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1 Plant Tissues IS... Tissues * Classification of plant tissues i + Structure and functions of different plant tissues Growth in plants happens in! two stages: ; 1. New cells are produced. 2. These cells expand via uptake of water by the vacuole. The division of cells does not! take place throughout the plant but only in meristematic regions. Meristematic (Greek: meristes meaning divisible) tissue is! 2 mass of young, immature and undifferentiated cells. | that remain young and divide throughout the life of a plant. cell is che basic structural and functional unit of life in all living beings. In multicellular organisms such as plants and animals, the cells with similar structure and functions are grouped together. These groups of similar cells are called tissues. In this chapter, you will learn about different types of plant tissues and their functions. Types of plant tissues On the basis of the stages of development of their cells and the fanctions they perform, plant tissues are divided into two types. & Meristematic tissue Permanent tissue Meristematic tissue Have you ever wondered how a tiny seedling grows into a huge tree? When the embryo in a sced begins to grow, we say the seed is germinating, The embryo has a group of cells at its root and shoot tips. These cells are small, thin-walled and full of cytoplasm. They have a large nucleus. They divide rapidly and continuously as a result of which the plant gains height. ‘This group of actively dividing cells forms the meristematic tissue. This tissue is found in all the growing parts of a plant where growth in length and thickness of a plant occurs. For example, root and shoot tips contain meristematic tissues (Fig. 1.1). “The main function of meristematic tissue is to produce new cells at the root and shoot tips and build up plant body in length and thickness. Characteristics of meristematic tissue “The main characteristics of meristematic tissue are as follows. @ The cells are small in size, cell wall is thin, nuclei are prominent and vacuoles are mostly absent. The cells actively divide to form new cells. e PLANT TISSUES Types of meristematic tissue Depending on their location in the plant body, meristematic tissue is of two types. apical mmerstematic Apical meristematic tissue It is present at the root and shoot tips. It increases the length of the plant. Lateral meristematic tissue As a tree gains height, the ee’ _ diameter of its stem also increases. The tree gains thickness meristematic because of the meristematic tissue present on the lateral sides of the root and stem. This tissue is called the lateral meristematic tissue or cambium. It is responsible for the increase in the thickness of the roots and stem. apical tuens Permanent tissue gi Marita ‘The new cells formed by the division of meristematic tissues elongate, and on maturity get differentiated to perform specific functions. These cells do not divide further; hence, they are called permanent tissue. Such a tissue comprises cells in which growth has either stopped completely or for ay the time being Permanent tissue can be classified into two main types. + Simple permanent tissue (provides support and protection) ‘© A meristematic tissue is 2 group of cells that are | capable of active cell i . i : Complex permanent tissue (conducts nutrients and water) division. © Apermanent tissue isa! : ‘ group of cells in which i Simple permanent tissue growth has either stopped Simple permanent tissue is composed of cells that are completely or for the time aire structurally and functionally similar. This tissue provides <- support and protection to plants and is further classified into two types. Protective tissue This tissue consists of epidermis that forms the outer protective covering of the plant and protects it from external influence. The epidermis is generally made up of a single layer of closely packed cells. The outer walls of the <_ epidermis are usually thick and covered with cutin, The cutin In leaves, the epidermis has special cells called guard cells that control the opening and closing of stomata. In big trees, the outer covering of the tree trunk Supporting tissue This tissue comprises the bulk of the {e'mmuldlayened and cated plant body and provides support to it. It is of three types. | periderm. . * Parenchyma: The cells of the parenchyma tissue are reduces loss of water. Cork is also a protective tissue located at the periphery of the roots and stem. It is made up of thick- walled cells that are dead. 2. LS. and 7.S. of parenchyma b. LS. and 7:5. of collenchyma Fig. 12 | Types of simple permanent tissue thin-walled, living and have intercellular spaces. They may be oval, spherical or cylindrical in shape (Fig, 1.2a). Parenchyma is present in almost all parts of the plant. For example, it is found in the roots, stem and leaves. Parenchyma cells with chloroplasts, found in leaves, help in photosynthesis. They are called chlorenchyma. Parenchyma tissues store food. + Collenchyma: The cells of collenchyma tissue are either circular, oval or polygonal in shape (Fig. 1.2b). They are living cells found below the epidermis in young stems and petioles of leaves. These cells have thicker primary cell walls than the parenchyma cells. They are thickened at the corners due to the presence of cellulose and pectin, Intercellular