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Water Air Soil Pollut (2011) 219:3–10

DOI 10.1007/s11270-010-0679-3

Dual Inoculation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and Phosphate

Solubilizing Fungi Contributes in Sustainable Maintenance
of Plant Health in Fly Ash Ponds
A. Giridhar Babu & M. Sudhakara Reddy

Received: 26 April 2010 / Accepted: 20 October 2010 / Published online: 3 November 2010
# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract Fly ash is one of the residues produced Keywords Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi .
during combustion of coal, and its disposal is a major Reclamation . Aspergillus tubingensis . Glomus spp. .
environmental concern throughout coal-based power- Dendrocalamus strictus
generated counties. Deficiencies of essential nutrients,
low soil microbial activity, and high-soluble salt
concentrations of trace elements are some of the 1 Introduction
concerns for reclamation of fly ash ponds. The effect
of fly-ash-adapted arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Fly ash is one of the residues generated in the
and phosphate solubilizing fungus Aspergillus tubin- combustion of coal and causes air and water pollution
gensis was studied on the growth, nutrient, and metal if proper management measures are not taken in time.
uptake of bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) plants Fly ash disposal is a major environmental concern
grown in fly ash. Co-inoculation of these fungi throughout coal-based power-generated counties. In
significantly increased the P (150%), K (67%), Ca India alone, the annual production of fly ash is about
(106%), and Mg (180%) in shoot tissues compared 120 MT by 82 power plants and expected to rise to
control plants. The Al and Fe content were signifi- 150–170 MT per year by end of 2012 (MOEF 2007).
cantly reduced (50% and 60%, respectively) due to Disposal of fly ash has significant impacts on
the presence of AM fungi and A. tubingensis. The terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems due to leaching of
physicochemical and biochemical properties of fly toxic substances from the ash into soil and ground
ash were improved compared to those of individual water, as well as reduction in plant establishment and
inoculation and control. The results showed that growth (Wong and Wong 1990). In many cases,
combination of AM fungi and A. tubingensis elicited reclamation practices have been ineffective due to
a synergetic effect by increasing plant growth and high mortality of tree seedlings which might be due to
uptake of nutrients with reducing metal translocation. deficiency of essential nutrients (usually N and P),
low soil microbial activity, high soluble salt concen-
trations of trace elements, and the presence of
compacted and cement layers on ash disposal sites
(Selvam and Mahadevan 2002). However, successful
rehabilitation must involve the development of micro-
A. G. Babu : M. S. Reddy (*)
bially driven organic matter turnover and mineral
Department of Biotechnology, Thapar University,
Patiala 147004 Punjab, India nutrient cycling for the long-term provision of plant
e-mail: nutrients (Banning et al. 2010).
4 Water Air Soil Pollut (2011) 219:3–10

