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Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

‘‘I think it, therefore it’s true’’: Effects of self-perceived objectivity

on hiring discrimination
a,* b
Eric Luis Uhlmann , Geoffrey L. Cohen
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2001 Sherdian Road, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0345, USA

Received 28 July 2006

Available online 7 September 2007
Accepted by Scott Highhouse


A sense of personal objectivity may prompt an ‘‘I think it, therefore it’s true’’ mindset, in which people assume that their own
beliefs and introspections are, by definition, valid and therefore worthy of being acted on. In the present studies, priming a sense of
personal objectivity increased gender discrimination, particularly among decision-makers who endorsed stereotypic beliefs or who
had stereotypic thoughts made cognitively accessible through implicit priming. Implications for discrimination in organizational
contexts, and for theories of attitude–behavior consistency, are discussed.
 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hiring evaluations; Workplace; Discrimination; Objectivity; Naı̈ve realism

Hiring discrimination persists despite societal, orga- women are less likely to be hired (Eagly & Karau,
nizational, and personal ideals to judge job candidates 2002; Glick, Zion, & Nelson, 1988), are paid less
on the basis of their merit rather than their group mem- (Jacobs, 1992; Jost, 1997), given less authority (Lyness
berships. Egalitarianism is an important value in many & Thompson, 1997; Reskin & Ross, 1995), and pro-
contemporary cultures, and the use of stereotypes pro- moted less often (Lyness & Judiesch, 1999) than their
vokes social censure. Corporations, which recognize male colleagues. The factors that ‘‘disinhibit’’ discrimi-
the importance of gender equality to the maximization nation in organizational contexts are not yet fully
of human capital, spend millions of dollars each year understood.
in efforts to reduce workplace discrimination. Addition- Identifying such disinhibitors of hiring discrimination
ally, egalitarian ideals are often internalized, such that in organizational contexts is important at many levels.
people feel self-critical and guilty when they exhibit ster- Most Americans are broadly committed to the ideal that
eotypic biases (Devine, Monteith, Zuwerink, & Elliot, individuals should be judged based on their merits, not
1991). based on the social groups they happen to belong to
But at the same time, studies document gender and (Sears, Henry, & Kosterman, 2000). As a result, discrim-
racial discrimination in hiring decisions, both in the lab- inatory hiring evaluations sully the social reputation of
oratory and in real-world job settings (Bertrand & Mul- the decision-maker and the organization in question.
lainathan, 2004; Biernat & Kobrynowicz, 1997; Indeed, discriminating against an individual based on
Rudman, 1998; Rudman & Glick, 1999; Sidanius & the perceived characteristics of his or her group is illegal
Pratto, 1999). For traditionally male, high-status jobs, in many cases, and biased hiring evaluations leave orga-
nizations vulnerable to legal action. There can also be
Corresponding author. major economic consequences of discrimination. For
E-mail address: (E.L. Uhlmann). example, companies that fail to hire qualified female

0749-5978/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
208 E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

applicants may find themselves unable to compete with personal objectivity, they perseverate in their beliefs, dis-
companies that enforce egalitarian social norms (Becker, missing belief-disconfirming evidence, accepting with lit-
1957). More generally, failure to provide women the tle scrutiny belief-confirming evidence (see Lord, Ross,
same professional opportunities as men eliminates much & Lepper, 1979; Ross & Ward, 1996). Additionally, peo-
of a society’s human capital and is highly correlated ple also see themselves as above average with respect to
with poverty (World Bank., 2001). Identifying factors their susceptibility to common judgmental biases and illu-
that increase hiring discrimination allows us to antici- sions (Armor, 1999; Epley & Dunning, 2000; Pronin,
pate when decision-makers are most likely to discrimi- Kruger, Savitsky, & Ross, 2001; Pronin et al., 2002).
nate, and further suggests interventions that managers For example, they accurately estimate that others will
and other leaders can use to ensure that hiring evalua- show the hindsight bias (i.e., the tendency to decide after
tions are fair and unbiased. the fact that one ‘‘knew it all along;’’ Fischhoff, 1975), but
Contemporary theories propose that the ambiguity erroneously report that they themselves are relatively
and subjectivity of the judgment-making situation facil- immune (Pronin et al., 2001; Pronin et al., 2002).
itates discrimination (Crandall & Eshleman, 2003; Taken together, this research suggests that self-per-
Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986; Hodson, Dovidio, & Gaert- ceptions of objectivity increase people’s faith in the
ner, 2002; Snyder, Kleck, Strenta, & Mentzer, 1979). validity of their beliefs and thoughts, and perhaps even
Ambiguous, subjective contexts are those that contain in the validity of their feelings and intuitions (cf. Pronin
incomplete or conflicting information. These can be con- & Kugler, 2007). A sense of objectivity might thereby
trasted with objective contexts, in which considerable increase people’s confidence in the validity of stereotypic
and non-conflicting information is available. In ambigu- beliefs, thoughts, and intuitions they have, and thereby
ous contexts, stereotypes and prejudices are more likely increase their likelihood of acting on them. Research
to color judgments and guide actions. For example, on attitude formation and change (Tormala & Petty,
White students avoid sitting next to a Black confederate 2004; see also Briñol, Petty, & Tormala, 2004; Petty, Bri-
only under ambiguous contexts, for instance in contexts ñol, & Tormala, 2002) lends indirect support to our con-
in which their preference can be attributed to having a ceptual analysis: People are more likely to act on an
different movie preference (Batson, Flink, Schoenrade, attitude or thought when it is held with confidence or
Fultz, & Pych, 1986; see also Snyder et al., 1979). certainty (see also Fazio & Zanna, 1978). This suggests
We propose that an important disinhibitor of dis- that the conviction that one is objective (and by exten-
crimination is decision-makers’ sense of personal objec- sion, that one’s beliefs and thoughts are as well) should
tivity. When people believe that they are objective, they increase the likelihood that an individual will act on his
feel licensed to act on biases whose influence they may or her stereotypic beliefs and thoughts. Additionally,
have otherwise suppressed due to personal and social people confident in their own objectivity may overesti-
inhibitions. Discrimination increases not only with the mate their invulnerability to bias (Pronin et al., 2004),
ambiguity of the situation but also with decision-makers’ and thus fail to correct for the influence of stereotypic
sense of their own personal objectivity and invulnerabil- biases that they might have otherwise been careful to
ity to bias. A sense of personal objectivity, we suggest, monitor.
gives rise to an ‘‘I think it, therefore it’s true’’ mindset: The foregoing analysis suggests that a sense of per-
People assume that their thoughts and beliefs are, by vir- sonal objectivity should moderate the extent to which
tue of being theirs, valid and therefore worthy of being people act on their stereotypic thoughts and beliefs in
acted upon. To the extent that individuals harbor stereo- an employment setting. Specifically, when people feel
typic thoughts and beliefs, as many do (Devine et al., objective, their hiring judgments should be relatively
1991), such a state of self-perceived objectivity may more influenced by stereotypic beliefs and thoughts.
increase gender discrimination. Self-perceived objectivity seems particularly fruitful to
Our theoretical contention dovetails with research on pursue as a moderator of discrimination, as many orga-
naı̈ve realism (Robinson, Keltner, Ward, & Ross, 1995) nizational contexts seem to encourage a sense of per-
the ‘‘bias blind spot’’ (Pronin, Gilovich, & Ross, 2004; sonal objectivity—e.g., through the use of impersonal
Pronin, Lin, & Ross, 2002), and illusions of objectivity titles like ‘‘director’’ and ‘‘judge’’ that suggest that the
(Armor, 1999; Pyszczynski & Greenberg, 1987). The gist individual in question is impartial. Indeed, by simply
of this research is that people tend to see themselves as rel- advancing in the organizational hierarchy, people might
atively objective and unbiased. Insofar as individuals acquire increasing faith in their good judgment, freedom
believe themselves to be objective perceivers of the world, from bias and delusion, and objectivity in general.
moreover, they view their beliefs as valid, and they per- To the extent that many people in America have ste-
ceive those who hold different views as poorly informed reotypical biases favoring men over women in high-sta-
or biased (Kenworthy & Miller, 2002; Pronin et al., tus careers, a sense of personal objectivity may increase
2004; Ross & Ward, 1996). Previous theorizing also sug- discrimination against women in organizational con-
gests that, to the extent that people feel assured of their texts. However, the impact of self-perceived objectivity
E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223 209

