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of Questions: 20 Marks: 20
Chandigarh Business School of Administration MCQ
2nd Sem Subject Name- Production and Operation Management Subject Code: MBA205-18

Q1 ________ is concerned with determination, acquisition & arrangement of all facilities necessary
for future operations.
       (a) Facility layout (b) Production Planning (c) Batch Production (d) Process selection
Q.2 When the work is assigned to a particular machine to get the work done. It is known as -------
(a) Routing (b) Scheduling (c) Loading (d) Dispatching
Q.3 _____ means balance between all factors of production to achieve maximum output.
(a) Capacity (b) Lauout (c) Production planning (d) Productivity
Q.4 Use of Quality circles and SGA’s is a __________ based productivity improvement technique.
(a) Technology (b) Material (c) Process (d) Employee
Q.5 Which of the following is not a work measurement technique?
(a) Method study (b) PMTS (c) Synthesis (d) Work Sampling
Q.6 ___ is systematic recording & critical examination of existing & proposed ways of doing work
(a) Time Study (b) Method Study (c) Job evaluation (d) None of above
Q.7 A technique which establishes time for basic human motions used to build up the time for a job.
(a)  Work sampling (b) PMTS (c) Synthetic data (d) Analytical estimating
Q8 ___________ is the upper limit or ceiling on the load that an operating unit can handle.
(a) Productivity (b) Capacity (c) Production planning (d) Motion analysis
Q.9 What are you measuring when you compare actual output versus the design capacity?
(a) Effectiveness (b) Efficiency (c) Utilization (d)  Creativity
Q.10 The capacity that a firm is expected to achieve given the current operational constraints is ____.
(a) Effective (b) Selective (c) Design (d) Redesign
Q.11 The concept of Zero defects and do it right the first time were given by _________.
(a) Crosby (b) Deming (c) Taguchi (d) Juran
Q.12 The concept of Loss function and offline quality control were given by ________.
(a) Crosby (b) Deming (c) Taguchi (d) Juran
Q.13 The use of backbone, ribs, medium sized bones etc. to identify cause of problem & improve it _.
(a) Checklist (b) Pareto charts (c) Histograms (d) Cause & Effect
Q.14 A graph in which values of two variables are plotted along two axes, to identify any correlation.
(a)  Pareto graph (b) Control chart (c) Scatter diagram (d) Fish bone
Q.15 Six Sigma was a quality program developed by which organization?
(a) General Electric (b) Uniqlo (c) Toyota (d) Motorola
Q.16 In acceptance sampling how is the reliability of a sample to be used measured.
(a) Chi Square (b) T-test (c) Z-Test (d) Factor analysis
Q.17 A chart which is used to measure values which are continuous in nature is known as -
(a) Attribute (b) Characteristic (c) Variable (d) Feature
Q.18 ___ is a type of control chart used to monitor arithmetic means of successive samples of size, n.
(a) X Bar (b) Range (c) Cumsum (d) S chart
Q.19 A chart which is used to identify the number of conformities per unit are known as -
(a) C Chart (b) U chart (c) P chart (d) nP chart
Q.20 Which of the following chart cannot check a small shift taking place in the process mean ---
(a) Moving average (b) Cumsum (c) EWMA chart (d) X bar chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1.b, 2c, 3d, 4d, 5a, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9c, 10c, 11a, 12c, 13d, 14c, 15d, 16b, 17c, 18a, 19b, 20d

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