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“Then I rallied around with a bunch of buxom dancing-girls and Dimple Scotch. In no time at all
he was cured of his distressing symptoms!” (3)

“They attracted a barrage of curious glances as they drifted in a throng towards the exit. A bunch
of fiercely bearded Sikhs with curving swords and hockey-sticks stood by to gape. The Parsi
women whom they ogled tied their heavy silk saris differently….” (45)

“Freddy glanced at the Sikhs. The muscles in his jaw grew tight when he noticed the lewd
direction of their eyes. He couldn’t stand his women being stared at” (45)

“A murderous, monstrous rage straddled Freddy. He knew this was the girl his son wished to
marry. And despite his anger, a strange heat surged and congealed in his loins” (123)

ROSY WATSON: inheritance and lineage:

“But you cannot marry all those you pity. I pity the mangy dogs on our street, the beggars, the
noseless leper who comes every Friday – do you expect me to marry them? Your heart is too
soft. You cannot expect to marry the dogs you pity!” (144)

“In the case of the Anglo-Indian girl the spark is already mutated. What kind of a heritage are
you condemning your children to? They might look beautiful but they will be shells – empty and
confused; misfits for generations to come. They will have arrogance without pride – touchiness
without self-respect or compassion; ambition without honour… and you will be to blame.” (116)

“Met? I have not only met her, I have fucked her. She is a common little alley cat. It might
interest you to know, Mr Allen thought her breasts are like fried eggs” (143)

‘Yes. You will soon see our Diamond Market – that’s what Hira Mandi means,’ answered
Freddy. (118)
INSURANCE: women used for economic purposes:

“Not only her stepmother, but even her father thrashed her. They had confined her to her room
without food or water, strapped to her bed. They had allowed all sorts of men into the

“The plan was exquisite in its simplicity. He went over the details carefully, examined all the
angles, and in a self-congratulatory frame of mind marvelled at his brain. As usual, a proverb
wormed its way into his consciousness: ‘Two birds with one stone … kill two birds with one
stone,’ (49)

“Preparatory step two: Freddy’s love of the outdoors became an obsessive passion.

He all at once discovered that his four children, and Putli and Jerbanoo were too pale.

Vowing,” (52)

“He selected the sari and bullied and bustled his rebellious spouse until she was safely tucked
into the tonga” (175)

“The suave, imperious Englishman had offered his hand, and almost in the same gesture raised it
to smooth his hair at the lack of any response from the oddly solemn little woman. But Freddy
gave Putli such a fervent little pinch that her hand shot out, gamely hooked the astonished
Governor’s hand from off his head, and shook it determinedly three times” (176)


This Can also include rosy Watson.

. “She wore a white sporting outfit that outlined the firm globules of her behind and the tiny,
Coca Cola-bottle pinch of her waist. Above her waist protruded the most heavily gorgeous, up
thrust pair of brassiered bosoms he ever hoped to see” (187)

‘You’re being silly, Mama! You don’t seriously expect me to marry that dried-up, pockmarked,
dying Bombay-duck.’ (190)

“RODABAI read the letter and gave a great sigh. It was always like this. This time though she
had allowed her hopes to be raised … and now this letter” (195)

Freddy addressed himself exclusively to his wide-eyed, diligent wife, and

Jerbanoo slumped into a restive, martyred silence. (11)


Jerbanoo ought to try a little tact … she might try to do those little things men liked

so much … save choice bits of food for Faredoon, show him special deference, consider

him before her daughter and herself in everything. After all he was the breadwinner …

Breeding apparatus:

“He was renowned for the number of his progeny. No one could remember or keep track of the
exact number of his children … Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two?” (181)

“Putli, now that things had worked out so well, contentedly went on producing her babies. Four
daughters and three sons in all” (87)

Billy was touched by Harilal’s message. The old clerk’s long telegram ended with a fervent ‘…
May God grant you son at His earliest convenience.’ (211)
At other times the child had dysentery, Jerbanoo got cramp bathing in a canal, and Putli,

stung by a scorpion, almost fell into a well.(11)

Freddy had already devised means to overcome the hurdles impeding his love life.(6)


‘So, now we are to be devoured by wolves! Why? Because your majesty wishes it! We are to
spend the night in this forsaken place, at the mercy of wild beasts! Why? Because our simple
village ways were not good enough for you! But don’t imagine I’m going to dance to your tune
all the time. I’ve come for my daughter’s sake and I’m not going to stand this nonsense any
longer! You turn right back! You hear me?’ (10)

‘You obstinate fiend, have you no idea how we are suffering? Have you no care for your wife
and child? Oh, how can they live at the mercy of your whims … you heartless demon!’ (10)

“Freddy led his worn beasts into the fertile land of the Five Rivers” (11)


“Sir Easymoney made a sign, and her Ladyship promptly placed two silver spittoons by the
reclining men” (205)

“Phase one was to arouse and stimulate Tanya, phase two to consummate the marriage, and
phase three, the details of which were still vague, to establish an idyllic relationship with his
wife. He did not expect too much, but convinced of his superior and gentle wisdom, she was to
become his loving and obedient slave” (216)

“Freddy gently governed and completely controlled his wife with the aid of three maxims. If she
did or wanted to do something that he considered intolerable and disastrous, he would take a
stern and unshakeable stand. Putli soon learnt to recognize and respect his decisions on such
occasions. If she did, or planned something he considered stupid and wasteful, but not really
harmful, he would voice his objections and immediately humour her with his benevolent
sanction” (5)
“She could do as she pleased so long as she did not exceed it” (229)

What do you want with money? I’ll get you anything you want, you’ve only to ask!’ (255)

“Tanya’s own money was prudently locked up in securities that neither he nor she could

Touch” (255)

Slipping out of bed guiltily, she has wrapped herself in a shawl, dutybound to keep her mute
husband company during meals” (256)

“Tanya finally gave in to his tyrannies. The only way to please Billy was to be absolutely
submissive, and he was getting harder to please” (259)

He tyrannised his house, governing chiefly through Tanya.

His commandments were directed at her. They were, in order of preference:

Thou shalt not spend money!

Thou shalt not waste.

Thou shalt give me a minutely detailed account of expenses.

Thou shalt obey thy husband, and jump to his bidding.

Thou shalt bring up thy children to obey and to love me more than they do you.

Thou shalt never require anything.

Thou and thy children shall not disturb me.

Thou shalt switch off all lights and fans.

The commandments continued endlessly. Few, like Billy, have the overriding tenacity to
enslave.” (261)

“Loading his belongings, which included a widowed mother-in-law eleven years older

than himself, a pregnant wife six years younger, and his infant daughter, Hutoxi, on to a

bullock-cart, he set off for the North” (5)

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