Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert (CSOE)

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Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert

Part 6

Sarbanes Oxley Compliance

Professionals Association (SOXCPA)
The largest association of Sarbanes Oxley Professionals
in the world

The Scope of the SOX Project


SAS 70


Is it Relevant to Sarbanes Oxley?

 Many controls are significant to the success of the
IT function, but some of them are not relevant to
the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance effort
 Don’t tell to your suppliers that I told you that
 IT control activities need to meet specific criteria
to ensure relevance to the act's requirements
 Your auditors will ask every time…
 … is it directly or indirectly related to the timely
production of financial reports?

Using SOX as an excuse

 Vendors consider SOX a great business

 Offensive marketing – they try to promote

products based on fear of something that
‘certifying officers’ still aren't understanding


Is BCP / DRP in the scope of SOX?

 Cold Site – Only a room …

 Warm Site – Only some servers are usually not


 Hot Site – A real alternate location

 Only your data and your people are not there

 Extremely important differences in cost

Is BCP / DRP in the scope of SOX?

 YES, all these are very important …
 … but NO, a Business Continuity Plan is NOT in
the scope!

 ‘Management has decided against including a

disaster recovery plan in the scope of their SOX


On the one hand…

(next time choose an instructor with one hand

 Sections 302, 404 & 409: Safeguarding assets,

backup and recovery, timely & accurate reporting,
availability of information
 Section 404: Establish an infrastructure to
protect and preserve records and data from
destruction, loss, unauthorized alteration, or
other misuse
 This infrastructure must ensure there is no room
for unauthorized alteration of records vital to
maintaining the integrity of the business

On the other hand

 In the event of a disaster we need to be able to
restore the financial data (for SOX)
 Enough is enough
Q. (Innocent employee): But we do have and do need
a good disaster recovery plan!
A. Do you really need to provide documentation
(COSO, narratives, testing etc.) for that?


March 9, 2004, Auditing

Standard 2
 ‘C5. Furthermore, management's plans that could
potentially affect financial reporting in future
periods are not controls
 For example, a company's business continuity or
contingency planning has no effect on the
company's current abilities to initiate, authorize,
record, process, or report financial data.
Therefore, a company's business continuity or
contingency planning is not part of internal
control over financial reporting.’

Finally, is in the Scope?

 Data backup and off-site storage: The ultimate
solution for Disaster Recovery, Business
Continuity and Contingency Planning (according

 The courts have almost always conclude that not

recovering data is being treated as if "you're
hiding something"


Testing and Documenting BCP

 Just testing is not enough! We have to
successfully recover the data

 We should test the business continuity process

prior to the fiscal year close...
 If you have a disaster (or a ‘disaster’) and you lose
some critical data and you have not done all the
necessary things to protect these assets, you have
a big problem

Business Intelligence
 Very important issue but…
 Out of scope of Sarbanes Oxley

 BI systems turn data into intelligence

 BI tools ensure timely dissemination of data for

reporting and analysis across the enterprise


Business Intelligence
 Integrate data from legacy and ERP systems to
provide consolidated information on accounting
transactions, budgeting and planning information
including transaction level financial reporting
that meet GAAP requirements

 Audit trail on financial documents - providing

traceability and capability to source transactional

Computer Forensics
 Very important issue too but…
 Out of scope of Sarbanes Oxley too
 But… if we have legal problems…
 Computer Forensics methodology is a mandatory
process whenever the results of a computer
investigation may ultimately be presented in a
legal or administrative proceeding
 Computer evidence must be properly collected,
verified and handled under accepted computer
forensic procedures to ensure its accuracy and
admissibility in court


Computer Forensics
 If a company does not have the tools necessary to
collect evidence in a manner that preserves its
admissibility in court

 When an incident is first detected, it may not be

obvious that it will result in possible court action.
Evidence will be destroyed before the seriousness
of the incident is realized

 There are many companies that use excel
spreadsheets, emails, messages, risk control
matrices, simple tools and nothing more
 External auditors do not ask for certain tools
 Cost/Benefit analysis
 Selection process
 Only very large international companies really
need special software
 Price range: From zero (Word, Excel Access, you
already have paid these) to $1M


Tools (I am making no specific recommendations):
 Movaris Certainty

Movaris Certainty–


Movaris Certainty–

Certus Governance Suite –

 Certus 404 and Certus 302
 Certus Audit
 To ensure transparency and accuracy of internal


OpenPages - Sarbanes-Oxley
 Enterprise compliance management software

 “Reduces the time and resource costs associated

with ongoing compliance for Sections 302 and

 Document and business process management,

with reporting capabilities

OpenPages - Sarbanes-Oxley
 Helps corporations automate significant aspects of
their internal controls framework to reduce the
overall cost of compliance

 Its dashboards can be used by project managers,

documentation team members and internal
auditors to plan, document and test the internal
controls of the company, and eventually to attest to
the financial statements


OpenPages - Sarbanes-Oxley
 Assists the project manager by starting new
controls documentation “projects” and capturing
information about the project (for example,
project name, reporting period, start date, due
date, assigned team members, etc.)

