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Philippine Science High School-Cagayan Valley Campus

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Social Science 4 Curriculum Outline


First Quarter: Introduction to Philippine Government
I. Introduction a. Short Quizzes
a. Key Concepts b. Long Tests
i. Politics c. Oral Recitation
ii. Power d. Debate
iii. Authority e. Reflection paper
iv. State f. Comparative
a. People Analysis
b. Territory g. Graphic
c. Government Organizer
d. Sovereignty
v. Non- State Actors (e.g. Civil Society, NGOs)
b. The study of Politics
i. Scope of Politics
a. As a science
b. As a philosophy
c. As an art
ii. Perspectives on Studying Politics (e.g. institutional behavioralism,
interpretive, normative, post-modern)
iii. Methodologies on the study of Politics (e.g. quantitative, qualitative)
c. Constitution in General
i. Types
a. As to origin and history (convention and cumulative)
b. As to form (Written and Unwritten)
c. Manner of amending (rigid and flexible)
ii. Requisites of a good, written Constitution
a. As to form (brief, broad, definite)

b. As to content (Constitution of Government, Constitution of

Liberty, Constitution of Sovereignty)
c. Philippine Constitutional History
i. Biak-na-Bato and Malolos Constitutions
ii. 1935 Constitution
iii. 1973 Constitution and the 1976, 1981, and 1984
iv. Freedom Constitution
v. 1987 Constitution
vi. Constitution of Sovereignty (Amendment Process)
i. Amendment by Congress
ii. Constitutional Convention
iii. People’s Initiative

Second Quarter: Structure, Powers and Functions of Key Philippine Government

I. Government Institutions a. Short Quizzes
a. Types/Forms of Government (Comparative Country Cases) b. Long Tests
b. General Powers and Functions of Government c. Graded
i. Power of Taxation Recitation
ii. Police Power d. Debate
iii. Power of Eminent Domain e. Reflection paper
c. Philippine Executive f. Case
d. Philippine Legislature Analysis/Case
i. Law-Making Process Study
ii. Accountability of Public Officers g. Comparative
e. Philippine Judiciary and Justice System Analysis
i. Rights of the Accused h. Graphic
f. Constitutional Commissions and Other Constitutional Bodies Organizer
i. Constitutional Commissions i.
1. Commission on Election and the Philippine Electoral Travelogue/Persona
System lity Sketch
2. Commission on Audit j. Film Analysis
3. Civil Service Commission
ii. Other Constitutional Bodies
1. Commission on Human Rights
2. Ombudsman
g. Inter-branch Relations (e.g. Executive Privilege, Judicial Legislation,
Fiscal Autonomy)
h. Local Governments
i. Local-National Government Relations
ii. Unitary versus Federal Debate
iii. Devolution/decentralization/ deconcentration
i. The Military and the Police Force

Third Quarter: Rights and Entitlements of Filipino Citizens

I. Rights a. Short Quizzes
a. Definition and Classification (Natural rights, political rights, constitutional b. Long Tests
rights and/or statutory rights) c. Debate
b. Universal Declaration of Human Rights d. Film analysis
II. Citizens and their Rights and Freedoms: The Bill of Rights e. Case
a. Right to Due Process (Article III, Section 1) Analysis/Case
b. Right to Privacy (Article III, Section 2) Study
c. Right to Liberty f. Graphic Organizer
i. Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly (Section 4)
d. Right to Property (Article III, Sections 4,6,7,8)
i. Intellectual Property Rights
e. Liberty of travel and Abode (Article III, Section 6)
f. Freedom of Religion (Article III, Section 5)
i. Separation of the Church and the Stat
III. Special Rights
a. Women’s Rights
b. Indigenous People’s Rights
c. Children’s Rights (PD 603)

Fourth Quarter: Policy-Making, Key Non-State Actors and Citizen’s Participation

I. Perspectives/Approaches on Policy-Making/Theoretical Framework (e.g. Input- a. Short Quizzes
Conversion Unit-Output Model) b. Long Tests
II. Policy-Making Process c. Research paper
a. Problem Definition d. Film analysis
b. Policy Formulation e. Case
c. Policy Adoption (Electoral Process: Election, Plebiscite, Referendum) Analysis/Case
d. Policy Implementation Study
e. Policy Evaluation f. Outreach Program
f. The Role of values in the Policy-Making Process: Case Studies Design
i. Economic (Agrarian, Labor, Business Sector) g. Community
ii. Social (Religion, Education) Immersion
iii. Cultural
iv. Environment
v. Science and Technology
III. Non-Sate Actors
a. Elite Families and Personalities
b. Media and Public Opinion (including social media)
c. Political parties (major Political Parties and Party-List)
d. Interest Groups and Social Movements
e. International State and Non-State Actors
IV. Political Socialization/Political Culture
a. Definitions
b. The Process of Political Socialization
c. Call for Citizen Participation
i. Participate in Barangay Assemblies
ii. Volunteer for a Cause
iii. Express Yourself
iv. Join Civic Organizations
v. Obey Laws

Grading System
50% Test Requirements
15% Long Test/s
25% Periodic Exam
10% Short Quizzes
50% Non-test Requirements
10% Assignments/Seatworks
15% Recitation and Group Activities
25% Projects
TOTAL: 100%

Prepared by Mr. Joseph Philip A. Addauan Jr.

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