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Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, Vol. 41, No.

8, October, 2011

Memory Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis

K. S. Meshkova1 and I. V. Damulin2

Translated from Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, Vol. 110, No. 9, 8–13, September,

Short-term memory disorders are the earliest and most frequently seen changes to cognitive functions in
multiple sclerosis (MS). Complex neuropsychological investigations and MRI brain scans were performed
in 100 patients with MS. The results showed that memory disorders were encountered in MS patients
regardless of the duration and type of disease. The main pathophysiological mechanism of cognitive dis-
orders in MS consists of interruption of projection, commissural, and long associative fibers, which leads
to impairment of the integrative activity of the brain and activation of the cortex by deep structures.

Keywords: multiple sclerosis, memory disorders, MRI.

The clinical picture of multiple sclerosis (MS) has The aim of the present work was to assess memory
been well studied. Neurologists have traditionally paid function in patients with MS and compare them with neu-
attention to the motor, sensory, and visual impairments as roimaging data.
the clearest and most disabling manifestations, while stud-
ies of neuropsychological status have taken a secondary
role. The appearance of new neuroimaging methods, MATERIALS AND METHODS
extending the potential of immunomodulatory therapy
modifying the course of illness, has led to increased interest A total of 100 patients (39 men and 61 women) aged
in cognitive impairments in MS. 16–61 (median 37, mean 37.4 ± 10.8) years with MS were
The phenomenology of impairments to higher mental studied in neurological out-patient conditions. The study
functions in MS has been the subject of a number of stud- included patients with confirmed diagnoses of MS estab-
ies in recent years. These have shown that mild cognitive lished in accordance with the criteria of McDonald et al.
deficit in the form of impairments to short-term memory [26]. Exclusion criteria were the inability or refusal to accept
and attention can be detected as early as the time of dis- all the experimental conditions and use of medications influ-
ease onset; these changes are increasingly apparent as the encing cognitive functions (neuroleptics, antidepressants).
condition progresses [1, 20, 30]. The sequence of the clin- The severity of neurological deficit was assessed objec-
ical manifestations of cognitive deficit remains unclear, as tively using a quantitative neurological status assessment
do the influences of the extent of neurological defect and scale (Neurologic Rating Scale, NRS) [33]. Patient’s func-
the type of disease course on its severity and the interac- tional capacities were evaluated using the Kurtzke Expanded
tion between individual measures of cognitive tests with Disability Status Scale (EDSS) [24].
the clinical features of the disease and its morphological The type of disease course and the stage of the patho-
characteristics. logical process were identified on the basis of patients’ his-
tories and clinical pictures in accordance with the criteria of
Lublin et al. [25]. A majority (51%) of the study group con-
1 Department of Fundamental and Clinical Neurology, sisted of patients with the remitting type of MS, while 41%
N. I. Pirogov Russian State Medical University. had the progressive type (25% with primary progressive and
2 Department of Nervous Diseases, I. M. Sechenov 16% with secondary progressive). Patients with disease
Moscow Medical Academy. onset, remitting MS, and secondary progressive MS under-
0097-0549/11/4108-0871 ©2011 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
872 Meshkova and Damulin

