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Naruto Ch, 524

Review by Alterno
Scanlators: Mangastream
Title: Things I want to protect

Finally we got the conclusion of the fight between Kakashi's unit vs Zabuza and Haku. Honestly
things are not going well for team Kabuto so far. Maybe the fact of being outnumbered is actually is
not making Edo Tensei as useful or effective as it could in scenario like the one we saw in the first
part of the manga during the Hokage Royale event.

However we can't forget that Kabuto 薬師カブ seems to be testing Edo Tensei at the moment,
whether or not knowing the abilities that could restrain the movement of his Edo Tensei summons,
could be useful for next battles, remains as a mystery. However we can't forget that we are just
watching the alliance capturing the summons, not actually getting them out of action for good,
situation that could change at any moment.

The great things about this chapter, is that we got to see a side of Hatake Kakashi はたけカカシ ,
that we have never seen before, second we got see other 2 commanders, including the leader of
military force; Gaara 我愛羅 and General Kitsuchi 黄ツチ,

I have some doubts about what is going on at the moment, if Kabuto is actually playing the distraction
card so Tobi can move his army of Zetsus to Kumo or if he is actually trying to defeat the alliance
forces for real.. with him you never know as he is unreadable, however what seems to be pretty
obvious is that he didn't expect Zabuza to be captured.

There are still many things left behind, things that we need to confirm and probably we'll get to see in
upcoming chapters, like: the identity of the Edo Tensei summon we didn't see, the powers of Nagato as
Edo Tensei's summon (will he be able to control/summon the six paths of Pain?) and Kabuto's
strongest Jutsu.

This chapter was also about memories, we got to see a flashback of a conversation between Naruto
and Kakashi, this took place after they defeated Haku and Zabuza. Well with the introduction written,
let's begin the review.
I want to become stronger...
It seems that some of us forgot how much Haku influenced on Naruto as character. “Becoming
stronger to protect someone important to you”, was about Haku spoke Naruto about it, after finding
him lying in the forest where he was training to climb the trees by using only his feets, it was really a
training for controlling their chakra better.
Naruto created a bond with Haku, a strong bond, in fact Naruto was shocked after finding out that
Haku was behind the Kiri's anbu mask, he didn't really want to fight him at all, he even thought that
he looked even better than Sakura.

Haku, the character.

I was expecting a lot more from the author with this character, Haku even as Edo tensei had a lot of
potential as character and as we can clearly saw in the previous chapters, he was not only able to
create an indestructible ice barrier, but also was capable of creating the ice mirrors and blocking a
double kick from Konoha's green beasts (Gai and Lee).

Haku has/had a lot of potential that could have been explored, he certainly could have killed Naruto
and Sasuke back then, but he could have possibly killed Kakashi, if you consider that he have proven
to move even faster than Kakashi not only once, but twice. However his role in this story have been of
the tragic victim, the shield that protects the person he cares about.
Hatake Kakashi はたけカカシ

To be honest this chapter we got to see a new side of Kakashi. The man is really pissed for what
Kabuto have done with Haku and Zabuza and for first time we see him talking about himself in third
person as great fighter, we never saw that before, we were used to see that from Jiraiya, but not from
Kakashi.. What are we going to see from Kakashi from now and on?, Is he going to defeat the rest of
the summons, considering that Pakura, and Gari were really the big deal before the summon of the
seven mist swordsmen.

I don't know what Kakashi could show next, but I doubt it will be that much. Maybe he will show a
different jutsu from the one that he has copied , but honestly I don't think we'll get to see him more
than what we are used to see in terms of stamina or ninjutsu, expecting a good surprise and
something really cool, but still not away from what we are used to see from him.
General Kitsuchi 黄ツチ
The second squad leader, the close range squad, General Kitsuchi is
having a hard time with army of Zetsus, not only that, during the battle
he got the information that several thousand of Zetsu bypassed their
defenses, this mean that Madara is getting close and closer to the
Shinobi alliance's base. I'm expecting great things from the son of
Sandaime Tsuchikage, because we already saw a lot from his daughter

Two brief appearances in the last two chapters, however considering what we saw in the Uniqlo
OAV, I'm don't think that this is over yet, in fact the fight between Naruto and Sasuke could be
something that will happen in the middle or in fact in the beginning of the war, you know a lot could
happen right now, but I’ll touch those points a bit later.
Kabuto still doing an amazing job in my opinion, considering that he is controlling over 20 Edo
Tensei at the same time, this means that he is actually doing a lot more than controlling Zabuza,
Haku, the seven Swordsmen of the mist and we can expect fight to become harder and harder as he
focus on less and less summons, the one that I truly want to see in action are the Nagato, The Kages
and Jinchuuriki, in that specific order.

Will there be blood between Kabuto and Tobi?, who knows, I hope so.

Muu, The second Tsuchikage.

I don't know who said it, but he was correct about the identity of this character, this was indeed a
Tsuchikage, and this one actually praises himself, which means that he actually consider himself
highly skilled and/or powerful.

A mummy like Shinobi, this gotta be great, how will Gaara deal with him?, will he imprison him in a
desert coffin? Or they have something different in mind?. Who knows but this is a great opportunity
to see how much Gaara has improved since his last fight.
Watching Muu will give us an idea of how powerful are the kages from other lands compared to the
Hokages, which are the most known so far, followed by the Kazekages. I'm expecting this to be a great
fight, it seems that Muu is specialist in silent killing like Zabuza, but in a different way, maybe using
some kind of special camouflage technique?

The Chapter was great, not as good as the previous chapter, but it was indeed a great chapter.
Emotional, action packed and shows new characters and developments as it keep open the possibility
of returning to Kakashi's unit in any moment.

I've been asking myself several questions and I would like to share these questions with you guys?

1. Did Neji use of full gentle fist surprised you?

2. Do you think that Kabuto will manage to rescue some of the captured summons?
3. What happened with the Kiri sensor guy that was with Deidara and Sasori?
4. What are you expecting to see from Kakashi, a new Magenkyo Sharingan, maybe a
Genjutsu? Or just one jutsu that he copied from someone very famous?
5. Do you think that we'll get to see the Uniqlo content as part of the manga's storyline?
6. Would you be up for a time-skip during the war?, watching the beginning of the war
now and the end of the war after a 3 years time skip, so we can see all characters
grown up.
7. Which of the known dead characters you would like to see in action now?
8. Which of the new Konoha 12, you would like to see in action?
Ok you don't need to answer all of them, in fact you don't need to answer any... but if you would like
to answer at least those that you really like, it would be great for me, cause reading is always a great
way to improve writing and become smarter :).

SleepyFans the scanlation group is disbanding. I'm thankful to SleepyFans for so many great
scanlations and translations, in fact they had a great style of translating the manga, it was by keeping
it as close as possible to the original meaning, while others group like Mangashare and Blinktopia,
offer an adaptation for better understanding of those who have a hard time understanding some
terms or cultural gaps,

I hope another group picks up the project, without adding the noisy (but sometimes needed),
watermarks to the pictures, that was another plus, made easier the usage pictures for the review.
Thank You SleepyFans, for your great effort over the years and for dedication as fans, doing this for
fans, we'll miss you.

Libre Office
By the way guys, I'm writing and exporting these documents to PDF on Libre Office (Freeware), is
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notice the difference in performance when you compare it to Open Office, in my humble opinion the
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