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This student manual includes the Defendo Academy

Curriculum for Levels 1 through 6

Please note the following suggestions to maximize the benefits

from your training:

 Bring your manual with you to each training session. Occasionally in your lessons
your instructor will have you use this manual for specific training drills.

 After each training session check off the techniques you have learned.

 Monitor your progress. If there is a specific technique that you have not learned yet
for your level or wish to review it again, please contact your instructor after class or
by email requesting the technique to be covered in a future training session.

 Once you have learned every technique for your level AND feel confident &
competent performing the material please contact your instructor for feedback on
how you are progressing. You will be informed on what you need to work on to be
ready for your next belt testing and/or to start learning the next level in the
Defendo System.

 Periodically visit our website at View the “Student

Section”, “Blog”, and “Upcoming Events” sections of our website. This will allow
you to stay up to date on the latest information that will improve your knowledge
and training.

 No one can reproduce or use this guide or parts of it without written permission
given by Jorge Guillermo González Gómez – Defendo Academy Director.
Instructor Training Program
Phase One – Hard Target:

Level 1 (Yellow)

 The Truth about Violence
 Types of Violence (Asocial Violence Vs Predatory Violence)
 Untrained Terrible Risk Trio
 The 3 Self-Protection Strategies
 Color Codes of Awareness

Combative Principles
 Staying Off Center Line
 Maximum and Effective Range
 Hard Weapons to Soft Targets
 Keep it Simple & Savage (K.I.S.S.)
 Gross Motor Skills

Defendo “Mantra”
 “I Will Prevail”


 Non-Violent Positions
 Neutral (Low / Middle)
 Interview (Fence)
 Combat Stance

 Shuffle (4 Directions)
 Angle
 Circular

Evasion Moves
 Opening the Door
 Voiding and Quick Attack Back

Mental Concept
 Three Step Back Rule

Basic Punches
 Numbering System (1-4)
 Jab #1 – Lead Hand
 Cross #2 – Rear Hand
 Hooks #3
 Uppercuts #4
Punching Drills
 Straight Punch with Advance
 Straight Punch with Retreat
 Straight Punch Low

Hand Strikes
 Ax Hand
 Chin Jab
 Single and Double Cupped Hand Blow
 Hand Yoke
 Whiplash
 Hammer Fist

Elbow Strikes
 Horizontal Elbow Strike Forward (Elbow #1)
 Horizontal Elbow Strike Sideways (Elbow #2)
 Horizontal Elbow Strike Backward (Elbow #3)
 Vertical Elbow Strike Upward (Elbow #4)
 Vertical Elbow Strike Downward (Elbow #5)
 Vertical Elbow Strike Backward (Elbow #5)
 Diagonal “Slashing” Elbow Strike (Elbow #7)

What are the Angles of Delivery?

 Think about the angles of delivery for Target Acquisition (*See Human Anatomy

 High Cross – Low Cross
 Hook to the Body – Hook to the Head
 Uppercut to the Groin – Uppercut to the Jaw
 Knife hands have the most angles of delivery

Dirty Fighting
 Eye Rake
 Gouging
 Thumb Strike / Fish Hook
 C-Clamp
 Hair Grab
 Groin Attacks

Head Butts
 Forward Head Butt
 Upward Head Butt
 Ramming Head Butt
 Side to Side Head Butt
 Single techniques you will practice both sides of your body, 10 to 25 times each
 Combinations you will practice one side of your body only (strong side)

Punching Combinations – Focus Pad Drills

 Jab and moving
 Double Jab
 Jab, Cross
 Jab, Hook
 Jab, Uppercut
 Jab, Cross, Hook
 Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut
 Jab, Cross, Elbow, Uppercuts
 Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross
 Cross, Hook, Cross
 Jab, Cross, Hook, Elbow
 Double Jab (with advance), Cross, Hook (with retreat)
 Free Style Punching Combinations

Attack Drills – Focus Mitts

 10/20/30 Seconds

Power Generation
 Weight must transfer from the back leg to the forward leg
 The hips must turn (one pulling and the other one pushing)
 The back muscles must pull and engage to turn the upper body
 The shoulder of the striking hand must turn over
 The hand / fist /arm must time the transference of the power and momentum into
the target

Basic Kicks
 Front Push Kick (using the ball of the foot)
 Front Saddle Kick (using the shin)
 Stomping Kick
 Low Side Kick
 Angle Kick
 Back Kick (Mule Kick)
 Foot Stomp (to various targets)

Knee Strikes
 Lifting Knee – Grabbing around the Neck (Thai Clinch style)
 Straight Knee – Grabbing at the Shoulder and Arm (Side Control)
 45 Degree Knee – Grabbing at the Shoulder and Arm
 All Knee Strikes without Grab

Reference Points
 Front – Reference Point A
 Back – Reference Point B
Kicking Combinations – Kicking Shield Drills
 Lead Leg Front Kick, Rear Leg Front Kick
 Front Kick, Opposite Front Knee
 Front Kick, 45 Degree Knee
 Front Kick, Scoop Kick
 Alternating Knee Strikes
 Lead Leg Front Kick, Rear Leg Low Round Kick
 Lead Leg Front Kick, Rear Leg Back Kick
 Alternating Low Round Kicks
 Free Style Kicking Combinations

Attack Drills – Kicking Shield

 10/20/30 Seconds

Punching & Kicking Combinations – Kicking Shield Drills

 Front Kick to the Groin, Downward Hammer Fist
 Rear Leg Front Kick, Jab – Cross combination
 Scoop Kick, Opposite Front Knee, Elbow Strike
 Jab, Rear Leg Front Kick, Opposite Front Kick
 Jab – Cross, Front Kick, Elbows
 Alternating Knees, Uppercut Punch, Hammer Fist, Kicks
 Free Style Combinations