should be particularly evident among individuals who on the assumption that most members of the general
hold negative stereotypes about women’s capacities in populace endorse at least some stereotypic beliefs (Bier-
the workplace. Additionally, like most self-perceptions, nat & Kobrynowicz, 1997; Glick & Fiske, 1996; Rud-
a sense of personal objectivity is not always cognitively man, 1998; Rudman & Glick, 1999; Sidanius & Pratto,
accessible (Higgins, 1996). Accordingly, we expected 1999), we expected that people would evaluate the
that self-perceived objectivity would be more influential female applicant less favorably than the male applicant
when situationally primed. Experiments 1–3 investigated after being primed to view themselves as objective.
the effects of priming a sense of personal objectivity on For exploratory purposes, participants also rated the
gender discrimination in hiring evaluations. Experiment applicants’ specific traits and the importance of those
1 tested the ‘‘main effect’’ of priming participants on a traits to the job at hand. Personal objectivity priming
sense of their personal objectivity and assessed whether could lead to a relatively uninhibited form of discrimina-
this would in and of itself increase their level of gender tion, wherein social perceivers evaluate the traits of
discrimination. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that female applicants less positively than those of male
priming a sense of personal objectivity would increase applicants. On the other hand, to the extent that individ-
gender discrimination particularly among evaluators uals primed with a sense of their own objectivity feel
who endorsed stereotypic beliefs. That is, personal compelled to justify their evaluation to themselves or
objectivity priming should make evaluators more likely others, they may give men and women equivalent trait
to discriminate to the extent that they hold stereotypic evaluations and instead use the subtler strategy of con-
beliefs. structing hiring criteria to favor male applicants (Hod-
Finally, Experiment 3 tested the hypothesis that per- son et al., 2002; Norton et al., 2004; Uhlmann &
sonal objectivity priming would lead evaluators to act Cohen, 2005). They might downplay the occupational
not simply on their beliefs, but on introspections that importance of the idiosyncratic traits that a female
had, through non-conscious priming, been made accessi- applicant has, or inflate the occupational importance
ble. We tested whether people led to feel objective would of the idiosyncratic traits that a male applicant has.
subsequently be more influenced by non-consciously
primed gender stereotypes in their hiring evaluations. Methods
Like other recent investigations (e.g., Norton, Vandello,
& Darley, 2004), the present research focused largely on Participants and design
the hiring evaluations of male evaluators, as most indi- Sixty-five adult men participated in the study for pay
viduals in a position to hire applicants for high-status ($6). The study featured a 2 (personal objectivity prime
jobs are men (Eagly & Karau, 2002; Glick et al., condition vs. control condition) · 2 (male job applicant
1988). Stated more formally, we hypothesized that: vs. female job applicant) between-subjects design.
Hypothesis 1: Priming self-perceived objectivity
would increase gender discrimination, primarily among Materials
evaluators who endorsed stereotypic beliefs. Personal objectivity prime. Participants were primed
Hypothesis 2: Priming self-perceived objectivity with a sense of personal objectivity by asking them
would increase gender discrimination, primarily among to complete (ostensibly as part of a separate study)
evaluators for whom gender stereotypes had been made four self-perceived objectivity questionnaire items.
cognitively accessible. These items were ‘‘In most situations, I try to do what
seems reasonable and logical,’’ ‘‘When forming an
opinion, I try to objectively consider all of the facts
Experiment 1 I have access to,’’ ‘‘My judgments are based on a log-
ical analysis of the facts,’’ and ‘‘My decision making is
The primary objective of Experiment 1 involved test- rational and objective’’ (0 = very strongly disagree,
ing the hypothesized causal effect of self-perceived objec- 10 = very strongly agree; see Armor, 1999). Half the
tivity on group-based discrimination. Some participants participants completed the personal objectivity items
were primed with a sense of their own objectivity. This before making their hiring evaluations. The other half
was accomplished simply by having them complete a rel- did so after making their hiring evaluations. The
atively subtle and non-reactive manipulation of self-per- manipulation was not necessarily designed to increase
ceived objectivity—questionnaire items pertaining to evaluators’ conviction in their own objectivity, which
their self-perceived objectivity (Armor, 1999). Prior would be difficult given that most people already see
work demonstrates that using scale items to prime ideas themselves as objective (Armor, 1999; Pronin et al.,
is a subtle but effective means of influencing people’s 2002). Indeed, in each of the present studies, over
social judgments (e.g., Katz & Hass, 1988; Sniderman 88% of the participants rated themselves as above
& Piazza, 2002). Participants’ evaluations of male and average in objectivity. Rather, consistent with previous
female job applicants were subsequently assessed. Based research on priming, the manipulation was aimed at
210 E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

increasing the temporary accessibility and influence of ager much less likely) to 11 (essential to success as a fac-
personal objectivity (Higgins, 1996). tory manager).

Hiring scenario. Participants were provided with a hiring Hiring evaluation. Participants responded to three items
scenario entitled ‘‘Hiring a Factory Manager.’’ They assessing the extent to which they believed the applicant
were asked to imagine being a company executive eval- ‘‘would be successful as a factory manager’’ (1 = not
uating an applicant for the job of factory manager. The successful at all, 9 = extremely successful), was ‘‘a good
factory manager would be responsible for increasing fit’’ for the position (1 = an extremely bad fit, 9 = an
worker satisfaction and productivity, providing perfor- extremely good fit), and ‘‘should be hired’’ (1 = should
mance reviews to employees, negotiating conflicts, definitely not be hired, 9 = should definitely be hired).
responding to consumer complaints, and increasing
profits. The success or failure of the new factory man- Procedure
ager, participants were informed, would heavily influ- Participants completed the experimental materials
ence company profits, and whether they, in turn, while sitting in a booth. The measures were completed
would keep their job. The present research examined in the order in which they are described in the methods
evaluations of applicants for high status, traditionally section, with one important exception. Specifically, par-
male jobs because the social problem to which it is most ticipants in the personal objectivity prime condition
relevant is the exclusion of women from important (and completed the four self-perceived objectivity items at
usually stereotypically male) leadership positions. the very beginning of the study, whereas control partic-
ipants completed the self-perceived objectivity items
Applicant descriptions. The job applicant was described after their hiring evaluations. The objectivity question-
either as male (‘‘Gary’’) or as female (‘‘Lisa’’). These naire was presented to participants as part of explor-
names were selected from pairs of male and female atory research involving a different study from the
names identified by Kasof (1993) as equal in attractive- primary packet of materials. All participants read the
ness, intellectual-competence connotation, age connota- hiring scenario and applicant description, and subse-
tion, and racial connotation. The applicant was quently provided their applicant ratings, their impor-
presented as technically proficient and as having strong tance ratings, and their hiring evaluations.
organizational skills, but as lacking interpersonal skills.
The applicant was described as strong when it came to Results
some traits but weak on others, so that we could exam-
ine whether participants assigned the traits differential We carried out a 2 (objectivity prime condition vs.
levels of importance as a function of the applicant’s control condition) · 2 (applicant gender: male vs.
gender (i.e., whether they constructed job criteria in a female) ANOVA for each measure.
biased manner). We made the applicant descriptions as
unambiguous as possible, such that it was difficult to Self-perceived objectivity
view the applicant as anything but technically proficient The four items used to prime a sense of self-perceived
and organized, yet interpersonally unskilled. But at the objectivity formed a reliable index (a = .78). Personal
same time, the information about the applicant could objectivity primed participants (who completed the
be characterized as ambiguous in the sense that some self-perceived objectivity items at the beginning of the
information was favorable and other information study, as primes) and control participants (who com-
unfavorable. pleted the items at the end of the study, after making
their hiring evaluations) did not differ in self-perceived
Applicant ratings. Participants rated the strength of the objectivity (Ms = 8.05 and 7.77, SDs = 1.18 and 1.30,
applicant’s credentials along each of a series of traits. respectively), F < 1. There was likewise no significant
The technical–organizational traits were: technical effect of applicant gender, or interaction between per-
expertise and organizational skills. The interpersonal sonal objectivity priming and applicant gender, Fs < 1.
traits were ability to build good work relationships and
getting along well with others. Ratings were made on sep- Hiring evaluations
arate scales ranging from 1 (extremely weak in this area) The three hiring evaluation items formed a reliable
to 11 (extremely strong in this area). index (a = .90). There was no main effect of personal
objectivity priming, F(1, 61) = 2.84, p = .11, or of appli-
Importance ratings. Next, participants’ hiring criteria cant gender, F < 1. As expected, however, there was a
were assessed. Participants rated the importance of each significant interaction between personal objectivity
of the traits noted above in determining success as a fac- priming and applicant gender, F(1, 61) = 5.54, p = .02,
tory manager. Responses were provided on separate d = .60. As displayed in Fig. 1, participants in the
scales ranging from 1 (makes success as a factory man- control condition gave the male applicant and female
E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223 211

