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Sample code Implementation of a single cycle cpu

· The Verilog HDL Codes of the CPU

· The following Verilog HDL code implements the single-cycle computer

with interrupt/exception mechanism. It invokes sccpu_intr (single-cycle
CPU), sci_intr (instruction memory), and scd_intr (data memory).

module sc_interrupt (clk,clrn,inst,pc,aluout,memout,memclk,intr,inta);

input clk, clrn; // clock and reset

input memclk; // synch ram clock

input intr; // interrupt request

output inta; // interrupt acknowledge

output [31:0] pc; // program counter

output [31:0] inst; // instruction

output [31:0] aluout; // alu output

output [31:0] memout; // data memory output

wire [31:0] data; // data to data memory

wire wmem; // write data memory

sccpu_intr cpu (clk,clrn,inst,memout,pc,wmem,aluout,data,intr,inta);

sci_intr im (pc,inst); // inst memory

scd_intr dm (memout,data,aluout,wmem,memclk); // data memory

· The following Verilog HDL code implements a single-cycle CPU with
interrupt/exception mechanism

module sccpu_intr (clk,clrn,inst,mem,pc,wmem,alu,data,intr,inta);

input [31:0] inst; // inst from inst memory

input [31:0] mem; // data from data memory

input intr; // interrupt request

input clk, clrn; // clock and reset

output [31:0] pc; // program counter

output [31:0] alu; // alu output

output [31:0] data; // data to data memory

output wmem; // write data memory

output inta; // interrupt acknowledge

parameter BASE = 32’h00000008; // exc/int handler entry

parameter ZERO = 32’h00000000; // zero

// instruction fields

wire [5:0] op = inst[31:26]; // op

wire [4:0] rs = inst[25:21]; // rs

wire [4:0] rt = inst[20:16]; // rt

wire [4:0] rd = inst[15:11]; // rd

wire [5:0] func = inst[05:00]; // func

wire [15:0] imm = inst[15:00]; // immediate

wire [25:0] addr = inst[25:00]; // address

// control signals

wire [3:0] aluc; // alu operation control

wire [1:0] pcsrc; // select pc source

wire wreg; // write regfile

wire regrt; // dest reg number is rt

wire m2reg; // instruction is an lw

wire shift; // instruction is a shift

wire aluimm; // alu input b is an i32

wire jal; // instruction is a jal

wire sext; // is sign extension

wire [1:0] mfc0; // move from c0 regs

wire [1:0] selpc; // select for pc

wire v; // overflow

wire exc; // exc or int occurs

wire wsta; // write status reg

wire wcau; // write cause reg

wire wepc; // write epc reg

wire mtc0; // move to c0 regs

// datapath wires

wire [31:0] p4; // pc+4

wire [31:0] bpc; // branch target address

wire [31:0] npc; // next pc, not exc/int

wire [31:0] qa; // regfile output port a

wire [31:0] qb; // regfile output port b

wire [31:0] alua; // alu input a

wire [31:0] alub; // alu input b

wire [31:0] wd; // regfile write port data

wire [31:0] r; // alu out or mem

wire [31:0] sa = {27’b0,inst[10:6]}; // shift amount

wire [15:0] s16 = {16{sext & inst[15]}}; // 16-bit signs

wire [31:0] i32 = {s16,imm}; // 32-bit immediate

wire [31:0] dis = {s16[13:0],imm,2’b00}; // word distance

wire [31:0] jpc = {p4[31:28],addr,2’b00}; // jump target address

wire [4:0] reg_dest; // rs or rt

wire [4:0] wn = reg_dest | {5{jal}}; // regfile write reg #

wire z; // alu zero tag

wire [31:0] sta; // output of status reg

wire [31:0] cau; // output of cause reg

wire [31:0] epc; // output of epc reg

wire [31:0] sta_in; // data in for status reg

wire [31:0] cau_in; // data in for cause reg

wire [31:0] epc_in; // data in for epc reg

wire [31:0] sta_lr; // status left/right shift

wire [31:0] pc_npc; // pc or npc

wire [31:0] cause; // exc/int cause

wire [31:0] res_c0; // r or c0 regs

wire [31:0] n_pc; // next pc

