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End Term Examination (Spring - 2020)

Course Title: Probability and Statistics Total Marks: 50
Course Code: STAT-205 Time Allowed: 2:30 Hours

Guidelines for students:

1. As per announced date sheet, the question paper will be delivered to each student through
official student’s email ID by instructor from his / her official UOG Email ID.
2. The student must acknowledge the receipt of question paper (as an email reply)
immediately after receiving the question paper.
3. The student will attempt the paper either by tying on MS Word Document file or hand-
written on white A4 paper on the attached format to prepare the answer book. For the
case of hand-written answer book, the student must write his/her name and put signatures
on the bottom of every page.
4. All pages of the answer book should be numbered on bottom.
5. If the answer book is not readable due to low quality, the student will be responsible.
6. The answer sheet should be converted into single non-editable PDF document and saved
on name as Roll No._Course Code_ETE_Spring2020 (e.g.; 18172429-006_STAT-
7. The student shall send the answer sheet by attaching in reply to the same email to the
8. The instructor will acknowledge the receipt of the answer book as an email reply to each
9. The students may call to the instructors, if there is any difficulty in attaching and sending
the answer sheets.

Note: Attempt all 25 questions. The questions carry 2 marks.

Q1 What is a Statistical error? Explain the difference between biased and 2
unbiased error.

Q2 What is a histogram? How does it differ from the historigram? 2

Q3 In what circumstances would you consider the arithmetic mean, the 2

geometric mean and harmonic mean respectively, the most suitable statistics

to describe the central tendency of distribution?

Q4 Calculate the mean deviation from mean and median from the marks of 2

students given as 65, 60, 56, 74, 64, 67, 76, and 58. Compare these two mean


Q5 From asset of ungrouped values the following sums are found: n=15, 2

 x  480 ,  x 2
 15735 .Find the coefficient of variation.

Q6 In a moderately skewed distribution the Pearson‘s coefficient of skewness = 2

-0.6, mean=65 and median=70. Find the mode

Q7 The standard deviation of a symmetrical and mesokurtic distribution is 2

4.Find its first four moments about mean.

Q8 Explain what is meant by random experiment. Define impossible event and 2

sure events.

Q9 A random sample of 400 people are interviewed independently to a given 2

proposition and X the number supporting the proposition is recorded.

Suppose that only 20% of the population support the proposition. Find 

and  2 .

Q10 A computer system in a company has a breakdown once in 25 days, on the 2

average. What is the probability of more than one breakdown in the next 10


Q11 Five dice are thrown together 243 times. Find the expected frequencies when 2

throwing of a 5 or 6 is regarded as success.

Q12 Of the kings in a deck of cards, 3 have two eye and one has one eye. A 2

thirteen card hand is dealt from a well –shuffled deck. Find the probability of

at most one two eyed king using hyper geometric distribution.

Q13 If a person receives 5 calls on the average during a day, find the expected 2

number of days the person received 3 calls in next 100 days.

Q14 A coin is tossed thrice. Find the probability of throwing head and tail 2

alternately in3 successive trials.

Q15 A fair die is tossed. Find the probability that the outcome is either an even 2

number or square.

Q16 State the conditions under which the Poisson distribution approximates to the 2

binomial distribution.

Q17 Assume that the distance X that a particular athlete will be able to put a shot 2

is normally distributed with mean 50 and variance 25 feet. Compute the

probability that his tosses travels between 55 feet and 60 feet.

Q18 In a normal distribution lower and upper quartile are 8 and 17. Find mean 2

and standard deviation of the normal distribution.

Q19 The value of second moment about mean in a normal distribution is 4. Find 2
the third and fourth moment about mean in the normal distribution.

Q20 If X is a normally distributed with mean 50 and standard deviation 10. Find 2

the mean deviation (M.D).

Q21 Two dice are tossed. Let E1 denote the event of an odd total, E2 the event of 2

an ace on the first die. Are E1 and E2 are independent?

Q22 What is meant by correlation also explain the simple linear regression 2


Q23 From n pairs of values the following quantity are calculated n=20, 2

 x  400 ,  y  220 ,  x 2
 880 , y 2
 2620 ,  xy  4300 . find
the linear regression equation of x on y.

Q24 If byx =-0.125 and bxy = -0.5 estimate correlation coefficient. 2

Q25 Write any two properties of regression line. 2

Good Luck

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