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Cairo, Julie D.

BSA- 1
OM/TQM 3219
July 24, 2020

Final Exam

1. I have learned plenty of lessons in OM/TQM. I have learned lessons that

show key aspects of a successfully run business organization. One of the key
takeaways I have from our class is the critical role all the functions of business
have, no function is smaller or bigger than others because all of them even if
they perform tasks that are opposite from each other work towards the same
goals which is profit and customer satisfaction. A business is a system that
relies on efficiency, effectivity, and high-quality performance from all its
function because the failure of one will cause a domino effect that can
negatively affect the whole. In connection, I also learned how a business
should make the customer their top concern because as Professor Mattheu
said, “Customer is king.” and “He who holds the gold rules.”. A business
should always work towards satisfying the customer and keeping him
delighted, ensuring that they will become loyal and patronize the business
because without customers a business will cease to exist. A business’s main
goal is profit and that comes from the customers if the business fails or
disappoints the customer the business will never be able to fulfill its goal. I
also learned that quality should be held to satisfy customers and are valuable.

2. All of the lessons I learned are relevant to me and my future endeavors

because as an aspiring certified public accounting I will be working inside a
business organization so I need to keep in mind what I do creates a big
impact in the business so I need to do my job in the best way I can with the
intent and ability to please my customer which is the business owners and the
people who need to understand the business through financial goggles. Even
in my life outside the business world, the lessons I learned can be applied, the
lessons can guide me to understand that wherever I may end up in the future I
matter, and I am part of something meaningful and has an impact in the world,
it also enables me to understand that people in their own ways are valuable to
our society whatever role they may play and I should not belittle them and see
them as small. The lessons I learned are lessons that will touch different
aspects of my life and I believe that makes these lessons part of my holistic

3. My expectations as a whole were met. In a short period, I learned lessons

that weren’t only textbook understanding but also how these are applied in the
real world. My expectations of a healthy, interactive, and lively discussions
were met even if classes are set online were also met. I am happy that our
professor exceeded my expectations of being considerate and patient with us
in these trying times. It capacitated us to think outside the box and innovate
which are things I value in classes and lectures. It provided great insight into
the real corporate world, which I can carry with me when I graduate. This
class although short was not a waste of time and resources.

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