spaces are generally absent. This tissue provides structural support to growing stems and leaves. + Sclerenchyma: Cells of sclerenchyma tissue are long with tapering ends and have a cell wall, which is thickened all around due to the presence of a complex substance called lignin, ‘These cells are generally dead and do not contain any protoplasm (Fig, 1.2c). This type of tissue is found in the stem and veins of leaves. This tissue provides mechanical strength to the stem. “The sclerenchyma consists of two types of cells — sclerenchyma fibres and sclereids. “The fibres of jute, cotton, hemp and husk of coconut are made up of sclerenchyma tissue. Complex permanent Complex permanent tissue is made up of two or more types of cells that are specialized to perform a common function. LS. and T.S. of sclerenchyma ‘Transverse and longitudinal sections To study the internal structure of tissues, they are sliced and mounted on slides. If the tissue is sliced at right angles to its length, we get a transverse section (T.S.) If it is sliced along its length, we get a longitudinal section (Ls. Sclereids are a reduced form of sclerenchyma cells with ‘ened cellular walls. Sclereids form the major part of the shell of nuts such as walnut. These also produce the gritty texture of pears. Gar Draw diagrams of different kinds of tissues in your | notebook. @ srsusn0n oo mmns vessel tracheid Fig. 13 | LS. of xylem tissue New xylem tissue keeps | getting added to a growing | plant as a result of actively | | dividing cells in the cambium. | ! Due to increased and decreased growth activity, in spring and autumn, i | alternating patterns of growth ! | are seen in xylem tissues of ! big trees, season after season. | These form the annual rings. sieve tube companion call Fig. 4.4 | LS. of phloem tissue “The main function of these tissues is to transport water and food materials. Therefore, these tissues ate also called conducting tissues. In plants, there are two types of complex permanent tissues. Xylem Xylem is the water-conducting tissue of plants. It is composed of vessels, tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma (Fig. 1.3). & Axylem vessel is not one cell but a series of cells joined from end to end to form a long tube. + Tracheids are usually long and narrow cells that taper at the ends. Both tracheids and vessels do not have living protoplasm at maturity. They are involved in the transportation of water from the roots to the upper parts of the plant. © Fibres provide strength to the tissue, They also lack living protoplasm at maturity. Xylem parenchyma is the only living component of xylem. It helps in the conduction of water and also stores food. Phloem Phloem is the food-conducting tissue of plants. It is composed of different types of cells namely, sieve cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma (Fig, 1.4). It consists of living cells with protoplasm in them. Sieve cells are elongated cells with minute pores. They do not have a nucleus at maturity. They help in the transportation of food prepared in the leaves to other parts of the plant. & Phloem fibres provide mechanical strength to the plant. + Phloem parenchyma cells are involved in the storage of reserve substances. Certain specialized parenchyma cells, closely associated with sieve cells, are known as companion cells. Xylem and phloem together are called the vascular bundle and constitute the vascular system of the plant. These tissues extend from the tip of the root to the tip of the leaf. “The arrangement of xylem and phloem is different in stems and roots. The differences between xylem and phloem tissues are given in Table 1.1. Table 1 Differences between xylem and phloem Cea Ic conducts water upwards from the roots to the shoot It transports food materials from the leaves to other sysem, parts of the plant. Ic is made of mostly dead cells. I is made of living cells. Iris located on the inner side of the vascular bundle. _ It is located on the outer side of the vascular bundle. exxx) My “Aim: To study the conduction of water through a plant body © Materials required: A small twig with white flowers, beaker, water and food colour (red) Procedure: Leave the twig overnight in coloured water. Observe © the colour of the flowers the next day. Cut a thin transverse section of the stem and observe it under a microscope. Observations: res Cheat +. You will see that the flowers have turned 2. In the slide, you can see xylem as Fes 5 | Woterts 3. Which part gets coloured? The entire vascular bundle or only a conducted through xylem. part of it? Give reasons for your answer. Aim: To study and identify various plant tissues Procedure: Ask your teacher to show you permanent slides of meristematic, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem and phloem tissues. Observe the slides under a microscope and identify them. Draw neat and labelled diagrams of the tissues as you see them. Write two characteristics of each kind of tissue. Write true or false. Correct the false statements. +. Meristematic tissues responsible for lateral growth are called cambium. ‘A permanent tissue is a group of cells that are capable of active cell division. 3. Collenchyma tissue provides structural support to growing stems and leaves. 