Remediation of contaminated sites may be facili- moisture, reinforcement of embankments, and drainage
tated by selection of tolerant plant species as well as channels (Zhou et al. 2005).
microorganisms which play a critical role to establish The present study was aimed to study the influence
early ecosystem development, due to functional of fly-ash-adapted AM fungi along with co-inoculation
abilities such as nitrogen fixation, organic matter of phosphate solubilizing fungus A. tubingensis on the
turnover, mycorrhizal symbiosis, and potential facil- growth, nutrient, and metal uptake of bamboo plants
itation of plant establishment (Hodkinson et al. 2002; grown in fly ash. An improvement of physicochemical
Walker et al. 2003). Among soil microorganisms, and biochemical properties of fly ash due to inocula-
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi play relevant roles tion of these fungi is also reported.
for establishment, survival of plant species, and
improved soil properties in stressed environments
(Ortega-Larrocea et al. 2010). Arbuscular mycorrhizal 2 Materials and Methods
fungi also alter the soil microbial communities in
rhizosphere directly or indirectly through changes in 2.1 Fly Ash Sample Collection
root exudation patterns (Barea et al. 2005) and
enhance the soil enzyme activities (Wang et al. 2006). Fly ash samples were collected (0–40 cm depth)
The effects of selected isolates of AM fungi play an randomly from a different location of fly ash sedimen-
important role on the plant growth, nutrient uptake, and tation pond of National Aluminium Company Ltd.
aggregation of fly ash (Enkhtuya et al. 2005; Wu et al. (NALCO), Damnjodi (18°46′22″ N 082°53′23″ E),
2009). However, spontaneous selection of infective and Orissa, India. The samples were mixed thoroughly, and
effective AM fungi is a long process in fly ash ponds. It a portion of the fly ash was used to analyze various
has also been demonstrated that the use of adapted AM physicochemical characteristics. The physicochemical
fungal strains, in restoration and bioremediation stud- properties and elemental levels of fly ash were
ies, is more effective than applying non-adapted strains presented in Table 1.
(Vivas et al. 2005). Oliveira et al. (2010) reported that
AM fungi quickly lose their symbiotic efficacy when Table 1 Physicochemical
cultivated without edaphic stresses of the environment properties of fly ash Parameters Units
from where they are originally isolated. They also
pH 7.35
recommended that the inoculum should be produced
EC(mS/cm) 0.30
with original edaphic stresses especially for AM
Organic 0.30
isolates from extreme environments. We have isolated Carbon (%)
AM fungi from the plants growing in fly ash pond and Olsen P 2.30
multiplied in pots using fly ash to maintain its (mg/kg)
adaptation. Many fungi can survive and grow at high N(mg/kg) 85.0
concentrations of toxic metals and the genus Aspergil- Elemental
lus play multi-fascinated roles such as P solubilization, (mg/kg)
heavy metal bioleaching, plant growth promotion, and Al2O3 281,500
synergetic effects with mycorrhizal fungi (Medina et al. Fe2O3 51,500
2006; Yang et al. 2009). The selection of A. tubingensis P2O5 4,500
in this study is based on its ability to solubilize the SO3 13,500
insoluble phosphates and improvement of growth of CaO 8900
plants under stress conditions (Krishna et al. 2005). MgO 3800
Bamboo plants (Dendrocalamus strictus) were se- Na2O 3700
lected because of its extensive underground root and MnO 500
rhizome system (having significant capacity to bind the K2O 800
top soil), accumulation of leaf mulch, abundant litter ZnO 100
fall. It also serves as an efficient agent in rehabilitation CuO 150
of degraded land, preventing soil erosion, conserving
Water Air Soil Pollut (2011) 219:3–10 5

2.2 Isolation and Inoculum Production plot was 60×60×40 cm3. Three replicates were
maintained for each treatment. The experiment con-
The roots and rhizosphere fly ash samples of sisted of four treatments (1) fly ash, (2) fly ash and
dominant plants growing in fly ash pond were AM fungi, (3) fly ash and A. tubingensis, and (4) fly
collected up to 30 cm depth using a stainless steel ash with AM fungi and A. tubingensis. In each
shovel. Three replicates were collected from each treatment, nine bamboo plants (2 months old)
plant species. Samples were mixed thoroughly and obtained from the NALCO nursery were planted and
placed in a plastic bag and stored at 4°C until their inoculated with AM fungi (inoculum size 50 gm/plant
use. The dominant plants growing in this pond are with 90–100 spores/10 g) and 5 g/plant (1.7×108
Acacia pennata (Mimosaceae), Calotropis gigantea spores) of A. tubingensis fungal spores.
(Asclepiadaceae), Cassia occidentalis (Caesalpinia- After 6 and 12 months of plantation, the shoot
ceae), Cynodon dactylon (Poaceae), Lantana camara height and number of branches were measured. AM
(Verbenaceae), and Jatropha gossypifolia (Euphorbia- colonization was determined by collecting the root
ceae). AM fungal spores were isolated from these samples randomly from three places for each plot.
samples by sieving and decanting technique (Gerde- The percentage of root length colonized by AM fungi
mann and Nicholson 1963). Isolated spores were was calculated by the gridline intersect method
propagated on three trap plants; maize, wheat, and (Giovannetti and Mosse 1980) after staining with
sorghum (seeds surface sterilized with 0.01% HgCl2) trypan blue (Phillips and Hayman 1970). The spores
grown separately in earthen pots containing the fly were isolated from rhizospheric soil samples of fly
ash for two successive cycles, each cycle of 3 months ash and were counted (Gerdemann and Nicholson
long. No fertilizers were added to fly ash while 1963). To determine the uptake of minerals and
multiplying the AM fungi. The inoculum was metals by bamboo in different treatments, three
prepared with density of spores 90–100 spores per randomly collected shoots from each plot were used.
10 g of fly ash. AM inoculum consisted of fly ash The shoot tissues were digested with nitric acid and
containing spores and AM-infected root pieces from a perchloric acid (3:1) as described in Page et al.
pot culture. The phosphate solubilizing fungus A. (1982). These samples were analyzed for mineral
tubingensis (Reddy et al. 2002) was used as co- nutrients such as K, Ca Na, Mg, and heavy metals
inoculant. The fungus was grown on Pikovskaya’s viz., Al, Fe, Zn, and Cu by inductively coupled
agar (Pikovskaya 1948) plates at 28°C up to dense plasma mass spectroscopy. Total P content in the
formation of spores. Spores were scraped and mixed shoot tissues was determined by colorimetric method
with vermiculite with inoculum size of 1.7×108 as describes in Kitson and Mellon (1944).
spores/g vermiculite. To determine the physicochemical changes of fly
Prior to inoculation, subsamples of spores isolated ash, the samples were harvested randomly from each
from pots and fly ash pond were identified following treatment plot after 6 and 12 months. The organic
the current taxonomic criteria (Schenck and Perez carbon was estimated by the method as described in
1990) and information of INVAM (http://www.invam. Walkley and Black (1934) and the total N by using The AM fungal isolates were identified TOC analyzer. Urease activity was determined by the
as Glomus rosea, Glomus magnicaule, Glomus method of McGarity and Myers (1967) and acid
etunicatum, Glomus heterogama, Glomus maculo- phosphatase by Tabatabai and Bremner (1969).
sum, Glomus multicaule, Scutellospora nigra, and Available P was estimated by Olsen et al. (1954)
Scutellospora heterogama. and Bray and Kurtz (1945) methods according to the
pH of samples.
2.3 Nursery Experiment
2.4 Statistical Analysis
The nursery experiment was conducted at NALCO
nursery, Damanjodi, Orissa, India. Fly ash was used The data were analyzed by ANOVA, and means were
as substrate to grow the bamboo plants. Randomized compared by using Turkey’s tests at P<0.05 using
blocks design was followed and size of each treatment Graphpad Prism (v 4.03) software.
6 Water Air Soil Pollut (2011) 219:3–10

