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12.43 Design the duct system shown in Fig. 12-39 using the balanced-capacity method and a spreadsheet. Circular ducts are to be used and installed below a concrete slab, The total pressure available at the plenum is 0.18 in, wg, and each diffuser has a loss in total pressure of 0,025 in. wg. Use the equivalent- length method of allowing for losses in the fittings. m0 etn 10 cFn 10 cfm 1m cfm 0 cen + et ® ret oe @ler 125 etn Figure 12-39, Schematic for Problem 12-43. Solution: Supply duct pressure loss without diffuser = 0.18 — 0.025 in. we = 0.155 in. we SUPPLY DUCT A: Using Equivalent Length, Table 12-15. For low-velocity duct system, pressure loss is about 0,08 to 0.15 in. wg per 100 ft Section 1-2-3-4 0, = 400cfin ,D, =9in, AP, =0.15Sinavg /100 fr 0, =300cfm. D, 109 nang /100 fr Q, = 200cfm ,D, O77 inawg /100 fr 0, O89in.wg /100 ft For si «use Equivalent-Length method, Table 12-15. Law Ueda wy) sla elds) (leelas bln) Lyayy = (12 + 22.54 12.5)+ (12 +6)+ (12 +5)+ (164448425) =135 fr (0.1550/135\{100)=0.1148inang /100 fr O, = 400cfm , D, =9in, AP =0.155inawg /100f¢ Q, = 300cfin, Dy =9in AP’, = 0.09 Lin.wg /100 fr Q, = 200cfim, D, = 8in AP{, = 0.077 in.wg /100 fr O, = 100cfin D, = Gin APZ, = 0.089in.wg /100f4 ty use Equivalent-Length method, Table 12-15, Largs = (Ly + Lg, + Lig) + (Ly + Lig + (Le + Liga + (Le + Lies + Laue) Lys = (12+ 22.5412.5)+(12+6)+(12+5)+(8+ 2042: AP, /L= (0.1550/135(100)= 0.1 148inavg /100 ft (100, (AP, ) s+ the highest (an), hose O, = 100cfin , D, = 6in , APZ, = 0.089in.wg /100 ft Ly = Ls + Lys + Liyy =8+ 20+ 25=53 ft AP, = APs + AP Ly = Lytligg = 124511 ft 0.077, =(15 ,O116in APs =(1 ( on 0.0116 inaeg AP = AP ys + APs, = 0.0472 + 0.0116 = 0.0588 in.wg Ley = Ly + Lyyy + Laas + Lye =84 13 +64 25 = 52ft at Dy Te COEES (100)= 0.113 ins [1009 Figure 12-21, 6, = 100cfin ,D, = 6in, APy, = 0.089inawg /100f4 Py = APs + MPs + AP Ly = Ly thy =1246= 181 0.091 = (16| 27" | 0.0146 nw ‘ 1 00) 7 Ay = APys + AP + AP, =0.0472+0.0116+0.0146= 0.0734 inary Ly = Ly + Lays + Lao = 8427 $25= 60 ft at Dy =6in AP, Ay _ 0.0734 Mio _ DOTS (109) =0.1223in mg /100,1 rm 1): 1g /100 fi Figure 12-21, 6, = 100cjin ,D, = 6in, AP, = 0.089inawg /100 fi ‘Tabulation: (Supply Duct) Balanced-Capacity Method (System A) section | 6 cin | dyin | Velocity on i Le AR, Number ae i inwe 1 400 9 905 [0.155 a7 0.0729 2 300) 9 679 [0.091 18 0.0164 3 200 8 3730077 17 0.0131 4 100 6 509_| 0.089 33 0.0472 3 100 6 509_| 0.089 33 0.0872 6 100 6 509 | 0.089 32 0.0463 7 100 6 509_| 0.089 o 0.0534 Including the diffuser: (AP, ,>y¢ = 0.0729 + 0.0164+0.0131+ 0.0472+0.025 =0.1746in.wg (AP, )ys =0.0729-+0.0164+ 0.01314 0.0472+0,025=0.1746in.we (AP, hag = 0-0729+ 0.0164 + 0.0463+ 0.025 =0.1606in.0g (48,),, = 0.0729+-0,0534 +0,025= 0.151 3inwg All are less than 0.18 in. we. There the above are the sizes for round duct. Total Pressure Loss for the system = 0.1746 in. we. SUPPLY DUCT B: ing Equivalent Length, Table 12-15. For low-velocity duct system, presstre loss is about 0.08 to 0.15 in. wg per 100 ft Section 8-9-11-13 0, =500¢fm Dy =10in, AP% =0.140in.g /100 ft Q, = 375 cin, Dy =9in AFL, = 0.138inavg /100 ft Oy, =1T5efm. Dy, =8in APf,, = 0.06in.wg /100 fr 0,5 =100¢fin , Dy, =6in APs = 0.089in.wg /100fr For simplicity , use Equivalent-Length