, 37 – 42, 47 – 49, ma, 276; rituals, 32 –33, 54 –55, 70,

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