3 Results inoculated plants compared to control plants at the

end of 12 months. The content of these metals were
3.1 Plant Growth and AM Fungal Colonization significantly lesser in dual inoculated treatment than
individual inoculation (Table 3). The Zn levels were
Inoculation of AM fungi, A. tubingensis and combi- significantly increased (above 64%) in tissues of
nation of these two fungi increased the growth of bamboo plants inoculated with dual inoculum com-
bamboo plants compared to control treatment. Plant pared to control as well as individual inoculations
height as well as number of branches/plant was (Table 3).
significantly increased in dual inoculation compared
to individual inoculum both at 6 and 12 months of the 3.3 Fly Ash at Harvest
study (Table 2). AM fungal colonization was ob-
served in all treatments and the colonization of The physico-chemical properties of fly ash signifi-
indigenous AM fungi increased due to inoculation cantly improved in all inoculated treatments com-
of A. tubingensis inoculated plants. It was observed pared to control treatment both at 6 and 12 months. In
that the percent root colonization of all treatment case of dual inoculation, the organic carbon and
plants significantly increased after 12 months com- available P increased significantly after 6 months as
pared to 6 months. Maximum spore count was well as 12 months of plantation. The available P was
observed in dual inoculated plants after 12 months 3 times higher in dual inoculation treatment after
compared to other treatments (Table 2). 12 months compared to control treatment. After
6 months of plantation, the N content in fly ash
3.2 Plant Nutrient Uptake increased significantly in inoculated treatments as
compared to control, the maximum being observed in
Dual inoculation significantly increased the P (150%), dual inoculation treatment. Acid phosphatase and
K (67%), Ca (106%), and Mg (180%) in shoot tissues urease enzyme activities also increased in inoculated
compared to control treatments at 12 months after treatments compared to control. The maximum
plantation. Individual inoculation also increased the enzyme activities were observed in dual inoculated
levels of these minerals compared to control plants. treatments than other treatments (Table 4).
Sodium levels increased in inoculated plants com-
pared to control. However, the uptake of Na levels
decreased at 12 months compared to 6 months. The 4 Discussion
uptake of Al, Cu, and Fe were significantly reduced
due to inoculation compared to non-inoculated plants. 4.1 Plant Growth and AM Fungal Colonization
The Al content was reduced up to 50% in inoculated
plants compared to control plants at 12 months. The Inoculation of AM fungi significantly increased the
Fe content was significantly reduced (about 60%) in growth of bamboo plants in fly ash compared to non-

