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Define AAclass of warm blooded monkey animale, dtinguiched by possession of ator fur, by women ‘who hide milk forthe upbringing ofthe young, ane (usual) Ivestock. Mammalian animals ae ‘mammal tha form the mammalian cee. And characterized by the presence of milk gland in thi women ste made to feed ther newborns, skin or ha, sd tee bones ofthe mde ea origin ‘A native cephacide composed of papists and thelr extinct eaves originated dung the Penneyvana subcontinert, when they were separated from the Reaplian and Avian lineages. During the early Jurassic perio theWalLEid group mammals produced pe-mammalan ial, ‘Mammals have undergone sever! stages of development, hich e heft appearance oftheir introverted ancestors of Carbonghorus inthe lat stages of Pennsylvania, By the middle ofthe ‘Tuyel, there were several eencascapped species that looked Ike breasts. In he Jurassic the cause of todays mammalsic divided. Snapshots ofthe pete inctude drawighs, more dans {and pseudo-ceups than monetary ones as well as ombuo, which s mare closely related to ‘monotes. Later, himself andthe Mathian das separated. Methotrin animals are more lose relatel to marsupials while transgender peopl ae move closely lated to dain. Since “etemiah, an ancient eminent ents, ved inthe Jussi 160 millon years ago, thi distance must have occured in that pets Cretaceous -Nor-atil dinosaurs (biiving dinosaurs) and many marwmal mammal, groves ‘nd marsupial mammals have diverse ino the Paleagene and Neagene flloning the ‘outbreak of Paleogene to mary new forme and ecologies niches, But allmader orders appeared ‘Mammals are the ely ing synapses The Symopsi lineage was separated from the Saropd lineage, which was around the end ofthe Carboniferous period from 320 to 315 millon years ago. 3] Sropids are all more closely related animals today than animals and avmals 35 well, {a5 stars. ttdoes not Include mammal, whic ae more closely related tothe breasts. uring the Permian penod, synapses included major camivores and several umportant tbs. However, nthe later Trcic peroa Arcosauru, a previously obscure group of esuropde, became prominent. Mammals were exposed during ths period. Thel superior sense of avon, th the hep ofa arge ran fcitates nightie penetration with less wsbiity than he prediction ofthe Arcosaurus Lifestyles may have contibuted to masculne characteristics such f= endoderm and hal grh,Laterin the Mesozoe theopad dinosaurs replace the raccoon {2 the dominant cmivore, spreedng to ctherenvronmentl ticks For example, some were ‘quate, some were gers, and some were alo fed on young dinosaurs, Most ofthe evidence is base on fossils For many years, fossis of Mesozole mammals and ‘hel immediate ancestors were vey rae and fragmented Bu since the ms-1890s,severs Important now discoveries have boon made, special in China, Relatively now techniques of ‘molecular phylogenetics ave uncovered some aepect of mammalan development by estimating the timing of ential vergence points for moder species. When used with caution these techniques often, but not atways, agree wth the fossil record though mamma glands are a signature feature of modern mamma, tle is known about the development of actaton because these soft tisues are often not stored nthe fossil recor. Most reseren on the development of dental eanters onthe shape of teeth, the tetrapod ie the ‘most afeult part of the boy. other impetant research features include development of he bones ofthe certral ear, straightening of hel, the secondary palate fa bone, ski, ha, ‘nd warm blood. Mammals facts Mil aime are warm blooded anna Breeders are bom ave Only two marnma hatch fom eggs Lactating animate breastfeed ther mothers. Bats ae the only mammals that cn fy Dolphin and whale babies donot slep inthe frst month oftheir ives| ‘Mammals facts lc animale are warm blonde arial, ‘Breeders are bor alve. Oni two mammals hatch from eggs Lactating animals breastfeed ther mothers Bate are the only mammals that cant Dolphin and whale babes do not sleep inthe rst month ofthe ves Clssitestions of mammel Animals are the largest clase of animalsin the wotd Pistachios ae of eiferent types and ean dfereniate between mammals smell mammals, and large mammals Mammal classes belong to mammals Because locks are of iferent types, they are classified into thee subclasses hased on ther roduction. They ar Ethel, Methais and Prott Eutherio Euthea "Mammals that ie bith tothe young chien have a drect lationship wih the subeass ters. The youn form a fetsin the mothe abdomen and gow thee fra xed period “There te 19 orders nts subclass, The best known and famous examples ofthis cass oe humans, dogs and cats Instiua (Moore, shaw) Dromoptea (den Lemarus) Chiopera (bts) Setasa (whee Camey Vora (ats, beats, dogs, camels, seas, on) Tobolstts eardvarks) Parvosidya (Elephant) Hydrcarda (hierarchy) Primates (monkeys lemons, hubs, ewes) ‘Zenartra or adenata(armadil, ants, loth) Folita (penguin) Lgomorh (Rabb Rabbit lasso) Rhodesie mic, ats squires hears, beaver feces hamster) Ceria (Montez, Dogongs) Persodactyls horses, donkeys, zebras, rhinos tapers) ‘ods thos, dee, camel, goons, goats, ates hippopotamus pos Perry chetron oysters, dee, cows) ‘Scandinavia tree trunks) Mactoclei Elephant Noise) Mathatheria Leaves belonging tothe subclass alo ive bith te her youn, but young ae born immature So they jump into their mothers bag and stay th them unt they mature. There are seven cers the Mihara subclass with 250 species. Marsupls and kangaroo are seal examples foc this bela, 1S Cchoptere (bts) ‘Setasia (whee) ‘Carney Vora (ats, bears, dogs, camels, seal, Hons) Tobolistata (eardwarks) Parvbosideya (Elephant) Hytrocarai (hierarchy) Primates (monkeys, lemons, shrubs, ewes) ‘Zonarra or adenata (aracil,anitus, sloth) Foldota (penguin) Lagomerph (Rabbit, Rabbit, Poasso) Rhodesia (mice, rats, squirele, hearts, beaver, feces, hamsters) ‘ceria (Montez, Dogongs) Petisodoetyle (horses, dankeye, zebras, thinos tapers) ‘Aiodactya (thorns, deer, camels, goons, goat, arate, hippopotamus, pias, Petkery, chevron, oysters, dest, cows) ‘Scandinavi (ee ranks) Macrocladia (Elephant Noise) Mathathenia Leaves belonging to this subclass alco give bith other young, but young are born immature. So they ump into ther mother's bag ane stay with ther unt they mature. There are seven ‘ofders inthe Mitharia subclass wth 250 species. Marsuplis and kangaraos ae Keal examples Tor tis subeis. Didephimorphia (New World fs) PPauctuberculata (Rat myopia in South Ametca) Microbiotheia (cole) Dysmorphia (Disorders, Thyacine) Paramomorphia (bands) Notary Stomphia (Mello Sale) Diprotedontia(kangareo, koalas, womb, universe) Prototherla age or laid in Prototvi, and are algo ealed homoeenuala, There are ai varieties in the category Monotremata (platypus and echidna) ‘Although mammals ae cassfied int classes, subclasses and scentsts general find space. ‘This general ciassitication makes it easy to know the class of animals and ther basic ‘characteristics

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