Suction Side Problems - Gas Entrainment: Centrifugal Pumps Handbook

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Suction Side Problems -

Gas Entrainment

ultiple symptoms associated GAS BOUND IMPELLERS A pump in this gas bound state,

M with noncondensable suc-

tion side gas entrainment,
such as loss of pump head,
noisy operation, and erratic perfor-
mance, often mislead the pump opera-
As a process stream containing
entrained gas nears the impeller, the
liquid pre-rotating from the impeller
tends to centrifuge the gas from the
process stream. Gas not passing into
will not re-prime itself, and the gas,
with some portion of the liquid, must
be vented for a restart against a dis-
charge head. The effort to restart a
gas bound impeller depends on
tor. As a result, entrained gas is the impeller accumu-
generally diagnosed by eliminating lates near the impeller
other possible sources of performance eye. As entrained gas FIGURE 1. ENCLOSED IMPELLER-ENTRAINED
problems. To adequately control gas flow continues to in- GAS HANDLING PERFORMANCE
entrainment a user should first be crease, the accumulat-
aware of systems most likely to pro- The LaBour Company, Inc. Effect on head and capacity of
ing groups of bubbles varying quantities of air with water being pumped.
duce gas, and then employ methods
are pulled through the
or designs to eliminate entrainment
impeller into the dis-
into these pumping systems. 160
charge vane area where
The audible pump noise from flow performance. The 140 2%
noncondensable entrained gas will bubble choking effect at
produce a crackling similar to cavita- the impeller eye pro-
120 5%
tion or impeller recirculation. duces a further reduc-
However, cavitation is produced by a tion of Net Positive 8%
Head in Feet

vapor phase of the liquid which is Suction Head Available 100

condensable, while noncondensable (NPSHA). At this stage
entrained gas must enter and exit the long term damage to the 80 10%
pump with the liquid stream. pump from handling
To test for gas entrainment over entrained gases is gener- 12%
mild cavitation, run the pump back ally negligible when 60 15%
upon the curve by slowly closing the compared with the
discharge valve. The noise will dimin- damage due to cavita- 50
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
ish if it originated from cavitation and tion. If the process
the pump is not prone to suction recir- stream gas volume Capacity in U.S. Gallons per Minute
culation. In contrast, with entrained increases, however, fur-
Size: no. 55; Type: SQ. Speed: 1750
gas, continued performance at this ther bubble build-up Impeller Diameter: 11”
portion of the curve will choke off or will occur, blocking off
gas-bind the pump, causing unusually the impeller eye and Air quantities given are in terms of free air at atmospheric
quiet operation or low flow. stopping flow (Ref. 1). pressure referred to % of total volume of fluid being handled.

The Pump Handbook Series 87

discusses open impeller pump modi-
Gould’s Pumps, Inc. Approximate Characteristic Curves of Centrifugal Pump SYSTEMS PRODUCING
The most common conditions or
mechanisms for introducing gas into
300 the suction line are:
1. Vortexing
Head in Feet

2. Previously flashed process

0% liquid conveying flashed gas
2% into the suction piping.
Brake Horse Power (Bhp)

200 80 4% 3. Injection of gas, which does not

Efficiency %

70 0% go into solution, into the
2% pumpage.
150 60 4%
6% 4. Vacuum systems, valves, seals,
250 50 0% flanges, or other equipment in a
Bhp@ sp gr=1.0
200 6% suction lift application allowing
air to leak into the pumpage
5. Gas evolution from an incom-
plete or gas producing chemical
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 If a particular application pro-
Gallons per Minute duces entrained gas or has the poten-
Size: 6x8-18 Speed: 1780 rpm Impeller Diameter: 17 1/4” tial to do so, the best solution is to
eliminate as much entrainment as
impeller position, type and valving head loss at 5% gas volume, the possible by applying corrective pump
arrangement, among other variables. Gould’s open impeller experiences a system design and/or a gas handling
Degassing is easier to accomplish 12% head loss at this volume. Some pump. If liquid gas mixing is desired,
with a variable speed driver, such as open impeller paper stock designs employ a static mixer on the dis-
a steam turbine, than with a constant can actually handle
speed electric motor drive. In addi- up to 10% entrained
tion, a recycle line to the suction ves- gas because clear- FIGURE 3. DEVELOPMENT OF A VORTEX
sel vapor space is often an effective ance between the
method for degassing an impeller, case and impeller
since with this arrangement the vanes allows more
pump is not required to work against turbulence in the
a discharge head. (Ref. 1 describes process fluid, which (a)
methods for venting gas on modified tends to break up
pumps that are gas bound.) gas accumulation
As a rule, if the probability of more efficiently
entrained gas exists from a chemical than an enclosed
reaction, the inlet piping design impeller with wear
should incorporate a means to vent rings. In addition,
the vapor back to the suction vessel’s other designs, such (d)
vapor space or to some other source. as a recessed im-
peller pump, may (b)
handle up to 18% A. Incoherent surface swirl
entrained gas. In
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the fact, most standard B. Surface dimple with coherent
effect of entrained gas on a LaBour centrifugal pumps surface swirl
enclosed impeller and a Gould’s handle up to 3%
paper stock open impeller. As illus- C. Vortex pulling air bubbles to
entrained gas vol- intake
trated by the figures, 2% entrained ume at suction con-
gas does not produce a significant ditions without AIR D. Fully developed vortex with air
head curve drop. Note that while the difficulty. (Ref. 2 core to nozzle outlet
LaBour impeller experiences a 22% (c)