7 Hiring Evaluations was induced with a relatively subtle manipulation of

self-perceived objectivity. Merely four short questionnaire
Male applicant items proved sufficient to prompt statistically sizable levels
Female applicant of gender discrimination (almost .70 standard deviations’
difference in the hiring evaluations assigned to male ver-
sus female applicants).
Results also shed some initial light on the mechanism
4 through which a sense of personal objectivity contrib-
utes to discrimination in organizational contexts. Per-
3 sonal objectivity priming did not influence the subtle
tactic of defining hiring criteria in a biased manner.
2 Instead, it led participants to see overt differences in
Objectivity primed Control the strengths of the male versus female applicant, even
participants participants
though these two applicants were identically described.
Fig. 1. Experiment 1: Hiring evaluations as a function of objectivity This finding is striking given that the applicants’ traits
priming and applicant gender. Higher numbers indicate more positive were described unambiguously, which generally reduces
evaluations of the applicant. group-based influences on impression formation (Kun-
da & Thagard, 1996; Locksley, Borgida, Brekke, & Hep-
applicant similar evaluations (Ms = 3.24 and 4.05, burn, 1980; Locksley, Hepburn, & Ortiz, 1982). A sense
SDs = 1.88 and 1.00, respectively), t(30) = 1.27, of personal objectivity appears to have led to relatively
p = .21. By contrast, in the personal objectivity primed overt gender discrimination.
condition, participants favored the male applicant Like other recent investigations (e.g., Norton et al.,
(M = 5.06, SD = 2.18) over the female applicant 2004), the present study focused on the hiring evalua-
(M = 3.75, SD = 1.70), t(32) = 2.14, p = .039, d = .76. tions of male evaluators, as most individuals in a posi-
tion to hire applicants for high-status jobs are men
Applicant and importance ratings (Eagly & Karau, 2002; Glick et al., 1988). But at the
Did participants primed on a sense of personal objec- same time, it was of interest to examine how female eval-
tivity use the subtle strategy of constructing hiring crite- uators would respond to our objectivity priming manip-
ria (e.g., by downplaying the occupational importance ulation. To this end, we recruited 77 female participants
of a female applicant’s areas of strength) or did they from the same location and ran them through the proce-
simply evaluate the female applicant less favorably than dure described in Experiment 1. No theoretically mean-
the male applicant? They appear to have done the latter. ingful effects of objectivity priming were observed.
The ratings of the applicant’s technical–organiza- Among these female participants, we found only evi-
tional and interpersonal traits were averaged into sepa- dence of ingroup bias, such that female applicants
rate indices (as = .69 and a = .96, respectively). For received more positive evaluations than did male appli-
applicant and importance ratings, the only significant cants (Ms = 3.74 and 4.16, SDs = 1.50 and 1.70),
effect was an interaction between personal objectivity F(1, 73) = 3.99, p = .049, d = .47. There was no main
priming and applicant gender for the two-item index effect of objectivity priming, F(1, 73) = 1.20, p = .26,
assessing the perceived strength of the applicant’s inter- and no interaction between objectivity priming and
personal skills, F(1, 60) = 4.78, p = .033, d = .56. Partic- applicant gender, F < 1. Thus, female participants
ipants primed on personal objectivity rated the male responded to objectivity priming in a manner different
applicant as more interpersonally skilled than the female from the way male participants did. We return to the
applicant (Ms = 3.12 and 1.94, SDs = 1.80 and .83, issue of potential gender differences in response to objec-
respectively), t(31) = 2.39, p = .023, d = .86. In contrast, tivity priming in General discussion.
control participants rated male and female applicants A notable shortcoming of Experiment 1 is that ster-
comparably (Ms = 1.86 and 2.54, SDs = 1.12 and 2.70, eotypic beliefs were not assessed. A more precise state-
respectively), t < 1. ment of our prediction is that self-perceived objectivity
should lead people to act on their preexisting beliefs
Discussion about social groups. The tendency for personal objectiv-
ity priming to increase discrimination against women
The results of Experiment 1 support the hypothesis should thus be found primarily among evaluators who
that a sense of personal objectivity can contribute to endorse stereotypic beliefs. Stated more precisely, per-
group-based discrimination. Specifically, priming a sonal objectivity priming should lead to a greater corre-
sense of personal objectivity led male evaluators to dis- spondence between one’s stereotypic beliefs and one’s
criminate against female (relative to male) job appli- hiring evaluations. Experiment 2 investigated this
cants. One noteworthy aspect of this effect is that it possibility.
212 E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

Experiment 2 but as having little ‘‘street’’ experience in terms of mak-

ing arrests and pursuing criminals.
In Experiment 2, we sought to provide a more direct
test of the hypothesis that a sense of personal objectivity Applicant ratings. As in Experiment 1, participants
leads people to act on stereotypic beliefs they hold. rated the strength of the applicant’s credentials along
Accordingly, we assessed beliefs about men’s superiority each of a series of traits. The ‘‘educated’’ traits were:
relative to women in the workplace. We hypothesized well-educated, administrative skills, organizational skills,
that stereotypic beliefs would be more predictive of hir- experienced as an administrator, detail-oriented, com-
ing evaluations after participants had been primed with puter skills, ability to communicate with the media,
their own objectivity. Hiring criteria and perceptions of and has kids. The ‘‘streetwise’’ traits were: streetwise,
the strength of the applicant’s credentials were again tough, and has made a large number of arrests. (The
assessed. applicant description provided unambiguous informa-
tion about the applicant’s standing along each of these
Methods traits.) Ratings were made on scales ranging from 1
(extremely weak in this area) to 11 (extremely strong
Participants and design in this area).
Thirty-five male undergraduates participated in the
study in return for either course credit or payment Importance ratings. Next, participants rated how
($6). The study featured a 2 (personal objectivity prime important each of the streetwise and educated traits
condition vs. control condition) · 2 (applicant gender: noted above was in determining success at the job
male vs. female) between subjects design. of police chief (1 = makes success as a police chief
much less likely, 11 = essential to success as a police
Materials chief).
Personal objectivity prime. Participants were primed
with a sense of their own objectivity by asking them Hiring evaluation. Participants responded to three items
to complete (ostensibly as part of a separate survey) assessing the extent to which they believed the applicant
seven self-perceived objectivity questionnaire items ‘‘would be successful as a police chief’’ (1 = not success-
(Armor, 1999): ‘‘How realistic is your view of the ful at all, 9 = extremely successful), was ‘‘a good fit’’ for
world?’’, ‘‘How objective are you when making judg- the position (1 = an extremely bad fit, 9 = an extremely
ments and decisions?’’, ‘‘How even-handed are you good fit), and ‘‘should be hired’’ (1 = should definitely
when weighing evidence that is relevant to your deci- not be hired, 9 = should definitely be hired). These three
sions?’’, ‘‘I try to act in accordance with what seems items were averaged to form a measure of overall evalu-
like the reasonable and logical thing to do’’, ‘‘When ation of the applicant.
forming an opinion, I try to objectively consider all
of the facts I have access to’’, ‘‘My judgments are Stereotypic beliefs. The stereotypic beliefs items were:
based on a logical analysis of the facts’’, and ‘‘My deci- ‘‘Sometimes it’s the objective thing to do to hire a
sion making is rational and objective.’’ Responses were man rather than a woman,’’ ‘‘It’s a fact that men are
made on appropriately labeled 11-point scales. Half the better suited for some jobs than are women,’’ and ‘‘It’s
participants completed the personal objectivity items a fact that men are better suited for the job of police
before making their hiring evaluations, the other half chief than are women’’ (1 = strongly disagree,
afterward. 7 = strongly agree).

