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The time has come for which all children wait,

Vacation that they love and
Unending plans they create.
The time for family and friends,
To catch up on Whatsapp or Skype, to follow new trends.
Staring at the clouds, getting lost in a dream,
Spinning in circles, making your own ice-cream.
Listening to stories untold or,
Dancing to tunes, new and old.
Even though we have to be six feet apart,
Let’s come together and nurture our heart!

Dear Parents

Summer Vacation is the most awaited time for all of us. However, this time it is different due
to COVID-19, as children are taking online classes, constructively utilizing their time. Thus, our
responsibilities get double to keep our children active and continuously engaged.

We, at Bhatnagar International School, Vsant Kunj, understand it very well that presently our
proximity to resources is limited. Considering this, we have tried to keep “Summer Holiday
Homework” not only simple and informative but interesting as well, so that our students love
to spend their time in completing it. The objective of the homework is to enable them to work
independently and also to improve their academic and co-curricular skills.
"The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on blessings and take out ways
to make life better for those around us".

Here are a few suggestions for parents:-

• Make sure that you are spending quality time with your wards amidst
this tensed environment. It is very important to keep their anxiety at
• Giving them small responsibilities in household chores will aid them to
be independent and occupied.
• Teach them the importance of moral values in their life.
• Motivate them to read good books.
• Encourage them to do one handwriting page each of English and Hindi
• Keeping in view the prevailing situation, indulge the children in various
indoor games.

Please note:

• Prepare a systematic timetable and incorporate week wise completion of

the homework.
• Allow them to complete homework on their own under your guidance.
• Holiday Homework is an interesting way to utilize our children’s time in
the most fruitful way.
• Use resources (rough notebook, ruled/colored sheets) which are
available at home to complete all Holidays Homework including craft
work. Make the “Best out of waste”!
We cannot overlook the fact that the Summer Holidays are the time to
relax and rejuvenate. While the entire world is struggling hard in
recovering from the pandemic COVID-19, we together will have to
make sure, that our children are least affected from the panic around.
So, make these holidays memorable for them by providing a nurtured
and stimulated environment at home which is full of fun, excitement,
and learning.




Q.1) SPIN A YARN- Following beginning lines are given for you to create your own storybook
with vibrant animations using imagination (Choose any two):

A. “Welcome to the future!”, said the teacher…..

(Situation/ Hints- The school reopens after the Lockdown…. The future classroom..)

B. It was the day the Moon fell….

(Hint- Things you will do with the Moon.. Things the Moon will do on the planet Earth….)

C. The day when I was awarded for being the best Corona Warrior……

(Hints: Things I did to fight Corona Virus.. Spreading awareness.. helping masses…)
Colour or Paint the pictures:
Q.2) Sit with your parents/grandparents and ask them to recite parts of Ramayana where in
Lord Rama proves to be an ideal son/brother. After listening to them, write what examples
they have cited. (Do it on a ruled sheet.) It’s not important if you don’t remember the whole
story but if you can remember the moral, you would lead a happy life. Happy writing!

Draw and colour your favourite character from Ramayana.

Write the adjectives describing Lord Rama in the picture below:

Q.3) Write a paragraph sharing your feelings and things you learned during the Lockdown
period due to Covid-19. You can draw and express your emotions. Add pictures of the things
you created during this period.


CLASS- IV (2020-2021)

DATE: _____________ NAME: ________________________ SECTION: _______

Q.1Let us suppose that you go for grocery shopping with your parents.

What would be the cost of each article if you buy one unit, two units, three units…ten

For E.g.
Cost of 1 Packet of bread = Rs. 19

Cost of 2 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x2 =38

Cost of 3 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x3 =57

Cost of 4 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x4 =?

Cost of 5 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x5 =?

Cost of 6 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x6 =?

Cost of 7 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x7 =?

Cost of 8 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x8 =?

Cost of 9 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x9 =?