 Project plans can be developed with milestones

and user task assignments

OpenPages - Sarbanes-Oxley
 Users can define specific attributes for each task
(such as name, description, owner, assignee,
business unit/location, start date, due date,
percent complete, completion date, notes,
preceding task, related documents, etc.)


OpenPages - Sarbanes-Oxley
 Controls access to project information

 The project manager has unrestricted access to all

information at all times, while individual team
members have a read-only view of the entire
project, and write access to items assigned to them

OpenPages - Sarbanes-Oxley
 SOX Express enables members of the project team
to document details of their internal controls by
adding information about business entities,
accounts, processes, risks, controls, tests and test

 Project team members can attach related

documents (e.g. policy manuals, pre-existing
corporate guidelines, etc.)


OpenPages - Section 404

 Automates the planning, documentation, test,
review, approval and ongoing monitoring of a
company’s internal controls framework

 Provides a COSO-based internal control

framework and a built-in controls library to
shorten time-to-compliance and to accelerate
compliance audits

OpenPages - Section 302

 Automates the survey process for financial
disclosure certification…
 … in which individual process owners first provide
sub-certification for their functional areas
 Sub-certifications are then “rolled-up” throughout
the company and approved by managers at each
business level
 SOX Express then presents a final certification
report in preparation of the company’s Section 302
representation letter from corporate officers


Compliance Automation
 Task management

 Team members see “My Tasks” list on home page –

like “document control X” or “test control Y”

 Issues Management - can have multiple attributes

(such as name, description, status and/or severity)
 Action Plans can also be developed in the context
of an issue, such as, Please update this document

Compliance Automation
 Reports: Of all accounts, all processes, all risks,
all controls, ineffective controls, incomplete
documentation, poor segregation of
responsibilities, at-risk action items in project
plans, on issues

 Third-party reporting applications, such as those

from Cognos, Hyperion and Business Objects


Software – time and money

Think about the time it requires to:
 1. Purchase the software and the hardware
 2. Install and configure the software to your needs
 3. Train your users
 4. Solve the problems

Software – time and money

 How large is your organization?
 Is it geographically dispersed?
 How many processes will you document?
 Are there enough persons for that?


 Many companies use spreadsheets for their
financial reporting and operational processes

 Spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel

or Lotus 1-2-3

 Easy and flexible, but not always reliable

 The challenge: Advanced features, formulas,
macros, multiple spreadsheets linked together -
minimal or no documentation

 The lack of controls over spreadsheets has led to

reporting errors at a number of companies

 Complex spreadsheets must be considered



Controls for the Spreadsheets

 Development Lifecycle Controls –
 Remember, it is an application
 A Software Development Life Cycle is absolutely
necessary to the development process of critical
and complex spreadsheets
 (requirements, specification, design, building,
testing, maintenance)

Controls for the Spreadsheets

 Access Control (Create, Read, Update, Delete) –
 Do not permit to save them locally
 Spreadsheets must be stored on a central server
(security, backups) and access must be controlled
and monitored. Password protection is not really
 Integrity Controls –
 Lock and protect cells to prevent inadvertent or
intentional changes to standing data. Lock and
store (read only) historical files


Controls for the Spreadsheets

 Change Control –
 A process for requesting changes to a
spreadsheet, making changes and then testing the

 Version Control –
 Only approved versions of spreadsheets must be

Controls for the Spreadsheets

 Documentation Controls –
 Never forget the documentation (keep up-to-date)
 The auditors (and you after some days) will not
understand the business objective and the specific
functions of spreadsheets

 Continuity Controls –


Controls for the Spreadsheets

 Segregation of Duties Controls – Procedures,
roles, responsibilities, ownership:

 Segregate among 1. Spreadsheet developer, 2.

