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The Evil Spirit

Jezebel is not a woman, nor male but it is Evil Spirit. Who work under the authority of Lucifer
(demonic forces)
This spirit tempt and cause suffer the children of God.

Bible clearly mention in the book of revelation 2:20 Jezebel work under the offices of false
prophecy because this spirit called her prophetess, teacher cause this spirit teach wrong doctrine,
fornication makes children of God sexually harassment which is called lustful desires, sacrificing
meaning including violent and murdering also this spirit is known as the idols worshipping
meaning worshipping strange god, false god.

So, through this scripture we can know that mainly this spirit works under 5 offices.
1st Offices False Prophecies
2nd Offices False teacher
3rd Offices Sexually harassment
4th Offices Sacrificing
5th Offices Worshipping idols

As we all know that number 5 denotes Grace in the bible, then how can an evil spirit operate in
number 5 and the answer is simple.
Satan always copy God, cause his desire is to be like God in Isaiah 14:13-14.

So, let us see each offices of Jezebel detailly how an evil spirit Jezebel operates in Christian life

First Offices of Jezebel: False Prophecy

bible says Jezebel is prophet and she do false prophecy: in the book of revelation chapter 2:20 in
Thyatira church one of the ladies is influence under the evil spirit Jezebel, we don’t know who
she is but, she claimed herself prophetess who prophesied a false prophecy in the church.

So, first things we recognize here that this spirit prophesied false prophesy in the church.
That’s why in the book of 1 John 4:1 it is said “believe not every spirit, but try the spirits
whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world”.

Do you know why this spirit gone out into the world: to deceive the children of God, and to the
Because Jesus said “Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” in Matthew
24:11. Who is this many this is church, this is chosen one!

And even bible mention that during the time of Elijah under the influence of Jezebel there were
850 false prophets mention in 1 Kings 18:4, 13.
Think about numerous numbers of false prophet today!
Do you know why this spirit chose false prophecy to deceive the chosen one?
Let me give me you all two simples reason
First: God always speak his children through prophets only Amos 3:7
Second: Prophecy comes from God which is spoken for only to people which benefits the
church 1 Corinthians 14:3.

The one who speaks prophecy is under the control of Spirit mention in 1 Corinthians 14:32.
But to know whether it is from God or demonic spirit we must discern by the authorities
of word of God!

This spirit work inside the church and also into the world though (Lama, jhakri, jokhana herne)
So, to make believe the people of world and the church, this spirit deceives many and that
is the reason this spirit chose the offices of prophecy.
And that’s why this spirit went into the world to do false prophesy inside the church and
also to the outside into the world.

Second Offices of Jezebel: False Teacher

Under this offices Jezebel twist the word of God. And under this offices Roman empire is been
Cause during the 15th and 16th century the Roman empire used to teach the people of the
church saying “Christ is not the head of the church” but Jesus said I will build my church upon
this rock in Matthew 16:18.

During those centuries it was the heavy influences on inside the church of the demonic spirit
And this time mostly church has already possessed by this evil spirit and many church
God is not Jesus their God is, mata parmeshowr, Peter church, Adam church, Mother Mary, and
so on…

This spirit not only carry false teaching inside the church to the believers only but it also carries
their false message into the world.

Under this spirit Sadducees and Pharisees are also influence because they are the one who twist
the law of God.
Not only the specific group and leaders are influence under this spirit, but many religions
are also involved in this spirit Hindus, Muslim, Buddha, and so many. Why? Because this spirit
teaches except bible, Bhagwat Geeta, Quran, Tipitaka is only the word of God.

But Jesus said in John 8:32 “when you know the truth, truth shall set your free”
And the truth is “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life”.
Third Offices of Jezebel: Sexually Harassment
Under this offices Jezebel seduce the man and woman of God. Because this woman clearly
knows God hates adultery, fornication, unclean sex meaning sex before marriage, sex against
God’s Law.
That’s why this spirit brings sexually temptation in front of man of God and woman of

Under this influence many pastors, elder, deacon, and mostly youth have failed to remain holy
and pure before God!

For examples Samson, King David, King Solomon,

And in the recent context youth….

Fourth Offices of Jezebel: Sacrificing

There are vast differences between the sacrifice before God and evil sacrificing.
Because in the old testament God asked sacrifice in Israel to pre figures the guilty of sin
is death and to foreshadowing his beloved son Jesus Christ!

But demons twist that things also and makes demonic cult before him.
Why other religion sacrifice? To repent their sin but Jesus the savior has already saved
entire humanity once and forever! Heb 9: 12-14.

Do you know what Jezebel influence to sacrifice people not only animals but to born human
baby, and children!
2 Kings 16:3, and Jeremiah 19:5 mention that

Here is one of the secrets during that time when parents give their children sacrifice in a burning
fire, they can’t hear the sound and pain of their children because musicians play a loud drum so
their parents can’t hear of their children pain!

Fifth Offices of Jezebel: Worshipping Idols

Under these spirits many religions come and that religion even exist our time.
Mainly Jezebel gods are Ashera kaa Baal, Molech mention in 1 king 11:33, 16:33.

And you can add your own in between but not out of context under this context!
God bless you

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