Hiring scenario. Participants were provided with a hiring Procedure

scenario entitled ‘‘Hiring a New Police Chief.’’ They Participants completed the experimental materials
were asked to imagine that they had recently been in a private laboratory room. Participants in the
elected mayor of a town, and that during the election personal objectivity prime condition first completed
they had promised to appoint a new police chief who seven self-perceived objectivity items. All participants
would clean up scandal in the police department and then read the hiring scenario and applicant descrip-
reduce crime. The success or failure of the new police tion, provided their applicant and importance rat-
chief, participants were told, would heavily affect their ings, and made their hiring evaluations. Control
re-election as mayor. participants further completed the self-perceived
objectivity items at this point. All participants then
Description of applicant credentials. The job applicant returned the completed packet of questionnaires to
was again described either as male (‘‘Brian’’) or as the experimenter, who gave them a second packet
female (‘‘Karen;’’ see Kasof, 1993). The applicant was containing the questionnaire used to assess stereo-
presented as well-educated and skilled in administration, typic beliefs.
E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223 213

Results Hiring Evaluations

Male applicant
Unless otherwise specified, we carried out a 2 (objec- Female applicant
tivity prime condition vs. control condition) · 2 (appli- 6
cant gender: male vs. female) ANOVA for each

Self-perceived objectivity
The seven self-perceived objectivity items used as 4
primes formed a reliable index (a = .87). Notably, per-
sonal objectivity primed participants (who completed
the self-perceived objectivity items at the beginning of 3
Objectivity primed Control
the study, as primes) and control participants (who com-
participants participants
pleted those items after making their hiring evaluations)
did not differ in self-perceived objectivity (Ms = 7.36 Fig. 2. Experiment 2: Hiring evaluations as a function of objectivity
and 7.33, SDs = 1.72 and 1.33, respectively), F < 1. priming and applicant gender. Higher numbers indicate more positive
There was likewise no significant effect of applicant gen- evaluations of the applicant.
der, and no interaction between personal objectivity
priming and applicant gender, Fs < 1. applicant gender (male applicant = 1, female appli-
cant = +1) and centered stereotypic beliefs by standard-
Stereotypic beliefs izing it. We then predicted hiring evaluations from
The stereotypic beliefs measure was reliable (a = .77), objectivity prime condition, applicant gender, stereo-
and the mean (M = 4.52, SD = 1.59) was marginally typic beliefs, and the interactions between them. All
higher than the neutral point of the scale, paired two-way and three-way interactions were included in
t(34) = 1.95, p = .06, d = .67. Specifically, 57% of partic- the regression analysis. The theoretically expected
ipants displayed overall agreement with the stereotypic three-way interaction between personal objectivity prim-
beliefs items, 6% were neutral, and 37% disagreed. Nota- ing, applicant gender, and stereotypic beliefs emerged,
bly, no effects of personal objectivity priming were evi- B = .80, t(27) = 3.93, p = .001. Among participants
dent with regard to stereotypic beliefs (Ms = 4.67 and low in stereotypic beliefs (i.e., 1 standard deviation
4.42, SDs = 1.52 and 1.68 in the personal objectivity below the sample mean), there was no interaction
prime and control conditions, respectively), F < 1. There between personal objectivity prime and applicant gen-
was again no significant effect of applicant gender, or der, B = .26, t(27) = .90, p = .37. However, among
interaction between personal objectivity priming and participants high in stereotypic beliefs (i.e., 1 standard
applicant gender, Fs < 1. deviation above the sample mean), a significant personal
objectivity prime · applicant gender interaction
Mean effects of personal objectivity priming on emerged, B = 1.40, t(27) = 4.77, p < .001. Further exam-
discrimination ination revealed that participants high in stereotypic
The three hiring evaluation items formed a reliable beliefs who were primed with a sense of personal objec-
index (a = .91). A marginally significant interaction tivity gave male applicants more positive hiring evalua-
between personal objectivity priming and applicant gen- tions than female applicants, B = 1.93, t(27) = 4.26,
der emerged, F(1, 31) = 4.09, p = .052, d = .73. As seen p < .001.
in Fig. 2, whereas control participants gave the male
applicant and female applicant equivalent evaluations Trait and importance ratings
(Ms = 5.37 and 5.73, SDs = 1.88 and 1.22, respectively), Of additional interest was whether participants
t < 1, participants primed with a sense of personal objec- primed with a sense of personal objectivity subsequently
tivity again favored the male applicant (M = 5.67, perceived the female applicant less favorably or engaged
SD = 1.32) over the female applicant (M = 3.94, in the more subtle strategy of constructing their hiring
SD = 1.53), t(13) = 2.21, p = .031, d = 1.23. criteria in a biased manner. The ratings of the appli-
cant’s educated and streetwise traits were averaged into
Relationship between stereotypic beliefs and hiring separate indices (a = .49 and a = .80). The low reliability
evaluations of the educated trait composite is potentially problem-
We used regression to assess the effects of personal atic. However, two factors lessen our concern with this
objectivity priming on the hiring evaluations of partici- low reliability. First, the low reliability of the composite
pants high and low in stereotypic beliefs. We contrast- occurred only in this study. In the research reported by
coded the experimental manipulation (personal objectiv- Uhlmann and Cohen (2005), the same trait items formed
ity prime condition = 1, control condition = +1) and a highly reliable index (a = .87). This suggests that the
214 E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

