Computer Class 5 Chapter 3

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Lesson - 3 More On Tux Paint

Answer the following questions :(Page 39)

1. Ankita wants to know how can she regulate the speed of the slide show of her drawings.
How can she do that?
Ans. Sliding scale.

2. Which button will you use to remove a slide from a slideshow in Tux Paint?
Ans. Erase button

3. In Tux paint, which tool allows us to view all the slides in the presentation?
Ans. Open Tool

A. Choose the correct options: (Page 40)

1. Which of the following tools would you use to display the images created in Tux paint
in a sequence similar to a presentation? Ans. b) Open tool

2. Amar wants to create a scene depicting a hot summer day. Which of the following
effects would he use in his drawing? Ans. c) Light effect

3. Ritika wants to increase the timing of the slide show in Tux Paint. Which of the
following statements is true?
Ans. a) She can do it by using the Sliding scale beside the Play button.

4. Which of the following statements is/are true about the Eraser tool and the Erase button
in the Open tool? Ans. d) Both a) and b) are true

B. Fill in the blanks : (Page 40)

1. The shape tool can be used to draw different closed figures.

2. The magic tool can be used to insert different image effects.

3. The text and label tool can be used to insert a heading of a story.

4. The text tool can be used to insert words in a dialogue box.

5. The stamp tool can be used to insert the picture of a ship or an airplane.
C. Write true or false : (Page 41)

1. A storyboard consists of slides that are displayed in a sequence. True

2. A Slideshow depicts a story consisting of many slides. True

3. To create a tree, we can use the Magic tool. False

4. The Smudge effect can be used to create clouds. True

QI . Answer the following questions.(Write on the copy)

1. Which features make Tux Paint different from other painting applications?

Ans. The features are :-

1. A very simple and easy-to use user interface.

2. Tools are simple and not complicated.

3. You can draw images on canvas and edit those using different tools.

4. A slideshow feature for showing slides in the form of stories.

2. What do you understand by storyboarding? Why is it necessary for creating a

slide show?

Ans. Storyboarding is a way to tell the main plot of the story using a sequence of events
on which different sets are arranged. Storyboards help you to visualize the structure of
your presentation -beginning, middle and end.

It is necessary for creating a slide show because a slide show is a sequential arrangement
of series of events in the form of images to depict a story.

3. List any five Magic tools and write one sentence about them.

Ans. Five Magic tools are:

1. Paint-used for painting on the canvas.

2. Stamp-used for inserting stamps in the canvas.

3. Line-used for making lines of different thickness, size, shapes and varieties.

4. Shape-used for making different 2D figures with different colours.

5. New-used for starting a new drawing canvas.

4. What is the difference between the Magic and Stamp tools?

Ans. Magic tool is used to create magical effects on the painting.

Stamp tool has several images that can be inserted in the canvas.

5. Write down the steps to print the storyboard that you have created in Tux paint.
Ans. The steps to print the storyboard are as follows:
Step 1 : Attach the printer to the computer.
Step 2 : Search for the Print tool and click on it.
Step 3 : click on the message ‘yes ,print it !


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