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Analytics and Maintenance

of ICT Projects
Updating Content and
Maintaining Traffic to an ICT
Project for Social Change
What is website or internet traffic?
Just like traffic on a highway refers to the number of cars traveling down the road, web
traffic is the number of web users who travel to any given website. Internet traffic is the
flow of data.
web traffic
according to
Alexa. It
shows that
receives the
most traffic
followed by
YouTube and
➔ Regular website maintenance is essential to keep the
viewers of the website satisfied and its content error
➔ Common problems brought upon by websites not
properly maintained are broken links and presence of
non functioning site elements.
➔ For social change web sites, new happenings and events
will surely be sought after; thus, maintenance and
updates are essential.
What is a broken link?
A broken link is a web-page that can’t be found or accessed by a user, for various
reasons. Web servers will often return an error message when a user tries to access
a broken link. Broken links are also often known as “dead links” or “link rots.”
Updates can include the following parameters:
Parameter - a limit or boundary that defines the scope of a particular process.

Product Updates - Items or services offered by the Web site are referred to as
Discontinuation of a product - Similar to the announcement of new products,
viewers should be informed that a certain service or product offered by the
Website has already been phased out or no longer exists.
Change in prices - The change in prices should be announced on the Web site so that
customers will not be caught unaware when purchasing items on your Web site.
Company or organization news-This update ensures that the viewers of the Web site
are aware of what is happening to the company or organization that owns the Website.
Feature addition - Upon the creation of the Web site, there are times where activities
are deadline bound.

Etsy is an
e-commerce website
focused on handmade
or vintage items and
craft supplies. These
items fall under a wide
range of categories,
including jewellery,
bags, clothing, home
décor and furniture,
toys, art, as well as
craft supplies and
tools. All vintage items
must be at least 20
years old.
Link checking - Links are most prone to errors, and that is why it is a must to check
and maintain them and the Websites or pages they are directed to.
Tools for maintenance and updates of a website:
Composer - This is a tool that is formerly part of Netscape and Mozilla Web browser.
This tool is a WYSIWYG editor that can display immediately any changes done in the
structure or the program of the Web site.

Mozilla Composer is the free and

open-source HTML editor and
web authoring module of the
Mozilla Application Suite. It is
used to create and to edit web
pages, e-mail, and text
documents easily. It is
compatible with Windows,
macOS and Linux. Composer is a
graphical WYSIWYG HTML
FTP and FTP Commander - FTP is an acronym for the file transfer protocol. The
program is similar to a Windows Explorer application.

What is File Transfer Protocol? - Process is similar to doing backups

The File Transfer Protocol is a standard
- Disadvantage: the security of accessing
network protocol used for the transfer of and editing the website is not
computer files between a client and server on protected. Usernames and passwords
a computer network. FTP is built on a can be very vulnerable to hack.
client-server model architecture using
separate control and data connections
between the client and the server.
Xenu’s Link Sleuth ( Xenu ) - One of the essential maintenance targets should be the
links of the Web site. Xenu is a free package application for link checking. If a link
is broken, a notification will be sent containing what link is broken, the reason why it’s
broken, and the solution to fix it.
Tools for optimization of images - sometimes, there are problems brought about by
different images on the website. Use photo editing tools to enhance and accommodate
these problems.

What does it mean to OPTIMIZE image?

Large images slow down your web pages

which creates a less than optimal user
experience. Optimizing images is the process
of decreasing their file size, using either a
plugin or script, which in turn speeds up the
load time of the page.
How to optimize images for Web and performance?
The primary goal of formatting your images is to find the balance between
the lowest file size and an acceptable quality.
The two primary things to consider are the file format and type of
compression you use.
● PNG – produces higher quality images, but
also has a larger file size. Was created as a
lossless image format, although it can also
be lossy.
● JPEG – uses lossy and lossless
optimization. You can adjust the quality
level for a good balance of quality and file
● GIF – only uses 256 colors. It’s the best
choice for animated images. It only uses
lossless compression.
Tools for increasing number of images - in updating the website, increasing number
of images can cause layout and management problems. As part of the maintenance
work, thumbnail tools can create albums and collate images depending on categories.

What is a thumbnail?
Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of
pictures or videos, used to help in
recognizing and organizing them, serving
the same role for images as a normal text
index does for words.
Monitoring the Social Impact
of Advocacies
Describes online advertising using
social media and its networking

Social network Social media targeting is a process

of connecting matched social
advertising network users to a target minority
group in the network.
A.K.A social media targeting Information such as age, gender,
interest, etc. are some of the vital
information given when registering
in a social media app.
Of marketers think that
YouTube is the most effective
platform for video marketing
Monitoring the
social impact of an
advocacy is
important to
determine if the
ways of promoting
are effective.
Internet Activism
Refers to the use of ICT
technologies to communicate faster
with different individuals and

Internet Activism
citizen movements efficiently.

The technology is usually used to

solicit resources and cause-related
A.K.A Online Activism
fundraising, community building
and organizing.
A digital activism campaign
is "an organized public effort,
making collective claims on a
target authority, in which
civic initiators or supporters
use digital media."
Hashtag activism
Most popular type of activism which uses the (#) hashtag. A hashtag is a common
tool in most social media applications to tag a certain post.
Internet activism is similar to
expressing your ideas and opinions
over the Internet. However, you have
to be cautious and responsible in
everything that you are going to say
on the Internet.
Prepared by: Keanne Amomoy

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