low reliability found in this study was an anomaly. Sec- conditions ruling out such post-hoc justifications. A
ond, the low reliability of this measure would presum- total of 70 adult men participated in exchange for pay-
ably work against our obtaining the predicted ment ($6). The hiring scenario was the same as that used
condition effects. That is, the noisiness of the measure in Experiment 3 (discussed below), and therefore is not
should make it relatively more difficult to detect reliable described in depth here. Participants selected between
condition effects along it. As in Experiment 1, the only two equally qualified candidates (one male, one female)
significant effect involved overt evaluations of the appli- for a high-status job. Half the participants reported their
cant. Specifically, personal objectivity priming led to less stereotypic beliefs at the beginning of the study, half at
favorable perceptions of the female candidate relative to the end. Notably, whereas the average level of stereo-
the male candidate along educated traits. For the edu- typic beliefs in Experiment 2 had fallen on the ‘‘pro-
cated set of traits, the personal objectivity prime · appli- male’’ side of the scale, it fell at the neutral point in this
cant gender interaction was significant, F(1, 30) = 5.63, supplemental study, paired t < 1. Specifically, 42% of
p = .024, d = .87. Participants primed on a sense of per- participants displayed overall agreement with the stereo-
sonal objectivity perceived male applicants (M = 9.42, typic beliefs items, 18% were neutral, and 40% dis-
SD = .63) as better educated than female applicants agreed. The supplemental study thus yielded a sample
(M = 7.23, SD = 1.96), t(12) = 2.99, p = .011, d = 1.73. with a more balanced range of stereotypic beliefs than
Control participants did not (Ms = 9.11 and 8.78, did the previous study, encompassing not only individu-
SDs = .74 and 1.04), t < 1. als with ‘‘pro-male’’ stereotypic beliefs but also many
individuals who strongly rejected such beliefs. Partici-
Discussion pants were randomly assigned to either a personal objec-
tivity prime condition or to a control condition.
Judgment makers primed with a sense of personal Because of the non-normal distribution of hiring
objectivity were more likely to discriminate against the evaluations, they were first rank-transformed and then
female applicant for the job of police chief. Consistent subjected to ordinal regression (as described in Experi-
with our theoretical analysis, however, the effect of per- ment 3; parametric procedures yielded virtually identical
sonal objectivity priming occurred only for evaluators statistical significance levels). We predicted hiring pref-
who endorsed stereotypic beliefs. Once again, personal erences from objectivity prime condition, stereotypic
objectivity priming led to a relatively uninhibited form beliefs, and the interaction between them. As predicted,
of discrimination, leading evaluators to perceive the there was a significant interaction between personal
male candidate as having better credentials than the objectivity priming and stereotypic beliefs, B = .78,
female candidate, even though the credentials of the Wald(1) = 11.06, p = .001. This critical interaction was
male and female candidates were identically and unam- not moderated by the order of the stereotypic beliefs
biguously described. questionnaire, F < 1. Replicating the results of Experi-
The results of Experiment 2 are open to an alternative ment 2, participants high in stereotypic beliefs favored
explanation based on theories of cognitive consistency the male applicant (relative to the female one) more in
(Bem, 1972; Festinger, 1957). Specifically, rather than the personal objectivity prime condition than in the con-
licensing judgment makers to act on their beliefs, per- trol condition (medians = 8.00 and 6.00, respectively),
sonal objectivity priming may lead them to rationalize B = .74, Wald(1) = 5.41, p = .02. Interestingly, partic-
their hiring evaluations by changing their stereotypic ipants low in stereotypic beliefs (i.e., who expressly
beliefs. For instance, after evaluating a male applicant rejected stereotypes favoring men over women in the
more positively than a female applicant, a manager workplace) showed the opposite effect. They favored
might justify his evaluations by endorsing the stereo- the male applicant (relative to the female one) less in
typic belief that ‘‘there are some jobs that men are better the personal objectivity primed condition than in the
suited for than women.’’ The pressure to be consistent control condition (medians = 6.00 and 8.00, respec-
might prove more acute after judgment makers are tively), B = .81, Wald(1) = 6.50, p = .011. Because ster-
primed to view themselves as objective. While this alter- eotypic beliefs were measured at the beginning of the
native explanation cannot account for the finding that session for half of our participants, this study ruled
personal objectivity priming increased pro-male gender out post hoc changes in stereotypic beliefs as an expla-
discrimination in Experiment 2, but had no effect on nation for the increased correspondence between stereo-
the level of stereotypic beliefs, it could potentially typic beliefs and hiring preferences in the personal
explain the positive correlations between hiring evalua- objectivity prime condition.
tions and stereotypic beliefs observed among personal These findings also distinguish the effects of personal
objectivity primed participants. objectivity from those of nonsexist credentials (Monin &
Accordingly, we carried out a supplemental study, Miller, 2001). Prior research finds that providing people
designed to demonstrate heightened correspondence with the opportunity to affirm their nonsexist identity
between stereotypic beliefs and hiring preferences under (e.g., by disagreeing with blatantly sexist statements)
E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223 215

leads them to discriminate against women more. While are objective, they may naturally infer that their
both credentialing and personal objectivity effects thoughts and beliefs are, by definition, objective reflec-
address the factors that reduce inhibitions against using tions of reality.
social stereotypes, they are not the same. In our supple- In Experiment 3, the cognitive accessibility of stereo-
mentary study, individuals who rejected stereotypic typic thoughts was manipulated by priming participants
beliefs and who were primed with a sense of personal with words representative of common gender stereo-
objectivity became relatively less likely to favor the male types via a sentence-unscrambling task (Banaji, Hardin,
applicant, and relatively more likely to favor the female & Rothman, 1993; Bargh, Chen, & Burrows, 1996; Srull
applicant. Such individuals appear to have become more & Wyer, 1979). Research indicates that unobtrusively
likely to apply their egalitarian beliefs in making their priming concepts in this manner can have dramatic
hiring evaluations. While a direct comparison cannot effects on subsequent judgments and behaviors (Bargh,
be made because individual differences in stereotypic Gollwitzer, Lee-Chai, Barndollar, & Troetschel, 2001;
beliefs were not a focus of the Monin and Miller Bargh et al., 1996; Devine, 1989; Dijksterhuis & Bargh,
(2001) work, there is little theoretical basis to expect 2001). For instance, priming stereotypes of the elderly
nonsexist credentials to produce such a pattern of (‘‘Florida’’, ‘‘gray’’) led participants to walk more
results. Nonsexist credentialing is theorized to exert a slowly as they left the experiment (Bargh et al., 1996)
uniform effect—it increases discrimination against and priming dependence caused evaluators to perceive
women. In contrast, personal objectivity priming can a female target (but not a male target) as dependent
either increase or decrease discrimination against (Banaji et al., 1993). (Consistent with previous research,
women, depending on the decision-makers’ prior beliefs. by ‘‘nonconscious’’ priming, we mean that participants
Importantly, to the extent that negative stereotypes are are unaware of the influence of the prime on their
widely endorsed, or to the extent that such stereotypes actions, not that the prime stimuli themselves are sub-
are simply made cognitively accessible in the hiring situ- liminal or processed outside of awareness; Bargh &
ation (an issue addressed in Study 3), personal objectiv- Chartrand, 2000). We expected that non-consciously
ity priming will tend to produce, on average, a main priming gender stereotypes would increase discrimina-
effect increase in discrimination against women. tion against a female applicant, particularly among eval-
Another difference between nonsexist credentials and uators led to view themselves as objective.
self-perceived objectivity lies in whether evaluators act Experiment 3 also tested the robustness of the effects
in a manner contrary to their self-perceived state. Sug- of personal objectivity priming by asking participants to
gesting to evaluators that they are objective leads them select between a male and a female applicant. Evaluating
to do what they believe to be objective (as measured alternatives at the same time tends to reduce judgmental
by stereotypic beliefs items such as ‘‘Sometimes it’s the biases, because such biases are relatively easier to detect
objective thing to do to hire a man rather than a in such contexts (Baron 1994; DeSteno, Bartlett, Braver-
woman’’)—a consistency effect. In contrast, suggesting man, & Salovey, 2002; Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986;
to evaluators that they are nonsexist makes them more Greenwald, 1976; Lichtenstein & Slovic, 1973). There-
sexist—an ‘‘ironic’’ effect. Additionally, a sense of per- fore, it was of interest to assess whether personal objec-
sonal objectivity may have general effects beyond the tivity priming would increase the expression of
moral domain. It may affect not only gender discrimina- stereotypic bias even in a hiring context where judgment
tion, but domains such as consumer choices and voting makers had to choose explicitly between a male and a
behavior, that is, any domain where a sense of personal female applicant.
objectivity might increase the consistency between peo- This study further explored the psychological pro-
ple’s beliefs, thoughts, and intuitions on the one hand cesses underlying the effects of personal objectivity prim-
and their behavior on the other. ing on hiring evaluations. Perhaps evaluators led to view
themselves as objective trust their first gut instinct as the
correct one, or experience a heightened need for closure
Experiment 3 (Kruglanski & Webster, 1996). Such effects could lead
them to deliberate less carefully, and such relatively
A strong form of our hypothesis is that an ‘‘I think it, shallow processing could facilitate the use of stereotypic
therefore it’s true’’ mindset leads people to act not sim- beliefs (Banaji et al., 1993). On the other hand, it is pos-
ply on their beliefs, but on cognitive content that is tem- sible that people who feel confident in their objectivity
porarily accessible—even if that content issues not from think in greater depth than they otherwise might. To
personal beliefs but from incidental environmental stim- address these exploratory issues, we included a thought
uli. That is, people made to feel objective might assume listing measure in which participants were asked to list
that because they have a thought, that that thought is, all the thoughts they had had about the two job candi-
by virtue of being theirs, valid and therefore worthy of dates and to record the valence of each thought with
being acted on. That is, when people assume that they respect to the two candidates (Cacioppo & Petty, 1981;
216 E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