Cost of 10 Packets of bread = Rs. 19x10 =?

Q.2 Write the currencies of the below mentioned countries.

Also write their symbols and their value in

Q.3Find the missing ones?

Q.5 Solve the picture below in 5 minutes and make the video of the same solving it all
by yourself in

the given time.( 1 star extra for those who finish the same in 2 minutes )

Q.6 Fun with Mirror images

Q.7Find the PIN Code of any five cities and do the following:
a. Arrange then in ascending order
b. Subtract the smallest from the biggest.
c. Write down the importance of PIN code. (In not more than 50 words)

Q.8Make a bill of all the groceries item bought in any two weeks as shown below:
Q.9Practice writing counting of below mentioned once in a week :
• 1100 - 1199
• 1300 - 1399
• 1900 - 1999

Write the numbers neatly in given format. (Example given below)



A Tangram is an ancient Chinese moving piece puzzle, consisting of 7 pieces

made using 3
basicGeometric shapes shown below:
Now using your creativity, make any 4 different objects/animals using tangrams .
Click pictures of the objects/animals made and paste them on an A-4 size sheet.
A few examples are: (Use only waste material for the project)

It is our belief that when students will return

from their summer vacation,

they will be able to attempt these

concepts without any ambiguity.




QA. Do you know what are the do’s and don’ts recommended during
Corona virus outbreak.

TASK 1- Record a voice message or write a message for your

friend or family members on the same.

QB. What is social distancing and how is it important at this point

of time?

TASK 2- On an A4 size sheet make your own ‘Hygiene guide’ and

share it with all family members and later with your classmates and
teachers after reopening of school.

QC. What kind of food can help people build their immunity against
Corona virus infection? Which food needs to be avoided?

TASK 3- Find out and make a list of the same on an A4 size


Q1.Explore your kitchen.

• Make a list of things used for cooking which we get from

plants and animals.
• Make a list of utensils used in kitchen. (wok,pan…)
• Make a list of different cooking methods your mother uses to
prepare different recipes. Observe those methods (steaming,
frying, baking…)
• Write and share safety points one should follow while working
in the kitchen.
• Compile your information on an A3 or A4 size sheet in four

Q1.This ‘World Environment Day’ planting trees activities

can help’. Plant a sapling on World Environment Day on 5th
of June 2020 and get yourself clicked doing the same.

The Earth’s temperature is gradually increasing, which in

turn is causing problems of the existence of several plants
and animals.

Make sure you follow the following checklist during this

summer break:

1. Check if all the fan and light switches are off when
not in use.
2. Check if all taps are closed.
3. Unplug machines which are not in use.
4. Make sure there is no garbage lying around!
5. Water the plants.
6. If the AC is on in any room, make sure the door is
closed to reduce the consumption of energy.
7. Keep a water bowl for birds and animals.


1. Write five points which human beings can learn from a computer.
Refer to the Example For your reference and write how computer is helping you to
learn better things ‘’I have written my points now its your turn’’.
a. Computers are organized.
b. Computers are truthful they never lie.
c. They always fulfill their promises.
d. Computer never wastes their time.
e. They never create misunderstanding.

2. Draw, Paste or Make PPT any one of your choice on the topic My Dream gadget and
write 10-15 lines on the same to be presented in the class.
REFRENCE: Refer to the points given in the class
1. Read 2-3 current affairs regularly.
2. As, we all are locked in our homes due to COVID-19 Pandemic, which led the Mother
Earth to heal itself. List few places which have transformed and become more clean and
clear in this COVID-19 Pandemic.

Example has been given for your reference. Kindly do it in the same way.

India Corona virus lockdown cleans up Ganga


3. Write an Itinerary on your favorite dream destination and paste pictures for the same if
you want to make it look more attractive.
(Refer to the example to do the same)

For example:
a. Best time to visit the place
b. Culture
c. Costume
d. Food
e. Temperature
Holiday Homework Class 4

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