Final DCN Spring 2020 PDF

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Final Term Examination Spring-2020

Name: __________________________ Data Communication and Max. Marks: 50

Roll No:_________________________ Course Code: IT-213 Time:210 Mints

Note: Write short answers of the following. All questions carry same marks (2*25=50)

1) What are some of the factors that determine whether a communication system is a LAN,
MAN, or WAN?
2) Find three standards defined by IOS, ITU-T, IEEE and EIA.
3) What are Headers and trailers, and how do they get added and removed?
4) A signal has been received that only has values of -1,0 and 1, Is this is an analog signal or
a digital signal?
5) What does the Shannon capacity have to do with communication?
6) What is the bandwidth of a signal that can be decomposed into four sine waves with
frequencies at 0, 20, 50, and 200 Hz? All maximum amplitude are the same. Draw the
frequency spectrum.
7) A line has a signal to noise Ratio of 1000 and bandwidth of 4000 KHz. What is the
maximum data rate supported by this line?
8) Compare the two methods of serial transmission. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
9) How many amplitude levels are there for each of the following methods? Unipolar, NRZ-
L, NRZ-I, RZ, Manchester and Differential Manchester.
10) A signal is sampled. Each sample represents one of the four levels. How many bits are
needed to represent each sample? If the sampling rate is 8000sample per second what is
the bit rate?
11) The minimum bandwidth of an ASK signal could be equal to the bit rate. Explain why
this is impossible for FSK?
12) Data from a source ranges in value between -1.0 and 1.0. To what do the data points 0.91,
-0.25, 0.56, and 0.71 transform if 8-bit quantization is used?
13) Is bit padding a technique for FDM or TDM? Is the framing bit used in FDM or TDM?
14) Describe the analog hierarchy in which groups of signals are successively multiplexed
onto higher bandwidth lines.
15) The T-2 line offers a 6.312-Mbps service. Why is this number not 4*1.544Mbps?
16) Discuss the modes for propagating light along optical channels.
17) A twisted-pair cable has an attenuation of 2dB/km at 1 KHz. What is the attenuation for
20 km?
18) How many crosspoints are needed if we use a crossbar switch to connect 1000 telephone
in a small town?
19) How can we use the Hamming code to correct a burst error?
20) A sender sends 01110001; the receiver receives 01000001. If simple parity is used, can
the receiver detect the error?
21) A computer is using the following sequence numbers, what is the size of the window?
22) Why do you think that an Ethernet frame should have a minimum data size?
23) What do we mean when we say that a bridge can filter traffic? Why is filtering
24) Why is multiplexing more efficient if all data units are same size?
25) What is the size of an ARP packet when the protocol is IP and Ethernet?

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