Cacioppo, Petty, Kao, & Rodriguez, 1986; Chaiken & 1. Participants assigned to the control condition rated
Maheswaran, 1994). themselves in response to four alternative items: ‘‘I con-
sider myself a morning person,’’ ‘‘I prefer light colors to
Methods dark colors,’’ ‘‘I enjoy listening to the radio,’’ and ‘‘I
usually get a full night’s sleep’’.
Participants and design
Thirty-eight (21 male, 17 female) undergraduates par- Hiring scenario. The scenario, entitled ‘‘Hiring a Com-
ticipated in the study in return for pay ($6). Participants pany Representative,’’ was based on a scenario created
first completed a sentence unscrambling task that by Monin and Miller (2001). Participants were asked
primed them either with words related to gender stereo- to imagine being an executive evaluating an applicant
types or with control words. They were further ran- for the job of representative of a manufacturing com-
domly assigned to either a personal objectivity prime pany. The company representative would be responsible
condition or a control condition. They next read a hiring for negotiating contracts with foremen and contractors,
scenario that obliged them to choose between a male for settling business conflicts, and for increasing profits.
and a female applicant for the job of company represen- The success or failure of the new company representa-
tative. To avoid having participants choose between tive, participants were informed, would heavily affect
applicants who were identical, we created two distinct company profits, and would thus determine whether
applicant profiles for the hiring scenario (e.g., one appli- they kept their job.
cant for company representative was creative but disor-
ganized, and the other applicant was organized but Applicant descriptions. The two applicants were named
uncreative). We counterbalanced, between subjects, the Lisa and Gary (Kasof, 1993). One applicant had three
pairing of applicant profile with applicant gender. years of experience as a representative for a company
The study took the form of a 2 (gender stereotype that manufactured appliances. This applicant was
prime vs. control prime) · 2 (personal objectivity prime described as creative and as good at keeping up with
condition vs. control condition) · 2 (participant gen- technical developments, but as having trouble managing
der) · 2 (pairing of applicant gender and applicant pro- accounts and as occasionally missing important meet-
file) between-subjects design. ings. The other applicant had six years of experience
as a representative for a company that manufactured
Materials and procedure auto parts. This applicant was described as extremely
All measures were completed in the order described. well-organized, but as half-hearted at keeping up on
technical developments and as not an especially creative
Gender stereotype prime. Participants completed a 11- or innovative thinker. Pairing of applicant description
item sentence unscrambling task at the very beginning with applicant gender (Lisa or Gary) was counterbal-
of the study (Srull & Wyer, 1979). For each item, partic- anced between subjects.
ipants were presented with five words—four of which
comprised a viable sentence—in a nonsense order. They Hiring evaluations. After reading the applicant descrip-
were instructed to unscramble these words to make a tions for each scenario, participants selected the person
viable sentence (while ignoring the one word that did they would hire for the job (i.e., 1 = Lisa is better suited,
not belong). For instance, the nonsense sentence ‘‘ate 6 = about the same, 11 = Gary is better suited).
house the new is’’ could be unscrambled as ‘‘the house
is new’’ after dropping the word ‘‘ate.’’ In the gender- Thought listing measure. Participants were asked to list
stereotype prime condition, 6 of the 11 items contained all their thoughts about the candidates and to indicate
a word relevant to gender stereotypes (pink, gossiped, with a ‘‘G’’ thoughts that supported hiring Gary (the
Barbie, make-up, nurse, and emotional). None of the gen- male candidate) and with an ‘‘L’’ thoughts that sup-
der stereotype words was the word that had to be ported hiring Lisa (the female candidate).
crossed out. In the control condition, the 6 items con- The total number of thoughts listed was used to
tained neutral words (e.g., gallons, store, chair, building, assess the extent to which evaluators deliberated care-
curtain, train). This unobtrusive priming procedure fully about their hiring evaluations (i.e., the depth of
served as our experimental manipulation of gender ste- processing). Another way to assess the deliberateness
reotype accessibility (see Banaji et al., 1993; Bargh of hiring evaluations involves examining the correlation
et al., 1996; Devine, 1989). between participants’ ‘‘thought valence’’ and their final
hiring evaluation (see Cacioppo et al., 1986; Chaiken
Personal objectivity prime. Participants were then & Maheswaran, 1994; Cohen, 2003). To the extent that
primed with a sense of their own objectivity by asking hiring evaluations are cognitively elaborated (i.e., based
them to complete (ostensibly as part of a separate study) upon a deliberate and systematic evaluation of appli-
the same personal objectivity items used in Experiment cants), hiring evaluations should follow from thoughts.
E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223 217

That is, support of the male (relative to the female) 8 Hiring Preferences
applicant should correlate with the positivity of one’s
Gender stereotype primed
thoughts toward the male (relative to the female) appli- 7
cant. To examine this issue, we assessed the correlation
between thought valence and hiring preferences.
Funneled debriefing. Finally, we probed participants’
awareness of the influence of the gender stereotype
primes on their evaluations (Bargh & Chartrand, 3
2000). For instance, participants were asked ‘‘Did the
sentence unscrambling task you completed influence Control condition
Objectivity primed
which candidate you decided to hire in any way?’’ condition
(1 = Definitely Not, 5 = Not Sure, 9 = Definitely Yes).
If they responded affirmatively, participants were asked Fig. 3. Experiment 3: Hiring preferences as a function of objectivity
priming and gender stereotype priming. The numbers displayed are
to describe the influence of the primes. We expected
medians, with higher numbers reflecting more positive evaluations of
that, as in prior work (e.g., Bargh et al., 1996), few if male applicants than of female applicants.
any participants would report being influenced by the
words embedded in the scrambled-sentences task.
B = .82, Wald(1) = 5.05, p = .025. Interestingly, there
Results was no three-way interaction between personal objectiv-
ity priming, gender stereotype priming, and participant
Hiring evaluations gender, B = .29, Wald(1) = .67, p = .41. However, an
The distribution of hiring preferences was highly non- exploratory analysis suggested the significant interaction
normal and in fact bimodal, such that the modes were between personal objectivity priming and gender stereo-
three and eight, as most participants chose one of the type priming was driven by male participants. No such
two job candidates rather than asserting neutrality. interaction was found among female participants,
Accordingly, we used a non-parametric test robust B = .47, Wald(1) = .76, p = .38. By contrast, among
against violations of normality (Conover & Iman, male participants a significant personal objectivity
1981). Hiring preferences were ranked and subjected to prime · gender stereotype prime interaction emerged,
an ordinal regression. Medians rather than means are B = 1.10, Wald(1) = 4.69, p = .03. This exploratory
reported for analyses involving this ranked hiring pref- analysis of participant gender differences was based in
erences variable (notably, non-parametric Mann–Whit- previous work showing that men are more likely than
ney U tests—also robust against violations of women to endorse sexist and/or gender stereotypic
normality—yielded virtually identical significance levels beliefs (Swim, Aikin, Hall, & Hunter, 1995). Of course,
for the reported contrasts, as did ordinary parametric the lack of a statistically significant three-way interac-
procedures). tion involving participant gender advises considerable
We conducted an ordinal regression predicting hiring caution in interpreting this tentative finding. However,
preferences from objectivity prime condition, stereotype they do tentatively suggest that the effects of objectivity
prime condition, and the interaction between them. priming were relatively more robust among men than
There was no significant effect of personal objectivity women.
priming on whether participants preferred the male or
female applicant, B < 1. However, the theoretically Thought listings
expected interaction between the personal objectivity Depth of processing. To the extent that the personal
prime and the gender stereotype prime emerged, objectivity manipulation increased gender discrimina-
B = .63, Wald(1) = 4.34, p = .037. As displayed in tion by heightening needs for closure or triggering shal-
Fig. 3, among participants primed with a sense of per- low, heuristic processing, personal objectivity priming
sonal objectivity, activating gender stereotypes led to should have decreased the number of cognitive
discrimination against the female applicant (relative to responses (i.e., number of thoughts about the hiring
the male applicant), B = 1.10, Wald(1) = 5.71, evaluation). This did not occur. There were no main
p = .017. By contrast, for participants who had not been effects either of personal objectivity priming or of gender
primed with their own objectivity, activating gender ste- stereotype priming on number of thoughts, and no inter-
reotypes had no influence on hiring evaluations, B = .26, action between the two priming manipulations, Fs < 1.
Wald(1) = .37, p = .54. If anything, participants primed with a sense of personal
Adding main effects and interactions involving partic- objectivity listed slightly more thoughts about the appli-
ipant gender to the model left intact the personal objec- cants (M = 5.98) than did control participants
tivity prime · gender stereotype prime interaction, (M = 5.38). (Interestingly, the only condition in which
218 E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

