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PHỔ THÔNG NĂNG KHIẾU Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

THI THỬ TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 lần thứ hai Số báo danh:

Bài thi môn: TIẾNG ANH (CHUYÊN) - Phần tự luận

Họ tên và chữ ký Họ tên và chữ ký Số phách:
Giám thị 1 Giám thị 2 (do Hội đồng
Họ và tên thí sinh: ................................................................... chấm thi ghi)

Ngày sinh: ........................... Nơi sinh:.....................................

Họ tên và chữ ký Giám khảo 1 Họ tên và chữ ký Giám khảo 2 Điểm kết luận của bài thi Số phách:
Ghi bằng số Ghi bằng chữ (do Hội đồng
chấm thi ghi)

Word Formation
Read the text below and complete each gap with the correct form of the word at the end of the line. Do not
write more than ONE word in each gap. Two examples are given below.

Sponsoring a Child
Chi from Cambodia wants to (0)_____ to read but the nearest school is over 0. LEARNING
40km away. Kodjo from Togo has to drink water from a (00)_____ river. These 00. POLLUTION
are just two of 600 million children in the world who live on less than 70 cents
a day. In Africa, Latin America and Asia, acute (101)_____ is depriving 101. POOR
children of good health. They are dying (102)_____from avoidable diseases 102. NEED
spread through filthy water and from (103)_____. Their lack of education 103. NUTRIENTS
leaves them (104)_____ and unable to find long-term employment. (105)_____, 104. SKILLFUL
at an early age, many have given up hope for a better future. 105. TRAGEDY
In an effort to help such children, sponsorship schemes have been (106)_____ 106. ESTABLISHMENT
which help not only the children in the developing world but also the
communities they live in. This could mean providing an (107)_____ water 107. CONTAMINATE
supply, a school or medical centre or an income (108)_____ scheme that will 108. GENERATION
enable families to be self-sufficient. Sponsors agree to provide a (109)_____ 109. IMMODESTY
sum of money each month to fund all these worthwhile projects and many
sponsors exchange letters and drawings with their sponsored child, following
their progress and development and building up strong personal (110)_____ 110. TIED
over the years.

Your answers

0. learn 00. polluted 101.

102. 103. 104.

105. 106. 107.

108. 109. 110.

Cloze: Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap.
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was an act of direct action protest by the American colonists against the British
Government in (111)_____ they destroyed many crates of tea belonging to the British East India Company
and dumped it (112)_____ the Boston Harbour. The incident, which took (113)_____ on December 16,
1773, (114)_____ a major catalyst of the American Revolution.
Tensions (115)_____ Great Britain and the American colonies arose when Parliament sought to tax the
colonies and placed a tax on tea. Colonists argued that, (116)_____ to the British Constitution, British
subjects could be taxed only by their own representatives; because the colonies were not represented in
Parliament, they could not be taxed by (117)_____ body. Colonists organized economic boycotts, and by
1773 the British East India Company was in financial distress due (118)_____ part to the boycotts. In
response to this, the British government passed the Tea Act, which allowed the East India Company to sell
tea to the colonies directly and (119)_____ “payment of any customs or duties whatsoever”. This tax break
allowed the East India Company to sell tea for half the old price, (120)_____ them to undercut the prices
offered by the colonial merchants and granting the company a virtual monopoly.
Many American colonists resented this favoured treatment of a major company. Protests resulted in
both Philadelphia and New York, but it was (121)_____ in Boston that made their (122)_____ on history.
There was widespread suspicion that the removal of the Tea Tax was (123)_____ another attempt by the
British parliament to squash American freedom. When the first of many ships arrived at Boston harbour
(124)_____ the East India Company tea, (125)_____ were met by a growing crowd which shouted defiance
of the British Parliament. On the night of December 16, the protest meeting attracted around 8,000 people,
who tipped the tea into the sea.

Your answers
111. 112. 113.

114. 115. 116.

117. 118. 119.

120. 121. 122.

123. 124. 125.

