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Grupo López-Puello S.A.B. de C.V.

One of the leading companies worldwide in the food and beverage industry. With 12
different brands ranging from iced coffee to vacuum-sealed full meals. Founded in 1995,
with 10,500+ employees and reaching 74 countries across every continent.

After the identification of an important area of opportunity resulting from a historical lack of
implementation and tracking of agreements, we have developed an initiative to transform
the organizational culture and implement, evaluate and adapt any agreement made in the
company, both internally and externally.

Implementation strategy:

I. Phase I: Planning & Research.

a. Strategic planning interviews and one-on-one meetings with managers and
b. SWOT analysis for both individuals and the organization.
c. Stakeholder surveys to identify KPI’s, interests, and concerns.
d. External benchmark of peers to be able to measure progress.
e. Environmental assessment (internal and external trends identification and
their triggers).

II. Phase II. Communication.

a. Transimtting the results of both the analysis and research.
b. Spreading bulletins with the new goals and objectives of the company, as
well as those of future negotiations and agreements.
c. Present recommendations to those involved in business negotiations.

III. Direction & Alignment.

a. Develop measurable goals and objectives and the methodology to measure
b. Identify strategic issues, resistance, and barriers for the implementation.
c. Eliminate bad practices using courses, written guidelines, and team
d. Adapt organizational structure if needed.

IV. Implementation.
a. Set clear roles for negotiators and implementors, with their own individual
tasks and responsibilities.
b. Create a direct and bilateral line of communication between negotiators and
implementors, as well as with their bosses and/or managers responsible.
c. Set schedules and fixed times for the delivery of results and implementation
of agreements.

V. Evaluation & Review.

a. Integration of negotiation results to the company’s database.
b. Follow-up meeting to assess effectiveness of the deal.
c. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of results.
d. Identification of areas of improvement and adaptation.
e. Discussion of re-negotiation if necessary.
The implementation is the final goal of the negotiation, not the deal. This fact has been
historically overlooked. Thus, this implementation strategy is focused on changing the
organizational culture into the implementation and evaluation of reached agreements. It is
required by all the members of the organization to read and learn the methodology and
structure of the plan, and contact supervisors if necessary, to fully comprehend it and
integrate it into all processes.
With the inclusion of the best practices included in this strategy, such as team meetings,
open communication across all levels of the organization, the self-identification of
opportunities, and cultural adaptation and transformation, we guarantee this strategy will
prove successful.

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