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Cardio - Heart "Vascular" - Blood Vessels

System of tubes = Blood flows consits of 3 blood vessels

3 Types of Blood Vessels

 Arteries = bring blood from heart
 Capillaries = fine tubes into which an artery branches
 Veins = bring blood back to the heart
 Closed Transport System - Humans
 Open Transport System - Arthropods
Respiratory - transport oxygen.
Nutritive - transport obsorbed nutrients. * The process
Excretory - metabolic wastes exessive water, ions. Making blood
Regulatory - carries hormones.
Circulating tissue inside the body
 Transports material [ Nutrients, Gases, Enzymes, Waters, Etc. ]
 Composition - Cellular & Fluid
 Plasma (55%) WBC
 Buffy Coat ( < 1 %) Platelets
 Red Blood Cells ( 45%)
Straws - Colored substance that is 90% water
 Contains Important Proteins
* Albumins = maintains viscosity
* Globulins = act as anti-bodies AMEBOID
* Fibrinagen = aid in blood clothing process = Bacteria
Red Blood Cells
Erythrocytes - " Erythros " - Red " Cyte" - Cell
Biconcave - concave on both sides: carry more oxygen.
Hemoglow - Pigment : responsible for oxygen ( 45% in blood )
Spleen & Liver Recycled
Red Marrow ( Flat & Long Bones ) * Made
White Blood Cells
 Protection
biggest but least main life of defense

2 Types of WBC
 Granulocytes - " polymorphonuclear leukocytes"

*Neutrophil - Destroys bacteria

* Ensophil - Regulates information
* Eosnophil - Fights allergic reactions
 Agranulocytes - " mononuclear leukocytes"

* Lymphocyte - produce antibodies

* Monocyte - transform into macro pages.

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