wire [31:0] sta_r = {4’h0,sta[31:4]}; // status >> 4

wire [31:0] sta_l = {sta[27:0],4’h0}; // status << 4

// control unit

sccu_intr cu (op,rs,rd,func,z,wmem,wreg, // control unit



intr,inta,v,sta, // exc/int signals



// datapath

dff32 i_point (n_pc,clk,clrn,pc); // pc register

cla32 pcplus4 (pc,32’h4,1’b0,p4); // pc + 4

cla32 br_addr (p4,dis,1’b0,bpc); // branch target address

mux2x32 alu_a (qa,sa,shift,alua); // alu input a

mux2x32 alu_b (qb,i32,aluimm,alub); // alu input b

mux2x32 alu_m (alu,mem,m2reg,r); // alu out or mem

mux2x32 link (res_c0,p4,jal,wd); // res_c0 or p4

mux2x5 reg_wn (rd,rt,regrt,reg_dest); // rs or rt

mux4x32 nextpc(p4,bpc,qa,jpc,pcsrc,npc); // next pc, not exc/int

regfile rf (rs,rt,wd,wn,wreg,clk,clrn,qa,qb); // register file

alu_ov alunit (alua,alub,aluc,alu,z,v); // alu_ov, z and v tags

dffe32 c0sta (sta_in,clk,clrn,wsta,sta); // c0 status register

dffe32 c0cau (cau_in,clk,clrn,wcau,cau); // c0 cause register

dffe32 c0epc (epc_in,clk,clrn,wepc,epc); // c0 epc register

mux2x32 cau_x (cause,qb,mtc0,cau_in); // mux for cause reg

mux2x32 sta_1 (sta_r,sta_l,exc,sta_lr); // mux1 for status reg

mux2x32 sta_2 (sta_lr,qb,mtc0,sta_in); // mux2 for status reg

mux2x32 epc_1 (pc,npc,inta,pc_npc); // mux1 for epc reg

mux2x32 epc_2 (pc_npc,qb,mtc0,epc_in); // mux2 for epc reg

mux4x32 nxtpc (npc,epc,BASE,ZERO,selpc,n_pc); // mux for pc

mux4x32 fr_c0 (r,sta,cau,epc,mfc0,res_c0); // r or c0 regs

assign data = qb; // regfile output port b


· The following Verilog HDL code implements the control unit of the single-
cycle CPU. Control signals related to interrupt and exceptions are added.

module sccu_intr (op,op1,rd,func,z,wmem,wreg,regrt,m2reg,aluc,shift,aluimm,


mtc0,mfc0,selpc); // control unit

input [31:0] sta; // c0 status

input [5:0] op, func; // op, func

input [4:0] op1, rd; // op1, rd

input z, v; // z, v flags

input intr; // interrupt request

output [31:0] cause; // c0 cause

output [3:0] aluc; // alu control

output [1:0] mfc0; // move from c0 regs

output [1:0] selpc; // select for pc

output [1:0] pcsrc; // select pc source

output wreg,regrt,jal,m2reg,shift,aluimm,sext,wmem;

output inta; // interrupt ack

output exc; // exc or int occurs

output wsta; // write status reg

output wcau; // write cause reg

output wepc; // move to c0 regs

output mtc0; // move to c0 regs

wire rtype = ̃|op; // r format

wire i_add = rtype& func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]&̃func[2]&̃func[1]&̃func[0];

wire i_sub = rtype& func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]&̃func[2]& func[1]&̃func[0];

wire i_and = rtype& func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]& func[2]&̃func[1]&̃func[0];

wire i_or = rtype& func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]& func[2]&̃func[1]& func[0];

wire i_xor = rtype& func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]& func[2]& func[1]&̃func[0];

wire i_sll = rtype&̃func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]&̃func[2]&̃func[1]&̃func[0];

wire i_srl = rtype&̃func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]&̃func[2]& func[1]&̃func[0];

wire i_sra = rtype&̃func[5]&̃func[4]&̃func[3]&̃func[2]& func[1]& func[0];

wire i_jr = rtype&̃func[5]&̃func[4]& func[3]&̃func[2]&̃func[1]&̃func[0];

wire i_addi = ̃op[5] &̃op[4] & op[3] &̃op[2] &̃op[1] &̃op[0]; // i format

wire i_andi = ̃op[5] &̃op[4] & op[3] & op[2] &̃op[1] &̃op[0];

wire i_ori = ̃op[5] &̃op[4] & op[3] & op[2] &̃op[1] & op[0];

wire i_xori = o
̃ p[5] &̃op[4] & op[3] & op[2] & op[1] &̃op[0];

wire i_lw = op[5] &̃op[4] &̃op[3] &̃op[2] & op[1] & op[0];

wire i_sw = op[5] &̃op[4] & op[3] &̃op[2] & op[1] & op[0];