Table 2 Growth parame-

ters, AM fungi colonization Treatment Height (cm/plant) Branches/plant Colonization (%) Spores/100 g fly ash
and spore numbers of
bamboo plants inoculated 6 months
with AMF, At, and dual Control 27.6±2.0c 18±1.0c 4.0±0.6c 0
inoculum of AMF+At AMF 58.1±2.1a 29±1.5ab 52.0±3.0a 20±1.5a
At 40.1±1.5b 22±1.5bc 17.5±1.5b 3±1.0b
AMF+At 66.5±2.0a 34±2.0a 46.5±1.5a 16±1.5a
12 months
Values sharing a same
letters within the column Control 136.9±0.0c 37±2.5c 17.5±1.5c 5±2.0c
and time periods are not AMF 226.9±3.3a 49±2.0ab 68.5±1.5a 17±1.5b
significant at P<0.05 At 181.0±8.2b 42±2.0bc 26.0±1.0c 7±0.5bc
AMF AM fungi, AMF+At 247.8±3.1a 57±1.0a 55.0±4.0b 29±2.5a
At A. tubingensis
Water Air Soil Pollut (2011) 219:3–10 7

Table 3 Uptake of different nutrients and heavy metals in tissues of bamboo plants inoculated with fungi (AMF, At, and dual
inoculum of AMF + At

Treatments mg/kg

P K Ca Mg Na Fe Al Zn Cu

6 months
Control 135±6d 94±0.4d 135±1.0d 158±0.8d 90±3.6d 3,375±6.4a 9,326±2.1a 96±0.8d 63±1.2a
AMF 348±1b 124±1.8c 209±1.7b 264±2.1b 136±2.2b 2,880±2.9b 6,453±10.0b 111±1.1c 51±1.5b
At 269±8c 166±3.3b 169±2.0c 187±1.8c 116±1.0c 2,618±10.6c 7,861±9.7c 169±0.6b 34±0.1c
AMF+At 419±2a 191±1.0a 287±1.9a 297±1.2a 161±1.7a 1,917±7.0d 5,733±8.3d 178±0.3a 31±2.4c
12 months
Control 257±0c 864±0.8c 562±2.1d 159±0.1c 62±0.5d 953±3.0a 2,635±5.2a 87±0.8d 32±0.0d
AMF 645±0a 1,328±1.2a 974±1.7b 380±0.5ab 72±0.5c 598±1.0b 1,315±3.1c 98±1.0c 18±0.1c
At 569±9b 1,269±4.9b 755±1.9c 334±0.6b 82±0.6b 359±0.9c 1,424±1.8b 123±1.1b 23±0.4b
AMF+At 653±2a 1,444±3.5a 1,162±1.9a 457±0.3a 93±0.3a 360±1.4c 1,245±11.9d 143±0.3a 26±0.7a

Values sharing a same letters within the column and time periods are not significant at P<0.05
AMF AM fungi, At A. tubingensis

inoculated treatment. Co-inoculation of A. tubingensis inoculated plants may be due to either the presence of
increased the mycorrhizal colonization compared to propagules in substrate (fly ash) or in bamboo
individual inoculation of AM fungi after 12 months of seedlings which were grown previously in the soil.
plantation. Many P solubilizing microorganisms in- The slow rate of indigenous AM fungal colonization
crease the mycorrhizal root colonization by producing and the limited number of species growing on fly ash
specific metabolites such as vitamins, amino acids reflects the adverse growth conditions of fly ash
and hormones apart from P solubilization (Barea et al. deposits. We have reported 6 different plant species
2005). The colonization of AM fungi in non-AM growing in fly ash colonized with 8 different species

Table 4 Physicochemical
and biochemical properties Parameters Control AMF At AMF+At
of fly ash inoculated with
AMF, At, and dual inocu- 6 months
lum of AMF + At pH 6.81±0.05a 6.74±0.13a 6.62±0.01a 6.60±0.08a
EC (mS/cm) 0.35±0.00b 0.47±0.00a 0.36±0.01b 0.50±0.01a
Organic carbon (%) 0.5±0.0d 1.4±0.1a 1.0±0.1c 1.7±0.1a
Available P (mg/kg) 1.2±0.0c 3.2±0.1a 3.6±0.1a 2.5±0.2b
N (mg/kg) 203±9.9d 280±0.0b 224±0.0c 420±0.0a
Acid Phospatase 212±3.8c 252±0.7b 297±0.4a 189±0.1d
(μM/g/1 h)
Urease (μM/g/h) 12.2±0.6d 23.0±0.1a 28.6±0.5b 31.9±0.4ca
12 months
pH 6.20±0.14ab 5.92±0.03a 5.67±0.04bc 5.59±0.01c
EC(mS/cm) 0.16±0.01b 0.24±0.02b 0.40±0.02a 0.47±0.00a
Organic carbon (%) 0.6±0.0d 1.4±0.0c 1.8±0.0b 2.1±0.0a
Values sharing a same Available P (mg/kg) 1.6±0.1c 4.0±0.1b 4.3±0.0b 4.7±0.1a
letters within the column N (mg/kg) 134±0.0b 238±0.0b 210±0.0ab 357±9.9a
and time periods are not
Acid Phospatase 218±4.0c 428±5.3b 507±3.5a 541±9.9a
significant at P<0.05
(μM/g/1 h)
AMF AM fungi, Urease (μM/g/h) 19.6±1.7d 44.7±1.4b 36.0±0.7c 56.6±1.3a
At A. tubingensis
8 Water Air Soil Pollut (2011) 219:3–10