Sentence Transformation: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE and EIGHT
words, including the word given.
126. For me, his skill as a negotiator was most impressive. how
I was most ___________________________________________________ negotiator he was.
127. Nobody expected Natalia to resign. came
Natalia’s ___________________________________________________________ everyone.
128. The area was completely devoid of vegetation. whatsoever
There ______________________________________________________________ the area.
129. When he was at his most successful, the President has enormous influence. height
At ____________________________________________, the President has enormous influence.
130. The driver instructed passengers to move down the bus. way
Passengers _________________________________________________ down the bus by the driver.
131. Mira tried to stay out of the argument between her two colleagues. sides
Mira tried _________________________________________________ between her two colleagues.
132. A lack of support is threatening the success of the carnival. under
The carnival’s _______________________________________________________________ support.
133. The manager refused to discuss his decision further. open
The manager stated that his decision __________________________________________ discussion.
134. Please text me when you get home, even if it’s very late. how
No ______________________________ when you get home, please text me.
135. I just saw Emma for a moment as she walked past the restaurant. caught
I just ______________________________ as she walked past the restaurant.
136. Mick will give you lots of excuses for being late but don't believe any of them. many
No ________________________________ Mick gives you for being late, don't believe any of them.
137. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked. light
The mistake in the accounts only ______________________________ the figures were re-checked.
138. I had no problems at all during my trip to France. plan
Everything _____________________________________________ during my trip to France.
139. The heavy downpour brought their picnic to an abrupt end. cut
They had to ______________________________________ because of the heavy downpour.
140. The reforms will not succeed unless they are carefully planned. crucial
Careful ___________________________________________________ of the reforms.
Error Identification and Correction
The following text comes from a student's essay. It contains 10 mistakes of grammar or vocabulary. There
are no punctuation mistakes. Find the mistakes, UNDERLINE them and WRITE the corrections in the space
provided to the right of the text. Remember to write the corrections in the order in which they appear in
the passage. (0) has been done as an example.

Nowadays, it is a sad realism that more and more teenagers take 0. realism  reality
up smoking, drinking alcohol or even worse take drugs. 141.____________________
The main reason for this situation is bad influence from their
peers. Also another reason might be curious. Finally, parents set 142.____________________
sometimes a bad example if they smoke or drink.
First of all, the main solution to the problem is for the parents to 143.____________________
get to know their children's peers. In this way, they will be able to
check who they are, if they are a negative influence, and as a 144.____________________
consequence prevent their children from misleading.
Also, it will be useful if the State established more recreational 145.____________________
centers. In this way, young people wouldn’t go to bars or clubs to
enjoy themselves. Apart from recreational centers, more sports places 146.____________________
would be useful. Research has shown that a young person who spends
most or no leisure time with sports will avoid bad habits.
Finally, at schools teachers should assign projects at connection
with the destructive consequences of these habits on a person's life. As
a result, students who will prepare the projects will realize that these
habits may be fatal. Specialists could organize some of lectures and a
special subject could be introduced.
To sum up, it is obvious that there are solutions to the problem.
However, until action is made, the situation will simply get worse.
PHỔ THÔNG NĂNG KHIẾU Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

THI THỬ TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 lần thứ nhất

Phần tự luận
Word Formation
101. poverty
102. unnecessarily/needlessly
103. malnutrition
104. unskilled
105. Tragically
106. established
107. uncontaminated
108. generating
109. modest
110. ties

111. which
112. into
113. place
114. was
115. between
116. according
117. this, that
118. in
119. without
120. allowing
121. those
122. mark
123. yet
124. with, carrying
125. they

126. impressed to see / by / with / at | (just) how skilled/skilful/skilful a

127. resignation / resigning / decision to resign came | as a (total/complete) surprise/shock to
128. was no/was not any vegetation | whatsoever in OR was nothing | whatsoever growing in
129 the height of | his success
130. were instructed / told to | make their way
131. not to take sides / to avoid taking sides | in the argument
132. success is under threat | due to / because of / owing to (a/the) lack of
133. was not | open to further
134. matter how | late it is / may be / might be
135. caught a glimpse / caught sight | of Emma
136. matter how many excuses
137. came to light when/after/once
138. went according to plan
139. cut short their picnic / cut their picnic short
140. planning is / plans are crucial to/for the success

Error Identification and Correction

The following text comes from a student's essay. It contains 10 mistakes of grammar, word order, or
vocabulary. There are no punctuation mistakes. Find the mistakes, UNDERLINE them and WRITE the
corrections in the space provided to the right of the text. (0) has been done as an example.
Nowadays, it is a sad realism that more and more teenagers take 0. realism  reality
up smoking, drinking alcohol or even worse take drugs.
141. take  taking
The main reason for this situation is bad influence from their
peers. Also another reason might be curious. Finally, parents set
sometimes a bad example if they smoke or drink. 142. curious curiosity
First of all, the main solution to the problem is for the parents to
get to know their children's peers. In this way, they will be able to 143. set sometimes 
check who they are, if they are a negative influence, and as a
consequence prevent their children from misleading. sometimes set
Also, it will be useful if the State established more recreational
centers. In this way, young people wouldn’t go to bars or clubs to 144. misleading  being
enjoy themselves. Apart from recreational centers, more sports places
would be useful. Research has shown that a young person who spends
most or no leisure time with sports will avoid bad habits.
Finally, at schools teachers should assign projects at connection 145. will would
with the destructive consequences of these habits on a person's life. As
a result, students who will prepare the projects will realize that these 146. places facilities
habits may be fatal. Specialists could organize some of lectures and a
special subject could be introduced.
To sum up, it is obvious that there are solutions to the problem. 147. with doing/playing
However, until action is made, the situation will simply get worse.
148. at in

149. some of  some

150. made taken

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