Users and 3. Reviewer

 1. The developer creates the spreadsheet with

formulas being protected in particular cells – he
keeps the password

Controls for the Spreadsheets

 2. Users work using the spreadsheet. If they need
to change the formulas, they need the developer

 3. Manager / reviewer checks the result before

posting it to the financial statement

 Danger: The same person is both, the spreadsheet

developer and user, and no reviewer exists


 Identify which spreadsheets fall into the scope of

 ‘We are just at the stage of finding all the

spreadsheets that people may be using that are
not documented, but the end product is going into
our financial systems’

 Spreadsheets not used in calculating account
balances, journal entries, etc. should not be
subject to spreadsheet controls for SOX purposes

 There must be a testing phase and a defined
rollout strategy


 1. Take inventory of spreadsheets that have
impact on financial statements

 2. Validate data on cells that require data entry

 3. Protect cells that contains formulas

 4. Restrict access to the spreadsheets on the

network (permissions, rights)

 5. Control version and changes

 The lack of controls over spreadsheets has been a

contributing factor in financial reporting errors
at a large number of companies


Spreadsheets - Errors
 1. Input errors: Flawed data entry, inaccurate
referencing or even cut-and-paste
 2. Logic errors: Errors in formulas,
inappropriate definition of cell ranges and
referenced cells
 3. Interface errors: Import / export of data
 4. No documentation and no testing
 5. No training…

SAS 70
 Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70

 “Reports on the Processing of Transactions by

Service Organizations”

 An internationally recognized auditing standard

developed by the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (AICPA) in 1993


SAS 70
 Explains how an external auditor should assess
the internal controls of an outsourcing service
provider and issue an attestation report to
outside parties or to a client

 For service organizations and service providers

host or process data belonging to their customers

 They must demonstrate that they have adequate

controls and safeguards

SAS 70
 They are considered auditor-to-auditor
communication in a uniform reporting format
and not assurance for management

 Very important:
 A proper outsourcing agreement must be in place.
Ask the lawyers!
 The agreement must describe the responsibilities
of each party related to operations and


SAS 70
 Very important: The scope of SAS 70 – It may not
cover SOX requirements. It has happened many

 You must address the issue of changes in the

service organization’s controls

SAS 70
 Service Auditor's Report - A formal report
including the auditor's opinion is issued after the
SAS 70 examination
 SAS 70 is not a pre-determined set of control
objectives or control activities - Auditors are
required to follow the AICPA's standards

 Not a checklist audit

 SAS 70 reports are annual


SAS 70 – The players, the type

 1. An entity - user organization (that obtains
 2. Service organization
 3. Auditor - user auditor
 There are two types of Service Auditor's
Reports: Type I and Type II

 Type I report: Description of controls at a specific

point in time
 Type II report: Type I plus detailed testing of
controls over a minimum six month period

Type I, II reports
Type I reports: Auditors will express their opinion
 1. On the design of the controls (are they designed
to achieve objectives?)
 2. Is the description of these controls fair?
Type II reports: Auditors will express their opinion
 1. The same with Type I
 2. The same with Type I
 3. On the effectiveness of the controls. The
controls must operate with reasonable (never
absolute, it is impossible) effectiveness and
provide reasonable assurance that meet their
specified objectives


SAS 70 – Who performs it?

 Certified public accountants or CPA firms
 Must be certified and adhere to specific
professional standards established by the
American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA)
 CPA firms employ IT and Security professionals
with both experience and certifications, such as
the CISSP (Certified Information System Security
Professional, www.isc2.org) or the CISA
(Certified Information Systems Auditors,

SAS 70 – Steps
 Plan & Scope
 Understanding the organization
 Identification - financial reporting process and
supporting systems
 Risk Assessment
 General controls and application controls
 Gap analysis


SAS 70 – Steps
 Significant deficiencies, material weakness
 Corrective actions
 Test design and documentation
 Operational effectiveness
 Self assessments


 Section 404 of SOX made SAS 70 even more
important to the process of reporting on effective
internal controls at service organizations

 SAS 70 Type I is not suitable for SOX - It doesn't

say anything about the effectiveness of the tested


Advantages of SAS 70 Type II

 A SAS 70 demonstrates the establishment of
effective controls

 Builds trust with its user organizations -


 Without it, each customer must sent the auditors

to the service organization – this means time and
additional costs

Advantages of SAS 70 Type II

 The customer knows that the service organization
has policies, procedures and controls well tested
and evaluated

 Companies are looking at outsourcing as a valid

way to address some SOX issues


Disadvantages of SAS 70 Type II

 SAS 70 reviews of either type are expensive

 It is not sure that you will ‘pass’

 PCAOB may not accept a SAS 70 if the external

audit firm at both sides (the requiring and the
providing) side is the same

Disadvantages of SAS 70 Type II

 The period covered should be a 6 month

 SAS 70 cannot be produced on short notice

 The use of service organizations does not reduce

management's responsibility to maintain effective
internal control over financial reporting


Disadvantages of SAS 70 Type II

 Timing of the audit: If the audit is performed in
June and the client's fiscal year ends December 31,
there's a six-month gap in the attestation of the
outsourcer's internal controls

 What to do? To request that the service provider

undergo SAS 70 audits on a quarterly basis!!! OR
To provide that controls as documented in the SAS
70 have not changed significantly from the date of
the report

Disadvantages of SAS 70 Type II

 Discuss it with your external auditors

 A service provider is required to inform its client

only about any failures of SAS 70 tests (so, make
the service provider disclose the scope of the


October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ

 Question 14
 “In many situations, a registrant relies on a third
party service provider to perform certain functions
where the outsourced activity affects the initiation,
authorization, recording, processing or reporting
of transactions in the registrant's financial
statements, such as payroll

October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ

 In assessing internal controls over financial
reporting, management may rely on a Type 2 SAS
70 report performed by the auditors of the third
party service providers
 If the auditors of the third party service provider
are the same as the auditors of the registrant, may
management still rely on that report?”