method, Table 12-15. (Lg Lag) ++ Ls) + (Lay + gs + Leas) (Lys + Lars + Laas * Ln) Legis = (14+ 25)+ (15 +6)+ (6413+ 6)+ (14 +10+5+ 25) = 139 fr AP, /L = (0.1550/139)(100)=0.111Sin.wvg /100 ft Use AP; =0.1115inswg /100fr (AP, Joins the highest Lay = Lay + Lips + Leas + Ugg: = 1441045425 = 53 fi ARs = (53{ 2082) (0.0472 inang 100 AP) = APy3 = 0.0472 in.wg Ly = Ly + Lapis + Loge = 8 $3.54 20: AP _ 0.0472 L Sft at Do (100)= 0.1498inwg /100,f 315 Oy = T3cfim, Diy =5in, AP, =0.129inawe /100 ft 1 AR y= AR; + AR, Ly Ly thiyg + hays = 641346 =25 ft at Dy, =8in 25{ 92%) nors0 inne 100 APy = AP; + AP, =0.0472+0.0150 = 0.0622 in.wg Log = Lag + Leni Laas = 1445 + AR AP, _ 0.0622 An = = (100) =0.1196inwg /100 frat Dyy Let) 1g /100 fiat Figure 12-21, G4 = 200cfin, Dy =8in AP, = 0.077 inawg /100 ft APs = AFiys FAR, AR Ly = byt Lys =1546= 21 ft }=00200 wg AP, = AP, +AP,,, + AP) = 0.0472+0.0150+0,0290 = 0.0912 inwg Lyy = Lyy t Lins + Loy, = 104204 25 = 55 fi at Diy =6in AR, 0.0912 Tie t= 0.1658inag 10 Figure 12-21, yy = 125cfin, Dyy = 61m AR = 0.134 nang /100 ft ‘Tabulation: (Supply Duct) Balanced-Capacity Method (System B) section | 6 cin | pain | Velocity a 7 Le AR. Number fumin i oon ft inwg 8 500 10 916 [0.140 30 | 0.0546 9 375, 9 49 | 0.138 21 0.0290 10 200 8 373 0.077, 52 [0.0400 I 175; 8 501 0,060 25 | 0.0150 2 75 5 350 [0.129 [31.5 | 0.0406 B 100) 6 509_| 0.089 33 [0.0872 im 125; 6 370.134 35 [0.0737 Including the diffuser: (AP, Jj ,5 = 0.0546 + 0.0290 + 0.0150 + 0.0472+0.025 = 0.1708in.wg (AP, gps juz = 0.0546 + 0.0290+0.0150+ 0.0406 +0.025 = 0.1642in.awg (AP, Joyo = 0.0546-+0.0290+.0.0400+ 0.025 = 0.1486inag (AR, Jag = 0.0546 +0.0737 +0.025 = 0.1533 inwg All are less than 0.18 in, wg. There the above are the sizes for round duct, Total Pressure Loss for the system = 0.1708 in. wg. SUPPLY DUCT C Using Equivalent Length, Table 12-15. For low-velocity duct system, pressure loss is Section 15-17 Oy, = 225 cfm, Dis = Sin, APh,s = 0.095 in.wg /100 fr O,. = 100cfin, Dy; = 6in AZ, =0.089in.wg /100 fF implicity , use Equivalent-Length method, Table 12-15, Las + Lig + 2L,)+ (Lip + Lars + bes + Lior) 6+ 20+ 2(10)]+(8+10+5+25} AP, /L = (0.1550/104)(100) = 0.149 Ling /100 ft Use AR =0.1491insg /100 Section 15-17 Gis =225 cfm, Dig =Tin, APs =0.186inag /100 Gp, =100¢fin, Dyy = 6in APL, = 0.089in.wg /100 fi Ly = Lys +L, + 2L, = 164175 +219) = 51.5 ft Las + Law + 2) + (Lay + Laas + Lets + Ls) [16-+17.5+2(9)]+(8+1045425)=99,5 AP, /L = (0.1550/99.5}(100) = 0.1558in.wg /100 fr Use Aki =0.1558inavg /100 jr about 0.08 to 0.15 in, wg per 100 ft (AP, hair the highest Lap = yt bays + as + gy = 841045425 = 48 ft AP yy = (as{ 00) = 0.0427 ing 100 AP, AP) =0.0427 inawg tot Ls + Loge =844+25=37 fi at Diy = 6in (100)=0.1154inwg /100fr Oj, = 125cfm , D,, = 6in AP, = 0.134 in.wg /100 ft ‘Tabulation: (Supply Duct) Balanced-Capacity Method (System C) Section | 6 cin | pun | Velocity. | , ae fee L. | ak. Number | 2 fvmmin | Im we ft inwg 15 225 8 916 0.186 SIS 0.0958, 16 15 8 S49 [0.134 [a7 | 0.0806 0 100 6 513 00s) | a8) 00427 Including the diffuser: (aR, 0,0958 +0.0427 +0.025 = (AP, )s,, = 0.0958 +0,0496+0,025=0.1704in.wg Allare less than 0.18 in. wg. There the above are the sizes for round duct. Total Pressure Loss for the system = 0.1704 in. we.

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