Attack Drills – Kicking Shield

 10/20/30 Seconds

Mental Concept
 Ready – Go – Break – Check, Check, Check

The Reactionary Gap

 Controlling the Distance – Whiplash Strike

The Default Response

 Default Response – Neutral Stance
 Default Response “Stepping In” – Combat Stance
 Default Response Downward

Adaptation of Default Response

 Defense against a Hook Punch to the Head – High Elbow
 Defense against Low Blows – Elbow Drop or Wedge Block

Response and Blocking

 Shield Block (Attack from the Front)
 Shield Block (Attack from the Side / Circular)
 Shield Block to Stomping Kick

Mental Concepts
 Safe Zones Vs. Danger Zones
 Lines of Defense (1st and 2nd)
Punch Defenses
 Rear Hand Parry – Inside Defense against Left Punch (Jab)
 Lead Hand Parry – Inside Defense against Right Punch (Cross)
 Inner Forearm Block – Inside Defense against Straight Punches (High / Low)
 A-Block – Defense against Haymaker Punch to the Head (Extended)
 High Elbow – Defense against Hook Punch to the Head (Covering)
 Body Block – Defense against Liver Punch
 The Wedge – Outside Defenses against Circular Punches (High / Low)
 Uppercut Block – Shoulder Roll or Block with the Tip of the Elbow

Blocking Drills
 Inside Defense against Straight Punches (Parries)
 Outside Defense Defenses against Circular Punches (Static / Moving)

Break Falls
 Backward Break Fall (Tuck the Chin and protect the back of the Head)

Ground Work – Basic Concepts

 Turtle Position
 “V” Kicks (Undermining)
 Top Leg – Jabbing Leg
 Bottom Leg – Power Leg
 Movement on the Ground
 Hip Switch

Tactical Get-Up
 Getting Up with Two Hands (For Beginners)
 Getting Up with One Hand (For More Advanced Students)
 Getting Up with Transition Kick

Mental Concept
 5 Second Rule

Combat Clinch
 Clinching
 Over Hooks
 Under Hooks
 Combination Over & Under Hooks

Clinch Control
 Knee Strikes
 Head Butt
 Foot Stomp
 Double Weighting

Escaping the Clinch

 Over Hooks – Arm Drag Pass
 Under Hooks – Duck Under
Finish Offs
 Nose Hook
 C-Clamp

Transferring Technique
 Arm Drag Pass
 Taking the Back

Milling Drill (1st part)

 Escaping Dangerous Grips from the Clinch
 Front Choke
 Side Headlock
 Rear Naked Choke

 Takedown from the side – Face Grab
 Takedown from the side – Nose Hook
 Takedown from the front / side – Head Twist
 Takedown from the back – Double Shoulder Pull with Stomping Kick
 Takedown to the front – The Snatch Takedown

Situational Self-Offense

Jamming Techniques
 Shoulder Stop
 Elbow Jam
 Front Choke Jam
 Rear Choke Jam
 Basic Leg Jam

Mental Concept
 Platforming

Clothing Grab Release

 Lapel Grab (with Punch to the Head) – Arm Drag / Takedown

Two Hand Grabs

 Platforming / Movement
 Counter Measures – Finger Locks / Arm Bar / Wrist Turn

Choke from the Front

 Choke Jam / Platforming
 Stomping Kick
 Counter Measures – Finger Locks
 Lock 1 (Thumb Up)
 Lock 2 (Thumb Down – Motorcycle Grip)
 Wrist Turn
 S-Arm Bar
 Straight Arm Bar (Standing)
 Transferring Technique – Arm Drag Pass / Taking the Back
Choke from the Side
 Choke Jam / Platforming
 Counter Measures
 Downward Hammer Fist Strike to the Groin
Elbow Spike to Attacker´s Chin
 Transferring Technique – Arm Drag Pass / Taking the Back

Choke from Behind

 Step Forward and put your Right Bicep to your Ear (Reverse Blade Lat Release)
 Turn around and Trap your Attacker’s Arms / Strike with Elbows, Palm Strikes and
Knees / Disengage

Rear Naked Choke – Direction 1 (Arm Drag)

 Rear Choke Jam
 Foot Stop / Pivot to the Outside
 Leg Sweep / Takedown

Rear Naked Choke – Direction 2 (Shoulder Lock)

 Rear Choke Jam
 Lower your Center of Gravity
 Turn to the Inside
 Foot Stomp
 Groin Strike
 Pull your Head Out
 Shoulder Lock / Takedown

Side Headlock Defense (Basic Version)

 Standing Side Headlock Jam
 Establish your Balance (Leg Tripod)
 Counter Measures
 Punch Jam
 Nose Hook / Takedown

Surviving Surprise Attacks Drill

 Non Stop Random Attacks by Multiple Assailants

Testing Requirements

The requirement to pass LEVEL 1 of the Defendo training program is a minimum of 75%
on the following criteria:

1. Trainees are required to complete a minimum of 25 hours of training for Level 1.

2. Understanding of Defendo History, Theory (Tactics, Concepts & Principles) and
3. Dynamic Break Falls (If applicable).
4. Effectively conduct a Defendo class (If applicable).
5. Demonstrate all techniques for Level 1.
6. Ability to react effectively to random surprise attacks for 5 minutes on equal or larger
size attackers

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