wire i_beq = ̃op[5] &̃op[4] &̃op[3] & op[2] &̃op[1] &̃op[0];

wire i_bne = ̃op[5] &̃op[4] &̃op[3] & op[2] &̃op[1] & op[0];

wire i_lui = ̃op[5] &̃op[4] & op[3] & op[2] & op[1] & op[0];

wire i_j = ̃op[5] &̃op[4] &̃op[3] &̃op[2] & op[1] &̃op[0]; // j format

wire i_jal = o
̃ p[5] &̃op[4] &̃op[3] &̃op[2] & op[1] & op[0];

wire c0type = o
̃ p[5] & op[4] &̃op[3] &̃op[2] &̃op[1] &̃op[0];

wire i_mfc0 = c0type &̃op1[4] &̃op1[3] &̃op1[2] &̃op1[1] &̃op1[0];

wire i_mtc0 = c0type &̃op1[4] &̃op1[3] & op1[2] &̃op1[1] &̃op1[0];

wire i_eret = c0type & op1[4] &̃op1[3] &̃op1[2] &̃op1[1] &̃op1[0] &

̃func[5] & func[4] & func[3] &̃func[2] &̃func[1] &̃func[0];

wire i_syscall = rtype &

̃func[5] &̃func[4] & func[3] & func[2] &̃func[1] &̃func[0];

wire unimplemented_inst = ̃(i_mfc0 | i_mtc0 | i_eret | i_syscall |

i_add | i_sub | i_and | i_or | i_xor | i_sll | i_srl | i_sra |

i_jr | i_addi | i_andi | i_ori | i_xori | i_lw | i_sw | i_beq |

i_bne| i_lui| i_j| i_jal);

wire rd_is_status = (rd == 5’d12); // is cp0 status reg

wire rd_is_cause = (rd == 5’d13); // is cp0 cause reg

wire rd_is_epc = (rd == 5’d14); // is cp0 epc reg

wire overflow=v& (i_add | i_sub | i_addi); // overflow

wire int_int = sta[0] & intr; // sta[0]: enable

wire exc_sys = sta[1] & i_syscall; // sta[1]: enable

wire exc_uni = sta[2] & unimplemented_inst; // sta[2]: enable

wire exc_ovr = sta[3] & overflow; // sta[3]: enable

assign inta = int_int; // interrupt ack

// exccode:00: intr // generate exccode

// 0 1 : i_syscall

// 1 0 : unimplemented_inst

// 1 1 : overflow

wire exccode0 = i_syscall | overflow;

wire exccode1 = unimplemented_inst | overflow;

// mfc0: 0 0 : alu_mem // generate mux sel

// 0 1 : sta
// 1 0 : cau

// 1 1 : epc

assign mfc0[0] = i_mfc0 & rd_is_status | i_mfc0 & rd_is_epc;

assign mfc0[1] = i_mfc0 & rd_is_cause | i_mfc0 & rd_is_epc;

// selpc: 0 0 : npc // generate mux sel

// 0 1 : epc

// 1 0 : exc_base

// 11:x

assign selpc[0] = i_eret;

assign selpc[1] = exc;

assign cause = {28’h0,exccode1,exccode0,2’b00}; // cause

assign exc = int_int | exc_sys | exc_uni | exc_ovr; // exc or int occurs

assign mtc0 = i_mtc0; // highest priority

assign wsta = exc | mtc0 & rd_is_status | i_eret; // write status reg

assign wcau = exc | mtc0 & rd_is_cause; // write cause reg

assign wepc = exc | mtc0 & rd_is_epc; // write epc reg

assign regrt = i_addi| i_andi| i_ori| i_xori| i_lw | i_lui| i_mfc0;

assign jal = i_jal;

assign m2reg = i_lw;

assign wmem = i_sw;

assign aluc[3] = i_sra; // refer to alu_ov.v

assign aluc[2] = i_sub| i_or| i_srl| i_sra| i_ori| i_lui;

assign aluc[1] = i_xor| i_sll| i_srl| i_sra| i_xori| i_beq| i_bne| i_lui;

assign aluc[0] = i_and| i_or| i_sll| i_srl| i_sra| i_andi| i_ori;

assign shift = i_sll | i_srl | i_sra;

assign aluimm = i_addi| i_andi| i_ori| i_xori| i_lw | i_lui| i_sw;

assign sext = i_addi| i_lw | i_sw | i_beq | i_bne;

assign pcsrc[1] = i_jr | i_j | i_jal;

assign pcsrc[0] = i_beq&z| i_bne &̃z | i_j | i_jal;

assign wreg = i_add | i_sub | i_and| i_or | i_xor| i_sll| i_srl| i_sra|

i_addi| i_andi| i_ori| i_xori| i_lw | i_lui| i_jal| i_mfc0;