relatively shallow processing tended to correlate with of personal objectivity made evaluators more likely to
greater discrimination was the control condition in act on their stereotypic thoughts, even though those
which no experimental treatments had been adminis- thoughts arose from a contextual manipulation rather
tered, r = .65, p = .078; all other rs < |.22|, ns.) than from their long-held beliefs.
It was not the case that self-perceived objectivity
Valence of processing. Our measure of processing made evaluators less deliberate information processors
valence was also informative with respect to the psycho- (Fiske & Neuberg, 1990; Langer, 1989). Instead, a sense
logical effects of the experimental manipulations. We of personal objectivity made people more likely to use
computed an index of thought valence—i.e., the extent their thoughts (which had been non-consciously shaped
to which thoughts favored hiring the male relative to to favor the male over the female candidate) in arriving
the female applicant—by computing the ratio of favor- at their hiring evaluations.
able thoughts about the male applicant to favorable Experiment 3 did not yield a significant main effect of
thoughts about the female applicant (adding one to each personal objectivity priming on gender discrimination
value to avoid divisions by zero). (i.e., participants overall were no more or less likely to
We found a significant effect of the gender stereotype hire the female applicant when primed with a sense of
prime. Participants had relatively more favorable personal objectivity). Notably, this study used a scenario
thoughts about the male (relative to female) applicant in which participants chose between a male and female
in the gender stereotype prime condition (M = 1.27) applicant, as opposed to evaluating either a male appli-
than in the no prime condition (M = .84), F(1, cant or a female applicant (as in Experiments 1 and 2).
33) = 5.07, p = .031, d = .78. No other effects were sig- Such choices heighten careful monitoring and reduce
nificant, Fs < 1. the influence of judgmental biases (Baron, 1994).
Hiring evaluations were highly cognitively elaborated Indeed, our supplementary study reported earlier, which
(i.e., based upon systematic processing) regardless of used the same within-subject hiring scenario as Experi-
personal objectivity prime condition. We examined the ment 3, likewise found no significant main effect of the
correlation between thought valence and hiring prefer- personal objectivity prime, B < 1. At the same time, it
ences, holding constant participant gender. Overall, is notable that in both studies, personal objectivity prim-
the partial correlation was sizable, r = .71, p < .001. ing led participants to act on their stereotypic biases
Contrary to the possibility that personal objectivity even when they explicitly chose between a male and
priming led to relatively shallow or heuristic judgments, female applicant.
the correlation was higher in the condition where partic- While Experiment 1 documented a main effect of per-
ipants discriminated most. That is, for participants who sonal objectivity priming on gender discrimination (such
had been primed on a sense of personal objectivity, and that it increased discrimination against women),
for whom gender stereotypes were activated, there was a together each of the subsequent studies makes it clear
near perfect partial correlation between thought valence that this effect occurs under the predicted theoretical
and hiring preference, r = .97, p < .001. This suggests conditions: when judgment makers hold at least mod-
that if these participants favored the male over the estly stereotypical beliefs and/or when stereotypic
female applicant in their thoughts, that they were very thoughts are experimentally manipulated to be cogni-
likely to select the male over the female applicant for tively accessible for judgment makers (as they were in
the job. The relevant correlation was lower in the other this final study).
three conditions, r = .63, p < .001, with the difference
between the two correlations proving significant,
z = 2.81, p < .01. General discussion

Funneled debriefing When people see themselves as objective, they may

No participant indicated that his or her responses adopt an ‘‘I think it, therefore it’s true’’ mindset (see
might have been influenced by the sentence unscram- also Armor, 1999; Pronin et al., 2004; Robinson et al.,
bling task (i.e., rated the prime’s influence as above 1995; Ross & Ward, 1996). They may see their
the midpoint of 5 on the 1–9 scale). thoughts and beliefs as, by definition, objective and
as therefore worthy of being acted on. The present
Discussion studies explored the consequences of this mindset for
gender discrimination in an organizational context.
Non-consciously priming gender stereotypes led to Consistent with expectations, a sense of personal
discrimination against a female job applicant, but only objectivity led people to act on group-based biases
among participants made to feel objective. That is, it they might have otherwise suppressed or held with
was only the dual combination of gender priming and greater tentativeness. These effects were found
objectivity priming that produced gender bias. A sense with both college students (Experiments 2 and 3)
E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223 219

