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Unit Test-I 2020 - 21

Subject: English Literature

Grade: VII Duration: 40 min

Date: 24.07.2020 Max. Marks: 25

Answers to this paper must be written on a ruled A-4 size paper.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets ().
This question paper consists of 2 printed sides.

Q1. Frame your own sentence with the following: [3]

a. took up the challenge-

b. peculiar-

Q2. Answer the following questions briefly: [4]

a. Why did Opu refuse to eat for a whole day?

b. How did Auntie Hilda feel about Mary Rand’s success?

Q3. Reference to Context:

“He puffed mockingly,

I'll show you where I’ll end up.”

a. Who is the speaker talking to? What did he want to show the other person
and why? [3]
b. Why do you think the speaker used a mocking tone to say this? [2]
c. Do you think Uncle Alfred learnt any lesson from the incident? Justify your
answer. [3]

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Q4. Answer the following questions:

a. Discuss in detail about Auntie Hilda’s role in the poem ‘Uncle Alfred’s
Long Jump’. [3]
b. Write a brief character sketch of Opu. [3]
c. Suggest an alternate ending to the story ‘Looking for Vulture’s Eggs’ in
about 100-150 words. [4]

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