went neuropsychological assessment during complete or

partial remission.
Memory functions were assessed using a method
allowing assessment of visual, auditory, and motor memo-
ry: a spoken list of 10 unconnected words (the 10 words
test) and naming of six abstract figures using the Luriya
method [4], along with methods facilitating information
processing on remembering (the semantic coding test).
Immediate (just after presentation) and delayed (at 1 h) Fig. 1. Quantitative results of the 10-word remembering test: 5 trials and
reproduction were tested. delayed reproduction (DR). The abscissa shows trials; the ordinate shows
the number of words. *Significant differences compared with other groups
When signs of dementia were present in the patients,
(p < 0.05).
diagnoses were established on the basis of the correspon-
dence between signs and the ICD-10 and DSM-IV criteria
for dementia [7]. Cognitive functions were assessed using
the Mini Mental Scale Examination (MMSE) [21]. ing diagnoses of mild dementia (MMSE scores of less
MRI brain scans were performed using standard proto- than 24) were older than other patients, these showed a later
cols for MS [10, 11, 26, 35] using a Toshiba-Opart (Japan) onset of disease and a longer mean duration of illness,
open scanner with a magnetic field strength of 0.35 T. though these differences did not reach significance.
T1 and T2 weighted images were obtained, along with T2 Quantitative assessment of auditory, visual, and motor
weighted images with free water signal suppression memory in patients with cognitive deficit of different
(FLAIR). Tomograms were analyzed visually with assess- extents is shown in Table 2 and Fig. 1.
ment of the state of the gray and white matter of the brain, These data show that patients with MS did not have
the ventricular system, and the subarachnoid space; focal difficulty with either verbal or nonverbal materials and no
changes in the white matter were assessed quantitatively, significant intergroup differences were seen, while the fixi-
i.e., the extent of demyelination was determined. Images ty of memory differed significantly between patients with
were analyzed morphometrically using the tomograph work- different levels of cognitive impairment.
station and programs from Toshiba-Opart, including a set of Quantitative analysis of test results assessing auditory
scan sequences and programs for image editing and analysis. memory showed that MS patients, regardless of the severi-
Data were analyzed statistically using SPSS 10.0. ty of cognitive deficit, selected inert strategies for remem-
Differences between pairs of independent sets were identi- bering, with slow build-up; these patients showed impair-
fied using Student’s test and the nonparametric Mann– ments in the selectivity of reproduction in the form of
Whitney test. Pairs of dependent sets were compared using actualization of homophonic but unnecessary words,
the t test for paired sets and the Wilcoxon test. Comparative semantic substitutions, frequent repeats, and narrowing of
analysis of more than two dependent sets was performed acoustic attention (differences between groups were not sig-
using the Friedman test. Relationships between different nificant). Patients made analogous errors in reproducing
numerical measures were identified by Spearman rank cor- visual images and in grouping visual images, where there
relation. Differences were regarded as significant at p < 0.05. were perceptual substitutions and uncorrected omissions.
Despite the fact that analysis of measures of motor
memory revealed no statistically significant differences,
RESULTS patients with MMSE scores of less than 24 points per-
formed this test less successfully, with increases in the
The effects of MS on the formation of cognitive disor- latent periods of performing series of movements with each
ders were addressed by ranking all subjects into three hand, and often with occasional errors on transferring to the
groups on the basis of results obtained from screening with other hand, in some cases with spontaneous correction.
the MMSE. Group 1 included 81 patients without cognitive Relationships between cognitive impairments detected
impairments (mean MMSE score 29.7 ± 0.6); group 2 con- on neuropsychological testing and structural changes in the
sisted of 12 patients with mild and moderate cognitive brain seen on MRI scans were assessed by comparing results
impairments (25.9 ± 1.1); group 3 consisted of seven from memory evaluation tests and neuroimaging results.
patients with more severe cognitive disorders (20.7 ± 1.9) The results of this analysis, presented in Table 3, iden-
(Table 1). tify moderate correlational relationships between measures
Most of the subjects were patients without significant obtained in memory tests and increases in the ventricles and
cognitive impairments. There were no intergroup differ- demyelination foci in these areas. The volumes of immedi-
ences in age, degree of disability, and severity of neurolog- ate and delayed reproduction in the semantic coding test
ical symptomatology as assessed using neurological scales. were related to the severity of atrophy and the extent of
Although patients with severe cognitive impairments allow- enlargement of the cerebral ventricles, the tightest relation-
Memory Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis 873

TABLE 1. Clinical Characteristics of Patients Depending on the Severity of Cognitive Deficit

1 2 3

Number of patients 81 12 7

Mean cognitive deficit, MMSE points 29.7 ± 0.6* 25.9 ± 1.1* 20.7 ± 1.9*

Mean age, years 36.8 ± 10.9 35.3 ± 8.3 48.0 ± 8.47

Mena age at onset of MS, years 30.2 ± 10.4 30.2 ± 10.1 36.4 ± 11.0

Mean duration of disease, years 6.7 ± 6.6 5.3 ± 2.9 12.3 ± 7.6

Mean points on NRS 78.1 ± 9.9 71.7 ± 13.0 70.3 ± 12.3

Mean points on EDSS 2.8 ± 1.0 3.2 ± 1.1 3.3 ± 0.9

Note. *Significant difference between groups, p < 0.05.

TABLE 2. Memory Function on Testing in Patients with MS

Neuropsychological tests
1 2 3

10-word remembering test (number of words reproduced)

Volume of memory 8.77 ± 1.06 8.08 ± 1.08 7.86 ± 1.07

Fixity of memory 6.62 ± 2.22 5.75 ± 2.18* 3.57 ± 0.98*

Semantic coding test (number of words reproduced)

Immediate reproduction 6.57 ± 1.97 5.50 ± 2.02 4.29 ± 2.06*

Delayed reproduction 6.33 ± 2.18 5.75 ± 1.60* 5.29 ± 1.70*

Reproduction with prompt 9.11 ± 1.57 9.00 ± 1.35 6.71 ± 2.56*

Remembering and recognition of visual images (number of images recognized)