of AM fungi and most of the AM fungi belong to sulfur in fly ash while leaching of base ions (Juwarkar
Glomus species. These species are also been reported and Jambhulkar 2008). Since C and N in the fly ash
as dominant AM fungi in extreme environments by are likely to be oxidized to gaseous constituents
other researchers (Zarei et al. 2008; Bedini et al. during combustion, they usually are present in trace
2010). amounts and P in fly ash is relatively unavailable to
plants (Bradshaw and Chadwick 1980). Higher con-
4.2 Plant Mineral Nutrition centrations of P in fly ash reported in this study might
be due to solubilization of insoluble P present in the
Fly ash contains many essential plant nutrients and fly ash by both mycorrhizal and phosphate solubiliz-
their availability to the plant may be problematic as ing A. tubingensis. The AM fungi interact with other
reported by different authors (Pandey et al. 1994; rhizosphere microorganisms (Jeffries et al. 2003) and
Singh et al. 1997). However, inoculation of AM fungi affect rhizodeposition and thus the quantity and
supports the growth and nutrient uptake of plants and quality of organic C delivered to the soil via fungal
aggregation of fly ash (Enkhtuya et al. 2005; Wu et al. hyphae (Barea et al. 2005).
2009). In the present study, inoculation of A. Soil enzymes are important in catalyzing several
tubingensis along with the AM fungi significantly reactions necessary for life processes of microorgan-
increased height and number of branches of bamboo isms in soils and the stabilization of soil structure, the
plants. The uptake of nutrients such as P, K, Ca, Mg, decomposition of organic wastes, organic matter
and Na were significantly increased and the contents formation, and nutrient cycling (Dick et al. 2000).
of Al, Cu, and Fe were reduced in the shoot tissues Among the soil enzymes, phosphatases (acid and
compared to individual inoculation. This may be due alkaline) and urease play an important role in P, N,
to the synergetic effect of A. tubingensis with AM and C mineralization. In this study, acid phosphatase
fungi. Some experimental results confirm the exis- and urease activity in inoculated treatments were
tence of synergetic effect of saprobe fungi on plant increased in all treatments compared to control
root colonization by AM fungi (Fracchia et al. 2000). treatment. The increase of enzymatic activities in
Arriagada et al. (2004) reported that saprobe fungi soils is involved in an increase in the availability of
absorb heavy metal from the contaminated site and nutrients to the plants, which in turn have a positive
increase the AM colonization of plants when inocu- influence on soil fertility (García et al. 1997).
lated in combination. It is also known that AM fungi
may suppress the uptake of Al, Fe, and Mn that may
be present in toxic levels in some soils (Ning 2000). 5 Conclusions
Alleviation of heavy metal phytotoxicity by AM fungi
has been indicated in several studies (Chen et al. In conclusion, inoculation of AM fungi in combina-
2007; Arriagada et al. 2004). The AM fungi may tion with A. tubingensis increased the growth and
enhance plant P nutrition and increase the plant nutrient uptake of bamboo plants and also reduced the
growth by diluting metal effect in host plant or by metal translocation. Inoculation of fly ash adapted
binding of the metal to the fungal mycelium and AM fungi along with A. tubingensis might be a
immobilize them in rhizosphere or roots (Chen et al. promising strategy to promote the vegetation in fly
2001). ash ponds.

4.3 Physicochemical Changes of Fly Ash Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to TIFAC-
CORE, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab and NALCO,
Damanjodi, Orissa, India for facilities.
Fly ash contains considerable amounts of essential
and nonessential elements such as Al, Fe, and Cu and
many other elements which are toxic at elevated References
concentrations (Basu et al. 2009). In this study, pH of
the fly ash decreased in all treatments from slight
Arriagada, C. A., Herrera, M. A., Garcia-romera, I., & Ocampo,
alkaline to moderate acidic range. The pH reduction J. A. (2004). Tolerance to Cd of soybean (Glycine max)
in fly ash may be due to presence of high content of and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) inoculated with
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