88 The Pump Handbook Series


charge of the pump. In addition, an eliminate entrained gas in pump draw-off nozzle of the pump as illus-
anticipated drop in pump head due to suction piping is to prevent vortex trated by Figure 6a.
an entrained gas situation may be off- formation either by avoiding vortex It may be difficult to understand
set by oversizing the impeller. introducing mechanisms or by em- how a pump with 60 ft of vertical
Of the five aforementioned ploying an appropriate vortex break- suction could be affected by en-
mechanisms, vortexing is the most er at the vessel outlet. A ”hat” type trained gas, but in this real case
common source of entrained gas. vortex breaker, illustrated in Figure example Murphy’s law applied twice.
Therefore, a user should be especially 4, covers the vessel outlet nozzle to First, since the pump system in ques-
cautious employing mechanical reduce the effective outlet velocity. tion has a NPSHA greater than 50 ft,
equipment, such as tangential flash This design doesn’t allow a vortex to the piping designer employed a small-
gas separators and column bottoms stabilize because the fluid surface er suction pipe with a liquid velocity
re-boilers, likely to produce a strong senses only the annular velocity at of 10 ft/sec. Second, the column
vortex. the hat outside diameter (OD). In draw-off nozzle was sized according
addition, the vanes supporting the to normal fluid velocity practice. As a
VORTEX BREAKER DESIGN hat introduce a shear in the vicinity result, the tray liquid had an exit
The extent of gas entrainment in of the outlet to further inhibit vortex velocity of 5 ft/sec with a liquid level
the pumped fluid as the result of formation. An annular velocity of 6-in. above the top of the draw-off
vortex formation depends on the 1/2 ft/sec at the hat OD produces a nozzle and a vortex formed, feeding
strength of the vortex, the submer- viable solution. Variations in hat gas into the draw-off nozzle.
gence to pump suction outlet, and diameters from 4d to 5d and hat As in the above example, due to a
the liquid velocity in the pump suc- annular openings of d/2 to d/3 are lack of proper submergence, gas is car-
tion nozzle outlet. Vortices form not acceptable when annular velocity cri- ried into the pump suction piping as a
only through gravity draining vessel teria are met. Annular design veloci- high liquid downward velocity exceeds
applications, but also in steady state ties of more than 1 ft/sec are not the upward velocity of a gas bubble.
draining vessels, and in vessels recommended. Many draw-off vortexing prob-
under pressure or with submerged ”Cross” type breakers, installed lems may be eliminated by proper
pump suction inlets. Vortex forma- above or inserted in vessel nozzle out- pump system design or by one of two
tion follows conservation of angular lets as shown in Figure 5, work for vortex breaker designs illustrated by
momentum. As fluid moves toward some applications by providing addi- Figures 6b and c. The selection of the
the vessel outlet, the tangential tional shear to inhibit a mild vortex breaker design may depend on the
velocity component in the fluid from feeding gas into a nozzle outlet downcomer arrangement and space
increases as the radius from the out- (providing enough submergence is limitations. The most effective vortex
let decreases. Figure 3 shows various available). However, this design will breaker is the slotted pipe design
stages of vortex development. The not stop a strong vortex and will shown in Figure 6c.
first phase is a surface dimple. This decrease NPSHA. A user should be Application of these corrective
dimple must sense a high enough aware of these limitations. pump systems designs or installa-
exit velocity to extend from the sur- COLUMN VORTEXING tion of an appropriate gas handling
face and form a vortex. (For experi- pump can solve suction side gas
mental observations regarding If a column draw-off pump is entrainment problems, resulting in a
vortex formation see Refs. 3, 4.) erratic and/or nearly uncontrollable, a smoother process operation. ■
The most effective method to vortex may be feeding gas into the

The Pump Handbook Series 89

Pumps and Entrained-Air Problem,”
DOWNSPOUT OR Chemical Engineering, pp.103-106
TRAY ABOVE 2. Cappellino, C.A., Roll, R. and
Wilson, George, ”Centrifugal
Pump Design Considerations and
Application Guidelines for
6” Pumping Liquids with Entrained
10” Gas,” 9th Texas A&M Pump
Symposium 1992
3. Patterson, F.M., ”Vortexing can
be Prevented in Process Vessels
and Tanks,” Oil and Gas Journal,
pp. 118-120 (1969)
4. Patterson, F.M., and Springer, E.K.,
”Experimental Investigation of
Critical Submergence for Vortexing
Figure 6a. Tray take off nozzle with vortex from lack of correct in a Vertical Cylinder Tank,”
submergence and too high exit velocity. ASME Paper 69-FE-49 (1969)
5. Kern, Robert, ”How to Design
EXTEND PLATE FROM Piping for Pump Suction Con-
VESSEL WALL. ditions,” Chemical Engineering,
CHECK VELOCITY pp.119-126 (1975)
EDGE ≤ 1/2’/sec.
1/2’/sec. James H. Ingram is an Engineering
Technologist with Sterling Chemicals in
Texas City.

Figure 6b. Plate extension over outlet nozzle lowers high outlet

AREA ≤ 1’/sec.

Figure 6c. Slotted pipe vortex breaker.

90 The Pump Handbook Series

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