Immediate reproduction of object images 5.13 ± 1.00 5.00 ± 0.63 4.80 ± 1.10

Immediate reproduction of abstract images 4.47 ± 1.12 4.55 ± 1.13 3.80 ± 0.84

Delayed reproduction of object images 4.67 ± 1.35 4.36 ± 0.67 3.40 ± 0.89*

Motor memory, points 0.29 ± 0.44 0.46 ± 0.58 0.33 ± 0.41

Note. *Significant difference from group 1, p < 0.05.

ships being between the volume of immediate reproduction At the same time, remembering and naming visual
and the indexes of the right (r = 0.33; p < 0.05) and left (r = images showed a moderate link with the demyelinating pro-
= 0.44; p < 0.01) lateral ventricles and the index of the third cess in these same areas (see Table 3). Reproduction of
ventricle (r = –0.40; p < 0.05). Similar correlations were object images was moderately significantly affected by foci
detected by comparing measures of motor memory with the in the posterior periventricular areas on both the right (r =
cortical index (r = 0.36; p < 0.05) and the indexes of the = –0.33; p < 0.05) and left (r = –0.33; p < 0.05) sides, while
anterior horns (r = 0.33; p < 0.05), third ventricle (r = 0.33; memory for abstract images was moderately associated
p < 0.01), and right lateral (r = –0.39; p < 0.05) ventricles with foci in the anterior periventricular areas on the right
of the brain. side (r = –0.40; p < 0.01).
874 Meshkova and Damulin

TABLE 3. Correlations between Memory Test Results and MRI Scan Data

10-word remembering
Semantic coding test Remembering and recognition of visual objects
Immediate Immediate Delayed
Measure Immediate Delayed Reproduc- reproduc- reproduc- reproduc-
Volume of Fixity of Motor
reproduc- reproduc- tion with tion of tion of tion of
memory memory memory
tion tion prompt object abstract abstract
images images images
r = –0.348 r = 0.364
Cortical index
p = 0.032 p = 0.029

r = 0.331
Index of anterior horns
p = 0.048

r = –0.397 r = 0.331
Index of third ventricle
p = 0.014 p = 0.049

r = 0.331 r = –0.387
Index of right lateral ventricle
p = 0.042 p = 0.020

r = 0.437 r = 0.325
Index of left lateral ventricle
p = 0.001 p = 0.047

r = –0.424 r = 0.343
Periventricular foci on the right
p = 0.009 p = 0.043

Periventricular foci along the bodies r = 0.371*

of the lateral ventricles on the right p = 0.022

Periventricular foci close to the ante- r = 0.401

rior horn on the right p = 0.015

Periventricular foci close to the pos- r = –0.334

terior horn on the right p = 0.035

Periventricular foci close to the r = –0.325

posterior horn on the left p = 0.047

r = –0.402
Foci in the left parietal region
p = 0.015

r = 0.417 r = –0.338
Foci in the cerebellum
p = 0.009 p = 0.044

r = 0.334
Foci in the brainstem
p = 0.040

r = 0.385
Foci in the corpus callosum
p = 0.020

Note. The Table shows only statistically significant correlation coefficients.

DISCUSSION ory is the preservation and maintenance of active voluntary

attention and visuospatial concepts. Profound memory
Memory impairments, especially of short-term memo- impairments are extremely rare in MS; short-term memory
ry, along with impairments to attention, represent one of the is the most often affected. In our study, memory impair-
main cognitive dysfunctions in MS. Memory is one of the ments appeared phenomenologically as mode-nonspecific
central mental functions, operating as an integrative system disturbances in the form of decreases in the volumes of
involving other mental processes (thought, speech, etc.). immediate and delayed reproduction, increases in the influ-
Memory is the basis of behavior, thought, and conscious- ences of interference, decreases in the volume of delayed
ness, i.e., mental activity in general. The main component reproduction even in the absence of impairments to imme-
of memory supporting information storage, operating in a diate memory, and changes in the selectivity of memory.
changing environment, and recourse to past experience and A number of studies on short-term and working mem-
long-term memory consists of short-term memory. A neces- ory have shown that the processes of retention and repro-
sary condition for the normal operation of short-term mem- duction of verbal and nonverbal material are supported by
Memory Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis 875