and laypeople (Experiment 1), when male and female The potential role of self-perceived objectivity in other
applicants were evaluated separately (Experiments 1 licensing effects
and 2) and at the same time (Experiment 3), and
for hiring evaluations involving several different jobs It seems possible that self-perceived objectivity plays
(police chief, factory manager, and company represen- a role in other circumstances known to disinhibit social
tative). Experiments 2 and 3 further showed that per- behavior, such as situational power (Fiske, 1993; Good-
sonal objectivity priming led to discrimination win, Gubin, Fiske, & Yzerbyt, 2000; Keltner, Gruenfeld,
precisely under the conditions where it theoretically & Anderson, 2002). For example, first writing about a
should—i.e., when individuals endorsed stereotypic time when they felt powerful increased the likelihood
beliefs (Experiment 2) and when gender stereotypes that participants would turn off an annoying fan left
had been made cognitively accessible (Experiment 3). on by the experimenter (Galinsky, Gruenfeld, & Magee,
Ironically, feeling objective made people more 2003). Individuals made to feel powerful by sitting in an
subjective. administrator’s chair were more likely to act on their
That self-perceived objectivity can facilitate hiring preexisting competitive or communal impulses (Chen,
discrimination has both theoretical and pragmatic impli- Lee-Chai, & Bargh, 2001). Men prone to sexual harass-
cations. It suggests that organizational contexts in which ment who were subliminally primed with words related
evaluators are encouraged to view themselves as objec- to power found a female confederate more physically
tive may lead them to express their personal biases. attractive (Bargh, Raymond, Pryor, & Strack, 1995).
For example, the practice of wearing lab coats in labo- And in general, men in positions of power tend to ste-
ratory settings may make people feel that they are dis- reotype female subordinates (Vescio, Gervais, Snyder,
passionately rational, leading them to act on & Hoover, 2005; Vescio, Snyder, & Butz, 2003). Power
stereotypic beliefs and thoughts that they might have. may increase the correspondence between private beliefs
And the use of certain formal titles in professional and and public behavior partly by inducing a sense that one
organizational contexts (e.g., sir, director, professor) is objective. Having attained a position of power implies
may implicitly instigate a sense that one’s judgmental that one is especially qualified to make the judgments
tendencies are above reproach. Simply advancing in and decisions associated with the obtained role. This
the corporate hierarchy may further give rise to a sense message may explicitly or implicitly prime a sense of per-
of objectivity. This may be beneficial in contexts where sonal objectivity, licensing powerful individuals to act
one’s beliefs and intuitions have proven to be accurate, on their personal beliefs.
profitable, or otherwise adaptive. But it may be detri- Past research also shows that the perceived norma-
mental when over-extended, in contexts where one’s tiveness of one’s attitudes has a large influence on atti-
beliefs and intuitions are biased by prejudices. Given tude–behavior correspondence (Sechrist & Stangor,
this, it may be important to teach people to view their 2002). When individuals believe that others agree with
beliefs and intuitions as subjective and subject to bias. their attitudes, they act on them more. For instance,
Doing so may contribute to a more egalitarian White students told that most other college students
workplace. agreed with their racial attitudes evidenced a highly sig-
More generally, the present results indicate that the nificant correlation between their racial attitudes and the
rational actor ideal can exacerbate bias when it is distance they sat from a Black confederate. But when
applied descriptively. When people believe that they the normativeness of participants’ racial attitudes had
are objective, rational actors, they may be more likely not been conveyed, little attitude–behavior correspon-
to do what they think is correct, and at the same time dence was found (Sechrist & Stangor, 2002). One very
less likely to take into account alternative viewpoints. likely reason for such effects is that people are more will-
However, as Study 3 indicates, what people think is cor- ing to act on their private attitudes when they have little
rect can arise not simply from stereotypic beliefs, but basis to fear public censure. Alternatively, finding out
from incidental, environmentally primed concepts like that others agree with one’s opinions may validate them
‘‘pink’’ and ‘‘Barbie’’. as objective (Festinger, 1954). Future research should
A sense of personal objectivity may help explain why examine what role, if any, self-perceived objectivity
and when people act their biases—whether those biases plays in the effects of situational power and of perceived
arise from social stereotypes, moral intuitions (Haidt, consensus on the disinhibition of behavior.
2001; Sunstein, 2005), or decision-making errors such The present discussion also pertains to the contro-
as the sunk cost fallacy (Arkes & Blumer, 1985). In addi- versy over when attitudes predict behavior (Ross &
tion, a sense of personal objectivity may partly account Nisbett, 1991). Initial findings suggested that attitudes
for a number of different licensing effects (i.e., variables make only a trivial contribution to actual behaviors
that lead people to feel disinhibited about expressing (Kelman, 1974; LaPierre, 1934; Wicker, 1969). How-
their biases; Monin & Miller, 2001; Sechrist & Stangor, ever, later work demonstrated that properties of the atti-
2002). tude, such as its accessibility (Fazio & Williams, 1986),
220 E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223

importance (Krosnick, 1988), and specificity (Ajzen & Some ambiguity remains as to whether gender dis-
Fishbein, 1977) moderate attitude–behavior correspon- crimination among some participants primed with a
dence. The present findings, together with those of Kelt- sense of personal objectivity is driven by favoritism
ner et al. (2002) and Sechrist and Stangor (2002), towards male applicants or negativity towards female
indicate that properties of the person and situation alike applicants. In Experiment 1, gender discrimination by
influence whether an individual’s attitudes find expres- personal objectivity primed participants issued from
sion in his or her actions. Much of the time, external favoritism toward the male applicant. But in Experi-
and internal pressures make people cautious about ment 2, such discrimination issued from negative
expressing their views. However, when placed in a posi- responses toward the female applicant. It thus remains
tion of power, convinced that others agree with them, unclear whether personal objectivity priming is more
and feeling objective, people more readily act on their closely linked to evaluations of male or female job can-
attitudes and beliefs. Conversely, a lowly social position, didates. In the real world, however, it arguably makes
perceived lack of consensus, and sense of personal sub- little difference if gender discrimination arises from posi-
jectivity ought to reduce attitude–behavior consistency. tive responses to male applicants or negative responses
to female applicants. The effect—inequality in allocation
Limitations and future directions of jobs and resources—is the same. In this respect, the
findings are quite consistent. A sense of personal objec-
In the present research, a sense of personal objectivity tivity can increase discrimination in favor of male rela-
was primed by asking participants to complete question- tive to female job candidates, particularly among
naire items asking about their objectivity. This manipu- evaluators who endorse stereotypic beliefs or who have
lation was designed to increase the temporary been non-consciously primed with gender stereotypes.
accessibility of personal objectivity beliefs (Higgins, It would be interesting to examine whether a sense of
1996), given the likely difficulty of making people feel personal objectivity can lead evaluators to discriminate
more objective than they already do (Armor, 1999; Pro- against male applicants for jobs that women are stereo-
nin et al., 2002). Prior work demonstrates that using sur- typically better at (e.g., a kindergarten teacher, nurse, or
vey questions to prime ideas is both valid and effective nanny). We hypothesize that to the extent that evalua-
(e.g., Katz & Hass, 1988; Sniderman & Piazza, 2002). tors believe women would be on average more effective
Additionally, this relatively subtle manipulation pro- at a job than men, a sense of personal objectivity should
duced statistically sizable effects—suggestive that the lead to favoritism towards female applicants.
process is particularly potent when more impactful The present studies focused largely on hiring judg-
real-world events and organizational contexts foster a ments (i.e., hiring evaluations) rather than actual
sense of personal objectivity in their populace. choices, which prior work has demonstrated can vary
The effects of affirming a sense of personal objectivity from judgments in systematic ways. For example, decoy
differ from the effects of affirming other self-concepts effects are more readily observed in choices than in judg-
(see Sherman & Cohen, 2006, for a discussion). Previous ments (Pettibone & Wedell, 2000). Future work should
research indicates that affirmations of personal values directly compare judgments and choices made in hiring
generally reduce discrimination (Fein & Spencer, 1997) contexts. Future research should further examine how
and mitigate the cognitive accessibility of stereotypes both judgments and choices play out in hiring situations
(Spencer, Fein, Wolfe, Fong, & Dunn, 1998). However, in actual organizations. Some aspects of real-world situ-
future research should investigate other means of ations, such as accountability (Lerner & Tetlock, 1999),
manipulating a sense of personal objectivity, for may reduce the expression of stereotypic beliefs. On the
instance through false feedback on an ostensive test of other hand, people may also be less likely to monitor
rationality, or through subliminal conditioning of objec- their judgments outside an experimental context, where
tive self-perceptions (Dijksterhuis, 2004). their judgments are unlikely to be subjected to careful
Additionally, the present studies focused mainly on scientific scrutiny. This might amplify the effects of both
male evaluators (see also Norton et al., 2004). Experi- gender stereotypes and temporarily accessible objectiv-
ment 3 and one of our supplementary studies found little ity beliefs in real-world contexts.
to no effects of personal objectivity priming on the hir- One potential mechanism of the ‘‘I think it, therefore
ing evaluations of female participants. This could be it’s true’’ effect that is worth investigating is the tendency
due to reluctance on the part of female participants to to automatically assume that information is true (Gilbert,
discriminate against an ingroup member, perhaps as a Krull, & Malone, 1990; Gilbert, Tafarodi, & Malone,
consequence of egalitarian beliefs or feminist motiva- 1993; for a review, see Gilbert, 1991). As Gilbert and his
tions. However, these are tentative speculations at this colleagues have elegantly demonstrated, comprehending
point. Future work should more closely examine the new information requires an initial acceptance of its valid-
effects of self-perceived objectivity on the hiring evalua- ity; disbelieving it requires a second step of mental correc-
tions of female evaluators. tion. People initially believe information is true and only
E.L. Uhlmann, G.L. Cohen / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104 (2007) 207–223 221

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