October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ

 “In situations where management has outsourced
certain functions to third party service
provider(s), management maintains a
responsibility to assess the controls over the
outsourced operations
 However, management would be able to rely on
the Type 2 SAS 70 report even if the auditors for
both companies were the same”
 “On the other hand…

October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ

 “On the other hand, if management were to engage
the registrant's audit firm to also prepare the Type
2 SAS 70 report on the service organization…
 … management would not be able to rely on that
report for purposes of assessing internal control
over financial reporting”


October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ

 Question 19
 “Management has outsourced a significant process
to a service organization and it has determined
that evidence of the operating effectiveness of the
controls over that process is necessary
 In addition, the service organization is unwilling to
provide either a Type 2 SAS 70 report or access to
assess the controls in place at the service

October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ

 “Management does not have compensating
controls in place within the registrant’s internal
control over financial reporting that allow them to
determine the effectiveness of the controls over
the process in an alternative manner”


October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ


 Management’s annual report on internal control

over financial reporting …
 … must include a statement as to whether or not
internal control over financial reporting is

October 6, 2004, SEC FAQ

 Management is not allowed to issue a report on
internal control over financial reporting with a
scope limitation

 Management must determine whether the inability

to assess controls over a particular process …
 … is significant enough to conclude in their report
that internal control over financial reporting is not


Problem areas
 Data protection laws in Europe may make
compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley actually in
breach of the Data Protection Act of 1998

 Companies must get consent from employees to

disclose certain items of information, but they
cannot be sure that the consent will be given

The European Union’s

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (E-SOX)

The 8th Company Law Directive


From SOX to E-SOX to J-SOX

 A flat world…


 The business intelligence / corporate espionage


 The registration of the auditors

 The differences

 (Regulatory retaliation?)

July 24, 2007

1799 firms registered with the


The 8th Company Law Directive

and the USA
 After the passage of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act in
 … US and non-US companies …
 … listed in a US stock exchange…
 … have the difficult task to comply with the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
 After the passage of the European Union’s 8th
Company Law Directive…
 … European and non-European companies…
 … listed in any country of the EU …
 … have to comply with the 8th company law

Japanese SOX (J-SOX)

 J-SOX is an unofficial term which refers to the
“Financial Instruments and Exchange Law”

 Requirements similar to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Sections 302 and 404

 The legislation was passed on June 2006


Japanese SOX (J-SOX)

 Compliance effective for fiscal years beginning on
or after April 1, 2008

 For most Japanese companies their first filing of a

management evaluation report on internal control
would be for the fiscal years ending March 31,

Cost of SOX compliance

 Companies have difficulty in assessing the cost of
SOX compliance …
 … as some costs are hidden and the compliance
projects have a scope beyond just compliance

 AMR Research Inc. in Boston estimates that the

average company will blow through about $1
million in Sarbanes-Oxley costs per $1 billion in


Cost of SOX compliance

 Other studies found that companies with revenue
around $1 billion were spending around $3

 For companies with $250 million in revenues, the

cost of year 1 compliance averaged $475k

 Very few companies with turnover over $10 billion

have disclosed their costs

Cost of SOX compliance

 You fix a system - is it SOX compliance cost or is
SOX an opportunity to solve a pre-existing
 “I’ve never blown a budget as bad as I did with
Amy Kwan, senior director,
Sarbanes-Oxley program, Cisco Systems.
 Estimate: 40,000 hours
 Actual: 130,000 hours


Problem areas
 German chemicals producer BASF estimates that
the extra costs of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance are
somewhere between $30m -$40m per year

 A survey conducted by Korn/Ferry during 2004

estimated that the average cost for individual
companies would be around $2m. Newer
estimates are about $3m

 “Simply complying with the rules is not enough.
Companies should, make this approach part of
their DNA
 If companies view the new laws as opportunities —
opportunities to improve internal controls,
improve the performance of the board, and
improve their public reporting — they will
ultimately be better run, more transparent, and
therefore more attractive to investors.”
William Donaldson, SEC Chairman


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