different anatomical brain structures [34]. Data obtained The volume remembered in the patients studied here was no
using neuroimaging methods indicate that performance of different from normal, though there were impairments to
tasks based on the delayed reproduction of verbal stimuli reproduction in conditions of retention of memory traces,
activates the posterior parietal areas (Brodman field 40), which is supported by the effectiveness of categorial
Broca’s area (field 44), the left premotor area, and the sup- prompts in the semantic coding test.
plementary motor cortex (field 6). Broca’s area and the sup- Of the relationships identified here, particular attention
plementary motor cortex are involved in the processes of should be paid to the moderately strong correlational rela-
repetition and pronunciation, while the posterior parietal tionships between demyelination foci in the cerebellum and
areas store verbal material during the delay period. the volume of delayed reproduction in the semantic coding
Visuospatial memory is supported by the functioning and test (r = 0.42; p < 0.01) and motor memory (r = –0.40; p <
activation of connections in the right hemisphere – the pos- < 0.05). Impairments to cerebellar function in the form of
terior parietal areas (field 40), the anterior visual cortex disturbances to coordination in patients with MS are the
(field 19), and the premotor (field 6) and inferior prefrontal clearest and earliest manifestations of the disease. The cere-
areas (field 47). The equivalent of repetition for nonverbal bellum was long regarded as a structure supporting nothing
material is the process of computation of the spatial coordi- more than coordination and movement. The development of
nates of the object presented, for which the premotor cortex high-resolution neuroimaging methods such as positron
and superior posterior parietal areas are responsible [9, 19]. emission tomography and MRI imaging allowed the role of
Various areas of the frontal cortex also have an important the cerebellum in organizing mental processes to be recog-
role in the process of the reproduction and storage of mate- nized [6, 14–16, 27]. The link between cognitive impair-
rial in verbal memory; thus, the anterior areas in particular ments and lesions to the posterior cranial fossa (in the cere-
are responsible for repetition of verbal material and the pos- bellum and brainstem) in MS has been addressed previously
terior temporal-occipital for storage of material in the active [8, 32]. A number of investigators have noted a relationship
state [28]. The prefrontal areas, along with the inferolateral between tests assessing neurodynamic functions and the
temporal area, are also involved in supporting semantic volumes of foci of demyelination in the brainstem and cere-
memory [23]. bellum [13], while use of a different set of tests revealed
Reproduction of verbal series requires a successive no such correlation [30]. The relationship between foci
(linear) strategy of addressing traces in which each succes- of demyelination in the cerebellum and indicators in
sive element has a linear associative link with the preceding the semantic coding test found in our studies allows the
and succeeding elements. Speech mediation is important for involvement of the extensive connections of the cerebellum
the reproduction of verbal stimuli, as each element in the with the cortex in various areas of the hemispheres, partic-
series is pronounced. In nonverbal tests, each element is ularly the associative fields of the frontal lobes and the lim-
presented sequentially (successive strategy), though the bic-reticular complex, to be assessed. Cerebellar neurons
scheme of organization of the material is simultaneous in are known to be connected with the cortical areas of the
nature, such that the material is presented simultaneously in cerebral hemispheres, especially the prefrontal areas of the
the visuospatial and sequential forms. There is no reliance frontal lobes, which are functionally important for cognitive
on speech mediation and the leading role in reproducing and verbal functions [2, 3, 31]. Damage to the cerebellum
traces is played by the spatial configuration (simultaneous and its connections is known to lead to a wide spectrum of
scheme). This leads to the suggestion that inclusion of the cognitive disorders, including impairments of attention (dif-
supplementary functions of speech mediation and reliance ficulty with switching attention), impairments to operative
on the verbally mediated successive strategy should allow memory and learning, impairments to the planning and con-
patients to remember verbal material better. However, this trol of activities requiring the performance of tasks and
was not observed; furthermore, even the semantic organiza- actions in strict sequence, and deficits in spatial functions
tion of memory in the semantic coding test did not increase [15, 17, 22, 32]. As in motor acts, the cerebellum supports
the productivity of reproduction, regardless of the level of rapid and smooth movement performance of mental acts,
the cognitive defect. The results of delayed reproduction ensuring precise interaction of cognitive operations, i.e., it
of nonverbal material showed that coding of stimuli in the takes part in resolving tasks requiring rapid and sequential
visuospatial form was significant for patients with MS changes and regulates mental activity on switching from
with minimal cognitive dysfunction, while this was not of one task to another [2, 3].
decisive importance for performing the test in patients with Atrophy of the corpus callosum is one of the most
mild dementia. commonly encountered neuroimaging phenomena in
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ume, determined by the number of elements simultaneous- massive commissural tract and we would expect the struc-
ly stored in it, which is limited to 5–9 units, the elementary tural lesions within it commonly seen in MS (multiple foci
unit of information being a letter, a phrase, or a word, i.e., of demyelination and frequently observed signs of atrophy)
that which is perceived as a single meaningful image. to affect cognitive functions. However, its role in realizing
876 Meshkova and Damulin

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