4. Phloem parenchyma is the only living component of xylem. s. Xylem and phloem together are called the vascular bundle. CONCEPT MAP > = composed of cells in which composed of A. Tick the most appropriate answer. + Meristematic tissues have 2. actively dividing cells. < cells that divide for a short period. b. dead cells. 4. cells that do not divide at all. > Which of the following is not a characteristic of meristematic tissues? ‘2. Cells are small in size. Cell wall is thin, 3. This causes increase in the length of the plant. 2. protective tissue «< apical meristematic tissue & Which of the following is a protective tissue? 2. cork b. chlorenchyma 5. Which of the following cells have lignin? parenchyma b. chlorenchyma 6. Xylem consists of 2. vessels, collenchyma and xylem fibres. «<. sieve cells, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma. 4. vessels, tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma. 2. collenchyma b. phloem 8. Phloem consists of a. vessels, collenchyma and phloem fibres. b. Vacuoles are mostly present. d. Cells actively divide to form new cells. . lateral meristematic tissue 4. complex permanent tissue «phloem 4. xylem «. collenchyma 4. sclerenchyma b. tracheids, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma. Which of the following tissues are made up of dead cells? © parenchyma 4. xylem ». tracheids, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma. « sieve cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma. . vessels, 9. These are élongated cells with minute pores. 2. phloem parenchyma b. sieve cells +o. Vascular bundle consists of a. parenchyma and sclerenchyma. «phloem and vessels. B. Fill in the blanks. 1 A group of actively dividing cells forms the sve tubes, xylem fibres and phloem parenchyma. «. phloem fibres 4. companion cells ». collenchyma and xylem. 4. xylem and phloem. tissue. 2 meristematic tissue increases the length of the plants. 3. meristematic tissue increases the thickness of roots and stem. 4. Simple permanent tissue provides Complex permanent tissue transports and and Q vrims e PLANT TISSUES . The fibres of jute and husk of coconut The outer walls of the epidermis are usually thick and covered with . In leaves, the epidermis has special cells called made up of tissue. A vessel is not one cell but a series of cells. is located on the outer side of the vascular bundle. Define the following terms. Meristematic tissue 2. Permanent tissue 3. Protective tissue Supporting tissue 5. Complex permanent tissue 6. Conducting tissue Write true or false. Correct the false statements. The lateral meristematic tissue is also called cambium. Supporting tissue consists of epidermis. Sclerenchyma cells are dead cells and do not contain any protoplasm. Xylem is made up of living cells. Xylem fibres provide strength to the tissue. Differentiate between '. Meristematic and permanent tissues. 2. apical and lateral meristematic tissues. parenchyma and sclerenchyma. 4. collenchyma and chlorenchyma. . xylem and phloem. . Find the odd one out. Give reasons for your answers. parenchyma, collenchyma, vascular bundle, sclerenchyma sieve cells, phloem fibres, xylem parenchyma, phloem parenchyma ion cells, sieve tubes, collenchyma, vessels compat Answer the following in short. What is a tissue? What is meristematic tissue? Where is it located? What is the function of the sclerenchyma? What constitutes the vascular system of the plant? Name the tissue that helps in conduction of (a) water and (b) food in plants. |. Answer the following in detail. Name the various types of plant tissues and state their functions. State the differences between parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues with diagrams. Explain the structure and functions of various types of conducting tissue. What are the various types of cells present in xylem? Write their functions. L. Given below is a table showing plant tissues. Identify them, give their location and write one important function of each. ert Dr rey @ a reese Find the names of plant tissues in the wordsearch given below. (Hint: There are 10 of them.) A. Wordsearch clalalmle|n|x{«[zluly]elal [r[5] «[zlulv[efalyi[y{x[«[zluly [els z[alp[iicialelalm[e|n| x(k [y fe] Plajw{plajrie|ni{clu|y|mMla y|b qjalcfjale{rimiolof{x|x|{zlu Qiw m{mjo|k}zjujy|/p|Lcjal}tle|r Mio N/H|E ulylPlqiwit clalile N\X mi ulm|« alsiclile Rle|Nic iM) A miuly|t wlrfefa[le Tclalii Ri Mie fplzialaluimieim clo|x|k|z ulviPia yiejyjeljule viHlale x|k zlulylb kfifulifulefalely|z y[elclaltle [e|z[alx{zje[clo|m|p E| x palelr [M/E| RI I|S|T/E|Mia{Ti|iicjR c]H B. Activity Take a piece of ginger. Dip it in water containing blue ink. After a few hours, cut a thin slice of ginger and observe it under a microscope. Can you say which part of the vascular bundle became coloured and why? iG Experiment With help from your teacher, perform an experiment to observe how water is conducted in plant seedlings if the roots are removed. D. Report making Tissue culture is a technique to grow plants using a single cell or @ group of cells (tissues) in a test tube under controlled conditions. Find out more about tissue culture and write a report on it. E. Project Make two groups in class. One group can make a chart on different types of tissues in plant. ‘Another group can make models of different tissues in plants. F. Riddle time! 1. What has no fingers, but many rings? 2. Name a tree that can fit in your hands.

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