· The following Verilog HDL code implements the ALU. Overflow flag output
v is added to the ALU.

module alu_ov (a,b,aluc,r,z,v); // 32-bit alu with zero and overflow flags

input [31:0] a, b; // inputs: a, b

input [3:0] aluc; // input: alu control: // aluc[3:0]:

output [31:0] r; // output: alu result // x 0 0 0 ADD

output z, v; // outputs: zero, overflow // x 1 0 0 SUB

wire [31:0] d_and = a & b; // x 0 0 1 AND

wire [31:0] d_or = a | b; // x 1 0 1 OR

wire [31:0] d_xor = a ̂ b; // x 0 1 0 XOR

wire [31:0] d_lui = {b[15:0],16’h0}; // x 1 1 0 LUI

wire [31:0] d_and_or = aluc[2]? d_or : d_and; // 0 0 1 1 SLL

wire [31:0] d_xor_lui = aluc[2]? d_lui : d_xor; // 0 1 1 1 SRL

wire [31:0] d_as,d_sh; // 1 1 1 1 SRA

// addsub32 (a,b,sub, s);

addsub32 as32 (a,b,aluc[2],d_as); // add/sub

// shift (d,sa, right, arith, sh);

shift shifter (b,a[4:0],aluc[2],aluc[3],d_sh); // shift

// mux4x32 (a0, a1, a2, a3, s, y);

mux4x32 res (d_as,d_and_or,d_xor_lui,d_sh,aluc[1:0],r); // alu result

assign z = ̃|r; // z = (r == 0)

assign v = ̃aluc[2] &̃a[31] &̃b[31] & r[31] &̃aluc[1] &̃aluc[0] |

̃aluc[2] & a[31] & b[31] &̃r[31] &̃aluc[1] &̃aluc[0] |

aluc[2] &̃a[31] & b[31] & r[31] &̃aluc[1] &̃aluc[0] |

aluc[2] & a[31] &̃b[31] &̃r[31] &̃aluc[1] &̃aluc[0];


· The following Verilog HDL code implements the instruction memory. Instead of
using general Verilog HDL statements, here we show how to use an LPM (library of
parameterized modules), provided by Altera, to implement memories. lpm_rom is a
read-only memory module and can be initialized with a memory initialization file

module sci_intr (a,inst); // inst mem (rom)

input [31:0] a; // mem address

output [31:0] inst; // mem data output

lpm_rom rom (.address(a[7:2]), // word address

.q(inst), // mem data output

.inclock(), // no clock

.outclock(), // no clock

.memenab()); // no write enable

defparam rom.lpm_width = 32, // data: 32 bits

rom.lpm_widthad = 6, // 2 ̂ 6 = 64 words

rom.lpm_file = "sci_intr.hex", // mem init file

rom.lpm_outdata = "UNREGISTERED", // no reg (data)

rom.lpm_address_control = "UNREGISTERED"; // no reg (addr)


· The following Verilog HDL code implements the data memory. We also use LPM. lpm_ram_dq is a
synchronous random access memory module that needs a clock. The input signals of the
memory,including address, data in, and write control, must be registered using inclock. The output
signal can be either unregistered or registered using outclock.

module scd_intr (dataout,datain,addr,we,memclk); // data mem (sram)

input [31:0] datain; // mem data input

input [31:0] addr; // mem address

input we; // write enable

input memclk; // sync ram clock

output [31:0] dataout; // mem data output

wire inclk = memclk; // in reg clock

wire outclk = memclk; // out reg clock

lpm_ram_dq ram (.data(datain), // data in

.address(addr[6:2]), // word address

.we(we), // write enable

.inclock(inclk), // in reg clock

.outclock(outclk), // out reg clock

.q(dataout)); // mem data out

defparam ram.lpm_width = 32; // data: 32 bits

defparam ram.lpm_widthad = 5; // 2 ̂ 5 = 32 words

defparam ram.lpm_file = "scd_intr.hex"; // mem init file

defparam ram.lpm_indata = "REGISTERED"; // in reg (data)

defparam ram.lpm_outdata = "REGISTERED"; // out reg (data)

defparam ram.lpm_address_control = "REGISTERED"; // in reg (a, we)


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